Sometimes it's suddenly

Angel's destiny

It was a sunny Saturday when Jaejoong left his home. He lived there for almost ten years, after he and his brother Junsu were at a orphanage because their parents died in a car accident. Their adoptiv father was at work and Junsu had a lot of homework to do. Jae himself had nothing to do, so he decided to visit his friends from the children's home.

He walked down the street until he stood in front of the building. The walls were white, it seemed really boring, but through the windows, Jae could see the drawings the children made. Suddelny he started to smile as he looked at the colours. After a few moments he knocked at the main door and waited until a little boy with darkbrown hair opened it.

"Hyung!" the boy screamed and ran into Jaejoongs arms. The older smiled and ran his fingers trough the boy's hair. "Hi Jin!"

Jin pulled Jae in the house and shouted: "Jaejoong-hyung is here!" Just seconds later six more kids came towards Jae and he hugged them softly. All of them spoke in a mess since they hadn't saw their hyung for more than two weeks. They all laughed and Jae raised his head as he heard a voice. "Jae! Where were you?" Changmin yelled but smiled. Jaejoong smiled back and shrugged his shoulders in excuse. "Sorry, I had a lot to do."

Changmin nodded. "So how are you?" he asked.

"Hmm... there is this Yoochun, the son of dad. He's nice but there is something I don't like about him." Jaejoong felt strange to say something about the 'real' son of his adoptive father.

"Really? He never was here, was he?" Changmin drew his eyebrows together.

The younger shook his head. "When he was a child, he was, but now he is twenty years old. I really don't know why he comes back after all this years..." He thought about it and changed the subject since he didn't want to speak about it. "So... what did you do the past days?"

The older answered: "Nothing... I took care about the little ones here and went to university..." He pointed at the children in the room and Jaejoong nooded.

"Hyung, can we go to the lake?" Jin asked and made his puppy eyes. Jaejoong agreed and took the boy's little hand. "I'll bring him back in a hour, okay?"

Changmin nodded silent and Jae could see the young man's sad eyes. He wanted to ask about it, but Jin pulled at Jae's Hand.

They both waved at the others and leaved the building.

After ten minutes, the two reached the little lake and Jin ran towards the water. "Hey, not so fast!" Jaejoong shouted and walked with big steps to the boy. The kid looked over the lake. "Hyung, I want to swim in it!" He used his cute eyes again and Jae sighed. "The water is too cold and you don't have any swimwear."

Jin pouted but accepted it. He held his hands into the water and pointed in it. "Wow, look! There is a huge fish!"

Jae laughed. "Yes. And can you see that stone?" He pointed with his finger at a brown-green stone. Totally excited, the boy jumped around and shouted: "Please, get it!" The older was a bit uncertain but pulled up his jeans so he could walk into the cold water.

The stone was farer away that he expected and his pants were wet. Now it didn't matter anymore if his shirt and his hair would be wet, too. With a deep breath, he dived unter the water. He opened his eyes and searched for the stone. The water was really cold and he was pretty sure that he'd catch a cold. A few seconds later Jaejoong took the stone and he wanted to come up, but couldn't. Confused, he looked after the reason - his leg was caught by a plant and he couldn't move. Panic came over him, the air in his lungs became close. He tried everything, but nothing worked. Without air the darkblue water discolored into a darker colour and Jaejoong out.

[Jaejoongs POV]

The last thing I heard was Jin's loud voice. The last thing I felt was something or someone who wrapped his arm around my body. The last thing I saw was a good-looking young man with a concerned gaze.

Then there was... nothing. It was just dark and cold.


I opened my eyes and saw a bright light. What was that?  Where was I?

Suddenly a old man with dark grey hair came towards me. I wanted to run away, this whole thing scarred me. But the man looked nice like he didn't want to do something. "Welcome, Kim Jaejoong!" The man smiled.

"Why d-do you know my n-name? And where am I-i?"

The man just laughed, what confused me more. Then the older answered: "How shall I say...? You drowned and now you're in heaven." 

I widened my eyes. "H-heaven?" I felt dizzy.

"Yes. I know, it's harsh to say, but you're dead. I'm in a rush, so I'll make it short: since you couldn't say goodbye to you family, friends and your girlfriend, you can go back to earth for 18 days if you want to."

I couldn't belive what that man said but nodded anyway, besides I didn't have a girlfriend, but that wasn't important at this moment.

"The first three days, you have to rebuild your body, but that's not a big deal - just nobody can see you. But there is one rule: you have to be discret so nobody will notice that you're alive or rather dead and back to life. Just say goodbye to the people you want and have some good days. Oh! I need to go! I'll keep an eye on you!"

With these words, the man left me. I was disturbed. I've never thought to come in here. Here in heaven.

I understood what he said but I didn't know what to do then. Without a chance to think a bit more about it, the ground under me broke up and I fell until I landed on a green meadow. I was confused since it didn't hurt.

I looked around and recognized the place. It was in the park near my home. With a unbeliveable lightness I got up on my feet and began to walk the way to the big house. I didn't know what I was going to do but I needed to see my little brother.


Hey everyone *waves* :D

This is my first fanfic (I was writing some short storys before but there were just characters from my fantasy and not in English) so I hope it wasn't too bad... :)

First, I want to thank my best friend and co-author ChocoNemo - she helped me with the idea and motivated me to write this first chapter down. She also corrects me in my English (she's really a genius!).

I want to write more but my mind is suddenly really really blank.... =| 

The next capter will be writed as soon as possible :)

See you! *smiles*

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Chapter 7: Woooooho. I still dont know why you know yunho. You know yunho. U know yunho! I cant get over it xD blushing changmin ~~~~~ ♡ updaaaaate lol
yes, very happy kekekekeke
Kekekekeke, good update, i wanna see yunho meet jaejoong, wonder how thats gonna turn out<br />
Update soon~
wah! really good so far! i wonder how things are gonna go down though. update soon!
ChocoNemo #5
@nanoismus: <br />
I definitly like it <3<br />
It's already edited, and I've sent you the places, where you made the typos :).<br />
But you have to continue writing, already tomorrow *wants to read chapter 3*<br />
<br />
Till tomorrow <3
ChocoNemo #6
@nanoismus: I finally understand, how to edit the chapters - and I already did it :) ! <br />
*being proud of myself*<br />
haha...<br />
You are writing on chapter 2 just by now, aren't you?<br />
*if no....muahahaha* *just joking*<br />
But I really look forward that this story will be continued - I love to read it <3<br />
<br />
Hugs, Nemo
ChocoNemo #7're so cute <3<br />
Huhm...but I'm really not a genius, what shows just by now...Because I don't know, how to edit the story...not, that there's a lot to edit :)There are just some typos, and I know, you would know it better :)<br />
*it's not, that I know anything*<br />
I really love the story...especially this part: "Yes. I know, it's harsh to say, but you're dead. I'm in a rush, so I'll make it short: since you couldn't say goodbye to you family, friends and your girlfriend, you can go back to earth for 18 days if you want to."<br />
And this coming from a holy person - love it.<br />
I hope, I'll understand, how I can fix the mistakes...someday, with your help?<br />
Hopefully, you will continue writing :)<br />
<br />
Love from ChocoNemo <3<br />
<br />
PS: English isn't my native language too, so please be thoughtful :)