Donghae - You Are So Beautiful [12]

Donghae - You Are So Beautiful


Donghae- You Are Beautiful 

by ~Takasumi-Airi

Chapter 12


"Oh hey oppa," I started fiddling nervously with the hem of my skirt. "I was just passing by to say hi." Donghae looked at me, one hand continually touching his neck. "Ah, I see. It's been a long time hasn't it?"he said. Then, a girl walked out from behind him. "Oh, hello!" she greeted me. Oh my goodness...she was so pretty. And she looked older than me; what was she doing here? "This is Jessica, a member of the girl group SNSD, better known as Girl's Generation. You know?"asked Eunhyuk, appearing suddenly. Siwon followed him and stood beside him. "So Donghae, aren't you going to introduce me?" she asked, her long orange tresses tossed over one shoulder. She looked like she was going to some party, all dressed up in a short red dress with matching high heels. A big red bangle slid along her arm as she reached out to shake my hand. I hadn't even realized that I had been the one to initiate the handshake; stupid England habits. 

Donghae seemed flustered. I looked at him for a moment then smiled and said,"I'm Sang-Nim. Nice to meet you Jessica." Donghae seemed surprised that I had taken the initiative. The old me definitely wouldn't have done that. "Ah, want to join us for lunch? We were just about to take a break," he said. "Sure, why not?" I was going to stay in Seoul for about 7 days; it was going to be a long week. 

Later when Jessica left, Eunhyuk got up from his chair and bid us farewell. "It was fun today. See you later Sang-Nim." Then he left the room quickly and later, we heard the sound of a door open. We were still at the studio, either all stretched or lying down on couches and chairs. I looked up lazily from the paper airplane I was folding:"Woh, he left quickly," I commented. Nobody reacted until Siwon shrugged. I suppose Eunhyuk had something important to do;I hadn't even had the chance to say good bye before he left.

Donghae threw a paper ball at me so I threw my plane back. "So how long are you staying?" he asked me, bending down to pick up my plane. I shrugged and sat up in my chair, " A week, two weeks maybe." He was lying on a couch and was staring intently at the ceiling. "You've changed a lot." he said. Was that a good thing? Before I could deepen my line of thought, he smiled. "Your hair grew longer. It's pretty. So uh.... tell me about England. "


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i'm speechless. really I loved this story very much!<br />
oh sh*t! my eyes hurt from crying ! i love it!! update soon ^^
Loved this story, by the way, LeeSky here!!! ^^<br />
Really loved this story, I didn't want it to end, I'm glad you have an account on here now :D<br />
This brings back memories of when I first read it
19Ki-cha89 #4
O______O no comments??? <br />
thats not nice... so here I come ^^<br />
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Your story is really cute except for the jessica part.... sorry but I don´t like her.... her character... is i little bit to plastic..<br />
but anyway... <br />
I hope I can read more !!! esspecially because they meet again!! more more more >.< <br />
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Did I say it? I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!! XD