Cake and Candles

A-B-C [YOU decide]

Dongho had wanted to be of drinking age ever since Kevin had turned nineteen a few years before.

The group went out and did “adult” things without him, and he felt left out beyond belief.

“Don’t be sad, baby Dongho! You’re not missing anything!” Kevin smiled brightly at their maknae as he was questioned about what it was they did exactly at bars without him, “Sometimes I’d rather stay and play with you more than I would go drinking. The others are kind of boring.” He laughed, “Except for Eli. Man, when he drinks, he DRINKS. Like, remember when he- Oh.”

Dongho frowned at the older boy, “Oh.” He sighed and walked away from Kevin, who was sporting a guilty look on his face as he watched the younger boy leave.

Finally, however, the day had arrived. He was finally old enough to go out and drink with the others! Dongho proudly walked to the practice room, his smile blinding them as he recited his greetings.

Eli covered his mouth dramatically, “Dongho! What’s with the good mood? You’re scaring me a little.”

Kevin gave an agreeing nod, eyes wide, “Yeah. What’s the occasion?”

Dongho’s smile faded slowly, “What do you mean by that? Did you all forget?”

Hoon tilted his head in question, facing Soohyun, “Is something going on today?”

The eldest of the seven boys shrugged, “Nothing that I can think of.”

AJ snapped his fingers, “Is this the anniversary of your first time-“

Kiseop covered his mouth quickly, “Yah! He’s not old enough to hear that!”

“I was just going to ask if it was the anniversary of the first time he aced a quiz. I know mine, so…”

Soohyun raised an eyebrow at the male, “Really? That’s kind of weird.” He turned to Dongho, “What exactly is going on today?”

The youngest boy flashed a sad smiled at them, “Ah, it’s nothing important. Never mind!”

Before anyone could protest or further question the small boy, the choreographer walked in, ready to start of their new routine.


Their lunch break snuck up on them quickly. Dongho opened his phone only to receive a massive amount of ‘Happy Birthday!’ tweets from his fans. He smiled at the thought of someone remembering. As he scanned through them, he noticed Kibum, one of the former members, had tweeted, asking him to call when he got a chance so he could tell him Happy Birthday properly.
Ecstatic, the boy stood, “I’ll be right back you guys.”

Soohyun smiled, “Glad to see your mood lifting again.”

Dongho left the room and dialed his hyung’s number from memory. After a while, a familiar voice rang through his ears, “Dongho! Happy birthday! What are your plans?”

“Ah, I don’t have any.” He cradled the phone fondly to his ear, and continued his reply sadly, “I think the others forgot… So, after practice, I don’t have anything planned.”

Kibum sighed from the other end, “Those guys. Alexander and I leave for too long, and they forget their baby’s birthday?” He coughed a bit, “Alright, tell you what. When your practice is over, I’ll have talked Xander into going out drinking. Just the three of us. How does that sound?”

Dongho beamed, “Really? You mean it?”

“Of course.”

“Okay! I have to go now, but I’ll call you as soon as I get out!”

“Good. Happy birthday! I’ll see you later.”

Dongho closed his phone, a new found pep in his previously depressed step.  This was going to be the best nineteenth birthday ever! He was even going to spend it with two of his closest hyungs! As he walked back into practice, the group was once again surprised at his bright attitude.

Kevin blinked, “So, you aren’t sad anymore?”

“Nope!” Dongho grinned, “Not even close!”


The practice had come to a close, and the boys were cleaning up their stuff. Dongho was the first out of the door, dialing Kibum’s number happily, “Hyung! I’m going to go home and take a shower, but tell me where to meet you!”

Kibum stretched at the other end, “Nah. I’m coming to pick you up. Just be ready. Alexander’s already with me.”

“Okay!” Dongho closed his phone and walked quickly to his car. He couldn’t believe he was really going drinking with friends. The thought of it made him excited and impatient.

As the maknae stepped out of the shower, his phone began to vibrate. He answered it while drying himself off, “Hello?”

“Dongho! It’s me. We’re waiting for you downstairs.”

“Ah, I’m getting dressed. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” He closed his phone once again and quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a printed tee before slipping on his shoes and turning off the lights of his apartment. And with that, he exited and rushed down to meet with Kibum and Alexander.

Alexander sat forward from his seat in the back, ruffling the maknae’s hair, “I’m such a proud mommy! Our baby Dongho is all grown up, Kibummie!”

Kibum laughed, “I know! I can hardly believe it!”

Dongho’s cheeks turned a light pink at the attention, “You know… I’ve really missed you guys. I mean, I like AJ and Hoon, but I miss having you around at practice.”

Alexander gave his shoulder a pat, “Bah. We can have more fun now that we don’t have to meet because of a job. Being friends is more fun than being co-workers.”

Kibum nodded, “For sure! You’ll always have us around for fun when you get done with your work.”

And with that, they pulled into the parking lot of a nearly empty bar.

Dongho blinked, “Ah… there’s hardly anyone here.”

Kibum smirked, “We have a game we want to play.”

“I like games!”

Alexander blindfolded the baby before they helped him out of the car, “We know! We just want you to keep this on and then we’ll explain the rules when we get inside!”

Dongho smiled despite his blindness, “Alright!”

Kibum opened the door and Alexander ushered him in. Kibum grinned, “Ready for the rules?”


Alexander smiled wide, “Blow out all the candles.” And with that, he tore the blindfold from his face.

Dongho went wide-eyed as a loud “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” echoed in the room. He looked around at the current members of U-KISS before his tear ducts began welling up.

Kevin gasped, rushing over, “Don’t cry, Dongho! We all felt so bad, pretending like we didn’t remember your birthday! When you looked sad, I almost ended it right then and there.”

Eli nodded, “He did! When you left during break to call Kibum, we all freaked out at him.”

