Make it through

Just My Luck

Seohyun made it home from dropping some more tests at the clinic at 7:00 p.m., mostly because of traffic jam. She heard footsteps moving frantically upstairs, which made her furrow her brows. She slowly made her way upstairs and found Yoona in her room, folding some of her clothes and placing them inside one of her suitcases. She had a distraught look on her features as she hurriedly and messily folded her clothes. Seohyun, who had stopped at the doorway, had grown quite surprised and curious by now, so she cleared to get Yoona’s attention. The doe-eyed girl looked at her, slightly taken aback by Seohyun’s presence, but smiled at her nevertheless. Truth be told, she had been waiting for Seohyun to get home for a while now; she always had a sense of security and support whenever Seohyun was around.

“What are you doing?” Seohyun asked, making her way into the room. Yoona stopped her folding and stood up straight, averting her gaze.

“I’m packing.” She answered simply. Seohyun raised an eyebrow at her, giving her an almost accusatory look.

“I can see that… But what are you packing for?” The maknae asked as she sat on Yoona’s bed, next to the half-full suitcase. Yoona bit her bottom lip and finally met Seohyun’s gaze.

“I need to leave tomorrow, to my hometown. My father’s coughing has gotten worse and he needs to see a doctor as soon as possible. I don’t want him to go alone, though. I know he’ll need me.” Yoona explained solemnly, moving to sit next to Seohyun. She rubbed her temples briefly before resting her hands on her knees. “So much happened today, I don’t know…” She whispered, shaking her head. Seohyun reached for her hand, instantly making her feel better. Her fingers wrapped around Yoona’s in a comforting gesture, as she still figured out what words to say.

“You’re such a good daughter…” The words came out of effortlessly. She couldn’t help but smile when she saw Yoona’s frown lessen and slowly turn into a small smile. “I’m sure he is going to be fine. What are you going to do with your classes, though? Don’t you have to work tomorrow as well?” Seohyun asked.

“I already sent an e-mail to my counselor and she said it’s alright as long as I catch up with the class when I come back. As for Baru, I still haven’t figured it out. I wanted to call Luhan and see if he can cover for me tomorrow, but that’s not such a good idea…” The doe-eyed girl bit her lip as her chest churned with guilt. The image of Luhan’s disappointed look kept flashing in her head randomly, reminding her that their friendship might be over forever. However, Yoona treasured her friendship and relationship with Seohyun way more, so it was definitely worth it. Still, she couldn’t help but feel sad.

“Why not?” Seohyun asked innocently.

“I told him about us today.” Yoona answered, emotionlessly. Seohyun could see right through it, though, as she looked into her doe-like eyes and noticed the immense sadness that sat in them.

“Y-You did? How did he react? What did he say?” Seohyun asked frantically, clearly shocked, even if she knew it was coming.

“He didn’t say much, the only thing I could understand was that he couldn’t believe it.” Yoona answered, her voice breaking a little towards the end. “He didn’t speak to me, or anyone for that matter, for the rest of the day.”

“Thank you for telling him, Yoongie. It involved us both, but you decided to take all the weight on your shoulders. I know he won’t stay mad at you and he’ll realize soon enough that you are an amazing friend that he won’t want to lose.” Seohyun encouraged. “He’ll forgive us both eventually, even if there isn’t really anything to forgive.”

