
Shine for Me



                A month before school ends, Yongguk was supposed to be in the arcade with Daehyun (Daehyun was a game addict; Yongguk only came along most of the times). It was cancelled at the last minute, due to a sudden change of plans by Daehyun. "Sorry dude, gotta take Youngjae on a date." He had told Yongguk. He understands, and it's not like he played games anyway. He probably missed out on a lot of things too after he and Himchan started going out (or just in general, actually.) He tells himself it's okay while feeling positive, because he deserves to be spending time with Youngjae.


                Three weeks before school ends, Yongguk pays a visit to Mr. Kang. He had planned to open up to him; maybe the older man would be proud to see all the improvements in his behavior ever since that certain day. He admits he had been disappointed to find out Mr. Kang went on a vacation leave. It could have explained why Hyosung was gone for like, forever. He tells himself it's okay while feeling positive, because he deserves all the time in the world in London with his daughter, Hyosung.


                Two weeks before school ends, Himchan falls terribly ill and misses class for some time. That -- that is totally not okay, and he's not feeling positive, because no, Himchan does not deserve that. He takes it upon himself to visit Himchan every after-class, and Himchan's sister, as well as Himchan himself, are both thankful he's making an effort. There was a day that Himchan's sister eventually had to start working again, and Yongguk made sure to be there every day because no one would take care of Himchan.


                It was weird -- or more of awkward. Yongguk, who hadn't ever taken care of anyone, much less himself, was taking care of the same person who basically took care of him the whole year. He does whatever he can to make sure Himchan is okay; fetches him towels, brings him hot soup, gives him an extra blanket, watches more romantic chick flicks with him -- and well, Yongguk's never done this before.


                The twisting in his stomach when he sees Himchan flushed, sweating and coughing and just simply sick urges him to, though. He must've been working hard; or too hard. Himchan doesn't take the finals lightly. Yongguk wishes he had just rested more.


                "Thank you so much, Yongguk." The quickly recovering Himchan in bed tells Yongguk one day before he left for home.


                Yongguk smiles sincerely. "You're welcome."


                "I love you." He hears Himchan mumble into his pillow and Yongguk -- shocked and flustered, stays quiet for a minute or two. He checks on Himchan, but he's already asleep, and he curses under his breath. Even after all this time, Himchan is still able to trigger something in his heart.













                The school year officially ends today. Sunhwa suggests they all go to a mall together, but Daehyun and Youngjae seem to have plans. Himchan could foretell that the girls would spend the whole time teasing them, so instead he opts to go to a cafe with Yongguk. He orders iced americano for himself, and Yongguk gets a caramel macchiato frappe. They're sitting by the large glass window, and Himchan's resting his chin on the palm of his hand, watching people pass by.


                "What's that?" He asks Yongguk. Yongguk looks down at the table to find the same candy he'd gotten the other day.


                "Ah, some kids gave it to me some time ago."


                Himchan hums as he sips from his cup. "It's just that I give those types of candies to the kids I babysit."


                He suddenly stands up, making his chair push backwards. "Anyway, I wanted to go someplace with you."  He says, grinning. Like all the time, he fails to understand Himchan and his bright personality, but he follows him closely behind anyway.
















                The scene is awfully familiar. Twinkling lights sprinkled across the vast blackness that is the sky, gentle breeze that hits ever so softly against skin, grass that is soft under the touch. Yes, it's a familiar scene indeed. It's a scene Yongguk hasn't forgotten, and couldn't possibly just forget.


                "Why are we here again?" Yongguk asks, staring down at Himchan who had already made himself comfortable sitting on the ground.


                Himchan sighs over-dramatically. "Yongguk, it's always 'why this?' and 'why that?' ever since you met me. Why must you always question me?" He jokes as he motions for Yongguk to sit beside him. He's still caught up in the dejavu, because some months ago, he had experienced this. He had seen Himchan's glowing face under the moonlight. He had experienced the butterflies in the stomach. He had felt the strongest urge to kiss him, and yet he doesn't.


