Mario Kart & Tea



After a day of working together, SHINee became less shy and more themselves. Turns out they're all loud and a little insane, which is good- I like a little insane. Turns out, they are actually really talented, both singing and dancing wise. Coming from trainee to me, I'm pretty impressed. 
I was packing up my gym bag after all of the boys had left. I clicked on my phone to see a new text for Eunhyuk.
'Hyukkie: How did SHINee go?'
I hit reply and typed.
'Rubiekinz: Actually good! Talented boys, I'm impressed. Can't wait to start choreo.'
'Hyukkie: Glad to hear it went well. I'm at home with take-out and Mario Kart Wii! Come home soon! xx'
I clicked my phone off after checking the time, 6:04 at night. I zipped up my bag and started to head out when I saw the boys stick their heads back into my studio.
"Hey Ruby!" Onew called, catching my attention. I smiled at them and gave them a wave. 
"Hey boys. Couldn't get enough of me, yah?" I joked, pushing them out of the studio and locking the door behind me. 
"Neh. Anyway, we were wondering if you wanted to come get tea with us in the morning before rehearsal." I smiled, these boys really were sweet! 
"That sounds like fun," I said, pulling my jacket over my bare stomach. "Do you mind if I bring my roommate along? He's Eunhyuk from Super Junior." The boys seemed estastic from the idea, probably from meeting an idol like Hyukkie.
"We've met him once! Sure!" Jonghyun geered. 
We all made plans to meet at a local tea shop about 5 minutes from the studio tomorrow morning at 10. I gave them all hugs and drove the way home, smiling like a freak. I actually really like SHINee. I may be their first fan.
I got home soon and noticed that Eunhyuk was true; he had takeout and the Wii was set up, waiting for me. Eunhyuk always knows how to make my day better. I smiled as I walked in and set my stuff down on the floor.
"Oppa, what is all this?" I asked, joining him on the couch in front of the television. The take out was spread all across the coffee table.
"I figured you would want to relax after work, so I made you a surprize," he smiled. "Are you surprized?" I giggled and gave him a huge hug.
"I love you, Oppa! You're the best. Now, ready to lose at Mario Kart?"
"I should be asking you that! I CALL YOSHI!"
Our Mario Kart races are always very competitive, seeing as we're both competitive people. We normally sit there and scream at each other, but during one of the races, we decided to talk instead.
"So, who do you like the best out of SHINee?" Eunhyuk asked, still semi-paying attention on the game. I thought about it, who do I like best?
"I'm not sure, I like all of them, but there's something about Key.."
"Key? I remember him. What about him?"
"It's hard to explain. I feel like I know him from somewhere."
"Maybe you do. Did you to go to school together?"
"No, he's Korean. Grew up in Korea and I grew up in Tokyo." 
"Maybe you heard one of their songs before." I nodded, that has to be it. 
"By the way, they invited us to tea tomorrow. Care to come?" 
"I'd love to! Super Junior has the morning off, but it should work."
I ended up losing to Eunhyuk, the master of Mario Kart. He's lucky that I was in a good mood or I would've kicked him. 
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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 9: Aww that was SO CUTE!!! Loved it!~Unni fighting
Chapter 7: oh gosh the bit about the - I am laughing so hard. I would be like lol no, no , no- NOPE.
I am so excited for the next update! c:
Chapter 1: seems interesting.
update soon :D
Can't wait for the next chap.