“I hope you’re right. I guess us being together couldn’t be perfect, right? Someone had to get hurt. Too bad it had to be Luhan.” Yoona said with a grimace. “Still, I don’t regret anything, and I don’t think we’re doing anything wrong by being together. In fact, nothing feels more right to me than being with you.” Seohyun smiled widely at Yoona’s words. She leaned in to give Yoona a kiss on the cheek, to which Yoona intentionally turned her head and captured Seohyun’s lips in hers. The younger girl smiled into the kiss and happily returned it, reaching for the back of Yoona’s neck. In that moment, all the problems that Yoona had in mind were thrown away and replaced by contentment and passion. The older girl soon felt confident about deepening the kiss for the first time; she Seohyun’s bottom lip and waited for a response. The maknae shivered as she realized what Yoona wanted, but couldn’t help but comply since she wanted it too. Butterflies swirled crazily in her stomach when Yoona’s tongue touched hers and her hands cupped her face tenderly. Seohyun kissed back with ruthless abandon, feeling lightheaded when Yoona’s tongue massaged hers; she didn’t even realize she had let out a small whimper until she heard it. The doe-eyed girl was satisfied enough with their first deep kiss, so she decided to pull away, tugging Seohyun’s bottom lip with hers. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of Seohyun, whose eyes were still closed and cheeks were tinted a pretty pink color. Yoona couldn’t help herself as she pinched one of Seohyun’s cheeks, feeling its warmth against her fingers. The gesture made the maknae flutter her eyes open; it always amazed her how Yoona could go from being completely passionate to being playful in a matter of seconds.

“Have I ever told you how much I love kissing you?” The doe-eyed girl whispered, making Seohyun blush harder. Yoona’s smile widened as she let go of Seohyun’s cheek, holding her hand instead. A kiss from Seohyun was all it took to make her day ten times better. “Seohyun, I love you.” Yoona blurted out thoughtlessly. She began regretting her words when she saw Seohyun features showing an expression of pure surprise. Still, she didn’t take back her words.

“W-What did you say?” Seohyun asked through a gasp, piercing Yoona’s eyes with hers.

“I said I love you. I realized it today when I told Luhan about us; I’m in love with you. I’m sorry it happened so fast, but I can’t help it. I guess it took me a little more than two months to fall for you, and the more time I spend with you, the harder I fall.” Yoona said with a tender smile, relieved that she was finally speaking her heart out. “It’s okay if you don’t feel like saying it back, I just wanted to let you know how I feel.” She finished, waiting for Seohyun’s answer. The younger girl’s mind was malfunctioning, still failing to realize that the girl of her dreams was telling her the magic three words that everyone in this world wants to hear, and meaning them in a romantic way. How was she supposed to respond?

“I-I don’t know what to say…” Seohyun said in a whisper, receiving a squeeze in her hand as a response from Yoona. “I’m falling for you too, Yoona, but I don’t know if I’m already there and I don’t want to rush…” Yoona shut Seohyun’s rambling with a lingering peck, which put her at ease almost instantly.

“I want you to say it back when you mean it, I don’t care if it’s now, or next week, or next year…” The older girl reassured, not really feeling disappointed. She was just utterly happy and relieved that she had acted according to her feelings without worrying about the consequences. “You’ve already showed me you love me by all you’ve done for me. ‘I love you’ are just words; your actions are worth much more than those mere words.”

“When did you become so poetic?” Seohyun asked teasingly, trying to keep Yoona from knowing that her heart was fluttering, there were butterflies going crazy on her stomach and that the biggest smile was threatening to split her face in half.

“I’ve always been an anonymous poet, Hyunnie.” Yoona wiggled her brows, making Seohyun snicker.

“Then how come I didn’t know you were?”

“I show my poeticness all the time, too bad you’re too clueless to appreciate it.” The doe-eyed girl replied, making Seohyun laugh and shake her head.

“Did you even know that ‘poeticness’ is not a word, Yoongie?” The latter turned serious as she tilted her head to the side, furrowing her brows.

“It isn’t?” Seohyun laughed harder, resting her head on Yoona’s shoulder. The doe-eyed girl, who was still caught off guard by her own language mistake, repeated the word ‘poeticness’ a few more times in her mind, trying to convince herself that it didn’t sound too weird to not be a word. In the end, she decided to let it go as she wrapped her arms around Seohyun, who still had her head on her shoulder. “Those kinds of errors from my part shouldn’t amuse you, Hyunnie.” Yoona scolded playfully, kissing the top of Seohyun’s head.

