The Reason

The Way We Are



“Hey, Ji...”

Jiyong threw his face away, while Dara called his name and tailed him.

“Jiyooong, don’t do this to me...” Dara begged. Since this morning, Jiyong seemed like avoiding her and it made her felt guilty. Maybe it was because what she did yesterday.

“Ji, I’m sorry, I know I made you unpleased yesterday, but... we can go to the beach later, right? I really can’t say no to Tiffany...”


Dara kept chasing Jiyong’s back as he walked away, making his way to the cafetaria.

Jiyong actually didn’t want to be mad at Dara. But everytime he remembered that she prefered going to Tiffany’s birthday than going to beach together with him, he couldn’t hide his disappointment. Dara never refused if he asked, or canceled everytime they have to go somewhere together.

Going to beach on Friday is actually their ‘schedule’ to do every month. Yeah, another weird ritual aside from watching movies every Saturday night. Usually, they’ll go to a beach near to Jiyong’s house and have fun there. Their favorite is the sound of sea waves. They said, there’s nothing sweeter and more melodious than that in this world. Even their favorite songs can’t be compared with it. And after spending time there for about 2 or 3 hours, they’ll eat ice cream at Jiyong’s house.

They did the ‘ritual’ since 2 years ago, and every moment of every month is so precious for both of them.

That’s why Jiyong was so frustrated. He knew it was childish, but is it wrong that you’re mad because your best friend canceled your plan to go out together? And she chose to go to a birthday party of a girl that she actually dislikes so much?


Although they were fighting, they couldn’t be separated, even when they were having lunch at cafetaria. Jiyong sat in front of Dara’s chair, like usual. Both of them didn’t talk at all, just enjoying their own meal.

Until one of them finally spoke up to break the ice,

“I just can’t be like this, Dara.”

Dara let out a relief sigh, “Me, too.”

“I’m sorry for being childish.”

“And I’m sorry because...” Dara paused, then gave a little smile, “I was so selfish.”

“No, it’s because you don’t want to go out with me anymore.” Jiyong pouted.

“What? Nooo, of course I like being with you. It’s just so rude if I decided to not come to that party, she already invited me...” Dara kept lying, actually. She still couldn’t say the reason why she really wanted to come. If she tells Jiyong that she just want to see her crush, it surely will make him getting crazier (and knowing the fact that Dara finally found her first love).

“You want to know something?” he interrupted.

“What is it?”

“Tiffany invited me too, even she came to me by herself. But I refused her.”

Dara’s eyebrow lifted up, “WHAT!? When? How? And... why?”

And there Jiyong went. He explained how Tiffany walked approaching him, alone, and said that she really expected him to come.

“But, yeah, I remembered that I got something more important with my friend than wasting my time at the party, so I said no.” Jiyong finished, and a little smirk curved his lips.

Dara was so serious while listening to Jiyong’s explaination, then her face looked regret. “Ji... How could you refuse her? Being invited by Tiffany herself is like getting a miracle for every boy in this world! I even was invited because we were in the same class at 10th grade.”

Jiyong scoffed, “Coming to those kind of parties isn’t a new thing for me.”

Dara blinked for a second, then she rolled her eyes. She actually knew that. Not to mention, but Jiyong’s friends are not just from this school, they are also some cool—like, rich and oh-so-called famous people—from other communities. That’s why he can easily get special pass for the A-list events in Seoul. Well, thanks for his awesome popularity and reputation.

Honestly, Dara wasn’t really that excited to come. She doesn’t give any damn whose party it is. She never really likes Tiffany, for sure, including her clique. Yup, a clique that includes the pretty, y, fashionable, rich, and famous girls, with Tiffany as their ‘Your Highness’. Everytime they walk down the school’s hallway, all eyes are into them. We can say that they are the trend-setter and role models for all of the girls in this school. Like, the way they dress up, talk, act, even blink *sigh* maybe can be a new hip.

Dara is not that kind of girl. She never follows what her girl friends do.

