Battling Shyness

Just My Luck


Seohyun and Tiffany walked around the mall, mindlessly looking for anything that caught their eye. Tiffany was leading the way, while the younger girl just followed her every move. Truth be told, Seohyun’s mind was occupied in something other than shopping, and she was just waiting for the chance to appear for her to consult her unnie about it. The Korean-American girl, with her motherly ways and good advices, was Seohyun’s confidant. She was always there whenever Seohyun needed her, and this was one of those times.

“Seohyun? Did you hear me?” The older girl asked, taking Seohyun out of her thoughts. The latter merely shook her head, feeling slightly embarrassed for not listening to her unnie. She hadn’t even noticed they had stopped walking around. “I asked you if you want to go and get some smoothies. I think I’ve seen all these clothes already.” Tiffany added, rolling her eyes.

“Sure, unnie, let’s go.” As they walked, Tiffany stole glances at her dongsaeng. Seohyun was acting more quiet than usual. “Is something wrong?”

“Not really, I just wanted to ask you something, unnie.” The maknae answered shyly. Tiffany showed her signature eye-smile and softly elbowed the younger girl.

“Why don’t you just ask, then?”

“How is it like when you like someone?” Seohyun fired, feeling so embarrassed that she couldn’t even look at her unnie in the eye. Tiffany giggled at the question.

“Well, it’s a little complicated and it’s different for everyone. In my case, I think it usually starts when you feel comfortable with someone even if you haven’t met them for long, they just make you feel like you can trust them…” Check. “… then they manage to get closer to you, even if sometimes you don’t want them to affect you…” Check. “… when you like the way they treat you and make you feel…” Check. “… and you want them to feel the same when they’re with you. The clearest way to know is when you don’t want them to be with anyone else romantically-wise, or feel really jealous if they are.” Check?

“Oh…” Was all Seohyun could answer, paling as she did so. Tiffany turned to her, with an expression of bewilderment, and placed a hand on Seohyun’s shoulder, stopping their walking.

“Why are you asking? Do you think you like someone!?” The Korean-American girl asked, shaking Seohyun’s shoulder. The maknae became redder, unable to respond to Tiffany’s question. “Omo, you so like someone! Seobaby is all grown up!” Tiffany moved her hands to Seohyun’s cheeks, squishing them before pinching them roughly. Seohyun yelped and removed Tiffany’s hand from her cheeks, rubbing them afterwards. Her embarrassment doubled when she noticed people were staring at them questioningly. Tiffany, on the other hand, was still fangirling; she was playing fool in front of the younger girl, but she already knew the reason why Seohyun asked her that question. It was all about Yoona.

“Unnie, could you please lower your voice? People are staring…” She whined lowly. Tiffany grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the cafeteria. They quickly grabbed a table for two. As they were settled, Tiffany clasped her hands together and gave Seohyun a mischievous smile.

“Tell me everything.” She demanded, making Seohyun gulp. The younger girl knew she’d better just spill the beans already, even if it made her beyond embarrassed.

“Well, please don’t freak out.” The younger girl started, giving her Tiffany a pleading look. The latter laughed; if only Seohyun knew…

“You know I won’t, so tell me!”

“Unnie, I-I think I like Yoona…” Seohyun hadn’t even finished her sentence when Tiffany squealed and clapped her hands. The younger girl tilted her head to the side; there wasn’t even a trace of surprise in Tiffany’s visage.

“I knew it!” She chirped in a high-pitched tone, still clapping her hands.

“Y-You knew it?” Seohyun asked, widening her eyes. “How?!”

“You two are so obvious, Seo Joohyun. I had never seen you so cuddly and smiley with anyone like that before. At the boardwalk, I just felt like grabbing both your heads and making you kiss.” Seohyun blushed harder, but smiled acknowledging it was true. Whenever she was with Yoona, she always had the urge of being close to her.