“Too bad.” Seohyun nuzzled the crook of Yoona’s neck. The two became silent, caught up in their embrace. The younger girl, though, was thinking that it was time to take the family secrets out of the way; there was no way the two could keep secrets from each other at this point.

The Next day.

Yoona hurriedly made her way into Baru, spotting all the other workers getting ready for their morning shift. Everyone looked at her weirdly; she had gotten the afternoon shift for the day. For a moment, Yoona was paranoid, thinking that maybe Luhan had told them all about her and Seohyun. Her suspicions were proved wrong when she spotted Luhan, who had just come out of the boss’s office. The blonde boy looked up at her briefly, before looking away. Yoona sighed and moved towards him in the hopes of approaching him. Luhan subtly dodged her and moved towards the counter, without saying a word. Yoona followed right behind him, her heart racing at the thought of talking to Luhan after all that had happened the day before.

“Hey, Luhan…” She greeted awkwardly. The addressed boy didn’t even look up at her. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“Not today, Yoona.” The doe-eyed girl cringed as she realized he hadn’t called her ‘noona’.

“Just listen. Something came up and I have to go back to my hometown for a few days. I haven’t even bought the train ticket. The only way I can leave today and still make it to work is getting the morning shift. You’re in charge of the table assignments, can you add my name to the list? I’ll deal with Kris and the boss on my own later…” Luhan finally met her gaze and held it; Yoona’s eyes looked desperate and begging. Even if he felt hurt and mad at her, he couldn’t find it in himself to ignore her and deny helping her.

“I will, but please let this be the last time I help you. Helping you once was enough of a bust by itself.” He seethed, averting his gaze from Yoona’s. The doe-eyed girl bit her lip as she was once again overcome with guilt.

“Thank you, Luhan. And don’t worry, it will be.” She answered firmly before leaving the counter. After she put on her work suit, she started setting up the tables with the rest of the waiters and waitresses. Tao came out of the kitchen to look for some utensils in the counter, nudging Luhan as he did so.

“I’m alone in the kitchen today, so I’d suggest you only allow tables for two until the noon shift starts, hyung.” The cook joked, noticing Luhan didn’t look too amused.

“Then what am I supposed to do if people don’t come in pairs?” The older boy asked stoically.

“I don’t know, kick them out maybe? I’m sure you can do something to help your poor and overworked friend here.” Tao pointed at himself. Luhan looked up from the cash register and found Yoona with his eyes, giving her a hard look. Yoona held his gaze and took the opportunity to give him an apologetic look.

“Friends don’t exist.” He said, loud enough for the waiters and waitresses nearby to hear him.

“What’s up with him? He’s been weird since yesterday.” Yoona heard Lizzy and Jooyeon commenting as they were setting up the tables. Yoona chuckled bitterly; if only they knew what had happened, they would definitely understand Luhan’s behavior.

Yoona made it to the train station with her legs shaking. She sighed in relief as she found the booth that read ‘Damyang Route Express’ and slowly made her way to it. The woman sitting inside the booth was busy reading a newspaper, so she didn’t acknowledge Yoona’s presence. The doe-eyed girl cleared , getting the woman’s attention. She put down her newspaper and smiled politely at the trembling girl in front of her, somehow noticing her anxiousness.

“Hello, dear. How can I help you?” She asked.

“Um, I was wondering when the next train to Damyang will leave…” Yoona said quietly.

“The last train to Damyang will be boarding at 4:40 p.m.” The woman answered. Yoona nodded her head and took some money out of her pocket.

“I’d like to book a seat. How much is it?” She asked. The woman stared at her blankly for a few seconds before checking a list that sat on her desk. The woman shook her head and grimaced slightly.

“I’m sorry, dear, but all the seats are booked already. We ran out of them this morning.” Yoona widened her eyes and her knees wobbled. She also paled visibly.

What?!”  She asked. “It can’t be… I don’t mind, I’ll pay for a seat and stay standing all trip long, that’s not a problem. I just have to leave today to Damyang.” The lady shook her head, making Yoona even more desperate.

