The President

Protection of Love
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Yeonah bit her lip as she waited for the FBI to examine the corpse. The boss that had taken care of her since elementary school was now lifeless on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding his chest. She sighed and shut her eyes and turned away, bumping into an all-too-familiar chest. 

Sehun sighed too and silently placed a hand on Yeonah's arm. He led her away from the scene and sat her down in one of the couches on the first floor. 

Yeonah felt the tears threatening to spill, but she held them in. She couldn't show any weakness. The murderer had a possibility of being right there. She sunk into the couch as she watched Sehun watch the crime investigation. Sehun had also trained alongside her when they were younger. 

Both were orphans and learned to accept eachother as siblings. 

She thought about the situation. Sehun and her had been sitting in her office while she voiced her hatred for Baekhyun when they had suddenly received a phone call. A man's voice had momentarily yelled into the phone and told them that the boss, in his top floor office, had just been murdered. 

Without thinking, Sehun and Yeonah had burst out of her office to run upstairs and into the main office. Baekhyun seemed to have gotten the same phonecall. But when they got there, there were no signs of struggle or the boss himself. While they were thinking about what the hell was going on, there was a gunshot, and the boss was murdered in clear daylight. 

Someone had been watching them and had shot the boss from a long distance away. The bullet was going at 100 miles per hour, and incredible speed. Which meant imminent death, and that the shooter was probably almost 200 feet away, using a extra-sensitive binocular device to monitor the boss's movements. 

After that first shot, there were no more and the shooter had dissappeared without a trace. 

When Yeonah and Sehun tracked the phonecall, it had been from an untraceable cellphone. The caller must have installed the tracker device so that they couldnt find his tracks. And there was the possibility of the person covering his voice. When they replayed the phonecall, the voice detector couldn't pick up anything, showing that the caller may have also covered his or her tracks using a voice changer. 

They had covered up their track so well, and al

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this hasn't been updated for a while so i'm unsubscribing
it was a great story to read though
Has this been discontinued?
Mendaooo99 #3
Chapter 11: this story is so goooood !!! ^^ ..
can't wait for more to come !! ^^
bbhlight #4
Chapter 11: Baekhyun's definitely doing something against them... :/
This is nice fic! Waiting for your lovely updates. ♥
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwww I ship her and baekhyun so hard! But then I ship her with sehun too ;-;
Chapter 10: Wow baekhyun actually care for her...I though he's just a self centered guy who likes to mess around.
dinarizqi #7
faweezah #8
Chapter 9: Hey hey, just found this fic and its really great! Please continueeee i need to know what happens nextttt:)
Mayx3zhen #9
Chapter 10: R u going to continue this on the new account?