“‘You two’? You mean she might like me too?” Tiffany laughed at Seohyun’s innocent question. The Korean-American girl was having the time of her life.

“She’s the most obvious out of you two. You know, the other day I went to Baru to get your lunch, I discovered she knows your order by heart, and she also paid for it. And she gives you breakfast in bed almost every day? Yul doesn’t do that for me and I’m her girlfriend of almost a year. At the boardwalk, it seemed like she couldn’t keep her hands off of you, touching your hair, your back and holding your hand…” A look of happiness crossed Seohyun’s breathtaking features for a moment as hope filled her. However, that immense hope went away as quickly as it came.

“But she pretty much set me up with Luhan. Do you think she’d do that if she really liked me?” Tiffany bit her bottom lip in thought, knowing that Seohyun had a valid point.

“Well, maybe she hadn’t realized it at the time, but Yuri might have helped her out in that one…” Tiffany answered with a wiggle of her brows. Seohyun’s eyes widened even further; had she known her unnies had gone so far ahead, she wouldn’t have waited so long to ask that question.

“Helped her in what way?” The maknae asked in a whisper.

“Yuri told me that when she and Yoona were waiting in line for The Bullet, she intentionally and casually brought out the fact that you’re the only single one in our group of friends and that we were hoping that you’d find someone who loved you and treated you right. Yoona interrupted her saying that you weren’t alone, that you have her.” Seohyun’s lips broke into a giant smile, and she felt the urge to scream at the top of her lungs.

What? Are you serious, unnie?!” Tiffany nodded her head repeatedly, satisfied by the big grin on her dongsaeng’s lips. “Omo, so she might like me back? What should I do now?”

“Based on my own dating experience, which isn’t too extensive, I’d suggest you wait for her to make the first move, but a little flirting won’t do any harm. If she’s planning to confess, it’ll make her feel more confident and she’ll confess sooner.” Seohyun nodded her head, already thinking about ways to flirt with Yoona.

“That makes sense…”

“I just have a question, though.” Tiffany interrupted her, turning serious. Seohyun nodded her head. “How serious is it? I mean, are you just crushing on her?”

“I think it’s a little more than that. Usually, if you’re crushing on somebody you don’t see them every day or you don’t spend so much time together. I mean, Yoona and I live together, we spend some really fun times together, so I guess whatever it is, it gets deeper every day and there is no way I can stop it.” Tiffany nodded, understanding what the younger girl meant.

“Have you told her about your parents?” The Korean-American girl asked carefully. Seohyun lowered her gaze and shook her head.

“No, unnie, but I will. There’s something going on in her own family as well, I know it. I feel like she wants to tell me about it, but something is holding her back. Maybe if I let her know that I trust her enough to tell her about my parents, she’ll feel comfortable enough to tell me about her mother. I know it’s hurting her and she needs to share it with someone. The fact that we’re hiding these things from each other is what’s keeping me from falling for her…” Seohyun explained. Tiffany’s jaw slacked open.

“My baby is all grown up now…” Tiffany muttered, making Seohyun roll her eyes and giggle. The mood was lightened in an instant. “How do you know she has family issues?”

“Well, when she first moved in with me, I saw a family portrait, but it was only her with her appa. I mindlessly asked her about her umma and she just told me she doesn’t have one, but she looked really sad and indisposed. I had never seen her react like that, and I’ve seen her go through some tough times ever since she moved to the city and we met. She avoids talking about her family and never calls her father when I’m around.” Seohyun said. “I’ll tell her about my parents; I’m not afraid anymore, and I don’t want her to be.”

“Good, you two will be such a cute couple…” Tiffany sighed dreamily, making Seohyun blush. In the end, she could only thank her unnie for being such an awesome confidant.


