Introductions to EXO

Beautiful Lie.

A/N: GUYS!! Sorry, I forgot to mention that they are all in college, even Kai and Sehun (they have a separate class, since they're younger). Soooo if it gets confusing that they're above 20 and you think they're still in high school... They're not. SORRY FOR CONFUSING YOU GUYS! D: and also, Minji is 20. I forgot to include that. OTL forgive me.


You woke up in a familiar room; Chen's room. You felt sore and tired, and there were bandaids all over your body. Ointments and a first aid kit were next to the bed. *He must've been really worried...* Suddenly the door creaked open. It was the tall blonde boy. "Oh hey, I guess you're awake. Chen's in the kitchen worried sick. Are you alright?" he asked you, with a bit of worry in his own eyes.

"I'm a bit better now thanks... Uh... What is your name?" you asked him, with a confused and embarrassed look on your face.

"OH, so rude of me. My name is Kris from the new boy band EXO. I'm the leader of one of the sub groups, EXO-M. But more of that later. You okay to come down and eat with all of us?" he asked, helping you up off the bed. You suddenly realised that your clothes were different. You were wearing one of Chen's oversized shirts. It was like a dress on you!

"Yes... But, uh... Who changed my clothes..?" you asked Kris with a surprised face. He laughed and helped you walk towards the door. "Don't worry, we're not that erted. Chen's mother helped change your clothes." he said with a reassuring smile on his face.

You smilied, happy that they were actually gentlemen. You and Kris walked towards the kitchen and smelt something delicious.

"Oh wow, what is cooking? It smells amazing." you said with a grin on your face.

Kris laughed at how you reacted. "Oh it will be delicious, if Kyungsoo is cooking."

"Who?" you said, with another confused look on your face.

"Don't worry, you'll meet all of us once you get into the kitchen." Kris smiled.

You both continued walking slowly, due to your injuries, towards the kitchen. Once Kris opened the door, you saw 11 boys there sitting at a table set for 13. There was soup on the table, and it smelt delicious!

"MINJI!! You're finally awake!" Chen screamed and ran over, enveloping you in a hug.

"Ch-" you gasped.

"Hyung! You're choking noona!!" another tall blonde boy said. He had the personality of a child.

"Oh gosh, sorry Minji. I- I was just so worried. Are you okay? Do you need help?" Chen fussed over everything.

"Chen, calm down. She hasn't even met the others yet." Kris tried to calm Chen down.

"Ah... Yeah... I'm overreacting, aren't I?" Chen said, scratching the back of his head embarrassed.

"A bit, yes... But that's sweet. At least I know you care about me." you told Chen, smiling sweetly at him, despite the pain you were in.

"Of course I do Minji. You're the most important person in my life, other than my family." Chen said chuckling.

"Can we get onto the introductions guys? I wanna eat!" you said, showing everyone that you were starving.

"Okay, okay, calm down Minji." Chen laughed. "This is Kim Junmyeon. His stage name is Suho and he is the leader and lead vocalist of the sub group EXO-K, K standing for Korean. He's also known for being the "Grandpa" of the group. He cares for all of us."

"Nice to meet you Minji. Any friend of any member is a friend of all of ours." Suho said, smiling a cute little smile at you and giving you a welcome hug as if to say 'Welcome to this friendship group.'

"Nice to meet you too Suho. The same for me. Any friend of Chen's is a friend of mine." you said, grinning.

Kris smiled and said jokingly, "Wow, bonding already?" then laughed. "The next person you can meet is Byun Baekhyun. He is also from EXO-K and he is one of the main vocalists in the group. You've gotta hear him sing one day."

"It's great to meet you Minji. You're so cute. Chen is so lucky..." Baekhyun tells you slowly fading his voice and giving you a soft hug, scared that he would hurt you.

"Great to meet you too. Uh... What did you say..?" you ask him, blushing.

"NOTHING, nothing at all..." he tells you, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"NEXT, this is Park Chanyeol. The main rapper, and also vocalist, of EXO-K. He also has a nickname; The Happy Virus. Can you guess why?"

"AYO WHADDUP MINJI!! It's great to meet you." Chanyeol greeted you with a huge smile on his face, showing his beautiful straight teeth, and a huge hug as well.

"Uh, wassup..? Nice to meet you." you said, giggling at how happy Chanyeol could be, and at how contagious his smile was.

Kris laughs along as well. "You see why, eh? Haha, the next person is Do Kyungsoo, the amazing cook I was talking about. His stage name is D.O, from his last name, you get it?" He sniggered at his joke, but stopped when he realised it wasn't even funny. "Fine. He is another main vocalist for EXO-K and is the mother of the group. He can cook, clean, and looks after us like any 'mother' would."

"It's great to meet you. I hope you enjoy the food I made you. Get well soon?" D.O said, giving you a friendly hug.

"It's nice to meet you too. Thank you. I will eat well." you told him, smiling at his kindness.

"That's good to hear." he says, smiling at you with his contagious smile.

"Wow, now even I'm getting hungry, so let's keep going. This is Kim Jongin, stage name Kai, main dancer, vocalist, lead rapper AND face of EXO-K. He's a bit of a player as well" Kris tells you, winking.

