Don't Wake Me Up If This Was a Dream

The Way We Are



► Crazier by Taylor Swift


DARA’S POV (a moment after Jiyong arrived at the party)

Take a deep breath...

Inhale, exhale.

“Are you ready?” Bom whispered in excitement.

“Ready as always.” I replied with no hesitate.

After ‘preparing’ myself in front of Tiffany’s house, Bom and I opened the door and entered the crowded venue. Suddenly, my confidence disappeared.

I’ve imagined that Tiffany’s birthday party would be an ordinary birthday party. I mean, my ideal birthday party vision is like we’re all gathered in a big room, singing ‘Happy Birthday’ together, then they’ll takeout the super big birthday cake with several candles on it and phooo... the birthday girl or boy will blow it. Of course after that we eat the cake and there will be some mini-games for the attendees.

Well... you see, the last time I came to my friend’s birthday party is when I was 10 years old.

And my vision about that superb birthday party was falling into pieces.

Because all I could see inside Tiffany’s house were soooooooooo out of my mind. This large living room was magically transformed into a mini night club. The lights were dimmed out, and a big silver disco-ball was the only source of glow. A lot of people were dancing on the floor, accompanied by loud musics from DJ’s spinning table. Some were just hanging at the bar and drinking... omg, am I really in a 17th birthday party? It was like a 25th birthday party for me.

I felt tension in my nerve. I was drowning in my thoughts. I walked lousily and was about to lose my balance. This is more horrible than I expected. I told you I wouldn’t go here and I’d rather making a beach party with Jiyong!

“Bommie, I can’t do this.” I was about to puke after begging to go home immediately. Bommie clicked her tongue then pulled my arms.

“You can do this, Dara. Don’t act like a tacky countryside girl. See that? They’re your friends.” Bommie spoke in a loud voice and her finger pointed to some girls and boys over there. Oh, she was right. This wasn’t an outlandish place where I know nobody here and can’t come back home anymore.

I’m sure I can do this!

And, yeah, I fortunately can do it (yay!).

After greeting my friends there, I met the birthday girl to say “happy sweet sweet 17th birthday” in the middle of the venue. My eyes literally widened, seeing Tiffany in such a glamorous white dress. I’m pretty sure it was made by an infamous designer and costs more than my monthly apartment fee. She was the most dazzling and shimmering girl in the room. But... looking at her appearance forced me to be sure that this is a 25th birthday party, because this dazzling and shimmering girl seemed 8 years older than her age. Lol.

Overall, the party was going on well. Capturing moments with the camera, chatting with some of my buddies, and (the craziest thing I’ve ever done omoooo) doing y dance with Bommie are several things I did there. That wasn’t bad at all.

Until... the one that I’ve been waiting for, is finally coming.

“Hey, we meet again!”

At the bar, I was mesmerized when I turned my face to that voice. He was wearing a navy blue shirt and khaki pants. So casual, and... soooo charming. Eww I sounded corny because I didn’t know the perfect words to describe him.

“Umm, is it OK if I join you, girls?” Dongwook oppa asked.

“Sure, why not?” Bommie was the one who replied him. She flashed a slight smirk to me. Aigoo, Bommie!

If I have to tell you when was the happiest time of my life, then I’ll say that I’m sure I’m having the happiest moment in my life tonight.

I thought that our meeting yesterday at the sport hall were just like that, I mean, there won’t be another important stuff happened. We just knew each other and talked a little, and I found out that Dongwook oppa is so kind. Being close to him maybe can make my heart thumps uncontrollably. Talking to him for the first time was a great moment that I don’t want to lose. So, I thought our conversation was just going to end up like that yesterday...

...but see what’s just going on tonight!

I was so dumbfounded when he sat at the bar and talked to me again. Like, I was so hysterically surprised inside that he still remembers me! And the atmosphere was getting better when Bommie excused herself to the restroom (sorry, Bommie, but thanks!). Before she left, she whispered something that made me giggled,

“You’re damn lucky, darling. Fighting!”

I have no idea and I never figured it before that the most popular guy, the most adorable guy, and my ultimate number one crush greets me first. Being so lucky tonight, it feels like I’m going to fly to the moon and never coming back.

“You wanna drink something, Dara?” he suddenly asked me.

“Eh? Okay...”

Oh. My. God. And he still remembers my name.

A moment later, Dongwook oppa handed me a glass of juice. It tasted good, but then I asked a stupid question.

“This isn’t alcohol... right?”

He let out a light chuckle, “We’re still under age, of course I won’t let myself and you drink that stuff.”

“Sorry, I don’t really know that.” I awkwardly drank up the juice.

“Really? You’re like you've just come to a party for the first time.”

I gulped, “Actually... yeah, I am.”

He raised his eyebrows, “I didn’t misheard anything, right?”

“No, sunbae-nim. I know this is embarassing.”

“Your appearance is fine enough for a newbie at a party, you know? And that y dance, I’ll give two thumbs up.”

What...? Did he see me when I did something humiliating with Bommie a moment ago? “You saw it?” I practically covered up my face. “Omo... I can’t talk to you anymore.”

“No, no. It’s good. I could see that you’re a great dancer. So I thought that you often came to parties like this.”

“It’s just a dance that I usually do with my friend when we’re alone at the apartment. You know, just for fun.”

