
A-B-C [YOU decide]

NOTE :: "italics" = speaking in Englsh


It was another of those sticky, hot, disgusting summers South Korea was so famous for.

A boy sighed, putting his foot down as a makeshift break to halt his bike before wiping his sweat-covered brow with the sleeve of his school uniform. Why oh why had he agreed to help coach students in summer school? He firmly believed that if the principal hadn’t of came to him directly to request it, he surely would have said no.

//three weeks prior//

Kibum stretched as the final bell of the day rang, dropping his pencil on his open textbook with a breath of relief. The brunette was first in his class as far as grades went, but he was probably the most eager to leave at the end of the day. Being good at school didn’t mean he liked it.

He had finally gotten around to packing his school bag and was adjusting it on his shoulder. A shy girl that sat near him during class waved, and though he wanted to just stare at her like she was stupid, he gave a polite wave back earning a squeal from the female, who ran out of the door in a flash. He rolled his eyes at the action and left the classroom.

The boy was used to girls fawning over him. Boys too, actually. He just wasn’t one to fall for people with fickle likes and personalities.

He paused as he came in contact with a hard chest and broad shoulders. Kibum was about to yell at this person for not paying attention, but his eyes met a mature set of brown eyes that stared down at him, “M-Mr. Yoon.”

The older man laughed loudly at his sudden nerves, “Kibum, I’ve told you and all of the other students. I don’t want you to think of me as anything more than a comrade with punishment rights. Call me DooJoon. Remember?”

DooJoon was a strange man. He was actually quite young for a principal, but you could see where dealing with younger kids was starting to age him.

“Right, sorry sir.” He shifted uncomfortably, “I’ll be on my way-“

“Actually, I wanted to ask you a favor. And seeing you now has just reminded me.” He placed his hands on his shoulders, “I’m short on teachers for summer school. I know that you’ll be a senior next year, so in return, if you’re willing to fill in a spot, I would personally write a letter of recommendation to any university you want to take entrance exams at. Also, it’ll look really good on a resume.”

“…” Kibum looked off to the side, “I really don’t know-“

“Come on~ We have some foreign students coming in on top of everything else, and you’re one of two students in this school that can speak English fluently. Please? I’ll pay you and everything~”

“…Fine.” The boy backed away from his teacher’s grip, “I’ll do it.”

“What was I thinking?”
“You were thinking ‘recommendation letter and money’.”

Kibum jumped, eying the elder boy behind him, “Alexander… So he reeled you in too?”
The energetic boy grinned, nodding, “This is going to be great! We haven’t really spoken since I moved out of the old neighborhood. It’s really good to see you again. How’s the family?”

He gave a small smile, remembering that Xander had been his best friend growing up. Though he was a grade ahead of himself and their personalities being painfully opposite, he found the older boy fairly easy to get along with, “They’re good. It has been a while, though.”

“Mm~ I’d love to reminisce, but we’ll be late if we get into it right now.” He ruffled the younger boy’s hair, “Let’s go figure out what we need to be doing.”

“Right.” He followed behind Alexander, only pausing to chain his bike up before entering the school.


And there he stood in front of a class of five people. Five people that if theoretically passed his course, they would more than likely be his classmates next year. And that was just flat out awkward. He scratched the back of his neck, glancing out the window. This is where people skills would come in handy, he supposed.
“The name’s Kim Kibum. Just call me Kibum because formalities are weird.”

He looked over the room again, “So, introduce yourselves.”

The first one stood up. He was a bulky boy, seemly all muscle. Kibum recognized him quickly as the captain of the soccer team. He brushed his sweaty auburn bangs from his eyes, “I’m Shin Soohyun and I’m here because I need two credits before I can pass on to my senior year.”
Kibum nodded and the second boy stood.

He was nervous, you could tell. But Kibum could really only think about how pretty his face was. Was he one of the foreigners he had heard about?
“I’m Kevin… Sorry.” He blushed, quickly realizing his mistake, “I mean I’m Woo Kevin. Ah, my Korean isn’t very good yet, so I’m here to improve that before next year.”

Kibum fought his smile from appearing at the cuteness of the boy’s mistake, “It’s fine. I hope I can help.”
Kevin bowed his head thankfully before sitting.

