Donghae - You Are So Beautiful [11]

Donghae - You Are So Beautiful


Donghae- You Are Beautiful 

by ~Takasumi-Airi

Chapter 11


The door opened and a voice greeted the stranger and I. "Siwon, what are you still doing here? I thought you were leaving?" My heart beat sped up when I heard the sound of that familiar voice. I bit down on my lip and tried to control the blush that was rising in my face. "I was about to but then I found out that you had a visitor." Siwon pulled me in and I looked up slowly.... only to see that it was another member (Eunhyuk maybe?) who was sitting in front of us. " Me?" he asked, swinging around in his chair while staring at me puzzled. 

Siwon seemed to be taken aback too. "Hyuk, where's Donghae? One of his friends came to visit. Doesn't she look familiar?" He let go of my hand (thank goodness!) and collapsed into a swiveling chair as well. "He's inside, recording something."said Eunhyuk. Then, Siwon flashed a grin at Eunhyuk. The other looked back at me once more and looked me up and down before grinning too. "Oh! Well in that case, Donghae should definitely know that you're here!" why were they grinning at me like a pair of sly foxes? Those dolts. I didn't even want to be here anymore; not even for Donghae. This was getting creepy. "Go get him. I'll keep an eye on her." said Eunhyuk. I started breaking into a cold sweat when he said that. Siwon on the other hand raised an eyebrow as if to say what the heck? "I don't think that's necessary. I bet she wants to see Donghae as well." 

This time, his smile was sincere and gentle. "Donghae is in the recording room right now but I'll go tell him that you're here. Stay here please." With that said, Siwon disappeared while dragging Eunhyuk with him. I could hear their conversation amidst their whispering. You could have really scared her away Hyuk. What is wrong with you? .... But hyung... The rest was lost on me as they got further down the hallway. Something told me to make a run for it but in my heart, I knew that I really wanted to see Donghae. So anxiously, I rocked around and tapped my foot impatiently. 

"Sang-Nim?" I looked up from the floor and realized that it was Donghae standing in front of me, headphones around his neck and his eyes wide with surprise.
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i'm speechless. really I loved this story very much!<br />
oh sh*t! my eyes hurt from crying ! i love it!! update soon ^^
Loved this story, by the way, LeeSky here!!! ^^<br />
Really loved this story, I didn't want it to end, I'm glad you have an account on here now :D<br />
This brings back memories of when I first read it
19Ki-cha89 #4
O______O no comments??? <br />
thats not nice... so here I come ^^<br />
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Your story is really cute except for the jessica part.... sorry but I don´t like her.... her character... is i little bit to plastic..<br />
but anyway... <br />
I hope I can read more !!! esspecially because they meet again!! more more more >.< <br />
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Did I say it? I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!! XD