in her mind 2

Why are we even related? -_-



“dumb . Make a combo!” Sander shouted at me. He wasn’t enjoying me losing to jaejin either. I was trying my best. Its just that, why is jaejin using a girl fighter as well. Their s are distracting me. They are bouncing up and down like hell. This game is erted. But I was really trying my best to do this .

Sander suddenly stood up and left. I was left there with jaejin. I could see him so relaxed. He had his feet up on the couch and he had no expression on his face at that time. But he was beating me into a pulp. “ugh. I hate this.” I blurted out. He breathed in and breathed out a sigh. “alright, I won’t move. You can practice your moves first.” He said. So I took the opportunity. “that character is more on kicks Maria.” He said and when I tried it right away. I went rage mode on the kick buttons and I was unintentionally making combos and special moves. I got so into it that I accidentally beat his character. “oh no.” I bit my lip. “nah. It’s alright.” He chuckled. It made me blush. His laugh was heavenly.

Even if I learned combos I was still losing.

“I’m sorry I’m not good like oppa is.” I really felt ashamed of my skills.

“I just have the upper hand because it is my game you know. I just brought it with me.”

“oh. Well even if we play Tekken, I’d still lose. Even if its ours.”

“well, you should practice? Ask your brother to help you. He’s a monster at tekken.” He laughed.

“nah. I have other things more important than playing with him.”

“like what? Studying?” he sarcastically said with a laugh. Damn. He knows about my grades. -_-

This guy has the same attitude with sander. They’re so alike. Ugh.

“oh you. Fine, I’ll play the dumb game and get better.”

“don’t hate on the game kid.” He mehronged. I stayed silent.

“let’s make a deal then?”

“what deal?”

“about tekken.”

“go on…”

“hmmm… okay, I’ll give you time to practice tekken. Then I’ll come back, if you beat me even just once. I’ll give you a reward.”

“what reward??” I was too excited and it showed.

“lol calm down. I’ll buy you that chocolate shake you always ask from sander for a week.” He replied. I almost screamed in joy. He was going to buy me something. FOR A DARN ENTIRE WEEK! This was too much for me right now to take in.

“a-and if I don’t?”

“hmmm.. you’ll clean sander’s room.” He burst into laughing after what he said.

“WHAT!? THAT’S INSANE!” I shouted so he could hear me over his loud voice.

Sander’s room was a mess. I can’t remember the day I’ve seen the floor of that place. It looked like a hurricane passed though there. I WAS DOOMED. 









 this is my face when I repeat

 Sander shi <3 


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