The next boy that stood looked too young to be there. Kibum cut him off before he could begin, “There’s no way you’re in high school.”

“…Excuse me? Don’t be jealous just because I’m only fifteen and a senior this year. Or are you upset because I’m more appealing than you are to the eyes.”

“….” Kibum frowned, rubbing his temple, “So you skipped a few grades, then?”

“Aww. Did you figure that out all by yourself?” He clapped, before flopping back into his desk, “Name’s Dongho. Mom insisted I come to these stupid summer classes to catch up and get familiar with everything.” He curled a lock of his hair around his index finger, “No point, though. They should just let me pass in general instead of making me go this year.”

The next boy sighed loudly, not even bothering to stand, “AJ. I don’t even know why I’m here.” He moved his body forward and slammed his face in his desk, “I was just trying to avoid them again, and I ended up here.” He looked to Kibum with hope, “I’m not enrolled or anything. May I leave?”

Kibum looked over at his attendance list, “AJ? Hmm. Mr. Yoon has you listed on my roster, though. So, if you don’t stay, you get some sort of punishment next year.”

AJ wailed loudly, face back in his desk.

The last boy stood, waving cutely, “I’m Kiseop. Ah, I was having family trouble towards the end of the year, so I would sleep in class. I passed okay and everything, I’m honestly just looking for anything may have missed in the curriculum that I needed to retain.”

Kibum sighed, looking at the boys before moving to pop his neck, “Well, let’s get started, then.”


The lunch bell sounded and Soohyun let out a cry of relief, moving quickly from the room.

Kibum’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. He wasn’t that bad of a teacher, was he? He sighed as he watched the other student get around to filing out as he propped his head on his right hand.
Dongho was second to leave, a scowl on his youthful face as he passed by Kibum. He knew that one was going to be fun to deal with already.

AJ nervously stood from his seat, looking left and right from the door before actually stepping out. Kibum mused at this for a second. He had mentioned running away from kids earlier. Was he being bullied? Or was he just extremely paranoid? How curious.

Kiseop bowed quickly to Kibum, a small smile on his face, “I’m glad I ended up with you. We had all of our classes together last semester. I’ll catch up for sure with you helping.”
Kibum nodded, giving a polite wave, “I’ll do what I can.”

Finally Kevin moved to his desk. Kibum looked up at him with a raised eyebrow before the younger boy took the initiative to speak, “D-Do you speak English? I’m better at that.”

Kibum clicked his tongue over the roof of his mouth before nodding, “I do.” He cleared his throat, “I’ll try and help you learn Korean as well as I can.”

Kevin’s caramel eyes lit up in instant joy, “This is great! Do you…” He bit down on his bottom lip, “Do you mind if I eat lunch with you? I just… I don’t know anyone yet, and It’d be great to be with someone who knows English.”

Kibum weighed the options in his mind before nodding, motioning for him to pull up a chair. The excited Kevin rushed to grab his bagged lunch and in his frenzy, tripped over the legs of the chair he was dragging. Kibum moved quickly, cushioning the younger boy’s fall, cradling his head so that there was no chance of brain injury from something falling on the foreigner.

Kevin was at a loss for words for a moment, his shaky hands gripping the hems at the shoulders of Kibum’s uniform. The shaking ceased after a few minutes, and Kevin loosened his grip, his face shifting upwards to look at his savior, “I’m so sorry.”

He closed his eyes after sighing, sitting up and letting go of the fragile boy, “Don’t worry about it.” He opened his left eye to glance at the boy who was now sitting between his legs on his knees, face red and eyes avoiding his own, “Are you alright?”

Kevin nodded frantically, “Yes. That was really scary…”

Kibum couldn’t hold back the chuckle that erupted from the depths of his vocal chords. He reached forward and ruffled his hair, “Let’s eat.”

Kevin brightened at the mention of food until he realized that his was currently scattered all over the floor. Kibum sighed with a small smile on his face, “I’ll share mine.”

His eyes lit up once again, “R-Really??”



Soohyun stood, cheering loudly as the test hit his desk, “I GOT A B. I NEVER GET B’S.” He ran around to where Kibum was handing out the last graded exam and picked him up in a hug, spinning the smaller male around, “You are a beautiful, beautiful man, Kim Kibum. I could kiss you.”

