Meeting The Boys



Aching feet, bags under my eyes, lack of sleep... All because of SM Entertainment.  3 years ago, I became a choreographer for Seoul-based SM and a backup dancer for any band who needs one. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I am incrediably thankful, but it's exhausing.
"Ruby, get up! Don't make me come up there," my best friend, Eunhyuk, yelled from the kitchen. Two things: I go by Ruby now. Ever since I became a choreographer, my boss told me that it'd be more 'fun' if I went by a stage name. So, I decided on Ruby, seeing as it's my birthstone. Second thing, I live with my best friend, Eunhyuk. Some of you probably know him from Super Junior. I choreographed for Suju about 2 or so years ago and since then, we've been inseperable. 
"MUI LEE. UP. NOW," Eunhyuk yelled again, this time louder. But I don't want to get out of bed...
I trudged downstairs to see Eunhyuk sitting at the breakfast table, sipping tea and eating an orange. 
"Good morning, sleeping beauty," he greeted once he looked up from his phone. I grabbed a yogurt and juice from the fridge and sat across from him.
"Ya, I probably could've done without the alarm, Hyukkie," I complained, shoving a spoonful of strawberry yogurt into my mouth.
"I didn't want you to be late for work." Ugh, work! I took out my phone and checked my email, looking for my daily assignment. I just finished choreographing with Eunhyuk for a Super Junior-M concert, so I get a new assignment today. Yay. I scrolled through my inbox, soon finding an email labeled 'Ruby'. I opened it and read:
'Mui Lee or Ruby or whatever,
Today, we have a band that is very excited to meet you. They are filming their new music video soon. They are called SHINee. 
Please arrive in the dance studio in 3 hours. You can meet them.
From, Vincent'
Vincent is my assignment manager. I let out a huge sigh, stalling Eunhyuk's chewing.
"I have to work with some new band today. I hate working with new bands," I complained, putting my head on the table.
"SHINee? They're nice, I've met them," he said, reading the email. I sat up and frowned.
Eunhyuk gave me a kiss on the forehead and headed off to sound check with his band while I readied myself for today. Trainees are normally nervous and quiet, not doing much. Hopefully these boys will be an exception. I decided on a black sports bra and neon green sweatpants with black dancing shoes to match. I also made myself a tea-to-go as I headed out of Eunhyuk and I's apartment. It normally takes me about 20 minutes to get to the office in my little green Volkeswagon beetle.
I was the first one in the dance studio, of course. I kept my eye on the clock; Five minutes...Ten minutes... Finally, 15 minutes late, Vincent came strolling in with 5 boys behind him. They all looked young, about my age maybe. They all seemed to stop and stare, shocked that I was standing before them in a sports bra. Vincent, however, treated it like a normal occurance.
"Ahnnyonghaseyo Ruby," Vincent said. I repeated him and bowed. He smiled and moved to the side so I could see my next victims...I mean, cilents. 
"Behind me is SHINee. They've already debuted, but we would like to see more of them and this is their final test: To see if they can handle our hardest choreographer here at SM," Vincent joked. I noticed all the scared faces from the boys and I laughed.
"He's joking, guys. Don't worry," I said, relieving them. Vincent laughed. 
"Yes. Now," he began to go down the line of boys, introducing them one by one.
"Onew is leader of this group," Vincent started with the first. Onew also looked like the oldest and he had a big nose. Cute nose, but it was large.
"Jonghyun is lead singer and has quite an angelic voice." He was very short, but I could tell he was muscular under his t-shirt.  I could see his abs. Good, he was athletic.
"Minho is visual and quite the rapper." Minho was like an adorable lost puppy. He had the prettiest eyes.
"Taemin is lead dancer and maknae." Lead dancer! My kind-of member. I laughed and nodded at Taemin. I could already tell we were going to be friends.
"Finally, Key is singer, dancer, and the full package." Key smiled at me the widest and I giggled. He looked nice, someone I could like working with. Something though looked familar about this 'Key' character. I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe he's a friend of Eunhyuk's..? Vincent stepped away from them and over to the left of me.
"Now, SHINee, this Miu Lee or Ruby. She's our best choreographer here and she's sure to whip you boys into shape," he introduced. I blushed.  I wouldn't say I'm the best, but... I smiled at all of the boys, but I noticed Key's cheeks flush really red. I noticed his hands start to shake. Poor kid must be nervous. 
Vincent left and I got the boys to sit in a circle, me sitting between Onew and Key. 
"Okay, boys. As Vincent said, I'm Miu Lee, but I prefer to go by Ruby. The 6 of us are going to be working together for the next 4 months. I assure you that it's going to be awesome. Now, I have to know. Who's the best dancer of you boys?"
Immediately, everyone pointed to Taemin. I laughed and nodded. "Great. Now, since you are lead dancer, I'd love it if you helped me choreograph a little." Taemin's face lit up immediately.
"I'd love that," He said, blushing a little. He was the first member to talk to me. These boys must be shy. 
"Now, do you guys have any questions for me?" I asked, putting my hands in my lap.
"Where did you get your bracelet? I love it," Minho spoke up. I smiled and started to twist my bracelet around my wrist.
"Um, back in Tokyo, I stole it off this guy named Kim." 
"Kim? Who's he?" Onew asked, sounding actually interested in my story. I laughed and I could feel my cheeks go all red.
"Kim was this guy I fell in love with, but it didn't last long. I moved here and ended things." I stopped playing with my bracelet and stood.
"Let's get to dancing!" 
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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 9: Aww that was SO CUTE!!! Loved it!~Unni fighting
Chapter 7: oh gosh the bit about the - I am laughing so hard. I would be like lol no, no , no- NOPE.
I am so excited for the next update! c:
Chapter 1: seems interesting.
update soon :D
Can't wait for the next chap.