Second Hometown Visit

Just My Luck

“Your sister’s grave.” Mrs. Im answered gravely, looking away from Yoona’s eyes for a second. The latter’s heartbeat slowed down for a few seconds as she widened her eyes; she wasn’t expecting that Mrs. Im would want to take her to such a place in their first Damyang trip together. Her forehead creased as she thought it through; wouldn’t it give it some kind of closure to visit Seoyeon’s grave? She remembered visiting Damyang’s cemetery once when Mr. Im’s aunt died, and as she reached thoughts backwards to that day, she remembered her father had preferred to not go into the graveyard with his family. To the thirteen year old Yoona, it had seemed very strange and so not like her usually blustering father to get so emotional, but now it all made sense.

“Where is it? The cemetery?” She asked, looking for reassurance to her theory. Mrs. Im thought for a few seconds before nodding her head repeatedly.

“Yes. Her sickness had been very expensive, so your father and I were going through a difficult economic situation, but we gave your sister a worthy burial.” Mrs. Im explained. Yoona nodded her head and bit her bottom lip softly.

“I’ll go, but only if both you and appa go with me. We need to see him first and make sure he’s okay. I think he’ll be happy to see you… After all, he knows what happened wasn’t your fault and I believe he’s the only one who really knows all you had to go through.” Yoona said with a half-smile. Mrs. Im let out a reluctant smile as she nodded her head.

“I agree with you. There’s no time to waste now. When do you want to leave?” The doe-eyed girl raised her eyebrows before shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

“You’re the one who is taking us, so you should choose.” Mrs. Im bit her bottom lip in thought, trying to remember how long it used to take her driver to take her back and forth from Damyang, the home she shared with her husband, to Seoul, where her prominent family would always wait for her with more severe scolding and disdain. Those intensified after she found herself being pregnant for the first time, so she avoided visiting her family; in the end, her oh-so-kind-and-forgiving husband convinced her to go back to Seoul for a weekend, taking little Seoyeon with her and hoping that the joy and tenderness that the tiny baby girl irradiated would make his wife’s family change their minds. Sadly, Mrs. Im came back to Damyang with a broken heart full of deception and a still-smiley baby Seoyeon who strangely looked a bit paler than her normal skin color, tale-telling the painful disease she’d had to go through later on. “U-Umma?” Mrs. Im looked up from the floor, where her eyes had fixated when the painful memories struck her, and looked at her daughter, who was staring at her with worried doe-like eyes.

“Let’s leave after lunch. I’ll call my driver and tell him to come and pick us up here.” Yoona nodded her head, silently thanking Heavens for not having to take the old and unsafe Damyang express again.

“That’s fine with me…” Yoona shrugged her shoulders. The two fell into a slightly awkward silence in which Yoona could perceive her mother was still indisposed. Before the silence could fall deeper into awkwardness, the deer cleared as she suddenly became a bit nervous. “Can Seohyun come too?” Mrs. Im showed slight confusion before they flashed with hospitality.

“Of course she can, Yoona-ah. That’s a very good idea; that way you won’t get bored being all alone with this old lady for an eight hour car trip.” Mrs. Im felt accomplished when a genuine smile crossed Yoona’s stunning features and a small giggled escaped her lips.

“Alright, then. She and I will be here at around 1:30 p.m., is that okay?” Her mother nodded, giving her a caring smile.

“That will be okay, Yoona-ah. I’ll see you girls then.” Mrs. Im bowed respectfully. Before she could straighten up again, she was surprised to feel arms wrapped around her, pulling her in for a small hug. Mrs. Im’s heart almost leaped out of her chest; she couldn’t believe that the daughter she had always believed to hate her was hugging her so warmly. Yoona pulled away a few seconds later, blushing and smiling. Her heart sped up a little when she saw her mother’s eyes were filled with tears; that was how she reacted whenever she saw anyone crying.

“See you, umma… And thank you.” With that, Yoona bowed her head briefly and turned around in her heel, leaving the penthouse in a matter of minutes and with a renewed spirit.


