
Protection of Love
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After finishing a satisfying meal of luxurious wine and Italian food, the 6 of them went back to the company. As soon as Yeonah stepped out from the car, her laughing with the boys was stopped by her sudden ringtone. She stopped and saw the caller was Baekhyun. Rolling her eyes, she slid over the accept button and pressed the phone to her ear whilst trying to fish the keys out of her purse to lock her car. 

"Hello?" She almost dropped her purse when Sehun's arms popped out of nowhere and caught the small beige wallet and opened it up. He found her keys and adeptly locked her car with a swift motion and zipped back up her bag. He tucked it under his arm and offered her his arm. She took it with a short smile and began to walk toward the company entrance. The rest of the exo boys watched them from behind and giggled at their actions. 

"Yeonah? Okay, the secretary of the President called me and notified me that Lee sajangnim's (boss) son is going to be here soon. He's going to be training under us to defend himself and also learn to take over the company. Hes at the blue house right now so he'll be here in a few. Where are you?"

"Jeez, no reason for you to talk that fast. I'm here at the entrance, we're entering." 

"Oh, okay. I see you." Yeonah could tell that he was looking at her through the HD Video cameras installed on every corner and floor of the company. "Hey, you're linking arms with that little twerk. Seems like a legit couple!" 

Yeonah frowned and stopped Sehun for a moment and pulled her arm out to raise her middle finger at the closest camera and give the worst and meanest face expression she could muster. "You can't really carry on a conversation without making fun of me can you?" She snapped into her phone before gesturing Sehun to come to the office. 

What she didn't notice was Sehun's discreet pout when she didn't link their arms together again. The exo boys piled into the elevator and each began to file to their respective floors. Sehun and Yeonah's were located on the topmost floor. "Yup, see you in a bit babe. Remember, even if you choose to have elevator flings, I can see everything okay? Don't be too bold." Baekhyun chuckled annoyingly before hanging up on Yeonah. She gritted her teeth and rolled her eyes before hanging up too. 

Sehun raised an eyebrow. "Who is it?"

He raised a hand before she could answer, "Wait. Let me guess. Judging from your reactions, it was probably Baekhyun or your grandmother wasn't it? But since you technically flipped her off, it was Baekhyun wasn't it?"

Yeonah nodded and sighed. She took her clutch from him and shoved her phone into it. "Yeah, I guess SooMan Sajangnim's son is coming today. You're gonna be there right?" 

Sehun thought for a moment, and nodded. "I think I remember that being on my schedule."

Yeonah smiled as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. "Then you want to just stay in my office? Let's just relax before we have to start thinking and training all over agian."

Sehun chuckled and ruffled her hair. "You're always thinking anyways." 

She glared at him and fixed her hair before giving up altogether and untying her braid and letting the waves cascade down her back. "Let's just not do anything Hun." Sehun smiled at the nickname she always called him and nodded. 

He plunked down into his leather chair that he always sat in. It was the one right next to Yeonah's, on the left. Only he sat there unless there was someone from a higher position than him in her office. He pulled the button and let the chair slide back and lift his legs confortably. He saw her throw her stuff onto the other couch and go into her closet, slowly pulling down the zipper of her dress. She dissappeared before he could see anything. 

Whilst she was gone, Sehun seriously contemplated what she had tried asking him in the car. Did he really like her? She was always a friend and a sister to him. Almost like a younger donsaeng, really. But she was now no longer the young and bubbly girl that he had met in the orphanage. She had hardened and become a brave and fearless leader. She was no longer afraid of anything. The young girl that had always asked him to sleep with her because she was afriad of the monsters underneath her bed and always acted like the younger of the two, had now become a lady. 

The training had changed her appearance along with her attitude. She was long and lean. Although she was born and still was petite, Sehun could always feel and see the strong muscle that wrapped around her body. But it didn't mean that she wasn't beautiful enough to rock a dress and a pair of cute preppy heels. To Sehun, Yeonah was his ideal type. Someone unafraid to just untie her hair anytime of the day, to flip off a video camera, and to spontaneously take the boys out to dinner, or kill someone silently. She was just so full of surprises that he knew he would never get bored. 

His thoughts were cut off when she padded back into her office with a tray with two hot cups of tea. She was now dressed in a simple gray tank top and s

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this hasn't been updated for a while so i'm unsubscribing
it was a great story to read though
Has this been discontinued?
Mendaooo99 #3
Chapter 11: this story is so goooood !!! ^^ ..
can't wait for more to come !! ^^
bbhlight #4
Chapter 11: Baekhyun's definitely doing something against them... :/
This is nice fic! Waiting for your lovely updates. ♥
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww I ship her and baekhyun so hard! But then I ship her with sehun too ;-;
Chapter 10: Wow baekhyun actually care for her...I though he's just a self centered guy who likes to mess around.
dinarizqi #7
faweezah #8
Chapter 9: Hey hey, just found this fic and its really great! Please continueeee i need to know what happens nextttt:)
Mayx3zhen #9
Chapter 10: R u going to continue this on the new account?