Who is he?

Angel's destiny

[the next day]

[Junsu's POV]

I woke up with a smile on my face - I remembered the last evening and quickly got up, then I dressed myself. I wanted to left my bedroom for going downstairs and eat breakfast, but suddenly, someone knocked at the door. "Yes?" I asked and Yoochun came in.

"Oh, good morning!" I smiled at the man who looked at me with amused eyes.

"Hu? What is it?"

Yoochun grinned. "Your hair is tousled"

I tried to set them but I didn't have a mirror, so I just looked at my hands. "Aren't you going to school?" I asked for change the subject.

He shook his head. "No, we have the day free. Wanna go somewhere?" He was still smiling.

"W-what? If you don't have to go there, why want you to go somewhere with me? Don't you want to do something with your friends or dad?"

Yoochun shook his head again. "No, I want to go to this new theme park."

"Uhm... but I have to go to school. And Jae is here, so..." I searched for more reasons but Yoochun came closer until he was just a few centimeters away from me.

"Please? Besides, you skipped school for the last two days."

I could feel his breath and began to shiver. "B-but could Jae c-come with u-us? I don't w-want him to be a-alone..." My voice cracked.

"Hm... okay." He said. "But we really have to do something about your hair. How did you sleep?"

uhm... I dreamed of you.  But I couldn't say him that, so I went a step away from Yoochun.

But he followed me and began to arrange my hair. "Yay! What are you doing?! I can do it myself, I'm not a baby!" I didn't know why I was like that. Yoochun laughed but didn't stop.

Since I liked the way he touched my hair for some reason, I didn't interrupt him. When he was finish, he looked over his 'work' and smiled proudly.

"Ehm... thanks Yoochun" I smiled back but blushed in shock as I saw how near he was to my face. What did he want to try?

Unespected, a familiar voice said: "What are you two doing? Breakfast is ready."

Oh my god, I thought, it was Jaejoong. With a quick move, I moved away from Yoochun - still blushing. "Uhm.. yeah hyung."

Then I went downstairs and heard the steps from Yoochun behind me. Without a word I sat on the table, greeted dad with a 'good morning' and began to eat.

"Junsu and I had the idea to go to this new park. Do you wanna join us?" Yoochun looked at Jae's direction and I began to laught.

Because Jae was invisible, only a piece of bread that moved, was visible and it looked really funny. I explained the others my reason for laughing and they did the same as me.

"Hm... okay" Jae replied to Yoochun.

"But please be home before five o'clock okay? I have work to do and I want to spend time together with my sons, yes?" Sungwoo smiled and I was really happy. He rarely took his time for us because of his work.

After eating, Jaejoong, Yoochun and I drove to this theme park, I and Jae sat at the back seats of the car and we all talked about everything.

There were a lot of people, especially children and we had to wait at every attraction. It was super, but everytime we had to reserve a seat for Jae, however it was also good, because we didn't have to pay for his entry.

It was almost four o'clock, when I remembered what dad said. "Hey, we have to go home!" The other two nodded and we went back.

Dad wasn't back yet so I asked Jae, what he wanted to do next.

"Uhm... I was thinking about to going to this Jung Yunho..." He didn't look sure about that, so I smiled at him. "Hyung, you should go. I'll tell dad, okay?"

He nodded and said goodbye to me and Yoochun. Just some moments after he was gone I remembered that Yunho-hyung couldn't see him. I sighed.

Yoochun and I stood there and no one said anything. When I wanted to say something, he wanted, too and we laughed.


[Jaejoong's POV]

I felt guilty for leaving them, because we had a lot of fun and dad would come home soon. But on the other side, I wanted to know more about this young man.

I walked down the strees until I reached the train station and took the train to the place near the address Junsu gave me. Then I searched the street and at the end I found his apartment. I couldn't knock and just say: 'Oh, hey, I'm the boy who drowned' I sighed and tried to open the door. I never had done this, but he wouldn't notice me, right?

Luckily, the door wasn't close so I went into the apartment. My first thought was: 'omg'.

The livingroom and the kitchen were full of waste and I didn't want to see the bedroom. But since I couldn't find that guy I went into it. The curtains were closed and the air didn't smell like something nice. What kind of person was this Jung Yunho?!

Before I could think more about it, the door of the bathroom opened and a tall young man with wet brown hair came out of it.

I stand there, with my mouth half opened,because this guy only wore a towel around his hips - Now I was really happy to be invisible.

I quickly turned my head away and went to his bed for watching him. I watched him while he turned the TV on, get back to the bathroom to put some clothes on and then he sat next to me to watch the news. While he sat there I took care of not coming to near to him and took a closer look at his face.

Maybe I exaggerated a bit, but his face was one of the most handsome faces I ever saw. His eyes were dark brown, and all parts of his face were really manly.

Suddenly his phone rang and Yunho received the call. "Yes?"

"Yah! Why weren't you there today?" A high voice yelled trough the phone. Who was this?

He sighed and answered: "I had things to do, okay?"

"Oppa! We had the day free! Why are you like this? And are these rumors about that dead guy true?"

"Just leave me alone. And yes, so see you tomorrow." Without letting the girl say something, he hung up and turned the TV off.

He went to the kitchen and searched for something to eat at the fridge.

Now I realized in what a bad mood this guy was. An d I really hoped that it wasn't because of me...



Next chapter is done, yeah :D
Hope you enjoyed it, I'm waiting for your comments!

@WhatsOnTheCeiling:  Now they meet... Hope you like, how I wrote it =)

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Chapter 7: Woooooho. I still dont know why you know yunho. You know yunho. U know yunho! I cant get over it xD blushing changmin ~~~~~ ♡ updaaaaate lol
yes, very happy kekekekeke
Kekekekeke, good update, i wanna see yunho meet jaejoong, wonder how thats gonna turn out<br />
Update soon~
wah! really good so far! i wonder how things are gonna go down though. update soon!
ChocoNemo #5
@nanoismus: <br />
I definitly like it <3<br />
It's already edited, and I've sent you the places, where you made the typos :).<br />
But you have to continue writing, already tomorrow *wants to read chapter 3*<br />
<br />
Till tomorrow <3
ChocoNemo #6
@nanoismus: I finally understand, how to edit the chapters - and I already did it :) ! <br />
*being proud of myself*<br />
haha...<br />
You are writing on chapter 2 just by now, aren't you?<br />
*if no....muahahaha* *just joking*<br />
But I really look forward that this story will be continued - I love to read it <3<br />
<br />
Hugs, Nemo
ChocoNemo #7
Aww...you're so cute <3<br />
Huhm...but I'm really not a genius, what shows just by now...Because I don't know, how to edit the story...not, that there's a lot to edit :)There are just some typos, and I know, you would know it better :)<br />
*it's not, that I know anything*<br />
I really love the story...especially this part: "Yes. I know, it's harsh to say, but you're dead. I'm in a rush, so I'll make it short: since you couldn't say goodbye to you family, friends and your girlfriend, you can go back to earth for 18 days if you want to."<br />
And this coming from a holy person - love it.<br />
I hope, I'll understand, how I can fix the mistakes...someday, with your help?<br />
Hopefully, you will continue writing :)<br />
<br />
Love from ChocoNemo <3<br />
<br />
PS: English isn't my native language too, so please be thoughtful :)