The Time Afterwards



SHINee canceled their afternoon rehearsal. Turns out that the stylist needed them longer than time allowed, so our rehearsal was rescheduled. I spent the rest of the day at home, in my room, crying. I finally found Kim again, but I couldn't love him like I could 3 years ago. He was an idol and I was a simple choreographer. I bet he doesn't even remember me. If he does, I bet he hates me for leaving him without even saying goodbye...
Eunhyuk found me crying around midnight. I was curled up in a ball with my knees to my face. My entire face was raw from crying. I'd been crying now for a total of 6 hours. I didn't even know it was possible for someone to be crying that long.
"Annyeong, what's wrong beautiful?" Eunhyuk said, sitting himself in front of me. I lifted my head out of my legs.
"Remember when I told you I fell in love in Toyko about three years ago?" He nodded slightly. "Well, that boy, is back."
"What? Didn't you say you left him? Who is he?" Eunhyuk had a concerned look on his face. I took a deep breathe and stop crying for a brief second.
"....Key..." I muttered, barely audible.
"Speak up, please Ru-ru. I can't hear you."
"Key. He's Key." Eunhyuk smiled, seemingly happy by this.
"That's amazing! You've found him! B-but...Why are you crying?"
"I just left him Eunhyuk. I dropped everything and left him without even saying goodbye," I rolled my eyes. "No doubt he's angry at me." Eunhyuk shook his head.
"No, that's unlogical. Besides, 3 years is a long time." I let out a sigh.
"So, I should forget it?"
"Do you still love him?"
"I...I don't know. I never exactly got over him."
"Then, don't give up. I know you Miu Lee and you don't exactly let things go easily." I frowned jokingly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're stubborn." He stuck his tongue out at me. I tackled him, holding his wrists down. We both giggled together and I got off of him.
"I feel better." 
"Good. Hey, want to go eat? I'm in the mood for food." I laughed at him.
"When are you not?" 
We spent the night on the couch watching The Avengers and eating pizza. It was a fun night and definitely nice to get my mind off of Key.
"So, what are you going to do about your man?" Eunhyuk asked in between bites of pizza. I shrugged, what was I going to do?
"I'm not going to remind him, that's for sure."
"Because what if he remembers me leaving him?" 
"What if he remembers that he loves you back?" PSH. Yeah. I laughed.
"He doesn't."
"How do you know?" I frowned and across my arms.
"I just do." He tried to continue the conversation, but I shoved another piece of pizza in his mouth. Besides, Iron Man was on the screen. Iron Man is my favorite. 
--Time Lapse--
Driving to rehearsal normally isn't THIS stressful. It's not that I was nervous about dancing, just Key. I decided last night that I wouldn't say anything to him, that was I just going to keep quiet about the whole thing. I'm hoping that everything will blow over and I'll forget him... But something tells me I don't think I'll be forgetting him anytime soon.
I walked into the dance studio in a t-shirt, high-wasted shorts, and my high-top tennis shoes that I called my 'dance shoes'. I also had my coffee in my hand and I was sporting my Diamond Supply Co. hat Eunhyuk had bought me when we traveled to America together. SHINee was already there and they all turned their heads to me when I stumbled in. 
"Ruby-ssi! How are you?" Onew asked, bowing to me. I laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Enough with all the serious things, Onew! We've all friends here! Call me Ruby, please. Nothing formal and no bowing!" Onew stood straight up and smiled at me. I gave him a quick hug and smiled at the rest of the members, my eyes ending on a tired Key who sat farthest from me.
"Good morning Key," I said, staring at him.
"Good Morning Ruby," he smiled, even though he was tired. I could tell he didn't get much sleep last night because of the huge bags under his eyes. Poor thing...
"What did you do last night Ruby?" I heard Jonghyun ask from the opposite side of the room. 
"Oh, not a whole lot," I answered, sitting myself against the wall and ping my gym bag. "Eunhyuk and I watched The Avengers for the billion-th time."
"Are you guys dating?" Key asked. "You two spend a lot of time together." His face looked curious, but there were no signs of panic like he actually liked me.
"No, we're just best friends and roommates." I pulled a CD out of my bag and smiled at the rest of SHINee. "Anyway, I listened to some songs of yours last night and, I have to say, you boys are pretty damn good." I stood. "Ready to get started?"
After rehearsal, SHINee was breathing heavily like I'd just made them run to America and back. I laughed at them, I was breathing about half as hard as they were. I picked up my bottle of pineapple juice from my bag and threw myself onto the couch, extending my legs. I could take a nap right here. Please let me..
"Hey Ruby." I opened my eyes to see that SHINee had taken seats all around the studio. Some were leaning against the wall and some where against the mirror. I fluttered my eyes open and sat up.
"Hmypf.." I muttered, trying to show that I was exhausted. I don't even think that was proper Korean..
"Where are you from? You aren't Korean, I could tell." I heard Taemin's voice ask. I shook my head quickly, waking myself up. I smiled.
"I'm from Japan. Tokyo to be more specific. I moved here about three years ago." I pinched myself to keep myself awake. I really need to stop staying up so late with Eunhyuk.
"Hey, Key, didn't you travel to Tokyo before we debuted?" Minho asked, turning everyone's attention to Key. Now, I was definately awake.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did." He played with his fingers. He's obviously trying to avoid this topic. "I don't remember much of the trip though. It wasn't a good trip anyway." That really was a stab in the heart. Wow.
~Key's POV^^~
DAMN IT MINHO! I knew I recongized Miu Lee ever since I first laid eyes on her. She was the girl I fell in love with 3 years ago back in Tokyo and damn Minho had to go and bring it back up. 
I can't believe I told the boys about it, but I was at a state of weakness! I needed to talk to someone!
She's gotten much more beautiful since I last saw her... and everytime I see her, she's wearing my bracelet. I wonder if she remembers me at all..
Should I say something to her? That'd mess everything up. I'm not going to say anything.
Damn Minho...
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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 9: Aww that was SO CUTE!!! Loved it!~Unni fighting
Chapter 7: oh gosh the bit about the - I am laughing so hard. I would be like lol no, no , no- NOPE.
I am so excited for the next update! c:
Chapter 1: seems interesting.
update soon :D
Can't wait for the next chap.