Being honest again, this clique is like as a bunch of idiot, lame, and retarded es in her eyes. For example, Jiyeon, one of the members that also Dara’s classmate. She’s the girl that always brings her make-up kit on her desk and all she does in Math class is asking what’s the difference between algebra and Al Qaeda. Palm face.

Even the leader is just the same. From Bommie’s story, Tiffany is not the captain of the cheers team (Jessica is the captain, as you can find out from the first chapter), but she never stops acting bossy, despite the fact that she had just joined about 2 months ago. It actually irritates some girls, including Bom. And also, there’s a gossip spreading around that Tiffany successfully... failed on her last exam, then her parents had to pay some amount of money for school, so she could get good grades on her report card.

Oh my God. Dara can’t even find it out how the boys still find them as attractive girls.

She thanks God because Jiyong is not that type of guy who loves dumb girls.

“I prefer a girl who is intelligent, wise, clever, and always has interesting topic to talk about, so I won’t be bored. Basically, inner beauty is the most important, though appearance always comes first,” that was what Jiyong always said. He’s a high quality playboy (?) in Dara’s opinion.

Well, back to their conversation at cafetaria.

 “Okay, okay. But... why didn’t you tell me from the start? If I could make it, I would not come to her party too. Ji, I’ve bought the dress and a new pair of shoes! Hey, I got an idea. Why don’t we come together? You know, I actually feel nervous... this will be the first time for me to attend a party like that. It’ll be good if you can come with me.”

“I’m not interested. You can go there with the girls, don’t you? I see that you’re having new friends now. So I think you don’t really need me.”

Dara pouted. She could hear a sarcasm tone in Jiyong’s voice. Okay, he’s still mad at me.

“I just want to know, why you really wanna come? Despite from the reason that Tiffany invited you or whatsoever.” Jiyong tilted his head, “I know you’re not that type of girl who is a party animal.”

Dara gulped. Is it the right time to be honest? She just wanted to see Dongwook, and she had this hope that he will notice her.

But she thought that’s not a good reason to be known by Jiyong. “I’m just... curious.”


“Yeah, this will be my very first time to have fun like other people do. I just want to know how it feels like, you know? Meeting my friends, enjoying upbeat musics, dancing, drinking, and... well, hooking up with cool guys.”

He frowned, “Those things... don’t sound like you, Dara.”

“I know. I love trying new things, you know?”

“Well, then. In another time, you can come with me if I go to the club. Like what I usually do on Friday nights.”

“What? No!” Dara spontaneously exclaimed.

“Why? I thought you like trying new things?”

“Umm... can we just finish our lunch? The bell’s going to ring, by the way.” Dara seemed managing herself to not care and continued eating.

"You're being weird, Dara."

"Huh? No, I'm not."

Yes, you are. Jiyong kept mumbling in his own mind.

She was like avoiding Jiyong's questions.


Jiyong couldn’t stop thinking about that, until he finally arrived home after school.

He always knew Dara is a different girl—or people will call her ‘weird’. She literally never comes to a party before. She ever said that she doesn’t like a crowded place, filled with people she never met before. She actually hates strangers, she can’t ever be herself between them.

And, “love trying new things”? He could smell something strange in that words.

He really was sure that Dara hid something. But, what?

He started to assume that Dara has an ‘ulterior motive’ and it’s the exact answer why she really want to come there. He needs to know what’s up with the party. That means... he has to go there by himself.

Jiyong took his cell phone from his bed and quickly dialled a number. Some seconds later, he talked to a girl’s voice.

“Hey, it’s me. So, is your invitation still valid? ...yeah, sure, I’ll go. Can I bring my friends, too? ...okay, great. I’ll see ya around.”



Jiyong-ah is such a protective best friend, huh... Or just overly curious?

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daramaegon #1
daramaegon #2
Chapter 5: wahhhhhhhh! i can sense jealous dragon over his bff,,kkk,,how i wish ji look at dara as a woman aside from being bestfriend, im so excited on d party they're going to attend,it would make their jaw drop seeing a goddess dara on that party im sure for that right authornim? lol! im dying that would happen so pls update us soon,thanks:)
luilu88 #3
Chapter 4: Make Jiyong.fall in love to dara first... ;)