
Shine for Me


                Yongguk thought of skipping writing class, he really did. All throughout his first few classes, he set his mind on leaving immediately after classes instead.




                That is until, lunch break came.




                He was sitting in his usual corner. He was alone today. Sometimes, he'd been fortunate that Daehyun would sit with him. Daehyun was wasted youth. His secret? He turned to drugs. Nowadays though, Daehyun was much, much happier. Probably because of a certain underclassman named Youngjae. Yongguk assumed they were together; Daehyun denied it. They could be seen holding hands from afar though, and Yongguk confirmed what Daehyun had said was absolute bull. Not that he was bitter or anything. He was all but relieved for Daehyun. He was able to conquer this wall they both fondly called 'depression'.


                Today was different. Partly because the sandwich given to Yongguk at the cafeteria was doused in bad mayonnaise (he asked for a salad), but because Mr. Kim Popular Himchan decided to sit next to him.


                “Hello.” He said.


                Yongguk just stared.


                Himchan took a bite from his lunch like it was a normal everyday thing ―which was not the case. This was not normal. Himchan should be sitting with his best friend (who Yongguk found out was named Jung Hana) and his girlfriend (named Han Sunhwa). Not with Yongguk.


                So Yongguk kept staring―more like glaring than anything else actually―at Himchan, in hopes he gets the message and leaves him alone.




                He doesn't leave.




                “I know I'm handsome, you can keep staring.” He said. “But you gotta eat too.”


                “Nah.” was all Yongguk said.


                “Why not? Food is good!” Himchan exclaimed.


                “No, not to me.” Yongguk pushed away the tray, and that's when Himchan decided to leave the topic alone.




                “You're going to class later, right?”




                Oh. So that's what this is about.



                Himchan looked at him expectantly. He tried to look threatening. Tried. But how could he when there's a dumb pout on his face? All Yongguk knew was that, this guy wouldn't take no for answer.


                He sighed in defeat. “Yeah, I am.”


                “Great!” Himchan half-squealed, clasping his hands together. “Starting today, we're writing class seatmates.”




                Wait, what?




                The bell rung, signaling for classes to begin again. It also signaled an escape from Himchan, thank god.


                With that, he said his goodbye with that annoyingly pretty smile. He stood up and walked away, as Yongguk walked to the opposite direction. Maybe, just maybe, he was a bit excited for later.






                Just like he said so a while ago, Himchan left his old spot to take a seat next to Yongguk; at the very back of the classroom. They were given some hours and freedom to write anything they wanted to. No themes were given for the first exercise.


                Yongguk started to write on his piece of paper, when he feels a breath over his shoulder. He turned his head, and Himchan ― for a few seconds ― were just a couple inches from Yongguk. He panicked and hid his paper, as well as leaned away from Himchan. His heart beat faster, and he didn't understand why. And he didn't want to understand why.



                “What are you doing?”


                “I'm reading.”


                “I'm pretty sure that's not allowed.”


                “Well, it's not like I'm gonna copy you.” The other boy countered. That was true. So Yongguk let him. He was interested in reading what Himchan had written too, but alas, he was too awkward to ask. The two then continued with their work, with a talkative Himchan on the side. Which was okay, since everyone else was in conversations of their own. The teacher wasn't all that strict either.



                “Why do you always write dark stuff?” He asked. The slightly older boy was confused by what he meant, so Himchan decided to elaborate. "Y'know, gloomy stuff. Gory. Scary. Or stuff like that. Your works are always like that."


                Yongguk raised an eyebrow. “Always?”


                “Yeah, as the president, I can read everything you guys submit.” He replied as he grinned cheekily.










                Himchan pouted, and Yongguk felt his heart beating fast again. He was kind of cute. Kind of. Yongguk wouldn't admit anything like that.


                “But I'm serious though. Why don't you write about happier things? Like victorious historical events, or romance, or comedy!” Himchan said brightly.


                But the answer to that, was something Yongguk couldn't tell him. “Because I'm not as happy as you...” He mumbled. Himchan replied a 'what was that?' but Yongguk shrugged it off.


                He envied Himchan. Maybe it was because he was like sunshine; so bright and cheery and happy―every person he'd come across would have a smile on his face. Another was because he was beautiful; much too beautiful for a guy anyway. He had high grades and circles of friends―he was perfect.


                If Yongguk was the darkness, Himchan was the light.










                Some minutes after, the teacher comes up to write a theme on the board. Their next output must be based on it.


                Himchan squinted. “Hey, Yongguk, what's that say?”


                “Uh, ‘song’.” He answered. “Can't you read?”


                “Oh, I'm near-sighted.”


                Yongguk nodded, unsure of what to reply. “Then why'd you sit all the way the back here?”


                Himchan chuckled. He brushed his bangs away from his eyes and smiled at Yongguk.






                “Because I wanted to become friends with you.”















                Curse feelings and curse emotions.





                But most of all, curse people like Kim Himchan who gave him just those.







A/N: oh my god i'm sorry is this really boring or slow sdghjdsdkgjhdf

it's ok i promise you all da lOVE AND FLUFF or whatever will start in the next chapters ahhh

i love u

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i'll get around to finishing this omg sorry!!! i was working on something else but yeah i'll have the continuation in a couple of days


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Chapter 9: Ommmmggggg the feeeeeels ❤❤❤
yolanee #2
Aw again with bad guy Zico, hahaha.
Chapter 9: Omg I loved Himchan in this story and the ending was so cute <3
Chapter 9: this was so ing cute omfg i loved every little word of it!
the details were amazing & it was flawless overall
VIXsterna #5
Chapter 9: alksfjlkdsjfalksdj cutest story ever omg
Chapter 9: OMG this is so sweet ;;
So glad that they're together
Chapter 9: Oh gosh now I'm grinning like crazy~ awwwwhhhh this was sooooo beautiful~
I think I got overdose by your fluffiness..keep doing it Author-nim it's okay if I got diabetes cause you're just too sweet~ aaaaahhhhhh saranghae~ Auhtor-nim FIGHTING!
Chapter 8: wahhhhhhhh so cute sooooo CUTEEEEE i have a huge smile right now omg CCCCUUUUTTTTTEEEE!!! * U * and daehyun and yongguk little interaction at the end CUTTTEEEEEE
Chapter 9: Waaaah it's happy ending, like a drama scene, great job author-nim ^^
Chapter 5: New subbie here ! Too late to comment but still..
Anyway, my banghim angst feel are way high in this chapter, so yongguk past involved with drugs, right ? Can't wait to read the rest chapters ~