Kibum struggled after he said that, but couldn’t remove his arms from the muscle-secured grip around them, “Don’t do that-“ It was too late. Soohyun’s lips were already placing a wet kiss on his cheek, earning a loud gag from the boy in his arms. Once he was finally put down, Kibum began tearing at his cheek with the palm of his hand in an attempt to get the boy’s germs off.

Soohyun’s bottom lip poked out in a pout, “I don’t have cooties, you know.”
Dongho rolled his eyes at the scene, pointing the eraser of his pencil at Kevin, “Kibum just doesn’t want Kevin to see him affectionate with anyone else.”

Kevin’s face lit up, but he quickly raised his hands to his cheeks to play along like he was acting, “K-Kibum. That’s so thoughtful of you.”
Kibum blushed this time, clearing his throat, “I-“

Dongho laughed loudly, “I was just kidding! Wow, you really do have it bad.”
Kibum was opening his mouth to retort, but nothing was coming out. He didn’t! He’d only known Kevin and the rest of them for a little over a week! There was no way he could… Could he?

AJ rolled his eyes, “Yah. Dongho. You should respect people older than you.”
Kiseop nodded, “It’s really no one’s business if Kevin and Kibum like each other.”

Kibum opened his mouth again, but once again nothing was coming out. Kevin’s face was on his desk, hands still covering his cheeks.

Soohyun ruffled Kibum’s hair, “Awww. I’m sorry. I’ll remember not to kiss you in front of your boyfriend anymore.” Kibum moved to swat the bigger boy’s hand away, earning a hearty laugh, “I get it, I get it.”


Kevin waited for the other boys to file out of class. They had been there for a month and a half, and there were only two weeks left until the summer classes were over. They had gotten surprisingly close over the short time.

Soohyun only needed half of a credit to pass, and he was getting there more quickly than anyone expected. He made sure that Kibum knew that he really appreciated it, and even asked permission to seek him for help if he needed it during the year.
Dongho wasn’t as hostile towards everyone, but they had a sneaking suspicion that it was due to the fact that he wanted Soohyun to think he was a good person. The bulky boy promised the younger that he was allowed to hang around him anytime he wanted to during senior year, and Dongho was thrilled.
AJ had told everyone about his bully problem, and as a group they agreed to put a stopper to it, which they did. A boy from Alexander’s class, Eli, had chased them away, making sure that they understood that AJ was not to be tampered with.
Kiseop had finally felt caught up, but was beginning to feel distracted again. This time by a person rather than a problem. But he refused to tell anyone who it was.
Kevin’s Korean had improved leaps and bounds. Involving himself in group conversation and situations was the best thing that could have happened to him.

Finally everyone had left and it was just himself and Kibum, who was humming a tune to himself while flipping through papers that were stacked on his desk.

Kevin could feel his heartbeat quicken as he stood up. Even his ears had begun pulsing. Once he was beside Kibum, he bit his bottom lip. Kibum blinked, looking up at the boy who was beside him, “What’s wrong? Are you-“

The blonde boy leaned forward quickly, placing a kiss on Kibum’s lips. It only had lasted a few seconds before Kevin pulled away and dashed out of the room.

Kibum touched his own lips tenderly. Had that been a daydream? He shook his head, standing to look outside of the door. He looked just in time to see Kevin running around the corner. A smiled tugged at the ends of his lips as he closed the door, touching his lips once again.


It was the last day and everyone had just finished saying their thank you’s and goodbye’s.

Dongho had trailed closely behind Soohyun as he left, “S-Soohyun! Do you want to go out for pizza? Or frozen yogurt? Or anything? I’m free for the rest of the afternoon if you want to… You don’t have to, but-“
Soohyun took Dongho’s hand, “Let’s go play games.”
He melted, a shy smile appearing on his face, “Kay~!”

AJ and Kiseop had left together, Kiseop insisting that AJ needed love advice on how to capture the person who had saved him from his suffering.

Kevin stood, bowing slightly to Kibum, “I guess I’ll see you when school starts, then. It was nice meet-“
Kibum had come forward at some point during his goodbyes and now had his lips on Kevin’s in an affectionate kiss. He pulled away just as Kevin was closing his eyes, shocking the boy awake. Kibum laughed, “Here, give me your phone.”