                "I don't think I fully understand you, Himchan. Whereas I 'm pretty sure you can read me like an open book -- you're ever the only one who can."  Yongguk replies.


                "What part of me don't you understand?" He asks him; his voice coming silent like a whisper as he inches his face so close to Yongguk that he feels their noses gently touch. He maneuvers himself so that he is on Yongguk's lap, his hands holding either side of Yongguk's face. Yongguk notes how soft his fingers are, in comparison to his own calloused ones. He doesn't know what tells him to, but he wraps his arms around Himchan's waist; his focus still on the other's face.


                "I don't know." Yongguk dumbly replies; completely taken away by the sparkle in Himchan's eyes. He decides that at that moment, Himchan's eyes were his new stars.



                "I'll help you understand."



                Their eyes flutter closed as Himchan moves in for a kiss. Then, there's a mutual realization -- they fit each other perfectly. No one quite clashes, but also matches perfectly like they do. Himchan fits perfectly on Yongguk's lap. Their lips mould together perfectly. The spaces between each finger are where the other fits perfectly. It's perfect, no matter how many imperfections they both hold.


                "Before I met you, I was a dumb one-dimensional dweeb who hangs out with the girls." Himchan confesses when they pull away. "Now, I'm a dumb one-dimensional dweeb who hangs out with the girls and the infamous Bang Yongguk." Yongguk can see a faint blush grace his cheeks after the kiss -- it's adorable and Yongguk feels as if he should be the one blushing. He smiles shyly, and just like the first time Yongguk's seen his smile, a piece of his heart is taken away and given to Himchan, if his whole heart hasn't been in his possession before.


                But what he doesn't know is that he's changed Yongguk in many more ways than he has changed him. Himchan, in his own little way, saved him. He was the pillow beneath the knife, the rail at the edge of the building, the food to the hunger, the umbrella in the rain.


                Yongguk looks back at Himchan, seeing again how he admired the stars above. None of which could compare to Himchan; not even combined. So Yongguk changes his mind; All along and not just that moment, Yongguk was the sky and Himchan, himself, was Yongguk's star.


                He feels a squeeze in his hand, and tired head fall onto his shoulder. Then, he remembers the last line of his essay:




                Everything should be fine, as long he continues to shine for me.













A/N: so there it is!! the short ending

i mean i don't think it ends with a bang or anything sorry sob

but at least it's a happy ending ;U;

i'd like to thank everyone who read this from beginning until the end though omg

ily all have some cookies ;_____;

(is the picture working???? i at this don't look at me)

AND UM, I HAVE ANOTHER STORY it has banghim in it too and other otps so yeah maybe you can check it out? ;u; it's called ignition (haha shameless advertisement) so yeah


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i'll get around to finishing this omg sorry!!! i was working on something else but yeah i'll have the continuation in a couple of days


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Chapter 9: Ommmmggggg the feeeeeels ❤❤❤
yolanee #2
Aw again with bad guy Zico, hahaha.
Chapter 9: Omg I loved Himchan in this story and the ending was so cute <3
Chapter 9: this was so ing cute omfg i loved every little word of it!
the details were amazing & it was flawless overall
VIXsterna #5
Chapter 9: alksfjlkdsjfalksdj cutest story ever omg
Chapter 9: OMG this is so sweet ;;
So glad that they're together
Chapter 9: Oh gosh now I'm grinning like crazy~ awwwwhhhh this was sooooo beautiful~
I think I got overdose by your fluffiness..keep doing it Author-nim it's okay if I got diabetes cause you're just too sweet~ aaaaahhhhhh saranghae~ Auhtor-nim FIGHTING!
Chapter 8: wahhhhhhhh so cute sooooo CUTEEEEE i have a huge smile right now omg CCCCUUUUTTTTTEEEE!!! * U * and daehyun and yongguk little interaction at the end CUTTTEEEEEE
Chapter 9: Waaaah it's happy ending, like a drama scene, great job author-nim ^^
Chapter 5: New subbie here ! Too late to comment but still..
Anyway, my banghim angst feel are way high in this chapter, so yongguk past involved with drugs, right ? Can't wait to read the rest chapters ~