“Our security code doesn’t allow us to do that, dear. I’m so sorry. If you want, you can book a seat for the morning train tomorrow.” Yoona lowered her head. It seemed as if the world had just come crashing down to her feet. Her heartbeat was out of control and her chest felt heavy with emotions. Her recriminating mind was toying with her emotions, making her feel guilty to no end. She constantly told herself she should’ve just woken up earlier or bought the ticket the moment Mr. Im called her to tell her he was going to the doctor. This only served to increase her self-depreciating thoughts. Still, she knew there wasn’t anything she could do, just wait.

“I’ll book it. I just hope it won’t be too late.”

Seohyun was making her usual late-night cup of green tea. From the corner of her eye she observed Yoona, who was sitting in one of the chairs of the kitchen table with her back to her, dialing a number that Seohyun knew was her father’s. The doe-eyed girl had made it home almost in tears after finding out there was no way she could leave the city that same afternoon, and with the hurry of calling her father to check on him and also to let him know the news. The younger girl hadn’t said much ever since Yoona got home, but she didn’t need to. She knew she just had to stand beside Yoona and let her know she always had her support.

“Why aren’t you answering?!” Yoona slammed her cellphone down on the table, making Seohyun jump slightly. She turned away from her cup of tea and turned her gaze towards Yoona, who was covering her face with her hands as she tried to steady her breathing. Seohyun’s heart broke a bit at the scene.

“Maybe he couldn’t wait any longer and went to the hospital by himself.” Seohyun whispered before taking a sip of her tea.

“He would have called me…” Yoona answered in a small voice, shaking her head.

“It’s late, Yoongie. Maybe he didn’t feel too good and went to sleep already. Or perhaps he’s out somewhere, or taking a shower… You should keep trying later. I’m sure nothing’s going on.” Seohyun reassured, taking a few tentative steps towards Yoona. She heard the older girl sigh as she turned her head, looking for Seohyun. The latter stood behind Yoona’s chair, leaning down slightly so she could wrap one of her arms around Yoona’s neck from behind.

“I hope you’re right, Hyunnie.” Yoona muttered, holding onto Seohyun’s arm with both her hands.

“You know I’m here for you…” The maknae whispered, making Yoona smile lightly. The deer rested her cheek on Seohyun’s arm, sighing contently. How could she not fall for Seohyun when she acted so sweet and caring towards her when she needed it the most?

“I know. You always are, baby…” Yoona whispered. Seohyun blushed at the nickname and broke their embrace so she could sit next to Yoona in another chair. She reached for Yoona’s hand and held it in-between hers on top of the table, trying to comfort her in any way possible. She could picture the doe-eyed girl’s despair, and couldn’t help but share it. She knew how much her father meant to her; even if she didn’t talk about him much, whenever she did, she couldn’t talk highly enough of him. That bond the two shared moved Seohyun to the core, but also fed her curiosity about Yoona’s family background. The maknae cleared , getting Yoona’s attention.

“Don’t you have any other siblings that can take care of him before you get there?” She asked, making it seem casual. Yoona shook her head.

“No, it’s just me as far as I know.” Seohyun breathed in and out slowly, preparing herself for the bigger question.

“What about your mother?” She didn’t even realize when the words slipped out of ; she just had the time to appreciate the difference they made in Yoona’s visage. The latter visibly clenched her jaw and her forehead creased. Her features showed a bit of anger, but they were mostly twisted into an expression of pain.

“I told you I don’t have one…” She whispered in-between clenched teeth.

“Yoongie, I don’t want to keep getting that answer. You and I both know you do have a mother, what happened to her? Where is she?” Yoona snatched her hand away from Seohyun’s hold and began fiddling with them in clear uneasiness.

“I don’t know, and I couldn’t care less.” The doe-eyed girl answered coldly, but Seohyun could see right through it.