“Are you sure she’s okay with me tagging along, Yoona?” Seohyun asked for the zillionth time, looking straight ahead into the road as Yoona drove into Mrs. Im’s penthouse’s avenue. Yoona giggled at Seohyun’s anxiety, shaking her head softly as she looked at Seohyun briefly. One of her hands gripped the steering wheel while the other was being clutched (more like squeezed) by Seohyun.

“I’m sure, Seohyun. She even said it’s better that way. Can you imagine how awkward it’d be if it were only me and her? What if we got into an argument over the past or something and she kicks me out of the car in the middle of the road? You’ll be there to help us avoid all those things.” Yoona assured half-jokingly, giving Seohyun a side smile. The latter looked at her with a grimace.

“Is that supposed to make me feel any better, Yoongie?” She whined, secretly wondering if Yoona had been serious. The doe-eyed girl snickered and seemed to read her mind.

“I was just joking, sweetheart. You’re coming because I want you to see where I’m coming from, okay? I want you to meet appa.” Yoona assured. Her serious visage suddenly turned teasing as she looked at Seohyun briefly; the latter had sighed softly and was now biting her bottom lip. “Seriously, Hyunnie, I’m starting to believe you have OCD.” Seohyun gave Yoona a slight glare.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” She inquired, making Yoona chuckle lowly. The knot in the maknae’s stomach intensified when they could finally see Mrs. Im’s penthouse. Their initiating argument was left forgotten as Yoona slowed down. The car’s low velocity gave the two girls the opportunity to appreciate the expensive ride that was parked right on the curve to Mrs. Im’s penthouse. Both their jaws slacked open.

“Y-Yoona-ah… is that a limousine?” Seohyun asked, not taking her eyes off of the car. Yoona herself couldn’t bring herself to look away from the black, shiny vehicle and its luxurious details.

“A Hyundai equus stretch edition limousine, that’s correct… I read about it in a magazine; they’re limited… Hyundai supposedly only fabricated two thousands cars of this model…” Yoona explained, dazed as she parked next to the limousine.

“Is it hers?” Seohyun asked. She was truly stunned; sure, her family was wealthy, but no one in her family ever owned a car as expensive as the limousine she was contemplating. Yoona shrugged her shoulders.

“I guess… To be honest, I don’t really know.” Yoona shrugged her shoulders as she turned off the car’s engine. The two girls finally snapped out of their trance as they looked at each other. Yoona gave Seohyun a small smile, reaching out and caressing her cheek softly. Seohyun returned the smile widely; even if she was tensed up and nervous about this trip, she knew it was going to help Yoona and the doe-eyed girl would be happier after it and in the end, there was nothing Seohyun wanted more than to help Yoona be happy. She knew she couldn’t do it by herself, but she’d do anything to fill the emptiness that plagued Yoona’s heart because of her difficult childhood and the lies and confusion that had come back to haunt her. Yoona’s heart stopped because of the smile on her girlfriend’s face; she couldn’t help but lean in and press her lips softly against hers. Seohyun’s hands reached for her neck, returning the kiss softly and taking the time to fully enjoy the feeling of Yoona’s lips against hers. The maknae pulled away and rested her forehead against Yoona’s, keeping her eyes closed for a few seconds, enjoying Yoona’s caresses on her face as she closed the collar of Yoona’s coat.

“It’s cold outside, Yoongie.” She explained softly as she opened her eyes. Yoona did the same a few seconds after her, nodding her head.

“I’ll ask my mother if I can park your car inside the penthouse’s garage. Do you want to stay here or come with me?” Yoona asked, still caressing Seohyun’s face softly.

“I’ll stay here for now.” The young musician answered. Yoona nodded understandingly and proceeded to get out of the car, blowing Seohyun a small kiss as she did so. Seohyun watched through the window of her convertible how her girlfriend shyly walked towards a middle aged man who was leaning against the limousine, casually reading a newspaper. The two had a small conversation before Yoona bowed, turned around and began making her way back towards the maknae’s ride and getting in.

