
Shine for Me


                Yongguk didn't have much to do after submitting his work. He decides that going to a nearby park didn't sound like such a bad idea. While he's seated on an empty bench, he watches couples holding hands, children playing and some owners chasing after their dogs. It was a picturesque view, really. Everyone's smiling and having fun. But he laughs to himself when he realizes he could combine all of their smiles----and he'd think Himchan's would still be the most radiant.


                He's looking down at the ground, suddenly allergic to everyone else's happy dispositions. He's thinking of when he should start showing his face back in school, or if he should never come back at all. Then, there are two smaller pair of feet right in front of his.


                Yongguk sees two kids----one's ridiculously tall especially in comparison to his friend. The taller one has a skateboard with him and the shorter one is busy his ice cream. (It was a cold day; Yongguk didn't get the point of eating ice cream) He's staring at them, and they were just staring back in silence.


                "Are you sad?" The shorter one asks him.


                Yongguk finds that a hard question to answer. "More than usual, I guess."


                The two share a glance at each other, like it was some secret langauge. Darn kids. Yongguk never liked them. "One time, I was skateboarding. I fell and bruised myself." The taller one says.


                He pats around his pants to find his pocket, then fishes out for a piece of wrapped candy. "Our babysitter hyung gave me this to make me happier."


                "Oh." Yongguk replies. He doesn't exactly know what to say.


                "You need it more than I do, though." He holds it out for Yongguk to take, and hesitantly, he gets the cherry-flavored treat from him.


                With that, the two kids trot away to continue with their games, with no goodbyes whatsoever. Yongguk puts the candy in his jacket pocket with no actual intention of eating it.


                Keeping it would be nice, although.















                It's late in the afternoon, and Yongguk never thought he would do this, but he pays Mr. Kang a visit.























                "Yongguk, what brings you here?"




                I don't know either.




                Mr. Kang is more than used to Yongguk's silence. All it takes is some waiting, and Mr. Kang was a patient man, after all.


                "Whenever you're ready." He says pleasantly, settling down on his chair.


                Yongguk sighs; he felt really bad to go and basically whine about his problems to Mr. Kang. "I have this friend---"


                Mr Kang nods. "Yes, Himchan, was it? We've talked about him before."


                "Yeah, well. I think I've messed everything up." He replies in monotone.





                "Then fix it."





                Yongguk stares blankly at Mr. Kang; it wasn't that simple. This wasn't something you could fix just like that.



                "Yongguk, you became friends with him, right? When you make a toy, and then purposely or not purposely break it----what's harder to do? Building a new one, or simply fixing it?"


                "Fixing it...?"


                Mr. Kang's smile widens. "Yes! You've done the harder task, so this is nothing you can't do."


                "What do you propose I do, then?"


                "Well, you can start by going to school again." Mr. Kang tells him. Yongguk sinks in his seat. How can he tell that he's been skipping classes again?


                "As for the rest, I have faith in you!"


                "I can't believe you get paid for this job." Yongguk thinks aloud.


                "Me neither, but if it weren't for my guilttripping you---admit it---you might still skip school for the next months."


                He was right, though. Yongguk might just stop being anywhere, except in the confines of his home. He could be like he had never existed. Just like the old times.


                "And if you don't attend school, how would you be able to pursue this boy?"


                Yongguk turns red at Mr. Kang's otherwise straightforward wording. "P-Pursue?" He repeats, stuttering.


                "Yes! I've never met him, but ever since you have, you've been changing, Yongguk. It was a gradual change, but I could see it, and it was good for you. Himchan was good for you." He explains. "There is no definite cure for depression, my boy."


                Yongguk doesn't speak. He only listens.


                "But you have Himchan, and that might just be better."






















                After much debating with himself, he takes it upon himself to attend school the next day. It's hard to unglue himself from his bed, but he's able to. Now, he finds himself lost once again the flurry of students in the cafeteria. He spots Himchan soon enough, though. It's a skill he's learned to develop ever since he became friends with a busy Kim Himchan. He has a tray of food in front him; he's barely eating, however. He's by himself---no Sunhwa, no Hana, no anyone. Not today, anyway. Gathering all his courage, he walks over to him.




                "Aren't you going to eat that?"




                Himchan lethargically puts his head up to see Yongguk looking down at him. He's split between smiling and crying and telling him about how much he missed him---or scolding him for making him worry so goddamn much. "Y-Yongguk?" He squeaks in disbelief.


                "Hi." Yongguk responds.


                Himchan, still in a startled state, trails off in a blazing speed that it took alot of effort for Yongguk to understand what he was saying; like always."Oh my god, where have you been? I was so worried and god, I'm sorry and I love you and I read your paper because I'm the president and I'm allowed to and I----"


                "---Wait, what did you say? I didn't catch it." Yongguk stops him.


                "Um, where have you been?" Himchan traces back his mind for whatever he could have said with his eyebrows knitted.


                "Not that."


                "I was so worried?"


