The Happening

Just My Luck


“Noona!” Yoona rolled her eyes at the too-familiar voice, but in the end couldn’t help but smile when she felt arms around her waist hugging her from the side and a blonde head resting on her shoulder.

“Looks like you’re in a good mood, Luhan.” She commented as the slightly older boy lifted his head from her shoulder and removed his arms from around her waist. He nodded frantically and smiled wide.

“I bet you already know why, right?” Luhan elbowed her lightly, winking in a cliché manner.

“It might be because you called Seohyun and asked her for a date and she accepted…” She trailed off, enjoying his satisfied visage. “… Or maybe it’s because you think you got away with going through my phone, stealing her phone number, and then having the nerve to tell her that I willingly gave it to you.” The smile on the boy’s face immediately faded and soon it turned into a deer-caught-in-headlights expression.

“Uh-Um… Well…” He stuttered out, blushing madly and averting his gaze. Yoona only stared at him with a small amused smile. “I-I’m sorry, noona.”

“Don’t do it again, Luhan. You could have just asked her for it since she comes here every day. She would have given it to you in a heartbeat.” She scolded. Luhan hid his face in embarrassment, completely acknowledging his fault. He knew that Yoona was completely right. “Remember she trusts me enough to let me into her house, and I wouldn’t want to lose that trust for anything. I know I promised to help you with her and I will, but whatever you two might have, it doesn’t concern me. It shouldn’t.” Yoona added, and Luhan could feel the sincerity in her voice. It made him feel twice worse.

“I’m really sorry, noona, I am. I messed up, but it was because I was too excited about going on a date with her and I couldn’t wait. I did consider asking for her number, but I was too shy to do it. I promise I’ll make it up to you!” He said zealously, putting a hand over his chest and finally meeting Yoona’s eyes. The doe-eyed girl could also feel the sincerity of the apology, and how could she stay mad at someone like Luhan?

“You don’t have to, just don’t do it again, okay?” The boy nodded frantically as relieved washed over him. “Now, you have two days to organize this date, what have you thought about?”

“Tao suggested some good vegan restaurants in town, even better than this one. And my decent budget can cover them all.” Yoona hummed in response, not satisfied with Luhan’s choice of place.

“Don’t you think she’s tired of eating salads, though? She’s not vegan, she just likes healthy food. I can ask her what kind of food she likes besides salads, if you want. A nice surprise always makes good impressions.” The younger girl shrugged her shoulders. Luhan’s eyes flashed in excitement.

“That’s a great idea! Thank you so much, noona!” He exclaimed, clapping his hands. “Now, as for the date itself, what should I do? How should I act? Aigo, there are too many questions…” Luhan brought his hands to his head, tugging on his hair slightly.

“Be yourself, Luhan. She has to like you for who you are, so don’t pretend. You’ve never gone out with a girl before?” The older boy lowered his hands and bashfully shook his head.

“And that’s exactly why I’m asking you! I’m sure you’ve had way more dating experience than I have! So, what makes a good impression to girls during the first date?” If only Luhan knew that Yoona had never even gone out on a date before... Sure, she once had a good friend named Taecyeon, and the two of them were constantly teased about being together, since he presumably liked her. Yoona, on the other hand, never gave it much importance and after moving out of her hometown, she hadn’t heard of him again.

“Being confident always makes a good impression, I guess. And don’t be too forward, remember she’s pretty shy and might feel intimidated if you start flirting with her all the way from the beginning of your date.” Luhan nodded and was about to ask some more questions about dating when the two heard a whistle.

“Luhan-hyung, I’ll tell your crush I saw you hugging another girl!” Luhan’s face turned red and his fists clenched. Yoona bit the inside of her cheeks to suppress her laughter.

“Shut up, Kai!” Luhan spat through gritted teeth. The dark-skinned boy approached them and slung an arm around Luhan’s shoulders.

