I Left.



I left. After he asked if I still loved him, I physically got up and left. I didn't even bother finished- or paying, for that matter- for my tea. I just stood and walked home. 
While I was walking home, I finally realized what was going on. I did still love him; I never stopped. But, in reality, he doesn't love me back. Just hearing him say 'loved' sent my heart right down to my feet. While I was walking home, I finally let all of my emotions out. I was weeping so hard, I could barely walk. I knew I shouldn't have talked to him; I should've kept everything to myself. I wouldn't have gotten hurt like this. Luckily for me, Eunhyuk found me walking home, so he walked me in. 
Eunhyuk threw me onto my bed and I curled up into my pillow. I weeped into it.
"Miu Lee, what the hell is going on," Eunhyuk yelled, sitting at the end of my bed. I sat up and frowned at him, still whimpering a little.
"Why are you here." I must've sounded awfully mean, because he frowned immediately.
"We had a break for lunch, so I can back here to see if you wanted to go get some food, but instead, I find you weeping on the sidewalk. Why are you being so hostile? You need to calm down." Calm down? ME. GUESS WHAT. AT THIS CURRENT MOMENT, I REALLY DON'T FEEL LIKE DOING THAT.
"Calm down? Alright, no. I just accidently told Key that I was in love with him and have been since I left him in Tokyo 3 years ago. I told him. I let everything on the line and I just broke my own heart. I wanted to come home to a happy roommate, but I haven't been able to do that in almost a month. You've been out all the time, so I was left here to think for myself, which never seems to go out well. You have no idea what's happened to me! You leave every morning before sunrise and you come home, immediately going to sleep without saying good night. I barely get any texts anymore and I don't even know where you are half the time. During all this time, I just need a best friend and you haven't been there for m-"
Before I had a chance to ramble on some more, Eunhyuk pulled me into a hug. I felt his warmth and I immediately felt better. I haven't felt one of his hugs in so long.. I miss my best friend. 
"You're right. You're 100 percent right. I've been a really ty best friend and I'm sorry. When you need me, I'm not there. From now on, I promise to be there whenever you need me. As for Key, you don't need him. He wasn't good to you and you don't need that." 
I let him go and I sniffled, trying to bring a smile to my face.
"Thanks Eukkie. I missed you."
"I missed you too. Now, I think you're really tired. Maybe you should take a nap." He stood and started to stand, but I took his hand before he could go any farther.
"Please stay with me. I don't want to be alone right now." Eunhyuk smiled, nodded, and layed down right behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and in about 5 minutes, I was out cold.
When I woke up, I could hear the morning dove crowing outside my window. I still felt Eunhyuk's arms around me and I could hear him snoring. I giggled, he snores really loudly. I closed my eyes again real fast. I didn't necessarly want this moment to end. Before long, I was asleep again. 
When I woke up for the second time, Eunhyuk had gotten up. I was laying there all by myself, like usual. Maybe yesterday was a dream... No, I know it wasn't, but I really wish it was.. Knowing that I'm going to have to face Key... No, I don't think I can do it..
"Ruby? Are you awake?" I heard Eunhyuk slowly crack open the door and he whispered. I fluttered my eyes open and smiled at him.
"Good morning," I said, sitting up and stretching my arms out. He came into my room, revealing a muffin and a glass of juice. I squealed a little, he'd bought my favorite kind of muffin! Banana-nut... yum!
After breakfast, Eunhyuk frowned at me. 
"Ruby, we need to talk." I frowned when I saw his facial expression. "What are you going to do about Key?" 
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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 9: Aww that was SO CUTE!!! Loved it!~Unni fighting
Chapter 7: oh gosh the bit about the - I am laughing so hard. I would be like lol no, no , no- NOPE.
I am so excited for the next update! c:
Chapter 1: seems interesting.
update soon :D
Can't wait for the next chap.