Yoona arrived for her noon shift at Baru, which was unsurprisingly packed with people. Waiters and waitresses were moving furtively back and forth between the counter and the tables, and most of them looked pretty stressed out. She hurried to the counter, partly because she needed to get her working suit and partly because she was happy to see Luhan there. The blonde seemed to be pretty occupied in the cash register; he didn’t even acknowledge Yoona’s presence. The doe-eyed girl cleared and he finally looked at her.

“Hey, noona.” He half-smiled, but Yoona could notice something was off in his usual happy self. And she had a pretty good idea of what it was.

“Lots of work today, huh?” She asked casually, putting her working suit on over her clothes. Luhan made a vague gesture and turned back to the cash register. “It’s always like this at noon. This shift is hard.”

“I asked the boss for a change; I don’t want to get the noon shift anymore.” He answered, almost childishly.

“Oh, I don’t blame you. I’d request a shift change if I could, but that would be too much to ask since I’ve been working here for only a month and a half. This shift is horrible.” Yoona commented, waiting for the older boy to give her a table to attend.

“It’s not about the work, but about Seohyun. If she won’t ever return my feelings, I think it’s best if I just forget her.” He answered, and Yoona noticed his voice broke a little. The doe-eyed girl furrowed her brows.

“How do you know she won’t return your feelings? You haven’t even gone out on a date yet…” Yoona argued.

“That’s exactly why, noona. She won’t even go on a date with me, what makes you think she’ll ever like me?” He answered, finally looking at her in the eye. Yoona sighed.

“Luhan, you’re my friend and all, but you’re acting stupid. Didn’t she tell you? She’s sick, that night she cancelled on you I had to help her up the stairs because she could barely stand on her feet.” Luhan widened his eyes and stopped his work completely. He looked completely surprised and caught off guard.

“Jinjja?” He asked quietly, almost gasping the word out. Yoona furrowed her brows.

“Didn’t you know?” She asked him.

“Sunny-noona told me she had some kind of blood condition, but that’s as far as I know. She didn’t tell me she felt sick, she just cancelled on me and then hung up… I thought it was because she didn’t want to go on the date and thought I was annoying…” He said, sounding pensive. He was starting to regret requesting for a shift change.

“Seohyun is just really reserved and she feels embarrassed about being sick, so that’s probably why she didn’t give you a reason.” Yoona excused Seohyun, making Luhan nod his head.

“And how is she feeling now? Is she better?” He asked, looking worried. Yoona gave him a reassuring smile as she nodded her head.

“Much better; she had an appointment with her doctor the other day and everything came out fine. In fact, she might come here to have lunch today.” Luhan smiled big and looked away for a few seconds.

“Wow… I really feel stupid now... Thanks for letting me know about this, noona.” Yoona shrugged her shoulders.

“You’re welcome… She really was sad because she missed your date…” Luhan looked at her, his smile fading a bit. “But if she isn’t up to dating because of her health issues, I think you should stop pursuing her for now…” She added, not really knowing why she was now changing sides.

“But you said she feels better… I won’t rush her, but God only knows how much I want to go out with her…” He argued, furrowing his brows.

“I know, but if she doesn’t feel up to it, there’s not much you can do…”

“Chatting like schoolchildren during the busiest time of the day, huh?” The two turned towards Kris, who had his arms crossed and his usual look of arrogance. Both Luhan and Yoona widened their eyes, feeling small under Kris’s accusatory look. “The boss is going to love this.”

“Sorry, Kris, it won’t happen again.” Luhan apologized, grimacing. Kris nodded his head at him before turning to Yoona, expecting her apology.

“Sorry, Kris, I’ll start my shift right away.” The doe-eyed girl said through gritted teeth. Kris raised an eyebrow at her.

“It’s the second time around I find you neglecting your work, Yoona. You’re lucky you get good tips, otherwise the boss would have gotten rid of you already.” The addressed girl bit on her tongue to keep herself quiet. Luhan silently showed her which table to attend and gave her vague look, silently telling her to not worry about Kris. Yoona nodded her head and mouthed a ‘thank you’ before leaving the counter.

