Donghae - You Are So Beautiful [10]

Donghae - You Are So Beautiful


Donghae- You Are Beautiful 

by ~Takasumi-Airi

Chapter 10


5 years later…

My suitcase slid ahead of me as I pulled at it. I looked pretty stupid chasing my luggage in the airport. Once again Sang-Nim, you are still as weak as ever. I could almost see Brittany, that sassy little British girl at my school laughing at me. A vein pulsed at the side of my head and I clenched one fist in front of me. No way was I going to let some Western girl beat me that easily. But seriously, she made me so mad…


I had changed a lot these past years since my move to England. My hair grew a decent length [down pass shoulder length] and my quiet nature had really grown into a fire. I got angry easily and I was less shy. Who knew what English muffins and Earl Grey Tea could do to you? My head spun, thinking in English too quickly. I was probably going to have an obvious British accent too weren't I? Oh, I hope they won't make fun of me... 

"See you later!" I leaped off of the wall I was leaning on and ran towards the sound of the voice. It had a cheery tone and still had that Korean accent which made me wince but made me smile at the same time. Could it be? "Donghae op—" I started, peeking around the corner. Wasn't the main point of coming back to visit some friends? What was I still doing here? Obviously to meet him. I mean, who else would it be? I looked up and saw somebody who was definitely NOT oppa. Instinctively, I bowed. "I'm really sorry! I thought you were someone else!" I apologized hastily. Even though I had been living in England, I still always had these little Asian habits that had yet to be forgotten. But unfortunately, I was speaking English automatically. Oops. 

The man smiled and shrugged, not seeming to mind my English. "It's alright. Really. Are you looking for somebody?" he asked. Wah, since when were the people around here so nice? But then, I didn't really have a good impression of anyone in general, not after being exposed to so many rats in England. Still, I did have friends.  I have some good Korean girlfriends who share my love for dramas and boy bands… Aigoo! That's what I was here for! I continued speaking in English, "Ah, yes. Donghae oppa." I said, suddenly realizing that I was using my hands way too much when I spoke. What was happening to me?! Augh… I come back to Korea and I suddenly feel like a stranger. 

He laughed: "Really? Well, you're in luck. Actually, I know Donghae." His English was still tinged with that Korean accent but I did my best to not wince and ignore it. "Ah, are you perchance one of his band members?" I asked. 

I had never forgotten Super Junior. After all, Donghae was in that band. But also, it was what had separated us [okay, fine, I moved too but that doesn't count]. But you know, as you go to school in England, you get really busy and you don't really keep track of other things… and I sort of came to love another band. "I'm just one of his friends and I was hoping to see him today but I guess he's not here…"I added, not even giving him time to respond. Again, he flashed a gentlemanly smile. "Oh no, he is here. If you want, I will go tell him." Ahhh! Did I really want to see him like this? In my school uniform [that I hadn't bothered to take off] and all crazy? "Uh actually, it's okay. I was just planning to say hi and – " 

The guy suddenly grabbed my hand and I flinched reflexively. "No, come on! He is usually really busy but today, he is free! You should take this chance!"Ooh, I hate when guys touched me. And England boys can be especially despicable. But this was Korea, where there were Asian boys and handsome guys… I nearly slapped myself. Wake up Sang-Nim, this person is probably way older than you. He half-dragged me down the hallway, my hand clutched in his firm strong hand. WHAT THE HECK. Stop fantasizing Sang-Nim. My heart was already pounding as I prepared myself mentally to meet Donghae…

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i'm speechless. really I loved this story very much!<br />
oh sh*t! my eyes hurt from crying ! i love it!! update soon ^^
Loved this story, by the way, LeeSky here!!! ^^<br />
Really loved this story, I didn't want it to end, I'm glad you have an account on here now :D<br />
This brings back memories of when I first read it
19Ki-cha89 #4
O______O no comments??? <br />
thats not nice... so here I come ^^<br />
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Your story is really cute except for the jessica part.... sorry but I don´t like her.... her character... is i little bit to plastic..<br />
but anyway... <br />
I hope I can read more !!! esspecially because they meet again!! more more more >.< <br />
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Did I say it? I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!! XD