“That man is her chauffeur, baby. He says umma is inside doing some last minute packing but she’ll come down in a few minutes. The garage is all ours.” Yoona explained. Seohyun merely nodded as Yoona started the car’s engine before skillfully parking into the penthouse’s open garage. Silently, she and Seohyun got out of the car and went to get their luggage from the car’s trunk. As Yoona pulled the small suitcases out, she noticed from the corner of her eye that Seohyun was staring at her with a warm smile.

“Hyunnie? What’s with the staring?” The lanky girl asked as she straightened up and closed the trunk. Seohyun walked closer to her and began playing with one of the buttons of Yoona’s coat, looking deep into her eyes.

“You called her ‘umma’” Seohyun said lowly, as a matter of fact. The look in her eyes and her warm smile gave away just how proud she felt of Yoona. The latter took it in as she smiled softly.

“Yes, she is my umma.” Yoona confirmed. Seohyun shook her head slightly, not taking her eyes off of Yoona’s.

“How did I get so lucky to be with someone as kind as you, Yoona-ah?” Seohyun asked in a whisper, wrapping her arms around Yoona’s neck. The latter wrapped her arms around Seohyun’s waist and pulled her in for a hug. Seohyun pressed her cheek to Yoona’s, breathing in her scent.

“You’re so silly, Hyunnie… Always know that if I’m kind, it’s thanks to you… you’ve taught me with your own love and kindness, baby.” The older girl whispered softly into her beloved’s ear as she slightly tightened the hug. Seohyun felt her heart glowing as she closed her eyes and turned her head slightly, placing a small kiss on the side of Yoona’s neck. “Let’s go now.” Yoona said as she reluctantly pulled away from Seohyun, holding onto her hand and their luggage.

“Let’s go, maybe umma came down already.” The young actress said with a smile as she tugged on Seohyun’s hand and the two came out of the penthouse’s garage.

Now, wearing an expensive fur coat and smoking an equally expensive cigarette, Mrs. Im stood next to the fancy car and held a casual conversation with the chauffeur. Yoona looked at Seohyun briefly, holding in a small giggle at how tensed up she looked, before clearing and getting the two elders attention. Mrs. Im smiled sheepishly and put away her cigarette as she turned to the YoonHyun couple.

“You girls sure are punctual. Oh, and smoking is an old habit of mine when the weather starts to get cold. I hope you girls won’t mind it.” Yoona shrugged her shoulders and made a vague gesture.

“It’s alright, umma. It’s getting really cold… looks like we’ll have a severe winter this year.” Yoona commented, looking at Seohyun from the corner of her eye, hoping the maknae would loosen up a little and add to the weather conversation.

“That would be nice, Yoona-ah.” Mrs. Im nodded. She checked her wristwatch briefly before nodding towards the limousine.

“We should go now if we want to make it in time to visit your father at the hospital tonight. Come.” Both Seohyun and Yoona nodded their heads almost simultaneously and followed Mrs. Im lead. The chauffeur hurried past them to open the door to the back of the limousine. As Seohyun and Yoona could finally see the accommodated insides of the vehicle, their jaws slacked open.

The leather seats looked beyond comfortable, there was a small bar with snacks and drinks in front of the backseat and there was also a small TV. Yoona turned to Mrs. Im, who was stifling a giggle at the two girls’ faces as she gestured for them to go inside. Both of them bowed their heads in thankfulness before making their way in and settling themselves on the backseat, sighing in pure pleasure when they noticed it was even more comfortable than it looked like.

“This is really nice…” Seohyun complimented, turning to Mrs. Im and giving her one of her signature shy/polite smiles. Yoona smiled widely at the interaction between the two as she lightly squeezed Seohyun’s hand in hers. The maknae felt proud of herself; sometimes she wished she wasn’t so awkward in social situations, but that was just her nature and she couldn’t go against it without failing. Of course, she had gotten way better since she got together with Yoona; the deer’s effervescence and outgoing nature were slowly taking her out of her shell.

“Thank you, Seohyun-ah. Both you and Yoona will have all this…” The middle aged woman gestured to all the backside of the limo “… for just the two of you.” Yoona’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

“Wait… aren’t you coming?” She asked. Her mother giggled and shook her head, giggling at Yoona’s facial expression. She had surely inherited her tale-telling changes in visage from her father.

“Of course I’m coming, sweetheart. I’m just gonna sit next to Dongwan on the front seat.” She explained, before turning to the man who was currently standing next to her and beckoning him to come closer. “And how rude of me. Girls, this is Park Dongwan, my family’s chauffeur for the last ten years.” The alluded man bowed before giving the two girls a charming smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, young ladies. Especially you, Yoona-ssi, your mother always talks about you.” He turned to Mrs. Im briefly. She smiled thankfully at him, even if he was really telling the truth. Yoona smiled shyly, but chose to keep quiet. It didn’t make much sense to Yoona that Mrs. Im would talk about her so much when they had just reunited a couple of nights ago.

“Just tell us if you need anything. There’s a microphone right next to your seats, just press the button and talk; we’ll hear you girls on the front seat.” As Mrs. Im said this, both Seohyun and Yoona finally came to the realization that the front and back seats were completely separated from one another. It gave the two girls a sense of privacy that they couldn’t help but smile about.

“Thank you, umma.” Yoona said quietly, but meaning her words. Mrs. Im’s smile widened; she couldn’t help but feel extremely happy and thankful whenever Yoona called her by that name.

“Yes, thank you very much, Mrs. Im.” Seohyun said politely. The addressed woman bowed her head softly before smiling back at the two girls.

“Don’t mention it. Now, let’s get going. Enjoy your trip, girls.” Mrs. Im said before closing the door to the backseat. Dongwan hurried and opened the door of the passenger seat for her before taking his place as the driver.

Seohyun turned to Yoona as the car took off. The deer was still looking around in complete awe. The younger girl couldn’t help but giggle softly at her, feeling just as excited as Yoona.

“Yoongie?” She asked, poking the girl’s stomach. Upon getting no response, she couldn’t help but laugh harder and poke Yoona’s stomach again, with renewed intensity. Yoona yelped in pain and turned towards Seohyun, rubbing the sore spot in her abdomen.

“Ouch, that hurt, Hyunnie.” She said as a matter of fact, but couldn’t help but smile through the pain as she saw Seohyun’s radiant smile and the playful twinkle in her eyes.

“You weren’t listening to me.” She whined cutely, pouting for a full effect. Yoona shrugged her shoulders and gestured to their surroundings.

“Well, I’m just distracted by all this. Aren’t you?” Seohyun nodded her head repeatedly, her stare turning appreciative as she also examined the back of the limo one more time.

“Of course I am… Your childhood would have been so much different if you’d lived with your mother, Yoona…” Seohyun mumbled hesitantly. She was slightly afraid that her words would affect Yoona or bring her bad memories that would get her in a self-destructive mood, which was what normally happened whenever she got flashbacks from her childhood. Instead, Yoona giggled softly and a tad bitterly.

“It sure would have been… I seriously can’t imagine myself being a rich kid, but things would have been so much easier…” Yoona mumbled as her giggling died down. Seohyun bit the inside of her cheek, not really knowing how to respond to Yoona’s words or if she should even do so. “But then again, if I had grown up in all this wealth, I would have probably become a spoiled brat, and you wouldn’t want to be with a spoiled brat, right Hyunnie?” Yoona asked playfully, pinching Seohyun’s cheek and effectively relieving the tension. Seohyun let out a small giggle and a sigh as the climate between her and Yoona changed so drastically.

“Well, if it were one as cute as you, I wouldn’t mind them being spoiled...” Seohyun trailed off playfully, enjoying how Yoona’s jaw slacked open in mock surprise.

“So then my humbleness and self-effacement mean nothing to you as long as I’m cute? Shame on you!” The older girl exclaimed, shaking her head and crossing her arms. “Don’t talk to me for the rest of the trip.” She sentenced playfully before turning her back towards Seohyun. The younger girl laughed harder and couldn’t help but wrap her arms around Yoona, pulling the older girl into a backhug. Yoona tried to stay serious for the sake of her playful act, but she couldn’t help the warm smile that soon split her face in half.

