ELEVENTH- Unexpected Kiss From Him

I Forgot You
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As fast as lightning, Miho is dashing to the door to escape from them. She still can't face with Changjo and Ricky especially with Suzy and C.A.P.

Just she thought that she escape from them, suddenly closed and someone is dragging her to the stairs. That person is Changjo.

"Changjo, what do U want?!"

"I.. I.. What are U doing here?"

"What? I'm the one that supposed to ask U! Why are U dragging me to here?!"

"Aarrrgggh!! U want to know it? Find! I want to apologize from U!"

"I.. I.."

Again, Miho try to run away but Changjo is faster than her and pushed her towards the wall. Then he trapped her in his arms. Miho try to push his body with both of her hands, but sadly Chanjo's body doesn't move at all.

"Changjo, backed off!"


Miho was so surprised when Changjo suddenly kissed her lips. The kiss lasted for a few minutes until Miho's back to reality. She then pushed Changjo's away from her and covered with the back of her hand.


"I'm sorry. I can't help it.."

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Omo, I'm so sorry b'c0z I didn't update thi fic for such a loooonnnnggg time.. Soljikhi, I'm seriously don't know what to do with this story.. Forgive me, T.T


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Chapter 16: Mi Ho ... Cha (not Choi I think) Dae Woong ... My girlfriend is a gumiho?!!

and Mi Ho's favorite food is kogi, that's it. MGIG is my favorite drama, I'm looking so hard for fanfic with those two, the cutest thing in the world.
Chapter 8: wowowow:) continue writing;)