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Angel's destiny

[Jaejoong's POV]

I stood in front of the house. Am I a ghost now? I tried to walk through the wall, but I just hit my hand. Then I pulled the doorknob -  fortunately it was open - and went into the house. I didn't expect that dad will be here, but he was. He sat in his bedroom with a glass of wine in his hand. Over the floor were some empty bottles of wine and I wanted to run to dad and stop him, but I knew he couldn't see me. So I just sat on his bed and watched him. He looked really tired, his skin was pale and he looked like he hadn't showered for days. I felt guilty, I should have watched out better.

Because I couldn't look longer at my dad I stood up and went to the room of my brother. I was scared, since I didn't want to see him sad, too. But I needed to see him.

I was really shocked as I saw Junsu - he laid on his bed and his face was covered with tears. After a few seconds of shock, I realised he held his mobilephone in his hand.

"But..." He cried hardly "h-he is my brother!" More tears fell from his eyes and I wanted to hug him but maybe he could feel me...

I didn't listen to my head and wrapped my arms around his trembling body. Suddely Junsu screamed a bit and let the phone fall on the ground. His eyes were big from the shock so I tried to explain it. "Junsu...? Can you hear me?"

He screamed again but nodded.

"Junsu, you can't see me, right? I... Please... don't be sad!" I really didn't want to see him hurt.

"Hyung! Why can I hear your voice? Am I ill?" Junsu started to cry again and I slowly took his hand in mine.

"It's okay. I'll explain it to you. I think you know I drowned...?" Not able to say I was dead, I just said that.

The younger nodded again.

"Up there" I pointed upward but noticed that my brother couldn't see it. "Up there in... heaven, there was an old man who offered me to come back for 18 days."

"But why can't I see you, Jae?" He sobbed again and squeezed my hand.

"I have to rebuild my body or something like this... You'll see me in three days - if you want to. I don't want to hurt you...!"

Junsu nodded quickly his head and I hugged him gently. "Can I tell dad about it?" He asked and I thought about it.

"Yeah... But just him, okay?"

"Yes. I'm so happy, hyung!" Junsu had a smile on his face, like usually. "Yes, me too."

"C-can you make the dinner for me and dad?" The younger asked.

"Okay. What do you want?"

Junsu smiled happy, I knew he loved the food I cooked. "Just what you want to."

I nodded and pointed at the phone on the ground. "What about it?" I asked and forgot it again. I really had to think about what I was doing, since nobody would see it. "The phone" I explained.

"Oh!" Junsu jumped up and took the phone. He looked at the display. "Hyung?" He said trough the phone. "Changmin!" Now he shouted, but didn't got an answer. So he spoke with Changmin. I didn't know if I should tell him about my short 'comeback' but he was my friend and he should know it, I thought.

I remembered something. "Junsu... what day is it? I'm not sure about it..." Was it the same day as the one I drowned...?

"It's Tuesday"

"Oh.. okay, thank you"  Tuesday? Was I gone that long...?

Then we went downstairs to the kitchen. I looked into the fridge, but except cheese, bread, butter and cucumbers there was nothing. "How come that it's empty?" I asked and took the few things out of the fridge.

"Uhm... you weren't here and dad didn't want anything to eat..."

"And what about you? And Yoochun?" I asked worried, but more about Junsu.

He blushed as I called Yoochun's name and I wondered why. "We ate in restaurants or tried to cook spaghetti and things like this..."

"Is it okay for you? I mean about Yoochun?" I asked because I wanted Junsu to be happy.

He nodded. "Yeah, he's really kind to me." Junsu smiled. "So what do we eat?"

"Okay, good" I smiled back. "Hm... sandwiches. But tomorrow we have to go to the supermarket, okay?"

"Yes" Junsu agreed.

I heard that someone opened the door and short after it, Yoochun came into the kitchen. "Hi Junsu!" He greeted and smiled huge. Junsu grinned with red cheeks. I stayed silent and waited till Yoochun left. But he didn't and asked: "With whom did you talk just now?" Maybe he looked for a person or a telephone because Junsu wouldn't talk to himself. "Oh...uhm... just nobody"

"Do you want to go to this chinese restaurant I told you?" Yoochun still smiled and I had the feeling that this young man looked good after my little brother for the previous days.

Junsu shook his head. "I think I'll eat here today. Do you want a sandwich?"

"Yes, I'd like to. I'll take a shower so see you later" Then he went upstairs.

I waitet until I heard the water flow and said: "Should we tell him?"

Junsu thought about it. "Yes. It'll be to difficult to hide it from him. Do you think he'll belive me?" The younger sounded really unsure.

"I hope. And dad, too. I'm really worried about him..." I sighed and began to make the sandwiches.

After ten minutes I was done and Yoochun came downstairs with wet hair. I saw how Junsu looked at him and I didn't know what I had to think about it. Maybe it was just an illusion, but did Junsu... I decided to ask him later.

The three of us sat to the table as Yoochun said: "Should I bring dad here?" He and Junsu probably ate alone everytime .

Junsu nodded. Yoochun went upward and after a few moments he came back with dad.

Dad looked more tired then before and his hair was all messy. But as he looked to Junsu who smiled at him, he tried to smile back and sat down to the chair next to me.

My little brother looked into my direction, perhaps he asked for permission to tell dad and Yoochun about me.

For giving him an answer, I squeezed his arm softly and I really hoped that the two of them would understand it.



Chapter two is done! :D

I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any questions, suggestions for improvement, please tell me :)

I'll post chapter three probably not tomorrow, but we'll see.

Good night everyone! ^^

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Chapter 7: Woooooho. I still dont know why you know yunho. You know yunho. U know yunho! I cant get over it xD blushing changmin ~~~~~ ♡ updaaaaate lol
yes, very happy kekekekeke
Kekekekeke, good update, i wanna see yunho meet jaejoong, wonder how thats gonna turn out<br />
Update soon~
wah! really good so far! i wonder how things are gonna go down though. update soon!
ChocoNemo #5
@nanoismus: <br />
I definitly like it <3<br />
It's already edited, and I've sent you the places, where you made the typos :).<br />
But you have to continue writing, already tomorrow *wants to read chapter 3*<br />
<br />
Till tomorrow <3
ChocoNemo #6
@nanoismus: I finally understand, how to edit the chapters - and I already did it :) ! <br />
*being proud of myself*<br />
haha...<br />
You are writing on chapter 2 just by now, aren't you?<br />
*if no....muahahaha* *just joking*<br />
But I really look forward that this story will be continued - I love to read it <3<br />
<br />
Hugs, Nemo
ChocoNemo #7're so cute <3<br />
Huhm...but I'm really not a genius, what shows just by now...Because I don't know, how to edit the story...not, that there's a lot to edit :)There are just some typos, and I know, you would know it better :)<br />
*it's not, that I know anything*<br />
I really love the story...especially this part: "Yes. I know, it's harsh to say, but you're dead. I'm in a rush, so I'll make it short: since you couldn't say goodbye to you family, friends and your girlfriend, you can go back to earth for 18 days if you want to."<br />
And this coming from a holy person - love it.<br />
I hope, I'll understand, how I can fix the mistakes...someday, with your help?<br />
Hopefully, you will continue writing :)<br />
<br />
Love from ChocoNemo <3<br />
<br />
PS: English isn't my native language too, so please be thoughtful :)