“Of course it does, Yoongie! You know I love you for who you are… even if your physical appearance is great part of it.” Yoona couldn’t help but laugh again, turning around in Seohyun’s arms and giving her a disbelieving look.

“Seo Joohyun! I never knew you were so shallow… I’ll have to stay cute for you otherwise you’ll leave me, huh?” The young actress put a hand over her chest, shaking her head and acting hurt, even if she knew perfectly that Seohyun was just joking. The latter smiled lovingly as Yoona as she placed her hand on Yoona’s cheek, running her thumb over her girlfriend’s bottom lip in a tender caress.

“You don’t have to do that, Yoongie… You know I’d love you even if you were bald and a man…” Seohyun trailed off. The doe-eyed girl brought one of her hands to the top of her head, as if reassuring herself that she wasn’t going to go bald anytime soon. “Well, maybe not if you were a man, but… you get what I mean.” Seohyun blushed and laughed, making Yoona laugh along with her.

“That’s good to know.” Yoona kissed Seohyun’s thumb, which was still casually running over her bottom lip. The maknae blushed a bit harder as she stared deep into Yoona’s eyes, feeling her heart fluttering at the love that her brown orbs emanated. The two stayed in a comfortable silence, enjoying the feeling of being with each other, before Seohyun decided to break the silence.

“How do you think things are going with your mother?” She asked quietly. Yoona thought for a few seconds before biting the inside of her cheek.

“Well, I really like the fact that even if she’s so wealthy, she doesn’t seem presumptuous or vain… And I like the fact that she’s taking us to Damyang. It shows that she still cares about appa. I appreciate that.” Yoona explained with a pensive facial expression. The younger girl nodded her head, agreeing with her.

“He’ll get quite a surprise seeing her… Are you nervous about that?” Yoona shrugged her shoulders as she giggled softly.

“Kind of. As long as he doesn’t have a heart attack from seeing her, like in the movies, I think we’ll be alright.” She joked, making Seohyun laugh along. Yoona then scooted closer to Seohyun and playfully rested her head on the younger girl’s shoulder. Seohyun giggled softly as she rested her cheek against Yoona’s head.

“Yoongie? What are you doing?” She asked in between giggles. Yoona’s soft hair was tickling her cheek. The doe-eyed girl only snuggled her head further into Seohyun’s shoulder.

“Cuddling you.” She answered simply, sneaking one of her arms around Seohyun’s back and gripping her waist. Seohyun giggled nervously and her chest warmed because of Yoona’s displays of affection. “We have an eight hour car trip and such comfortable seats, we should take advantage of the opportunity and sleep for at least a few hours, don’t you think?” Seohyun nodded her head; after all, she was really tired from her college classes. She was tired of reading music sheets and studying musical theory for seven hours a day. “Are you comfortable? Or do you wanna switch places?” Seohyun hummed in response, biting her bottom lip.

“Mmm… How about both?” Yoona smiled widely as she lifted her head from Seohyun’s shoulders and opened her arms for her.

“Come here, babygirl.” Seohyun didn’t need to be told twice; she quickly dove into Yoona’s embrace, resting her head on the older girl’s chest and draping her arm across Yoona’s lap. The latter ran her hands through Seohyun’s silky hair and sighed as she closed her eyes. “I think this is going to be one of the most interesting and eventful days of my life.” Yoona concluded, nodding her head against Seohyun’s. The younger girl, who was already feeling drowsy, reached for Yoona’s free hand and entwined their fingers together.

“But the best day of your life is still the day you met me, right?” She asked softly, and the sound of her voice was slightly muffled by Yoona’s chest. The latter smiled widely as she nodded her head again.

“Of course… It’s not everyday that you find somebody like you…” Yoona responded, drawing circles on Seohyun’s hand with her thumb. Seohyun smiled widely and her heart felt contented. “You’re anything but ordinary, you know? I’m sure I’ve found someone so special… No doubt in my mind.” Seohyun’s heart fluttered again as she lifted her head from Yoona’s chest to peck her lips softly, surprising her since her eyes were still closed. The doe-eyed girl couldn’t help but smile as Seohyun settled herself on her chest again. It only took a few more minutes for the two to drift off to the sound of each other’s heartbeats.

Yoona woke up abruptly, jumping slightly at the feeling of someone shaking her shoulder softly. She blinked her eyes to get rid of the blurriness and as she did so, she realized it was her mother who had woken her up. Seohyun, by feeling the sudden movement in Yoona’s body, was woken up as well.

“We’re already here, girls…” Mrs. Im announced in a soft voice, as if she were talking to two small girls. Yoona furrowed her brows as she rubbed her eyes.

“How come? It’s only been…” Yoona checked her wristwatch; it took her almost a minute to fully see what time it was because of her sleepiness. “… four hours? The trip from Seoul to Damyang takes at least seven hours.” Mrs. Im chuckled softly.

“That’s because the train does many stops and goes extremely slow, dear. As you’ve realized, it only takes half the time to get here in a car.” Although it was getting dark outside, Yoona looked outside the window and realized that they were, in fact, in her hometown. As Seohyun woke up fully, she also looked out the window to appreciate the scenery. They were parked in front of what looked like an old but fairly sized hospital. Yoona practically jumped out of the limo before holding her hand for Seohyun to take. The latter looked at her in the eye; there was some kind of determination and confidence in them that made Seohyun feel glad, but she could also recognize a little bit of fear in them. Silently, Seohyun took her hand and followed her out of the car, closing the door after herself. Mrs. Im stood a couple of feet away from them, staring at the hospital with sad eyes. Yoona and Seohyun approached her, still silent. The former placed her hand on her mother’s shoulder, as if giving her some kind of moral support.

“This… This is the hospital where my disease was first diagnosed… I’m getting some memories, is all.” She smiled weakly. “You go in first, okay? You need to see your father now. I’ll be in the waiting room… It’s up to you if you want me to see him or if you don’t…” She added, her voice breaking a little bit. Yoona squeezed her shoulder softly.

“I’ll let you know… but I think the best thing is for him to see you.” Yoona said firmly, before she tugged on Seohyun’s hand and the two entered the hospital.

Yoona quickly went to the main office; even if she knew where her father was secluded, she still needed to know if he could have visits. The woman sitting behind the desk gave her a polite, yet tired smile.

“You’re back around here, Yoona-ssi. I heard your father has been asking for you.” She said softly as a greeting after bowing at the two girls.

“Can I see him now?” Yoona asked almost instantly, squeezing Seohyun’s hand for support. The woman’s forehead creased.

“I’d suggest you go and sit for a few minutes and I’ll see what I can do for you. The visiting hour finished fifteen minutes ago…” Yoona let out a discouraged sigh as she felt the back of her eyes burning with tears. “But I’ll explain to the doctor that you came all the way from Seoul and hopefully he can do something for you.”

“Thank you so much. Come, Yoona-ah.” Seohyun caressed Yoona’s arm softly as she started leading her towards the waiting room seats. Yoona nodded her head and also thanked the middle-aged lady for helping them.

The two girls sat side by side, with Yoona still holding tightly onto Seohyun’s hands. She looked at her girlfriend in the eyes, giving her a loving smile that could convey how thankful she was for her support.

“Everything’s going to be okay, Yoona.” Seohyun whispered, smiling comfortingly as she caressed one of Yoona’s cheeks. The latter grabbed her hand and pressed it further against her cheek, furrowing her brows.

“Thank you, Hyunnie… but why are your hands shaking?” She asked, clearly worried. Seohyun shrugged her shoulders, not really wanting Yoona to have noticed the trembling of her hands.