Kibum put his number into the cellular device, “If you get bored or lonely, give me a call, and I’ll come rushing.” He waved, moving to leave for the remainder of the summer.
He jumped at the sudden vibration in his pocket and opened his phone, “Hello?”

“K-Kibum… I’m lonely.”

Kibum turned around to face Kevin who was holding his phone to his ear and smiled, “Well, let’s go do something then.”

“Alright.” Kevin smiled, closing his phone, rushing forward, “What days are you free?”
“Hmm… Every day if it means being around you.”
Kevin’s face turned a cute pink color, “Oh, then. We have a lot of time to spend together.”
“Seems like it.”

Kibum made a mental note to thank DooJoon when class started up again.


This was written for one of my closest friends AJK1029 aka MY JELLY BEANNNN <3
She is completely and totally Kibum biased, and she likes this pairing a lot xD
I hope she enjoys this because I put a looot of effort into it.


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OH MY GOD. HI GUYS. I'm not dead, I promise. I've just been INSANELY busy. ; A ; I'M BACK THOUGH. I plan to update asap!


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Thanks for taking my suggestion and for writing something that cute !! (and you even included the bad boy Eli <3)
Omo! They stopped! D: I want moorree~ I seriously laughed out loud the whole time I was reading the Dynamite one. And the Giraffe one. Hahaha, Kiseop is my bias (well, tied with Dongho...) and I love him because he's so awkward and adorable! And Cakes and Candles...<br />
<br />
Geh. They're all too awesome to point out. But I liked the Elvin one a lot... It was sad and cute at the same time :3 Those are my favorite types of stories. Besides the ones that are funny just to be funny (aka... CRACK.) like this one! <br />
<br />
And... Not about the chapters anymore... I understand a little of what you're saying... Writing helps me a lot as well. But when I write as therapy, my stories come out depressing O.o But, still. It helps ^^ <br />
<br />
Please, feel better! I know how it feels to be that exhausted. It's not good... So... :) Hope this helped <3 <br />
<br />
Update soon, ne? ♥♥♥
TheAlmightyStarlight #3
Ohmygahhhhh the "Dynamite" one made me laugh SO HARD! <br />
I could actually see Eli doing something like that...<br />
"I am a y beast" <br />
Hahahaha ohhh Lord. <br />
Someone is going to walk into my room and ask me why I'm laughing so hard...<br />
This is great. Really. Hahahaha ^;^ <3 <3
Oh man it stopped....*sad face*<br />
I am looking forward to the penguins vs. giraffes one though...<br />
Just because the giraffe one made me laugh so hard ^.^
Oh my goodness. I just read the giraffe one and literally started rolling on the floor in laughter.. Hahaha Kiseop. He is rather awkward and adorable. The Elvin one was adorable too...gah these are so good!!
Ahaha~ these stories were really hilarious,original, and fluffy at the same time *cough* kemaru *cough* :)
xaverri #7
haha, i thought 'oh , a dinosaur' was funny. and sweet, i mean, about loving derpy friends. there was an actual point to the story, not just some really crazy... weirdness.<br />
<br />
it seems like recently, i know of rather a lot of people who are feeling down. it's great that writing helps you. towards the end of the year, maybe everyone's getting worn out. things are getting pretty damned heavy where i am as well. all the best :)
lol i didn't think it would go that way but i loved it ^^ lol it's so different but good^^
LOL! Kevin is aawesome! Eli, you just couldn't resist! I have to watch that! xDD I laughed hard when I realized where Eli was.
frogfreecupcake #10
@Angelicavin :: thank you n.n<br />
@k-minnie :: xD I hope so O: poor Dongho doesn't deserve to be afraid!<br />
@MBTupan :: >A<;; I used to be afraid of monsters too. That's how my mom helped me feel better LOL thank you :3<br />
<br />
@xaverri :: Yeahhhhh n.n;; I didn't think there was anyone else I could really make the child. The options were Dongho, Kevin and Kiseop LOL. And I kind of just wrote the names down and made my brother pick one xD<br />
>.>;; yeahhhh Kevin's hair is kind of... eh... but, I'll make a better one eventually haha.<br />
THANK YOU~ :D you'll be happy to hear it's going to be Kiseop-centered, then. Because I love his derp. And I love writing derp, if you haven't noticed haha!<br />