“I’m just kidding, I wouldn’t want to spoil the date that you’ve been talking about all day.” Kai patted Luhan’s shoulder before letting him go and continuing setting the Baru tables.

“I take it that you’ve bragged about this a little, haven’t you?” Yoona asked as Kai left. The addressed boy shrugged his shoulders.

“A little, you know? I’ve told Sunny-noona, Lizzy, Tao, Kai, Suho-hyung, Jooyeon-ssi…” Yoona raised a hand to stop Luhan’s rambling.

“Arasseo, Arasseo, I get it. Let’s move on to clothing now.”

“Can’t I just wear my ‘I’m Awesome’ shirt?” He asked, grimacing slightly. Yoona face palmed herself and shook her head.

“We’ll have a couple of busy days ahead of us, Luhan.”

“Aren’t you going home already, Yoona?” Sunny asked as she saw the doe-eyed girl sitting on the bench outside the now-closed Baru restaurant. Their night shift had just ended and it was past 9:30 p.m. The latter shook her head and nonchalantly waved her hand.

“I will in a few. I just need to make a call, unnie. Goodnight.” Yoona said, giving Sunny a reassuring smile. The short-haired girl nodded and proceeded to leave.

“Goodnight then, take care.” She said before turning around in her heel and getting lost in the street. Yoona took out her cellphone and dialed her father’s number with a smile.

She tried to talk to him whenever she was all alone, and especially somewhere that wasn’t Seohyun’s house. She felt slightly guilty for hiding her family life from Seohyun since the younger girl was doing so much for her, but Yoona didn’t feel comfortable about telling her, or anyone about it. She had built a huge wall around herself and had managed to keep everyone out, but unbeknownst to her, Seohyun was already managing to bring it down.

Yoboseyo?” Yoona smiled widely and pictured her father’s kind features in her head. She missed him more than anything.

“Hi, appa. Sorry about calling so late. Were you in bed already?” She asked.

Oh, I was just about to go to bed, but something told me I had to wait for your call.” He answered, and Yoona could almost see his smile.

“Good. How are you?” The doe-eyed girl was about to let relief wash over her before she heard Mr. Im coughing repeatedly. This time, he sounded even worse than the last time she had talked to him. Yoona’s smile immediately faded and was replaced by a frown.

I’m okay, just enjoying this warm summer night.” He answered tightly, and Yoona knew he was trying to muffle his coughs.

“You’re coughing again, appa.” She said, as a matter of fact. Her appa sighed deeply. “I already told you to go to the doctor. If you need more money, I can send you some. Don’t be stubborn, appa.” Yoona begged.

When are you coming to visit me, Yoona? I miss my daughter.” Mr. Im said in a strained voice. Yoona almost broke down in tears right then and there, feeling heartbroken because of the pain laced on her father’s voice. She swallowed the lump on , though, knowing it would only worry him if she started crying.

“I-I miss you too, appa. So much.” She started. “I’m planning to go and stay the weekend with you.” As expected, this was a lie. She had been so busy lately that she hadn’t had the chance to really think about home. However, if she was making him a promise, she was surely going to carry it out.  

I’m glad... This house is so empty and quiet without you. Sometimes it’s nice to have some quiet time, but I do miss your noise.” Yoona couldn’t help but laugh at her appa’s playful remark, but it stopped after she heard him cough again.

“Then I’ll be extra loud this weekend, just for you.” She joked along, hearing him chuckle. “But please go to the doctor, your coughing worries me. I’ll make sure to take you there myself this weekend.” She said, seriously.

You know I don’t like doctors, but if it’s with you, I’ll go.” The doe-eyed girl sighed in relief. “How is your friend, the one you’re staying with? Seohyun is her name, isn’t it?” He asked. Yoona had told him so much about her that he already knew a lot of things about her.