“You can’t lie to me, Yoona, I know you care. A black and white picture slid out of your backpack the other day and I know it’s her.” Yoona widened her eyes and stopped fiddling with her hands. “If you don’t care, then why would you keep a picture of her?” In a quick movement, Yoona stood up from her seat and began pacing back and forth, avoiding to look at Seohyun in the eye.

“What brought this on, Hyunnie?” She asked shakily, almost harshly. “Whatever happened with her is in the past, it shouldn’t have anything to do with us.”

“It does have to do with us, or at least with you. I know it’s hurting you to keep it all inside, Yoona, I just want to help…”

“And you can help by not mentioning her ever again, Seohyun.” Yoona interrupted her, trying to not sound harsh, but her emotions were getting the best of her. Seohyun stood up from her seat as well, making Yoona stop her pacing. The maknae held her ground firmly around a meter away from Yoona.

“How can you expect me to do that, Yoongie? I don’t understand how you want me to love you back when I sometimes feel like I don’t even know you to begin with!” Seohyun couldn’t help but raise her voice a bit, making Yoona get defensive almost immediately.

“Of course you know me, Seohyun, it’s me! The dorky, shikshin, prankster and choding Im Yoona! My mom doesn’t have anything to do with me; in fact, she hasn’t had anything to do with me for a very long time. You haven’t told me much about your parents either, Hyunnie, so it’s not like you have much room to talk!” Seohyun felt a lump in at the reminder of her own family background.

“Whenever I mention your family I do feel like I don’t know you, Im Yoona. For someone who ‘hasn’t had anything to do with you for a very long time’, you sure let her affect you.” Yoona took a sharp intake of breath at Seohyun’s remark, feeling how her chest tightened with the pain in her heart. In that moment, she couldn’t help but curse how much Seohyun knew her and could read her like a book. She laughed a bitter and humorless laugh as she shook her head.

“I should have known this would happen. Not even my own mother could love me, what makes you think you can?” Yoona asked, her eyes filling with tears. “How can I expect you to love me if the person who was supposed to love me the most and protect me never did?” She finished, feeling the tears starting to fall. Seohyun’s eyes welled up with tears as well, as she clenched her fists in pure helplessness.

“Both my parents died in a car crash while driving towards the clinic because I was going to be discharged that morning and they were going to sign me out. I was ten years old.” Yoona widened her eyes and a small gasp left her lips. “I love you enough to tell you that.” Seohyun whispered before storming out of the kitchen. Her body was visibly shaking with sobs and Yoona heard a few whimpers leaving . painfully constricted as she began to sob as well, without really knowing why. She didn’t know if it was because of her own story or Seohyun’s, she just knew that her chest, or more like her heart, hurt. She stood unmoving, crying silently, until her feet began to move like they had a mind of their own. She knew she needed to make things right for the two of them, because she was completely sure that she had been the one at fault. Especially, she couldn’t seem to wrap her mind around the fact that Seohyun had told her that she loved her for the first time.

Knowing that Seohyun had gone straight to her bedroom, she almost sprinted upstairs and opened the bedroom door quietly. The lights were off, but from the light coming from the hallway, she could see Seohyun’s silhouette lying on the bed. She was slightly tucked under the covers, with her back facing Yoona. Her crying was so hard that she didn’t even notice Yoona coming into her room and sitting on the edge of the bed. The doe-eyed girl knew that Seohyun was probably plagued with memories, just like she was, and she wanted nothing more than to hold her, comfort her, apologize to her and tell her just how much she loved her and that things were going to be okay. She decided to do just that. Softly, she climbed fully on the bed and spooned Seohyun from behind, placing a kiss on the back of her head. Seohyun stiffened at first before her crying got slightly harder. She turned around in Yoona’s arms, and her heart wrenched when she saw the older girl’s watery eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Seohyun. Come here…” Seohyun practically dove into Yoona’s embrace, burying her face on the other girl’s chest and wrapping her arms around Yoona’s midsection. The deer ran her hands all over Seohyun’s back and through her hair, whispering random words of comfort and apology in her ears. It didn’t take long for Seohyun’s crying to subside into a few sobs and stubborn tears; Yoona always had the gift of making everything better for her. Yoona took the opportunity to cup Seohyun’s face in her hands and lift the younger girl’s face from the crook of her neck. Once they were eye-to-eye, Yoona wiped Seohyun’s tears with a small smile before she began running her hands through the maknae’s long hair in a tender gesture. “Leave it to me to snap at the only person I shouldn’t even argue with and who was only trying to give me her unconditional love…” Yoona whispered through a sob. Seohyun unwrapped her arms from Yoona’s midsection and moved her hands to cup Yoona’s face instead. Silently, she brushed her tears away and then covered Yoona’s face with small kisses, instantly comforting the older girl and making her feel on top of the world.