Most customers had left when Seohyun finally got to Baru. Yoona noticed her and waved at her with a beaming smile, making Seohyun smile back. She took her usual table and looked at Yoona, who quickly moved towards the counter. The maknae paled a bit when she saw Yoona talking to Luhan, but it quickly went away when the older boy waved at her and gave her a big smile. It didn’t take long before Yoona approached her table, ready to take Seohyun’s order.

“Hyunnie!” She greeted, patting the top of her head. The younger girl looked up at her as she removed her hand.

“Hey, Yoona-unnie…” Seohyun answered. “Sorry I’m a bit late today, I was shopping with Tiffany-unnie and it took longer than usual.”

“That’s completely fine, had you come here seconds ago, it would have been hard to find you a table. This place was packed. So what’s it gonna be today, the usual?”

“You know it, unnie. Tell Tao to make the salad extra good for me like the other day!” Seohyun said cheerfully, winking flirtatiously. Yoona smiled and couldn’t help but blush at the wink.

“I sure will.” The older girl answered, still feeling the heat on her cheeks. Seohyun watched her as she turned around on her heel and walked towards the counter, smiling at her achievement. Everything became quiet for a few seconds before the sound of laughter took her out of her self-appraising thoughts. She looked towards the counter and her smile fell. Yoona and Kai were joking around (quite loudly) while Luhan was staring at her so intently that she was growing uncomfortable. At one point, Yoona pretended to be offended by a joke Kai said, which made the younger boy step forward and give her a small hug. Even when the hug only lasted a few nanoseconds and the doe-eyed girl didn’t even hug him back, it still made Seohyun’s blood boil. Her previous achievement of making Yoona blush was soon forgotten and replaced with a feeling of powerlessness, as she continued to watch them joke around from the corner of her eye.

“Seohyun-ah, you’re here!” Seohyun looked up at Sunny, who had just arrived to start her afternoon shift.

“Hi, Sunny-unnie.” Seohyun greeted quietly, tearing her eyes away from Yoona and Kai. Sunny noticed the irritated tone of voice her dongsaeng used.

“And why are you all grumpy? That’s not your style, maknae.” The latter sighed at Sunny’s words.

“Sorry, it’s just that I’m a bit hungry…” Seohyun explained. Of course, the short-haired girl didn’t buy it.

“Sure. I’ll just go change before my uncle or Kris sees me doing nothing. I’m always on the line of fire these days.” Sunny sighed, patting Seohyun’s shoulder. “You’re lucky you don’t have a job, maknae.” The latter couldn’t help but giggle at her unnie, who made her way towards the counter with another dramatic sigh. In that moment, Yoona came back with her order. Instead of smiling at her, Seohyun gave her a blank stare.

“Here you have, young lady. I don’t know much about salads, but this one smells really good.” She said, placing the tray with food on Seohyun’s table. She surprised the younger girl by sitting next to her. “You’re lucky there are not much costumers around and I get to sit with you.” The doe-eyed girl joked. Seohyun dropped her blank stare and smiled at Yoona, not being able to stay mad at her because of her own jealousy. After all, Yoona was showering her with attention now and that was all that mattered.

“Luhan has been staring at me ever since I got here.” Seohyun commented before starting her salad. Yoona merely giggled and nodded her head.

“He has, but he’s too shy to come and talk to you. Can you believe a grown up guy can be so afraid to speak up?” Yoona shook her head, opening the bottle of iced tea and filling Seohyun’s glass. The maknae smiled at the gesture.

“Thank you, unnie. I have a question, though, who is that guy?” Seohyun nodded towards Kai. Yoona followed her nod and then looked back at her.

“Oh, that’s Jongin, one of the youngest waiters. We call him Kai.” Yoona answered. “Has he been staring at you too?”

“No, he hasn’t. I was just wondering because I heard the two of you laughing a while ago.” Seohyun explained, like it was no big deal.