“She’s okay, appa. I’ll tell her you say ‘hi’” Yoona finished with a smile. “I’d like to bring you to the city some time, but I’d have to ask her if she doesn’t mind having you. I don’t think she will, though. She’s always asking me about you.”

It would be splendid to spend some time with you and know what your new life is like, Yoona, but I do not wish to burden neither of you. I’m okay here, in my small town.

“You know I’ll ask her anyways. I really want you to come.”

Arasseo. As long as you don’t get in trouble with her, it’s okay with me. Goodnight, Yoona. I love you.” A warm sensation took over Yoona’s chest and a smile grazed her lips.

“I love you too, appa. See you soon.” Yoona blew him a kiss through the phone and hung up, feeling much more at peace than before. Now, all she had to do was get everything together to get out of town in the weekend.

Thursday Night.

Yoona was slightly surprised when she saw the house’s living room lights were on. Then, she figured out Seohyun might have left them on before she left for her date, thinking of her. It seemed like a reasonable answer since Seohyun was so thoughtful. The doe-eyed girl had hurried home, thinking she needed to get her things ready for her hometown visit. She was planning to leave the next day sometime during the afternoon, yet she hadn’t even started packing. The excitement of finally seeing her father after almost a month being apart had her jumping on one foot. Yoona pushed the door open and calmly made her way in, locking the door after herself. Unconsciously, as she locked the door, she started singing to Mac Miller’s ‘Another night’, turning quite loud in the end.

“… It’s just another night alo-o-ne! I spend another night alone.” She finished the chorus, holding her closed fist towards as if she was holding a microphone.

“Not really, unnie.” Yoona did a 180 degrees jump in the air and shrieked, sounding almost like an asphyxiated cat. Her entire life flashed before her eyes in a matter of nanoseconds, until she saw herself being abducted and then murdered by someone whose voice sounded very similar to Seohyun’s. Her racing heartbeat came to a halt before slowing down gradually as her eyes met Seohyun, who was sitting on one of the living room couches, holding a self-improvement book under the dim light of the living room’s lamp. The doe-eyed girl clutched at the fabric of her shirt, right on top of her heart and breathed in and out to calm herself down.

“You scared me so bad, Hyunnie…” She trailed off, and when she was really back to her senses, millions of questions attacked her. “But what are you doing here? Did the date not go well? Aish, Luhan freaked you out, didn’t he?”

“Aniya, unnie. There was no date, actually.” The maknae responded calmly, looking down at her lap. Yoona, being able to read Seohyun’s body language, immediately deduced something was wrong and that the deal was actually bigger than what Seohyun was making it look like. The older girl walked towards the couch and sat next to her host.

“Jinjja? Why?” Yoona asked softly, not taking her eyes off of Seohyun’s. The younger girl, though, wouldn’t look at her.

“I’m just not feeling too well, unnie. I had to call him and cancel it. D-Do you think he’ll get mad?” The maknae asked in a small voice. Yoona widened her eyes, but she knew that before she could start asking Seohyun questions about her health, she needed to comfort her.

“He won’t… He likes you too much for that.” Yoona answered sincerely with a small chuckle, hoping Seohyun would smile or at least look at her, but she didn’t. Instead, Yoona noticed a lone teardrop that fell from the maknae’s cheek. “Are you crying, Hyunnie?” The older girl asked in a whisper. Since Seohyun was evidently weeping and wouldn’t look at her, Yoona grabbed her face softly and turned her head. She was met with Seohyun’s red and puffy eyes, which told her that the maknae had been crying for a while now.

“I really wanted to go, unnie. I was just so excited…” The latter whispered, sounding completely heartbroken. Yoona wiped her tears tenderly, relishing on how touchable Seohyun’s skin was.

“I know you were… but everything happens for a reason.” Yoona comforted, reaching towards Seohyun’s lap and gently grabbing one of her wrists. Her thumb rubbed circles over it tenderly, hoping the small gesture would put Seohyun more at ease.