“Of course I forgive you. Just don’t push me away anymore, okay?” Yoona closed her eyes as Seohyun pressed her lips delicately against her temple.

“All the things I said, you know I didn’t mean them. I wish I would have told you everything from the beginning, but it just hurts so bad…” Yoona whispered in a strained voice. “And I’m so sorry I reminded you about your parents’ accident… I didn’t mean to…”

“Shh, you don’t have to explain yourself. What has happened to us both has been painful, to say the least… But I think that just says that we can make it through any situation, especially if we have each other.” Yoona swiftly capture Seohyun’s bottom lip between hers, not wanting to ignore the urge she had of kissing her angel. Seohyun gladly kissed back, her toes curling when Yoona on her bottom lip before breaking the kiss.

“We can, and we will. Everything’s going to be alright…” Seohyun nodded her head and hid it in the crook of Yoona’s neck, breathing in her scent. “You always know the right things to say, Hyunnie… How do you do that?”

“I’m just awesome like that…” Seohyun whispered against the skin of Yoona’s neck before giving it a small butterfly kiss that made Yoona’s heart flutter. The two stayed in a comfortable silence as they let their tears dry off.

“Hyunnie?” Yoona asked tentatively. Seohyun hummed in response. “I love you.” The older girl bit her bottom lip as she waited for a response.

“I love you too, Yoona.”

A/N: Here’s chapter 11 of Just My luck. I’m sorry I took a bit longer to update, I’ve just been a bit busy but now I’m free :D And I think I’m getting better at fluff now, these scenes are being more acceptable ^^ I hope you’ve enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading :]

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almost done with the epilogue ^^


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Chapter 24: I like this as well. This is lighter than sibling rivalry but the consistency of YoonHyun's hugs and kisses in almost every chapter is still there hehe. What a perfect relationship they have <3
Chapter 7: wow.youre so smart.!!Thanks for sharing me your knowledge.It helped me though.It improves my knowledge.
grasshopper48 #3
Chapter 24: oh my god i love this fanfic sooo much thank you author sshi for making such a beautiful yoonhyun story, enjoyed how lovely the couple are here and how they're always there for each other no matter what! <3
Chapter 6: please update soon
Lacus_YH #5
Chapter 2: yoonhyun really cute...^^
Lacus_YH #6
Chapter 1: Finally Yoonhyun meet.. But Luhan like seohyun too..
YulSicSLTTR #7
Chapter 24: YoonHyun happy ending!! *-----*
And they are going to get marry!! * fangirl moment.
The story it's just great in all possible ways ^-^
Thanks for the lovely story:)
YulSicSLTTR #8
Chapter 22: Omg!! And all that happened when it started as a little game XD
Seriously this is one of the best s I had ever read. It was hot and y (a lot) but it wasn't vulgar (something that isn't common, you found a balance)
I've been reading the story in less than a day and it took me this little time to fall for the story
I'm not that found of drama but this is like my only exception.
Thumbs up !! Because it really it's and amazing story and I'm sad because I didn't find this fic sooner :(
You're a great writer !!

Btw I was laughting non-stop when Yoona's mom told them that they were walking funny if only she knew °^°