The Truth

The Way We Are



Jiyong kept pressing the door bell since 10 minutes ago, but still, there was no answer.

“Is she still sleeping?” he murmured. Of course he forgot his friend’s waking-up-after-9-am habit. He pressed her number and called her then. But all he could hear was just the boring dial tone without Dara’s voice.

Feeling okay to just enter without permission, he pressed some combination of numbers on the security door lock. Within a second, it opened. This wasn’t the first time he sneaked into Dara’s apartment without permission.

“Dara?” Jiyong called inside the silence apartment. He immediately walked into the bedroom and heard a soft snore.

“She even forgot to change...” he chuckled in amusement, looking at sleeping Dara, then he took a glance at the bedside. There were her cell phone, her purse, an Instax and some polaroid films. He remembered last night she brought her Instax. Actually he knew that she always brings that white colored thing everywhere. That’s why her room’s wall is full of polaroid films with various moment in each of them. She loves to capture things by it, not just because it is easy and instant to use, but it’s actually a birthday present from Jiyong 2 years ago, which she thinks one of the most amazing presents that was ever given by anyone.

Jiyong collected the scattered polaroid films and scanned them all one by one. A smile appeared on his lips, seeing Dara’s beaming and joyful expression in every photo. Dara with Bommie, Dara with her classmates, Dara with Tiffany (wow) and... his eyes stopped at a photo where Dara posed with a guy who had a conversation and danced with her all night long. She stood beside the guy and looked awkward, but from her face everybody would know that she was very happy.

The guy was Dongwook.

“Ji...?” Dara’s hoarse voice greeted him. He practically jumped.

“Oh, hi Dara,” Jiyong replied her, then placing all the polaroid films on the table.

Dara rubbed her eyes, then she got up from her laying position. “What are you doing? Why don’t you wake me up...”

“Duh, I’ve pressed the bell for about more than 50 times and you have to check the misscalls,” he sat down on the bedside.

Dara her hair and grinned. “Sorry to hear that,” then she stared down at herself, “omg, I even haven’t changed my dress. Do I look like ?”

“You better wash yourself if you don’t wanna be like one, I’ll wait here.”

“Sounds good,” she moved out of her bed then walked to the bathroom. While she was taking a shower, Jiyong took a look at the polaroid films again. But he just held the one with Dara and Dongwook in it. He scowled while gazing at the photo and his thoughts kept wondering.

What’s up with two of them?

Suddenly, he heard Dara’s cell phone was ringing.

“Ji, is that my cell phone? Don’t do anything with it, I’ll open the text after showering.” she shouted from the bathroom.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” he replied, but his eyes peeped in the screen. There was a name on it. Dongwook Oppa.

What now, exchanging numbers and texting?

Jiyong still tried to guess the matter between his pal and Dongwook. He actually smelled something a day before the party, when he saw both of them talked in the sport hall. He sensed something suspicious, but what?

“Ta-daaah! I’m clean and fresh now~!” Dara opened the door, wearing her favorite oversized white t-shirt with a towel coiling up on her hair. “It’s a text from who?”

Jiyong just shrugged and handed the phone. He could only frown, staring at Dara who giggled like an idiot after reading the text.

“Are you okay?” he asked worrily.

“Yeah, I am,” she sang happily, “You wanna have breakfast with me? I’m starving.”

“Sure,” he agreed, remembering that he forgot to eat before he left to Dara’s apartment.

“Plus, I wanna tell you something. It’s more like... sharing some thoughts.” she said before she left the room, leaving Jiyong with questions.


“I have a crush,” Dara spilled out while spreading Nutella over a loaf of bread.

“You have what?!” Jiyong bursted.

“Crush. You know, a guy that I like, I admire,” she clarified.

“So... who’s that guy?” he poured the milk into the glass and was about to sip it.

“It’s our senior. Choi Dongwook.”

Jiyong almost spurted out the milk that he drank up after Dara mentioned the name. It wasn’t because of shocked, but it means that his guessing these times were right.

Suddenly his mind went back to when they met for the first time at the sport hall.