“It’s just… I was sitting on the hospital’s waiting room like this one when I received the news that my parents had passed away…” Seohyun mumbled, trying hopelessly to keep her voice from breaking. Yoona gasped and widened her eyes. She felt guilty almost instantly; maybe she had been so focused on her own problems that she had ignored that something was bothering Seohyun.

“Wow, baby… I’m so sorry… I shouldn’t have made you come in with me just like that… Let’s go wait outside…” Yoona attempted to stand up but Seohyun stopped her, tugging on her hand and shaking her head softly.

“Don’t worry, Yoongie. I’m okay… It’s my past and I have to face it… I can’t keep running away from it.” Seohyun said firmly. Yoona sat down again and looked at her adoringly, reaching out to caress her cheek before running her hand through her hair, making Seohyun close her eyes and sigh at the softness of her caresses.

“Why are you so amazing and brave, baby?” Yoona whispered worshipfully. Seohyun shook her head softly before opening her eyes and looking deep into Yoona’s doe-like ones.

“I learned it from you.” As Seohyun whispered those words, Yoona threw her arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug, not caring that the people around them were starting to stare. Their moment was cut short when they heard someone clearing their voices right next to them. It was a young nurse, whose cheeks were blushing for having interrupted such a moment between the two girls.

“Are you here to see Mr. Im Cheolyong?” She asked politely. Yoona stood up immediately, followed by Seohyun, and nodded her head. “She’s ready to see you, but he only asked for you…” The nurse trailed off, looking at Seohyun briefly. “… and strictly you.” Yoona’s forehead creased as she nodded her head before bowing at the nurse, who quickly turned around and left the two girls alone.

Yoona turned to Seohyun and gave her an apologetic look, to which Seohyun made a vague gesture and shrugged her shoulders.

“Go do your thing, baby.” The maknae encouraged before she leaned in and kissed Yoona’s lips briefly. The small kiss renewed Yoona’s strength. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Yoona said firmly before letting go of Seohyun’s hands and walking towards the IC unit where her father was secluded. Seohyun stared at her back as she left, secretly wondering why she suddenly felt so sure that things weren’t going to go as well as she and Yoona expected to.

A/N: … I know guys, it’s been a while… I’m so sorry D: I had been working on this update for almost two weeks and it seemed to never end, even if I had to cut it short X.X Anyways, thank you for sticking with this fic and my volatile updates, which should get better from now on :D Oh, and a shout-out to my writing partner jzmasterofall for being chosen as the vice president of her school’s national honor society B) which is a pretty big deal *eyebrow wiggle*Anyways, thanks for reading/commenting/upvoting/subbing ^^

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almost done with the epilogue ^^


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Chapter 24: I like this as well. This is lighter than sibling rivalry but the consistency of YoonHyun's hugs and kisses in almost every chapter is still there hehe. What a perfect relationship they have <3
Chapter 7: wow.youre so smart.!!Thanks for sharing me your knowledge.It helped me though.It improves my knowledge.
grasshopper48 #3
Chapter 24: oh my god i love this fanfic sooo much thank you author sshi for making such a beautiful yoonhyun story, enjoyed how lovely the couple are here and how they're always there for each other no matter what! <3
Chapter 6: please update soon
Lacus_YH #5
Chapter 2: yoonhyun really cute...^^
Lacus_YH #6
Chapter 1: Finally Yoonhyun meet.. But Luhan like seohyun too..
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 24: YoonHyun happy ending!! *-----*
And they are going to get marry!! * fangirl moment.
The story it's just great in all possible ways ^-^
Thanks for the lovely story:)
YulSicSLTTR #8
Chapter 22: Omg!! And all that happened when it started as a little game XD
Seriously this is one of the best s I had ever read. It was hot and y (a lot) but it wasn't vulgar (something that isn't common, you found a balance)
I've been reading the story in less than a day and it took me this little time to fall for the story
I'm not that found of drama but this is like my only exception.
Thumbs up !! Because it really it's and amazing story and I'm sad because I didn't find this fic sooner :(
You're a great writer !!

Btw I was laughting non-stop when Yoona's mom told them that they were walking funny if only she knew °^°