“He’s funny.” Yoona said simply. “How’s the salad?”

“Extra good, unnie. Are you going home after you’re done with your shift?” Seohyun asked, unconsciously giving Yoona a hopeful stare. The deer shook her head, grimacing.

“I have to go to college, but I won’t get home too late.” She explained. The younger girl let out a disappointed sigh; she was looking forward to spending some time with Yoona later.

“I’ll wait for you.” Seohyun assured, finishing her meal.

“You don’t have to, but thank you.” Yoona smiled, pinching Seohyun’s cheek. Butterflies went crazy inside the younger girl’s stomach.

“Bye, Yoona-unnie, have a good day.” She said before standing up and leaving the restaurant. Yoona stood up as well, knowing she had to clean the table.

“Bye, Hyunnie!” She waved at Seohyun enthusiastically, almost knocking down the centerpiece of the table she was cleaning.

Seohyun waved back and beamed a smile, happy that she had gotten to spend some time with her gorgeous housemate. When she was outside, she could only face-palm herself, thinking she should have just flirted more.

Later that night.

Seohyun smiled when she heard the sound of footsteps outside the front door, happy that Yoona had finally made it home. She had already changed into her pajamas and was sitting on one of the living room couches, watching a movie. Of course, she was going to invite the doe-eyed girl to watch it with her. Soon, Yoona approached the living room, which was completely dark if it wasn’t from the dim light coming from the TV.

“Yoona-unnie, you’re finally home.” Seohyun greeted. Yoona couldn’t help but smile by being received in such a warm way, as she let her backpack fall into the living room floor.

“I told you I wouldn’t be too late. What are you doing?” Yoona asked, looking at the TV. The maknae shrugged her shoulders.

“This movies is just starting, do you want to watch it with me?” Seohyun asked, sounding almost like a little girl. As expected, Yoona wouldn’t say no to that.

“Sure!” Seohyun was expecting her to just take a seat next to her on the ample couch, but Yoona surprised her, just like she always did. The doe-eyed girl moved to lie across Seohyun’s lap, resting her head on the armrest of the couch. The maknae’s cheeks were burning up, but she couldn’t help but smile at Yoona, who was still shifting to make herself comfortable. “What movie is that?”

“It’s called White: The melody of the curse.” Seohyun explained, still feeling lightheaded because of Yoona’s position.

“Oh, I think T-ara’s Eunjung is starring in that movie.” Yoona said, totally oblivious to the effect she was having on Seohyun. Being completely honest, she was feeling it too, and she had purposely done it. She didn’t even want to try to keep herself away from Seohyun, so why would she do it? Because of Luhan? It was about time she started thinking about herself instead of others.

“Yep, that’s it.” The movie began and the two kept quiet. Seohyun’s hands, which had been awkwardly placed by her sides, ended up on Yoona’s stomach. The maknae sighed in relief when Yoona didn’t even look away from the TV, seemingly not noticing them. Even on top of her clothes, Yoona’s skin felt warm.

“You know, Yoona-unnie, if you ever feel like dating someone, you’re free to do so. Do not feel like I’m holding you back.” Seohyun said quietly after a few minutes of silence. Yoona turned to face her with a raised eyebrow.

“Eh?” She asked, tilting her head to the side. “What brought that on?”

“I just wanted to let you know…” Seohyun shrugged her shoulders, offering Yoona a small smile. Suddenly, realization the latter.

“It’s because of Kai, isn’t it?” The maknae widened her eyes and paled, letting Yoona know she had been right with her guessing. In the end, the younger girl nodded. Yoona laughed and Seohyun felt the vibrations of the deer’s stomach against the palms of her hands. “You’re crazy, Seo Joohyun…”

“I take it that you don’t like him…” Seohyun murmured, her cheeks burning. She was definitely making a fool of herself more than usual, but that was just the effect Yoona had on her.

