
A-B-C [YOU decide]

“Ah… Ah… Ah… ACHOO!”
Soohyun frowned before wiping his nose nonchalantly on his sleeve, earning a shriek from one of several noonas behind the camera.
She stomped to him in anger, swatting his forearm, “I WORKED HARD ON THIS COSTUME AND YOU’RE RUINING IT WITH YOUR… YOUR… YOUR MUCUS.”

The boy defiantly shooed her away, “It’s your own fault for making me do this photo shoot in a botanical garden.” He sniffled again, moving to wipe his nose once again, only to get smacked over the head with a stack of papers. He groaned loudly in pain, turning sharply to look onto his attacker, “Yah! What the heck, Hoon?”

The younger male was patting the rolled papers into his empty and open palm, looking at his friend with some disappointment and concern, “I know you’re not feeling well because of the pollen, and you normally wouldn’t talk to or treat women like you just did, but please contain yourself.”

Soohyun huffed, nostrils flaring in irritation, “Hey now, I’m older than you. You should be doing what I say, not the other way around.” Hoon smacked him over the head with the stack of papers once again, “Yah! That doesn’t feel good!”

“That’s the point.” He pointed the papers at Soohyun, his lips forming a firm, straight line, “I’m going to hit you every time you do something bad.”

“What am I, a dog?” He flinched as Hoon quickly raised the papers again and huffed, “I get it, I get it.”

And so, the shoot resumed, Hoon staying close by just in case his hyung decided to do something rude again.

The director of the shoot ushered Soohyun towards a small shrub that was sprouting beautiful white flowers. He handed one to the boy and instructed him to sit beside the plant and look interested in the flower. And really, that wasn’t hard to do. He actually really liked this one.

He held it up questioningly, “What’s it called?”

Hoon enthusiastically answered from his position, “That’s a Jasmine.”

“…Like the princess in Aladdin?”

The younger boy laughed at his group mate’s perplexed expression, “Yeah, I guess. I wouldn’t have thought of that.” He cleared his throat as the shoot commenced, “The name actually quite literally translates to ‘gift from God’.” He crossed his arms, “They say it symbolizes being attached or friendly towards a person if given one.”

Soohyun wrinkled his nose cutely, “What are you? A walking plant dictionary?”

Hoon huffed back at the older male, “I’m allowed to have hobbies outside of entertainment, aren’t I?”

“Nope.” Soohyun snickered at the dumbfounded expression on his companion’s face before sighing, “You’re so easy.”

The director clapped after a while, thanking the boys for being so cooperative. Thus signaling the end of the shoot.

Soohyun smiled at Hoon with his goofy, toothy grin and handed the boy the Jasmine that was given to him earlier, “Here. I’m attached to you, buddy. So don’t go leaving U-KISS anytime in the near future. Got it?”

Hoon blinked, accepting the flower bashfully, “Got it…”

“So, why did you come here again?”

“Ah!” Hoon snapped his gaze up at the older boy, “That’s right! Uh. The others wanted to meet up after you got done here. Something about a group bonding opportunity.”

Soohyun raised an eyebrow, “Is this so that we can try and prove once again that AJ and Kevin aren’t fighting?”

“Well, they aren’t. But it doesn’t hurt to try and get it out in the public eye, right?”

“Right.” The older boy chuckled, ruffling Hoon’s hair, “Alright, let’s get going then.”


Whooo~! Long time, no see. Nee?

This one was suggested by Jaslijun C:
So, I hope they liked it.

That's all I've got to say xD

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OH MY GOD. HI GUYS. I'm not dead, I promise. I've just been INSANELY busy. ; A ; I'M BACK THOUGH. I plan to update asap!


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Thanks for taking my suggestion and for writing something that cute !! (and you even included the bad boy Eli <3)
Omo! They stopped! D: I want moorree~ I seriously laughed out loud the whole time I was reading the Dynamite one. And the Giraffe one. Hahaha, Kiseop is my bias (well, tied with Dongho...) and I love him because he's so awkward and adorable! And Cakes and Candles...<br />
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Geh. They're all too awesome to point out. But I liked the Elvin one a lot... It was sad and cute at the same time :3 Those are my favorite types of stories. Besides the ones that are funny just to be funny (aka... CRACK.) like this one! <br />
<br />
And... Not about the chapters anymore... I understand a little of what you're saying... Writing helps me a lot as well. But when I write as therapy, my stories come out depressing O.o But, still. It helps ^^ <br />
<br />
Please, feel better! I know how it feels to be that exhausted. It's not good... So... :) Hope this helped <3 <br />
<br />
Update soon, ne? ♥♥♥
TheAlmightyStarlight #3
Ohmygahhhhh the "Dynamite" one made me laugh SO HARD! <br />
I could actually see Eli doing something like that...<br />
"I am a y beast" <br />
Hahahaha ohhh Lord. <br />
Someone is going to walk into my room and ask me why I'm laughing so hard...<br />
This is great. Really. Hahahaha ^;^ <3 <3
Oh man it stopped....*sad face*<br />
I am looking forward to the penguins vs. giraffes one though...<br />
Just because the giraffe one made me laugh so hard ^.^
Oh my goodness. I just read the giraffe one and literally started rolling on the floor in laughter.. Hahaha Kiseop. He is rather awkward and adorable. The Elvin one was adorable too...gah these are so good!!
Ahaha~ these stories were really hilarious,original, and fluffy at the same time *cough* kemaru *cough* :)
xaverri #7
haha, i thought 'oh , a dinosaur' was funny. and sweet, i mean, about loving derpy friends. there was an actual point to the story, not just some really crazy... weirdness.<br />
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it seems like recently, i know of rather a lot of people who are feeling down. it's great that writing helps you. towards the end of the year, maybe everyone's getting worn out. things are getting pretty damned heavy where i am as well. all the best :)
lol i didn't think it would go that way but i loved it ^^ lol it's so different but good^^
LOL! Kevin is aawesome! Eli, you just couldn't resist! I have to watch that! xDD I laughed hard when I realized where Eli was.
frogfreecupcake #10
@Angelicavin :: thank you n.n<br />
@k-minnie :: xD I hope so O: poor Dongho doesn't deserve to be afraid!<br />
@MBTupan :: >A<;; I used to be afraid of monsters too. That's how my mom helped me feel better LOL thank you :3<br />
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@xaverri :: Yeahhhhh n.n;; I didn't think there was anyone else I could really make the child. The options were Dongho, Kevin and Kiseop LOL. And I kind of just wrote the names down and made my brother pick one xD<br />
>.>;; yeahhhh Kevin's hair is kind of... eh... but, I'll make a better one eventually haha.<br />
THANK YOU~ :D you'll be happy to hear it's going to be Kiseop-centered, then. Because I love his derp. And I love writing derp, if you haven't noticed haha!<br />