
Protection of Love
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Yeonah left the boss's office in a huff. Next to her, Baekhyun stopped and gave her a glare. Seeing this, Yeonah scoffed and rolled her eyes, stalking off to her own office on the left. Baekhyun just stood there and watched her enter her office and pull the shades on all four of her glass walls and slam the door. Even though the thick glass and the shades, Baekhyun could hear her scream and groan of frustration.

Smirking, he walked off silently to his own office, and reminisced about a scene from years and years ago:


"Yeonah and Baekhyun, you two are my best agents here. And this is why you two are also my top directors. You've trained hundreds of agents under you and are becoming the success of my company. Which is why I need you to do this. 

"The president called yesterday. They think that North Korea is seeking to start another war. Rumors have been circulating that they've already unleashed spies all over the government and important branches of economy, society, and politics.  We are ready, with the help of the US and China. Japan has already also expressed distress in the missile launches and even though they haven't issued a statement, were sure that they will help South Korea.

The only neutrals would be those in west Europe, but many of the strong powers have agreed to aid us in the cause of obvious failure. North Korea has the middle east and many of the minor Asian countries on their side. although not much, they have something that we never dreamed of having: the nuclear bomb. We've been having tests of the air above their area and scientists have found traces of radioactive material in large amounts. It's a surprise they haven't killed themselves in the process of making it. 

The only way to really beat them secretly is to finish off their own spies and infiltrate them with our own. The government has already sent hundreds of people into the small country. Our job here is to find their spies and finish them off. And I'm putting you two on the case.  Your job is to disguise yourselves in any way possible to infiltrate all of society and the economy to find those who are spies and finish them off quietly. Leave no traces, make no noise, and bring them here to be trailed. We will deal whether they will be killed or not.

And together, you have to move as a duo."  At this Yeonah and Baekhyun looked at each other with a grimace.

Together? When dealing with those two, together or we were not words to be used. 

The boss caught this and sighed. "I was reluctant to choose the both of you together because I knew you would react like this. If it simply does not work, I can choose only one of you or just someone else in the company." 

Almost instantly, both jumped forward and yelled, "I'll do it!" at the the same time.

Realizing that their plan to volunteer alone backfired, they sat back down and looked expectantly at Sooman. 

His eyes glittered as he observed the sight before him. This was the perfect opportunity.

"I guess that means you will do the mission together right?"  Yeonah gave Baekhyun a suspicious glance before sighing and nodded.

Baekhyun sat back in chair and crossed his legs nonchalantly and nodded. "As long as this loser doesn't get in my way." 

Instantly, Yeonah snapped at him, "Just watch where you're going you dickwad." 

"Stop fighting. It's an order." Sooman said in a gruff and serious voice. The two sat back and expectantly eat quietly.

"I don't care if you fight later on, but it better not get in the way of the mission. If I see any tra

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this hasn't been updated for a while so i'm unsubscribing
it was a great story to read though
Has this been discontinued?
Mendaooo99 #3
Chapter 11: this story is so goooood !!! ^^ ..
can't wait for more to come !! ^^
bbhlight #4
Chapter 11: Baekhyun's definitely doing something against them... :/
This is nice fic! Waiting for your lovely updates. ♥
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww I ship her and baekhyun so hard! But then I ship her with sehun too ;-;
Chapter 10: Wow baekhyun actually care for her...I though he's just a self centered guy who likes to mess around.
dinarizqi #7
faweezah #8
Chapter 9: Hey hey, just found this fic and its really great! Please continueeee i need to know what happens nextttt:)
Mayx3zhen #9
Chapter 10: R u going to continue this on the new account?