"YA! I'm not that much of a player, and I would never do that to Chen hyung. This is his girl. Nice to meet you by the way Minji, or should I say, noona." he greets you with a cheeky, yet cute, smile and a hug.

"Well thank you Kai. How old are you? I'm 20." you tell him.

"I only turned 19 this year. So noona it is!" he says smiling.

"Haha cheeky. Next is the maknae of EXO-K and all of EXO. Oh Sehun, lead dancer, rapper, and sub-vocalist."

"Wah noona, up close you're even MORE pretty! It's a pleasure to meet you!" he says, hugging you tightly and giving a cute baby smile.

"Aww really? Noona says thank you Sehun, it's nice to meet you too!" you say, ruffling his hair.

"And that is all of EXO-K. ONTO EXO-M. My group." Kris said with a proud smile.

"There's me. Wu Yifan. Or as people call me by my stage name, Kris. EXO-M is a sub group that promotes in China, and the M stands for Mandarin. I am leader, main rapper and sub-vocalist. AND I can speak English. Just saying." he says, chuckling, then pokes his tongue out at you.

"It's nice to meet you Minji. Please don't be formal to us. We are your friends." he tells you, giving you a hug and a welcoming smile.

"It's great to meet you too, and, okay, I'll try not to be so formal. It's a habit." you say, smiling your sweet smile at him.

"Next is our very own Zhang YiXing, stage name Lay. He is EXO-M's main dancer, and vocalist."

"It's nice to meet you Minji. I hope we all become close friends." he smiles at you and hugs you.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too, and I hope that is true as well." you tell him, smiling back at him.

"And Chen is quite lucky. To tell you the truth, he talks a lot about you" he whispers to you.

"Wait, what? He talks about me?" you give Chen a look.

"Yep, all the time. I'm one of his dorm members. Kris is the other. And he talks a lot about you. We know. He even talks about you in his sleep." he tells you, giggling.

You blush a bright red, and continue listening to Kris with the introductions.

"Next, is our second oldest member of EXO-M and all of EXO... Luhan! He is our lead vocalist, lead dancer and face of EXO-M."

"Hiiiiiiiii! It's very nice to meet you! I know I may not look like it, but believe it, I'm the second oldest of the group!" he giggles and gives you a friendly hug.

"It's nice to meet you too, and I thought that you would've been the youngest." you giggled as well.

"Continuing on, is the oldest of EXO-M and all of EXO, Kim MinSeok, stage name Xiumin. His nickname is Baozi, and I think you can see why. He is also lead vocalist and lead dancer of the group."

"Hello! Nice to meet you!! You can call me Baozi if you want. It's my nickname." he smiled at you and gave you a little hug, scared that he would squish you.

"It's very nice to meet you Xiu- I mean Baozi." you tell him, smiling.

"Second to last, is our Huang ZiTao, stage name Tao. He is nicknamed Panda because of his eye bags, and because he is a wushu master, like in that movie Kung Fu Panda." Kris laughed. "He is lead rapper, vocalist, and maknae of EXO-M"

"Hey. Nice to meet you Minji." he says in a cool tone, but you can see he wants to act like a kid.

"It is nice to meet you too maknae." you smiled at him. He didn't give you a hug.

However, Tao suddenly burst, "Wah, you're so pretty!! Noona, am I cute?" he asks, doing aegyo to you.

"Buing buing!!" he says.

"AWWWWWWW such a cutie!! You are definitely VERY cute!" you say, ruffling his hair and pinching his cheeks.

"NOONA!! I can do aegyo as well!" Sehun screams. "NOONA!! ME TOO!!" Kai yells.

"Buing buing buing buing buing" all 3 of them scream, trying to win your attention.

"HEY! You 3 stop it right now. Or there will be punishment...." Kris says. The 3 instantly go quiet.

"The last member of EXO-M is your own, Kim Jongdae, stage name Chen. He is the main vocalist of EXO-M and he is awesome at it I gotta say." Kris says, smiling.

"Yeah... you already know me. But I want to give you a hug anyway!" Chen says, giving you a big hug.

"Wah, Chen oppa calm down! I'm still injured." you winced.

"Oops. Sorry Minji. Got carried away." he says, embarrassed.

"And that is all of EXO-M. Together, EXO-K and EXO-M are EXO!"

"Whoo. Now that the introductions are done..." Kris says. "Let's EAT!!" he shouts.

Everyone took a seat, you sat next to Chen and Lay, and everyone started eating. The food was delicious, and you thanked D.O for it. When you were all done, EXO had to go. You said goodbyes, and they left.

"So, Minji. Do you want to sleep over? I wouldn't mind, and I don't want you to get hurt. I want to protect you." Chen says to you.

You sigh, "I would love that Chen oppa, but where am I going to sleep?"

"Don't worry. You're sleeping in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." he says.

"You sure?" you show a concerned face.

"Of course. I want my best friend to have the best of everything." he says, giving you a hug.



A/N: Did you guys get confused with the introductions? Kris is introducing them. But, holy fudge sticks. That was long. Probably because of the introductions. But anyway, enjoy, comment, and subscribe!

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD