Donghae - You Are So Beautiful [3]

Donghae - You Are So Beautiful


Donghae- You Are Beautiful 

by ~Takasumi-Airi

Chapter 3



Cause you are so beautiful

Let me gasp against your lips, to say this phrase, "I love you"
Cause you are so beautiful
Just stay by my side (you belong only to me)
Coz you are so beautiful
nal sumsuiga haneun ne ibseul saranghandanmal oh
Coz you are so beautiful
nae geoteman meomulreo (keudae namanui)

Hot tears started to flow down my cheek and I turned my head away from Donghae to hide them. I tried to sniff silently but failed and instead, had to search for a Kleenex. When I found none, I broke off to go get a napkin from one of the food stands when Donghae grabbed my hand and held out his own pack of Kleenex with his other hand. He gave me a small sad smile that just made me want to cry even more.
The sun was setting, making the surroundings glow orange and gold. The light gave him a slightly angelic glow which caused me to feel my heart squeeze and break. 

These were childish thoughts and it shouldn't matter what I thought. That's what I tried to convince myself as I took the Kleenex gratefully. He was going to be gone after today and will forever be busy and never have a life of his own. And I was going to go to England to study abroad. This may as well be the last day I see him; who knows, maybe the next time I see him, he will have a family of his own?

I blew my nose and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly and I nodded a bit. "Just got something in my eye," I replied, attempting to smile. My nose and eyes were probably all red and puffy. Just the way I wanted him to remember me by. Not that I would ever let him know that today was a special occasion for me and I wanted to see him one last time before I left forever. 

Donghae broke the silence. "Today was a really fun day. I was right when I said that I spend the best moments with Sang-Nim." He smiled but only cheered me up slightly before being reminded of the whole reason why I was crying. He turned to face me and asked "Want to go on the Ferris wheel? You know, I think we can get a good view of the city from above."

I wanted to decline the offer but he dragged me over anyway and in no time at all, we got on board one of the cars and made our way up to the top. This scene seemed extremely déjà vu to me and I suddenly had a reminiscence of a drama. In the end, the protagonist ends up getting kissed by her boyfriend when they got to the top of the Ferris wheel. But Donghae was not my boyfriend and I barely had the courage to hug him, let alone kiss him. Plus, what would he think of me if I did?

When we got to the top, I was sitting on the side facing Donghae and looked down at my knees while clenching my hands into fists tightly. I sat still nervously and glanced up at Donghae who was leaning on the car wall, preoccupied by the scenery outside. Then he turned to face me abruptly which caused me to turn red and look away, embarrassed at being caught looking at him.

He pointed and asked me to look outside. The sun was glowing a dim orange while the sun shone like gold. The sunset reflected off the tall mirror-like buildings of Seoul and the whole city looked golden. It was beautiful…. "Waoh…" I said and leaned forward to look at the scene. Involuntarily, I leaned too close to Donghae and shifted the car slightly. I tripped forward and fell but caught myself in time, rushing immediately back to my seat. 

Donghae grinned at me. "Be careful!"

For the rest of the trip, we sat there in awkward silence. When we got to the ground, Donghae spoke first: "I forgot something at the studio. Want to come with me for a sec?" I nodded and we walked back, arriving at the studio. The sky was already black and the stars were out.  "Come in. Don't wait outside,"said Donghae when he noticed me lean against a lamppost.

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i'm speechless. really I loved this story very much!<br />
oh sh*t! my eyes hurt from crying ! i love it!! update soon ^^
Loved this story, by the way, LeeSky here!!! ^^<br />
Really loved this story, I didn't want it to end, I'm glad you have an account on here now :D<br />
This brings back memories of when I first read it
19Ki-cha89 #4
O______O no comments??? <br />
thats not nice... so here I come ^^<br />
<br />
Your story is really cute except for the jessica part.... sorry but I don´t like her.... her character... is i little bit to plastic..<br />
but anyway... <br />
I hope I can read more !!! esspecially because they meet again!! more more more >.< <br />
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Did I say it? I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!! XD