Halfway through the movie, Seohyun noticed Yoona was too quiet and that her stomach was moving up and down steadily, instead of shaking when the latter would laugh or gasp. Her suspicions were proved right when she found out Yoona was sound asleep. Seohyun couldn’t help but smile warmly at the sight, leaning towards Yoona so she could tuck the girl’s fringe away from her forehead. Her fingertips were proven to be pretty stubborn, as they stayed on the deer’s face. Seohyun was fascinated by how touchable her skin was.

“Hyunnie…” The maknae gasped and moved back to her place, removing her fingers from Yoona’s face.

“Yoona-unnie? Are you awake?” She asked quietly. She got no response from the older girl.

“Hyunnie… I think I won’t help Luhan anymore…” Seohyun giggled lowly when she realized Yoona was just sleep-talking. She could definitely have some fun with it.

“Jinjja? Why not?” She asked playfully, carefully rubbing Yoona’s stomach.

“Because I don’t… want you to go on a date with him…” The older girl answered quietly. Seohyun bit her lip, not knowing where Yoona was heading to.

“Why don’t you want me to go on a date with him?” She dared herself to ask, holding her breath as she waited for an answer.

“Because I like you and I want you to be with me… not him…” Seohyun gasped, jumping a little. Thankfully, her sudden movement didn’t wake the sleeping girl up. A breathtaking smile took over Seohyun’s features, and the urge of kissing Yoona awake took over her. Her signature shyness and self-consciousness prevented her from doing so. Instead of kissing her lips, she leaned forward and went for the doe-eyed girl’s cheek, placing a small kiss on it. Yoona smiled in her sleep, making Seohyun feel on top of the world. Sure, Tiffany had been adamantly insistent about Yoona liking her back, but hearing the older girl admit it (even in her sleep) was just her ultimate victory. Now, she couldn’t wait for Yoona to just confess. As for now, she found a way to get out from under the older girl’s body, allowing her to continue sleeping. She heard her name being called a couple of times, but she knew that if she kept their ‘conversation’ going, Yoona was surely going to wake up. The maknae turned off the TV and kneeled next to the couch, softly shaking Yoona’s shoulder.

“Mmm?” The doe-eyed girl asked as she awoke, clearly disoriented. She was met with Seohyun’s innocent stare, which made her smile lazily.

“You fell asleep halfway through the movie.” Seohyun said as a matter-of-fact, ruffling Yoona’s hair.

“Aw… That’s not fair…” Yoona muttered through a yawn. The younger girl let out a small giggle. Things between the two of them had definitely changed now, or at least they had on Seohyun’s end. She was seeing Yoona in a whole new light now, she felt like the two were more than friends already. Seohyun could only wonder whether Yoona felt the same way or if she still thought she stood on the friend zone. “I was having such an awesome dream…” Seohyun did her best to remain expressionless, biting her bottom lip to stop her urge to smile.

“Go to bed, unnie. You look really tired.” The maknae whispered gently. “Did you know you talk in your sleep?” In a matter on nanoseconds, Yoona sat up on the couch, rubbing the blurriness off of her eyes. All trace of sleepiness left her body and her heartbeat was now beating erratically.

“That’s what I’ve been told… Did I say something to you?” She asked, grimacing. Seohyun could only giggle and shake her head, making Yoona let out a sigh of relief.

“You were just muttering nonsense, but I couldn’t really understand what you said.” Seohyun lied, standing up straight. “If you don’t mind, I’ll go to bed, and you should go too.” The doe-eyed girl nodded her head and stretched as she watched Seohyun turn around and go upstairs. Smiling to herself, she decided to surprise her host before she went to bed. Like the choding she was, she ran upstairs, tripping a couple of times until she reached Seohyun. Before the latter had the chance to turn around and ask her what was going on, Yoona wrapped her arms around her shoulders in a sweet and playful backhug, making them both laugh. Seohyun, although startled at first by the sudden skinship, could feel her heart fluttering, and it did a backflip when Yoona gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

“Goodnight, Hyunnie. Sweet dreams!” Seohyun sighed when Yoona let go of her and made her way to her own room. The younger girl stood unmoving where Yoona had left her, getting used to the ice-burning sensation Yoona’s lips had left on her cheek. To Seohyun, this was one of the best nights of her entire life.

