Donghae - You Are So Beautiful [9]

Donghae - You Are So Beautiful


Donghae- You Are Beautiful 

by ~Takasumi-Airi

Chapter 9


I woke up to the loud hum of the plane engines. The plane was dark, the lights dimmed all around. My eyes fluttered and I groaned and stretched. Ohhh…. My muscles ached so much! How long was I asleep? I looked around at the lit faces of people sleeping, reading, listening to music… They all had a place they wanted to go; some goal they wanted to achieve. So what about me? I pondered over those thoughts for a bit. Ugh…. Better stop thinking so much. My head was throbbing from some pulsing ache that made me shiver. I pulled my backpack onto my lap to root for some headache medicine but instead, they hit the package that Donghae had given to me. 

My heart raced for a minute. I had forgotten about his gift. What was it? I pulled it out and laid it out on the food tray that had been put up since the flight. My headache was forgotten and curiosity surged, fueling me as I worked eagerly at the string and wrapping paper around it. Did he really find it necessary to use so much? It took me some time to get everything untied and unwrapped since he had tied some pretty clumsy knots in places. Finally, I managed to unwrap his present, an old portable CD player with headsets. I smiled; what had he given me? Under the CD player was a flat CD case. Wow, it was Super Junior's latest CD! That's so cool! I put it down after admiring the cover for a bit then opened it. Maybe he wanted me to listen to it on the plane with the CD player! But when I popped open the CD player, there was another CD with the words 'To 순생님, Sun Sang-Nim' written in permanent marker on it. I recognized the tiny neat writing as Donghae's and saw that it had no label. Did he download something for me? 

I put my new Super Junior CD back in its case and into my bag. Then I closed the lid of the CD player, plugged in the earphones and hit play. Instantly after putting them on, I heard a loud static noise buzzing. I made a face; was Donghae trying to pull a prank on me or something? I was going to throw the headset off when I heard it clear and a voice was heard. "Ack, 미안 해. Sorry about that 여동생. That was weird…" I could almost see him apologize and scratch his head like a child, the way he always apologized to me. I chuckled and listened to the CD which was still playing. 

"We're going to miss you a lot. I can't believe you are leaving me for a city with a fancy clock! If Seoul got a clock tower, would you stay? Aigoo, get me something when you're in England please! I hear English tea is very good! Ah… it's night time and I don't really know what to say… I'm really tired right now… *yawn* But anyway… you're leaving tomorrow so I wanted to give something to you. Not just dance for you. That was really…uh…" his voice trailed off and I could almost sense his embarrassment, trying to say something but he didn't really know how to word it. 

So since you're in England and you'll be busy, I decided to record you that song again sung by me of course. I won't be able to dance or sing to you very often since I will be busy too…." He paused here and let the words sink in. "This is my final gift to you before you leave Korea and fly for England. 



The song I heard last night started playing, this time, it sound different; more like a studio version. Donghae's smooth voice spoke: This version's going to seem different since I don't know how to record my voice clearly with this [what was he recording with?] and I don't have much time cause Sang-Nim decided to take her flight early in the morning and she just left! Maybe I should call her… but I'm recording with my phone which cannot multi task at the moment… [so that's what he was using!] Okay, here I go." The sound of something clicking off but I heard more muttering ' Maybe I should have thought of using the studio's recording room…' I laughed, causing several people around me to glare at me.  

Whoops, I forgot I was still on the plane. It had almost felt like Donghae was here, right next to me. 

You're like a queen and beautiful
I just can't be without you girl
You're complete and beautiful
i just can't be without you girl … 

I spent the rest of the plane flight listening to his CD over and over again. It was like another miracle; like the snow that fell in Seoul before I left. In a way, I got to spend minutes of winter time with him in Korea and now, this CD… 

I smiled, thinking how Donghae just knew the right thing to do…
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i'm speechless. really I loved this story very much!<br />
oh sh*t! my eyes hurt from crying ! i love it!! update soon ^^
Loved this story, by the way, LeeSky here!!! ^^<br />
Really loved this story, I didn't want it to end, I'm glad you have an account on here now :D<br />
This brings back memories of when I first read it
19Ki-cha89 #4
O______O no comments??? <br />
thats not nice... so here I come ^^<br />
<br />
Your story is really cute except for the jessica part.... sorry but I don´t like her.... her character... is i little bit to plastic..<br />
but anyway... <br />
I hope I can read more !!! esspecially because they meet again!! more more more >.< <br />
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Did I say it? I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!! XD