                "No, not that either." Yongguk replies while he slides into the seat next to Himchan.


                "God, I'm sorry?"




                "I read your paper because I'm the president and I'm allowed to?"


                "No, right before that."


                Himchan flushes in realization. "I love you...?"


                "Yeah, that." Yongguk gives him a small smile. "I love you." He repeats.







                Himchan opens his mouth to say something---anything----but is immediately interrupted when four familiar girls so rudely squeeze themselves in the seats in front of them.








                "Well, well, well, look at what we have here! Lovers patching things up." Sunhwa squeals with delight, clasping her hands together. The other girls were Hana (Sunhwa's best friend), Jieun (A transfer student, Yongguk assumes because he's never seen her before) and Hyosung (Mr. Kang's step-daughter! Who knew she studied here as well? The world suddenly seemed so small).


                Himchan groans. "See, Yongguk. Ever since you left, Sunhwa has done nothing but pester me."


                "Himchan, you were pathetic without him. How couldn't I?"


                The boy then lays his head flat on his desk in sheer embarrassment. "Sunhwa, please...."



                "Forget him, he's being stupid again." Sunhwa then directs her attention to Yongguk. Yongguk can admit he's surprised because well, when have people of her popularity in school ever bothered to talk him? Besides Himchan, of course.


                "Can we sit here?" She asks him.


                "Say no." Himchan says.


                "I'm not asking you." Sunhwa retorts harshly. She turns back to Yongguk sweetly. "We're friends, right?"


                This scene was familiar to Yongguk. And they weren't yet, so he almost says 'no'. But it was rude. Sunhwa frowns at the silence. "Okay, but starting now, we are friends."


                Yongguk nods slowly; Himchan's now in despair.





                Sunhwa is gracefully twirling her fork in her pasta, sitting straight with poise when Youngjae brushes past, (not) accidentally hitting her shoulder. She places her fork down calmly, and excuses herself.  "Yoo Youngjae, don't you dare walk away from me!! " She half-screams. "Our teacher told me you wrote about me during our 'Vanity' exercise!" Youngjae spins around, with a look on his face that clearly read disappointment. He comes to sit with the rest of them, another boy in tow.



                Turns out the other guy was Daehyun. "Yongguk?" He utters.




                "Since when have you been in this crowd?" Daehyun inquires, referring to the large group Daehyun used to talk to Yongguk about with such distaste.


                "No idea. Just now, maybe. And you?"


                Sunhwa and Youngjae are arguing over god knows what and Daehyun laughs. That's not something Yongguk saw him do before. "No idea either."










                Yongguk was never the people person. Not even when he was wee child who could barely even walk. His mom used to tell him how he scared all his playmates away. Given that, he would never have thought he'd be here now, surrounded by so many people. He still was too awkward to speak to them all, but he felt comfortable around them. This was the first time he's been around this much people. And the thought that these people somehow, were his on their way to becoming his friends, made his heart flutter.






                Somewhere in the middle, Himchan interlaces their hand under the cafeteria table, hidden from everybody's sight. Like a little secret. A code only they knew. Something only they shared.











                The fact that his hand felt perfectly against his made his heart flutter too.













i have nothing to say..................... 


i guess

thanks for reading ;u; i don't reply to comments because i promise you i'm awkward as hell and i don't know to

but any comment actually makes me so jumpy and giggly ssjkfhksjdg and yes i love you and appreciate you thank you ;v; \o/

oh and don't be fooled, just because i'm being really sappy doesn't mean it's the last chapter ;w;

saranghae y'all #peace #swag #yolo #hipster #forever young

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i'll get around to finishing this omg sorry!!! i was working on something else but yeah i'll have the continuation in a couple of days


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Chapter 9: Ommmmggggg the feeeeeels ❤❤❤
yolanee #2
Aw again with bad guy Zico, hahaha.
Chapter 9: Omg I loved Himchan in this story and the ending was so cute <3
Chapter 9: this was so ing cute omfg i loved every little word of it!
the details were amazing & it was flawless overall
VIXsterna #5
Chapter 9: alksfjlkdsjfalksdj cutest story ever omg
Chapter 9: OMG this is so sweet ;;
So glad that they're together
Chapter 9: Oh gosh now I'm grinning like crazy~ awwwwhhhh this was sooooo beautiful~
I think I got overdose by your fluffiness..keep doing it Author-nim it's okay if I got diabetes cause you're just too sweet~ aaaaahhhhhh saranghae~ Auhtor-nim FIGHTING!
Chapter 8: wahhhhhhhh so cute sooooo CUTEEEEE i have a huge smile right now omg CCCCUUUUTTTTTEEEE!!! * U * and daehyun and yongguk little interaction at the end CUTTTEEEEEE
Chapter 9: Waaaah it's happy ending, like a drama scene, great job author-nim ^^
Chapter 5: New subbie here ! Too late to comment but still..
Anyway, my banghim angst feel are way high in this chapter, so yongguk past involved with drugs, right ? Can't wait to read the rest chapters ~