“But what’s the reason to this?” Said girl asked, staring deeply into Yoona’s doe-like eyes. The latter sighed as she tried to look for it.

“I don’t know, but soon enough we will.” She whispered before standing up. Seohyun stared at her questioningly. “It’s really late, Seohyun, I’m surprised you even stayed up this late, you usually sleep early because of the skin cells thingy. Let’s go upstairs or you’ll have wrinkles tomorrow morning.” The younger girl looked down at her lap again and sobbed a little harder. “Hey, hey… I was just kidding, Hyunnie, you won’t have any wrinkles…”

“That’s not it…” Seohyun pushed the words past a bitter laugh and a few sobs. “I would have gone to bed long ago, but I can’t. I feel too weak. I can’t go upstairs…” Yoona widened her eyes. So maybe… Seohyun was having a relapse? Or perhaps just starting it?

“Omo, why didn’t you call me? I would have come here as soon as possible… Aigo, you must be tired…” Yoona started rambling, pacing back and forth. Seohyun only observed her, clearly ashamed of feeling so dependent.

“You were in class, Yoona-unnie, I couldn’t do that to you.” The younger girl whispered, making Yoona stop her pacing.

“Do what, Hyunnie? Y-You can do whatever you want with me, I don’t care… As long as I get to pay you back for all you’ve done for me.” Yoona felt her face heating up as she said those words, immediately lunging forward to stand in front of the younger girl. “Here, I’ll help you go upstairs and get ready for bed.” The doe-eyed girl held out both hands for Seohyun to take.

The maknae hesitated for a moment, but she knew Yoona wouldn’t budge and that she needed to let herself be helped, so she took the older girl’s hands in hers. Yoona smiled lightly as Seohyun relied on her to stand up. Her legs were shaking a little as she finally stood on her feet, but managed to stay steady. Instinctively, Seohyun wrapped her right arm around Yoona’s shoulders and Yoona in turn held her waist. Leaning her body weight almost completely on Yoona, Seohyun managed to take her first couple of steps. The two managed to set a slow yet secure pace in which the ill girl felt comfortable, and in a matter of twenty minutes or so, they managed to make it upstairs and reach the house’s master bedroom (Seohyun’s). The two had been silent the whole time, but Seohyun’s sobbing had continued. It made Yoona felt horrible to see her like that, and she felt the need to try to make things alright for her guardian angel. She helped Seohyun sit on the edge of her bed and then walked towards the girl’s huge closet.

“Where are your pajamas, Hyunnie?” She asked sweetly.

“Second drawer to the right…” Came the quiet reply. She turned back to Seohyun with her sleeping clothes in hand. Yoona stopped moving as she came to the realization that she might have to help Seohyun change into them. The thought for some reason made her uneasy and nervous, but mostly filled her with anticipation.

“There you go…” She started, placing the pajamas on Seohyun’s lap. The younger girl was still sobbing lightly, but she looked up to Yoona, smiling thankfully through her tears. The sight crumbled Yoona on the inside, but she could only smile back and pat Seohyun’s cheek tenderly, letting her know that everything was okay. “Do you need me to help you change?”

“No, thanks unnie. I can do it myself.” Yoona nodded her head, sighing.

“Are you sure?” The younger girl nodded her head and gave Yoona a small smile. The doe-eyed girl leaned down and hugged Seohyun, being careful of not squeezing her too much. She only felt the need to let Seohyun know that she was there for her, that she wasn’t going anywhere, and that ultimately, things were going to be okay. The hug they shared soothed the maknae immensely. “I’ll be right outside, call me when you’re done changing.”

“Y-You can stay, unnie, it’s no big deal.” Seohyun immediately regretted those words after they came out of their mouth. Both girls blushed and looked away from each other, falling in an awkward silence.