Dongho, despite not wanting to, began sobbing, and the group as a whole came in for a family embrace.

Soohyun yelled over the group loudly, “You’re our baby, Dongho! How could we ever forget your birthday?”

Hoon nodded with a smile while AJ added in, “Yeah! We all like you too much to ever forget something that important.”

Kiseop took the liberty of placing a party hat on the maknae’s head, “Now, stop crying and let’s eat some cake!”

As the night went on, Kibum handed Dongho what would be his first sip of alcohol.

Dongho stared at it with a determined face, his crying subsiding about a half an hour before, and he took the cup. He gingerly put it to his lips and downed the shot in one go. And then immediately spit it back out.

His nose wrinkled, “Ugh! That’s disgusting! You guys actually consume enough of this to get drunk?”

Kibum laughed, ruffling his hair, “Only Eli does that, but yeah. You have to acquire a taste for it.”

Eli huffed, “I’m not an alcoholic, you know.” He crossed his arms in a pout.
Kevin gave the boy’s shoulder a pat, “Yeah, but once you start, you can’t say no.”

The group laughed, sans Dongho, who was ordering some sort of juice to get the taste of tequila out of his mouth.

As the night was coming to a close, Eli was passed out on the floor, Kevin was spinning himself on a bar stool, Soohyun was finishing off the cake with Kiseop, AJ and Hoon were enjoying some sort of fruity drink at the end of the bar opposite of Kevin while Alexander was discussing with them the idea of debuting in a foreign country and Dongho was sitting with Kibum, happily carrying on a conversation.

The young boy looked up at his hyung, “So, who really put all this together?”

“Yours truly, but everyone pitched in once they got wind of it.” He pointed to AJ and Hoon, “They even had how we were going to get you to the bar planned out.”

Dongho’s eyes widened, but he smiled regardless, “Thank you. This has really been the best birthday ever.” His eyes changed from content to greedy, "So... What are you planning for next year?"


Ohhhh, Dongho. xD
So, I'm sure everybody thought birthday when playfulfox suggested Cake/Candles. xD BUT STILL.
I hope this was acceptable. haha. I thought it was cute :3

Be on the lookout for DYNAMITEEEE :D

If you haven't suggested a letter yet, do so! And if you have, SUGGEST SOME MORE :D 
These are so fun to mold a story over. I might have to do this again once this is done xD
With a different group, though. Obviously.

But. Yes. C: I'm done ranting now <3

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OH MY GOD. HI GUYS. I'm not dead, I promise. I've just been INSANELY busy. ; A ; I'M BACK THOUGH. I plan to update asap!


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Thanks for taking my suggestion and for writing something that cute !! (and you even included the bad boy Eli <3)
Omo! They stopped! D: I want moorree~ I seriously laughed out loud the whole time I was reading the Dynamite one. And the Giraffe one. Hahaha, Kiseop is my bias (well, tied with Dongho...) and I love him because he's so awkward and adorable! And Cakes and Candles...<br />
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Geh. They're all too awesome to point out. But I liked the Elvin one a lot... It was sad and cute at the same time :3 Those are my favorite types of stories. Besides the ones that are funny just to be funny (aka... CRACK.) like this one! <br />
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And... Not about the chapters anymore... I understand a little of what you're saying... Writing helps me a lot as well. But when I write as therapy, my stories come out depressing O.o But, still. It helps ^^ <br />
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Please, feel better! I know how it feels to be that exhausted. It's not good... So... :) Hope this helped <3 <br />
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Update soon, ne? ♥♥♥
TheAlmightyStarlight #3
Ohmygahhhhh the "Dynamite" one made me laugh SO HARD! <br />
I could actually see Eli doing something like that...<br />
"I am a y beast" <br />
Hahahaha ohhh Lord. <br />
Someone is going to walk into my room and ask me why I'm laughing so hard...<br />
This is great. Really. Hahahaha ^;^ <3 <3
Oh man it stopped....*sad face*<br />
I am looking forward to the penguins vs. giraffes one though...<br />
Just because the giraffe one made me laugh so hard ^.^
Oh my goodness. I just read the giraffe one and literally started rolling on the floor in laughter.. Hahaha Kiseop. He is rather awkward and adorable. The Elvin one was adorable too...gah these are so good!!
Ahaha~ these stories were really hilarious,original, and fluffy at the same time *cough* kemaru *cough* :)
xaverri #7
haha, i thought 'oh , a dinosaur' was funny. and sweet, i mean, about loving derpy friends. there was an actual point to the story, not just some really crazy... weirdness.<br />
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it seems like recently, i know of rather a lot of people who are feeling down. it's great that writing helps you. towards the end of the year, maybe everyone's getting worn out. things are getting pretty damned heavy where i am as well. all the best :)
lol i didn't think it would go that way but i loved it ^^ lol it's so different but good^^
LOL! Kevin is aawesome! Eli, you just couldn't resist! I have to watch that! xDD I laughed hard when I realized where Eli was.
frogfreecupcake #10
@Angelicavin :: thank you n.n<br />
@k-minnie :: xD I hope so O: poor Dongho doesn't deserve to be afraid!<br />
@MBTupan :: >A<;; I used to be afraid of monsters too. That's how my mom helped me feel better LOL thank you :3<br />
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@xaverri :: Yeahhhhh n.n;; I didn't think there was anyone else I could really make the child. The options were Dongho, Kevin and Kiseop LOL. And I kind of just wrote the names down and made my brother pick one xD<br />
>.>;; yeahhhh Kevin's hair is kind of... eh... but, I'll make a better one eventually haha.<br />
THANK YOU~ :D you'll be happy to hear it's going to be Kiseop-centered, then. Because I love his derp. And I love writing derp, if you haven't noticed haha!<br />