The next day.

Seohyun smiled as she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen, where she was currently making breakfast. She turned around to find Yoona, dressed casually and ready to go to school.

“Good morning, Seohyun.” She greeted, dropping her backpack on the floor before approaching the younger girl near the stove. “What are you making?”

“Scrambled eggs. Want some?” Yoona shook her head, grimacing.

“I’ll have breakfast at the cafeteria, don’t worry about me.” She answered, feeling bad for rejecting Seohyun’s cooking, but she was really in a hurry. “There was something I wanted to tell you, though.”

“What is it, unnie?” Seohyun asked, not taking her eyes off her doings.

“It’s about Luhan. We talked yesterday after you left and he told me he was sorry for not calling you after your date was cancelled. He’s a little embarrassed, but he asked me to ask you if you were up to going on a date with him one of these days, now that you’re feeling better…” Seohyun noticed the hesitance in Yoona’s unwavering tone of voice. Mindlessly, she turned off the stove and turned around to be face to face with Yoona. “I know you’re still a little reluctant about going out with him, but he’s just…” Seohyun’s senses went on hold. She could see Yoona’s mouth moving, but she couldn’t hear a word she said. Everything else had been shut down because of her really loud thoughts. How could she ever let Yoona make the first move if said girl was so caught up in paying Luhan back? Who knows when the doe-eyed girl would finally confess, so why should she waste any more time? Instead of listening to Yoona, Seohyun decidedly took a few steps towards her, until the distance between the two was practically nonexistent. “Hyunnie? Are you listening?”

Seohyun only shook her head and mustered courage. Cupping Yoona’s face in-between her hands, she quickly pulled her into a kiss, effectively shutting her up. Their lips remained static for a few seconds, but when Seohyun felt Yoona kissing her back, she knew she had won the battle against her shyness.

A/N: Sooo the much awaited moment finally happened ^^” Watching Yoonhyun moments on youtube definitely helped with the fluff :3 so I hope I’m getting better at it xD Thanks for reading, and comments are much appreciated, especially if they’re filled with Yoonhyun feels :D

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almost done with the epilogue ^^


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Chapter 24: I like this as well. This is lighter than sibling rivalry but the consistency of YoonHyun's hugs and kisses in almost every chapter is still there hehe. What a perfect relationship they have <3
Chapter 7: wow.youre so smart.!!Thanks for sharing me your knowledge.It helped me though.It improves my knowledge.
grasshopper48 #3
Chapter 24: oh my god i love this fanfic sooo much thank you author sshi for making such a beautiful yoonhyun story, enjoyed how lovely the couple are here and how they're always there for each other no matter what! <3
Chapter 6: please update soon
Lacus_YH #5
Chapter 2: yoonhyun really cute...^^
Lacus_YH #6
Chapter 1: Finally Yoonhyun meet.. But Luhan like seohyun too..
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 24: YoonHyun happy ending!! *-----*
And they are going to get marry!! * fangirl moment.
The story it's just great in all possible ways ^-^
Thanks for the lovely story:)
YulSicSLTTR #8
Chapter 22: Omg!! And all that happened when it started as a little game XD
Seriously this is one of the best s I had ever read. It was hot and y (a lot) but it wasn't vulgar (something that isn't common, you found a balance)
I've been reading the story in less than a day and it took me this little time to fall for the story
I'm not that found of drama but this is like my only exception.
Thumbs up !! Because it really it's and amazing story and I'm sad because I didn't find this fic sooner :(
You're a great writer !!

Btw I was laughting non-stop when Yoona's mom told them that they were walking funny if only she knew °^°