Not an illusion

Angel's destiny

Junsu looked at his dad and Yoochun. "Please, don't think I'm ill or something... but Jae is back...!" He tried to smile and the other two men watched Junsu. "What are you talking about?" Yoochun asked.

"He is here" He pointed at Jaejoong and explained, what his older brother said to him.

Jae and Junsu both hoped that they'll understand. "Are you sure?" His dad woke up from his bad mood.

Junsu nodded. "Yeah. Just wait until you can see him, okay?" He smiled and was very happy because his dad seemed to belive him.

With a deep breath, Jaejoong said: "Dad, it's true. Can you just... believe us?"

His dad and Yoochun jumped up from their chairs and gazed at the direction from where the voice came.

"Oh god.... it's not an illusion, right?" Yoochun looked at Junsu, who nodded again.

Jaejoong got up, too and went closer to his father. He laid his hand on the older man's shoulder and waited for the reaction.

Without a word, Sungwoo searched for his son's arm and then he hugged him tight. Jaejoong wrapped his arms around the man and he was near to cry.

After some moments, they let go of each other and Sungwoo said with a happy smile on his face: "So... if you're here to say goodbye... Will you go to this young man who tried to keep you alive? He seemed really sad."

Jaejoong remembered the guy. Perhaps he felt guilty for not helping Jae...

"Yeah, maybe. But don't you think he doesn't want to see me? I mean..."

Junsu shook his head quickly. "No, I'm sure. You also would want it, right hyung?"


His younger brother left the kitchen for a moment, then he came back with a sheet of paper. Jaejoong took it. It was an address and a name. Jung Yunho. So he was this man...

Jaejoong tried to remember his face but the picture he had in his memory wasn't clear.

"Thank you, Junsu" He smiled at him, even if he couldn't see it.

"Waah... I'm so tired. Do you mind if I'm going to sleep?" Junsu looked at his brother, who replied: "Sure. See you tomorrow!"

After this, Junsu left  so there were just Jaejoong, Yoochun and Sungwoo.

"Great you're back" Yoochun smiled. He didnt' say anything for a few minutes and Jaejoong was happy that the older believed him and seemed to be happy about Jaejoong comming back.

Jaejoong laughed a bit. "I should go sleep, too"

Yoochun nodded and left the room with a 'good night'. Jae's father hugged his son again. The younger went upstairs, too.

Jaejoong put the paper at this night table and changed into more comfortable clothes, then he went to his bed and fell asleep just after a few minutes.


[Yunhos POV]

I really didn't want to university. Since the day that this boy died in my hands I couldn't eat anything, barely slept and I was always in a bad mood. I felt guilty for not saving him - why was I too late?

On top of that, the young man looked like an angel, it was like he went home with dying. After I thought this, I could have slapped myself. The boy had a happy life - that was, what his family said to me in the hospital.

I've really never seen such a pretty face before. It was a bit feminine for a boy, but still very pretty. I didn't know why I always thought about it - I mean he was dead, so it didn't matter how he looked.

It was tuesday evening and I sat in a students bar and waited for Changmin. He was my best friend since we were children and the fact that he didn't have parents never bothered me. He didn't show his feelings to others, just to the kids at the children's home and to me. But towards me he sometimes acted like someone who doesn't care about things. He always told me everything about his life, but what he never said to me, was who his crush was. It wasn't important for me to know this stuff but sometimes I wondered why he kept it a secret.

Anyways, I sat there and a few moments later Changmin came into the bar. He sat next to me. "Hey hyung, how are you?"

I nodded with a faked smile. "Yeah... I felt better before, but it's okay. What about you?" I knew that a child from the orphanage died a few days ago and Changmin seemed really sad about it. I had the thought that it was the same person I saw but Changmin said it was a little kid. For some reason I didn't belive him, but didn't start to talk about it.

"Hm... I'm fine. More or less." He ordered two drinks and we talked about school, friends and girls, but I didn't listen at all.


Sorry, it's not a long chapter... I'll write tomorrow and I hope the next chapter will be a bit longer... :3


@WhatsOnTheCeiling: Thank you so much! I really hope you like it. (and this capter too, even it's short) The story isn't really funny so far but I'll put some funny scenes in :3



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Chapter 7: Woooooho. I still dont know why you know yunho. You know yunho. U know yunho! I cant get over it xD blushing changmin ~~~~~ ♡ updaaaaate lol
yes, very happy kekekekeke
Kekekekeke, good update, i wanna see yunho meet jaejoong, wonder how thats gonna turn out<br />
Update soon~
wah! really good so far! i wonder how things are gonna go down though. update soon!
ChocoNemo #5
@nanoismus: <br />
I definitly like it <3<br />
It's already edited, and I've sent you the places, where you made the typos :).<br />
But you have to continue writing, already tomorrow *wants to read chapter 3*<br />
<br />
Till tomorrow <3
ChocoNemo #6
@nanoismus: I finally understand, how to edit the chapters - and I already did it :) ! <br />
*being proud of myself*<br />
haha...<br />
You are writing on chapter 2 just by now, aren't you?<br />
*if no....muahahaha* *just joking*<br />
But I really look forward that this story will be continued - I love to read it <3<br />
<br />
Hugs, Nemo
ChocoNemo #7're so cute <3<br />
Huhm...but I'm really not a genius, what shows just by now...Because I don't know, how to edit the story...not, that there's a lot to edit :)There are just some typos, and I know, you would know it better :)<br />
*it's not, that I know anything*<br />
I really love the story...especially this part: "Yes. I know, it's harsh to say, but you're dead. I'm in a rush, so I'll make it short: since you couldn't say goodbye to you family, friends and your girlfriend, you can go back to earth for 18 days if you want to."<br />
And this coming from a holy person - love it.<br />
I hope, I'll understand, how I can fix the mistakes...someday, with your help?<br />
Hopefully, you will continue writing :)<br />
<br />
Love from ChocoNemo <3<br />
<br />
PS: English isn't my native language too, so please be thoughtful :)