Then both of us laughed together.

“Well, then. Tell me about your experience at your first time partying.” Dongwook oppa put his chin on her palm.

“Hmm... Fun?”

“I’d like to hear more than that.”

“Errr... honestly, at first I didn’t feel easy because... there are so many people here.”

I thought he was going to laugh at me again, but then his eyes was like concerned about me, “Relax, Dara. If you can’t be easy with crowds, you can just stay and sit here.” he pointed himself, “I will be glad to accompany you.”

I smiled, “Gomawo, sunbae-nim.”

“Oh, and stop calling me sunbae-nim. Too formal. It’s OK if you want to call me Dongwook or oppa, choose one that fits in you.”

Well, since I still have a good attitude (haha) and I can’t call someone older than me only by their name, I replied, “Okay, oppa.”

We could talk for hours. It’s funny because I once found myself not able to be comfortable with new people, but with Dongwook oppa, I was able to find a point of ease in myself.

I couldn’t hold my happiness more when he asked me to go to the dance floor. I admit that I’m bad at dancing, I just prayed I wouldn’t step on Dongwook oppa’s feet. But as the music played along the venue, his hand grabbed mine, and I suddenly couldn’t feel anything when our distance were gone, replaced by a silence closeness. I’m afraid that my eyes just were too focused over him for too long. The world around me were like slowly fading away, and it was only him in my very sight.

Those cheesy lyrics of Taylor's song were repeated again and again in my ears.


Your lift my feet off the ground

and spin me around

You make me crazier, crazier

Feels like I'm falling and I,

I'm lost in your eyes

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier...


Oh, God. He just completely stole my heart. I’m dying now. Let me die in peace now. It will be such a good way to die in his arms.

Or if this was a dream, please don't wake me up.



 “Dara, you’re sure that you aren’t drunk, huh?” Bom’s voice sounded so worried while she was driving on the way to Dara apartment.

“Eh? No, Bommie. I’m good. Really really good. Ehehehehehe.”

“You scare the hell out of me. You keep smiling like that after we left the venue about thirty minutes ago!” but then she paused, and she was like smelling something. “Aha! Of course I know why you become like this! Something more intoxicating than alcohol made you’re trapped in hangover. Now, tell me how your first dance goes on with your honey bunny sweety Dongwook oppa!”

“He is not my honey bunny sweety, Bommie! But he’s my soon-to-be-more-than-honey-bunny-sweety... kekekeke.” Dara laughed out loud,

“Gosh, is my ssantokki really okay? Let me check your temperature.” Bom placed her palm on Dara’s forehead.

“You have to know the way his eyes look into mine, Bommie... How cute he is when he talks... How sweet the scent of his perfume is...”

Bom shook her head and grinned, seeing her friend is madly in love, “Okay, okay, now you have to walk back to your apartment. We already arrive here. Or maybe you need me to help you walk? Because you’re so ‘drunk’, Dara.”


Dara jumped her body on the bed and let out a sigh. Before she took off her clothes, she checked her cellphone that was ringing 10 minutes ago.

It was a message from Jiyong. Maybe a reply for her selca. She took a glance at the clock, and it was 00.30 am.

“Why did he take so long to reply?” Dara muttered, then she opened the message.


Yeah, poor me... ;_; will you dress like that later when we go out together? :p Sorry I just replied, now I’m awake and can’t sleep again. Were you having fun? Don’t forget to tell me about the party, I’d like to hear everything ^^


Dara giggled, then she talked to herself, “Jiyong is so cute. But, sorry Jiyong, I’ll reply you tomorrow because I’m sooooo exhausted right now.”

Suddenly, a thought to tell Jiyong about Dongwook flashed on her head.

Maybe it’s okay if she confesses it to him. Jiyong is trusted for her, by the way. Also, Dara started to think in other ways. She’s sure that if she shares it with boys, they’ll give her a good solution from their point of view. And why does she have to feel shy? It’s Jiyong, after all. He’s her very best friend, and one of the most important things of having a best friend is sharing everything you feel, right?

Talking about Dongwook, Dara felt a little bit sad because he didn’t text her after the party. Before Dara left the venue, they exchanged their numbers.

“If he’s into you, he’ll text you to go out with him later. Just wait for it!” Bom said a while back.

“Should I text him first? Oh, no, stupid Dara. Girls can’t move first.” Dara shook her head in confusion. “Maybe he’ll text me tomorrow...”

Then she lied her head on the pillow and slowly closed her eyes. A moment later, she already flew to her own dreamland, forgetting to change her clothes and remove her make up.



so, how is it? ^^

Taylor Swift's songs are my favorite, but I think "Crazier" is the best one to play for slow dancing.

btw thanks for subscribing and the comments, I can't stop saying thank you so much, I do really appreciate it all.

see you in the next chapter ;)

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daramaegon #1
daramaegon #2
Chapter 5: wahhhhhhhh! i can sense jealous dragon over his bff,,kkk,,how i wish ji look at dara as a woman aside from being bestfriend, im so excited on d party they're going to attend,it would make their jaw drop seeing a goddess dara on that party im sure for that right authornim? lol! im dying that would happen so pls update us soon,thanks:)
luilu88 #3
Chapter 4: Make Jiyong.fall in love to dara first... ;)