And the last night party. It was all totally obvious. The laughter. The long conversation. The dance. The photo. The way she looks at him. The way she responds him. The way she smiles. Totally obvious.

He was so sure he’s an expert in reading girls’ mind, learning from his experiences. But why can’t he figure it out before?

He unconsciously clenched his grip on the glass. He felt uneasy. He finally knew the truth and the reason why Dara changed, but it just made him more disconcerted.

No, it' wasn't because Dara hid it all from him, but...

“Ji? Are you listening?”

“Huh? What? Yeah, I am. But I thought you just met him two days ago... how could you decide him as your crush as soon as that?”

“No, actually... I’ve been liking him since 6 months ago.” Dara diverted her eyes, afraid if he became mad because she didn’t tell him at the first place.

He sighed, “Dara, you should’ve told me before. Why did you just say it to me now?”

“I... I was just... thinking that this is an embarassing thing to admit...”

“Come on,” he chuckled, “I always tell you if I want to chase after girls or if I’m interested in one... and it doesn’t sound embarassing for me. I always tell you everything.”

“Yeah, you always do...”

“Then why you don’t?”

Dara knew that he was a little bit—or really—disappointed. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to.” he put a smile, but after a second, the smile disappeared. “Wait... correct me if I’m wrong, but did you come to the party only to see him?”

“No, I’m actually just...”

He pouted, “You hurt me. So, going to beach with me isn’t fun anymore because of him, huh...”

“Jiyong-ah...” Dara got up and pulled his t-shirt. “Mianhae...! I’m really really really really sorry...”

“I can’t talk to you. You break my heart.”

“Don’t be like that!” she kneeled down beside him and clasped his hands. “Please, please, please forgive meee.... You’re still my super best friend! No one can replace your position in here.” she then pointed at her chest with a begging smile. “Don’t be mad, please...?”

Jiyong gave nothing but just an ignorance. Actually, seeing Dara's face when she was startled is a very cute thing and almost forced him to laugh, but he kept it cool. He glanced at her, then he placed his palm on her hair, it. “Alright, alright. I accept your apologize, but only with one condition.”

Dara’s face became so shiny. “Really? Okay, I’ll do everything to you. Just tell me what you want, I promise I can do it!”

“Go to beach with me. Right now. It's for replacing our schedule yesterday, so we can go today.”

Suddenly, her bright expression dimmed out. “Dongwook oppa just texted me and asked me to go out today...”

He rolled up his eyes, then he let out another favor, “Then I’m going with you. With both of you, to be clear.”

She freaked out, “Mwo!? But this is...”

“What? I thought that you want to do anything for me. Letting me go to your first date with this so-called senior isn’t a big problem, right?”

“But I never follow you when you have a date with your girls!” she protested, “Besides, this is not a date!”

“No complaining,” he placed his point fingers at Dara’s lips. “Now go change your clothes and we drive out of here immediately. You don’t want to make hyung wait for too long, right?”



Guys, let me tell you that May is the most exhausting, complicating, yet fastest month in this year. I got sooooooooo many homework, group-working assignments, extra-curricular activities, and they torture me almost everyday. Because of my clumsiness, I got flu. So, today I'm not going to school T_T

That's why I also didn't update the chapter fast.... I have a very tight schedule -_- Thankfully, next week we finally can rid 'em off and face the final exam and at last but not least.... go to Bali for the school trip with my friends! What a big yay! xD

I'm really sorry if I can't update fast and maybe I'll be gone for a while because I'm going to fight for my final exam. Wish me luck! ^^

btw thanks for my lovely readers and subscribers, without you guys, I have no strength to update the chapters :D

See ya!

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daramaegon #1
daramaegon #2
Chapter 5: wahhhhhhhh! i can sense jealous dragon over his bff,,kkk,,how i wish ji look at dara as a woman aside from being bestfriend, im so excited on d party they're going to attend,it would make their jaw drop seeing a goddess dara on that party im sure for that right authornim? lol! im dying that would happen so pls update us soon,thanks:)
luilu88 #3
Chapter 4: Make Jiyong.fall in love to dara first... ;)