“I’ll give you your privacy.” Yoona said with a comforting smile as she managed to have her blush under control. The younger girl only watched her leave the room in silence, still embarrassed about her previous words. Painstakingly, Seohyun changed into her pyjamas, trying to be as fast as she could because Yoona might have been tired.

“I’m done, unnie!” Seohyun called. As a response, the bedroom’s door was pushed open and Yoona came inside again.

“Have you taken your meds already? Do you want some water before you go to sleep?” The older girl asked as she neared Seohyun’s bed.

“Yes and no. Thank you for helping me, Yoona-unnie. I-I really hope I can feel better soon.” She responded, tucking herself under the covers, sitting with her back against the headboard of the bed.

“I hope so too, but if you don’t, remember I’m here to help. I got you and you got me, right?” Yoona asked with a smile as she sat on the edge of Seohyun’s bed. The latter couldn’t help but smile back as she nodded her head repeatedly. The fact that Yoona was being so serviceable and willing to help gave her a sense of security that she held onto with all she had, but there was that little voice in the back of her mind that constantly told her that Yoona’s good attitude wouldn’t last too long.

“Right. Goodnight, unnie.” The maknae opened her arms, obviously requesting a hug. Yoona smiled and couldn’t help but lean forward and comply. Truth be told, she was starting to like this warm side that Seohyun was starting to show. Yoona always knew it was there, but Seohyun probably didn’t feel comfortable about showing it before. The two were becoming closer, and they were both glad about it.

“Goodnight, Hyunnie. Sweet dreams.” The doe-eyed girl whispered as they pulled away from each other. Yoona stood up from Seohyun’s bed and moved to leave the room, turning off the lights and closing the door after herself. As soon as she was out the room, her mind came up with a very complicated predicament that she hadn’t stopped to think about yet.

If Seohyun felt sick and Yoona had promised repeated times to help her out and be there for her, how could she leave to her hometown the next day?




A/N: Even I’m surprised I updated within five days :D This chapter is dedicated to one of my most recent friends,  jzmasterofall since she dedicated me one of the chapters of her amazing story called ‘Demons’ (make sure to check it out, you won’t regret it). I think she’s pretty admirable, the least I’d do for someone who bugs me to update seconds after we meet is dedicate them one my chapters… but well, she did it xP

So to all of you who predicted/wanted the SeoHan date to not happen, I’m pretty sure you’re happy… But now Hyunnie is sick :( well, you’ll see how it goes. Thanks for reading and comments are appreciated :D

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almost done with the epilogue ^^


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Chapter 24: I like this as well. This is lighter than sibling rivalry but the consistency of YoonHyun's hugs and kisses in almost every chapter is still there hehe. What a perfect relationship they have <3
Chapter 7: wow.youre so smart.!!Thanks for sharing me your knowledge.It helped me though.It improves my knowledge.
grasshopper48 #3
Chapter 24: oh my god i love this fanfic sooo much thank you author sshi for making such a beautiful yoonhyun story, enjoyed how lovely the couple are here and how they're always there for each other no matter what! <3
Chapter 6: please update soon
Lacus_YH #5
Chapter 2: yoonhyun really cute...^^
Lacus_YH #6
Chapter 1: Finally Yoonhyun meet.. But Luhan like seohyun too..
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 24: YoonHyun happy ending!! *-----*
And they are going to get marry!! * fangirl moment.
The story it's just great in all possible ways ^-^
Thanks for the lovely story:)
YulSicSLTTR #8
Chapter 22: Omg!! And all that happened when it started as a little game XD
Seriously this is one of the best s I had ever read. It was hot and y (a lot) but it wasn't vulgar (something that isn't common, you found a balance)
I've been reading the story in less than a day and it took me this little time to fall for the story
I'm not that found of drama but this is like my only exception.
Thumbs up !! Because it really it's and amazing story and I'm sad because I didn't find this fic sooner :(
You're a great writer !!

Btw I was laughting non-stop when Yoona's mom told them that they were walking funny if only she knew °^°