I Know Where..



Because no one knew who SHINee was yet, the boys didn't have to wear a disguise to coffee, but I don't think I can say the same for Eunhyuk. Luckily for us, the tea shop is frequented by celebrities and the owner had a secret room in the back for those who didn't want to be seen.
That morning, I'd woken up early to make myself look pretty since I looked awful at rehearsal yesterday. I'd chosen a pink tap top, grey sweater, shorts, and some cute sandals. I even curled my hair. I did my makeup all pretty compared to my quick, 10  minutes makeup routine and hopefully I looked okay.
SHINee was already there when Eunhyuk and I arrived. They'd reserved the back room for us and the two of us joined their 5-person table. I took the seat next to Taemin and Eunhyuk took the seat in between Minho and I. All of the boys were dressed nice like me. It was nice to see them dressed up, different from their shirtless bodies yesterday.
"Annyeonghaseyo," I greeted them, scooting my chair closer to the table. "This is Eunhyuk, by the way," I said, pointing out my best friends that sat next to me. SHINee looked like they were in presence of royalty as their jaws hit the ground. I giggled to myself.
"Annyeonghaseyo! We've met, I remember," he greeted. Well, so far, this is going swimmingly. 
The rest of the tea was..weird. I kept catching Key looking at me with sad eyes. I tried asking him why, but he'd change the subject. The more he talked though, the harder I was thinking. I know him from somewhere, I just know I do... BUT WHERE FROM?! This entire thing was killing me.
We finished our tea, Eunhyuk had to go to work and SHINee had a meeting with the stylist, so there I was, plan-less. I started off towards home when I'd recieved a text from Vincent.
'Vincent: Ruby! I need you to come into the office for a quick meeting with me and Kim Young-Min. Can you make it?'
Wow. Kim Young-Min is the CEO of SM... Of course I can make it.
'Ruby: I should be there! On my way.'
I drove to SM and walked firmly into Young-Min's office. I'd met the CEO many times, so I wasn't nervous about the meeting. Besides, I hadn't done anything bad, so I couldn't be fired. I entered the office to see Vincent and Young-Min sitting at a long table, awaiting me. 
"Miu Lee! So glad you could join us," Young-Min greeted with a large smile and open arms. I bowed to him and took the empty seat next to Vincent
"Glad I could be involved, sir," I said, smiling back at him. He pulled a stack of papers out of his desk and started to shuffle them.
"Now, let's discuss SHINee. How are they doing, Miu Lee?"
"Well, sir. They are very friendly. I enjoy them."
"How's their talent?" 
"They are very impressive, singing and dancing. I've never listened to them before, but now I wish I had." He handed me 5 papers, each with one of the boys' face on it. It was their files.
"These are for you." I thanked him and carefully skimmed the papers. I read through all of them, ending on Key's. 
Member Name: Key
Real Name: Kim Kibum
I stopped. 
"Yes? What's the problem?"
"Key. His real name is Kim Kibum."
"Yes, he's from South Korea and his name is Kim Kibum. Very talented boy," Young-Min answered with Vincent agreeing. 
So, that's where I know him from.
I love Key and I didn't even realize it. 
Yah, short chapter. My apologizes!
The next chapter will be longer, I promise. xx 
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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 9: Aww that was SO CUTE!!! Loved it!~Unni fighting
Chapter 7: oh gosh the bit about the - I am laughing so hard. I would be like lol no, no , no- NOPE.
I am so excited for the next update! c:
Chapter 1: seems interesting.
update soon :D
Can't wait for the next chap.