The Wedding (CHEN's POV)

Beautiful Lie.


CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

The weather was perfect today. I knew it was going to be a great day, after all, I was getting married to the woman that I loved. I had my white tuxedo on and Chanyeol was doing my hair. He was even going to put some make-up on me, but I stopped him.

"No way am I wearing make-up man." I tell him, swatting his hands away from my face. He grumbled.

"Just a bit of foundation, BB cream and eyeliner. I'm not going to full on turn you into a girl!" he tries to reason with me. I gave up and sighed.

"Fine. After all, you're the one "prepping the groom"." I told him. He smiled and started putting all this stuff on my face. **At least I'll look good for Minji.**

After what seemed like a lifetime, he finally stepped away and smiled at his masterpiece that was my face. I walked to the mirror to look at it, and to my surprise, it looked good.

"What, did you doubt my skills?" he asks me, acting all cool with the make-up brushes. I chuckled.

"I always thought the make-up people were the only ones that put make-up on us well." I admitted, looking at the mirror again.

"Well, hanging around Baekhyun a lot has a big effect on you." he says. I nodded in agreement. **Baekhyun did know a lot about eyeliner and make-up.**

I took a deep breath and looked at Chanyeol. He gave me a thumbs up. "You look great. This wedding is going to be awesome!" he says, jumping around like an excited kid. **Forever the 10-year-old giant.** I just laughed.

"I'm ready." I tell him as we both walked out the door to the gazebo out in the garden of that beautiful venue we chose. Guests were taking their seats and I took my place standing at the front. All the EXO boys were there, all except 1. **Baekhyun must still be getting Minji ready.** I looked at the others. They were all smiling and gave me thumbs up. Some of them were wearing black suits, some were wearing white. EXO-K were wearing black suits and EXO-M were wearing white. Minji never had close girl friends, so she didn't have any bridesmaids. But she has bridesmen. EXO-K were going to be the bridesmen while EXO-M were my best men. But then again, they were all my best men.

I saw my parents talking to Minji's parents as they took a seat in the front row. They all looked so happy. That was the great thing; our families got along, unlike Romeo and Juliet, whose families had a feud which had an effect on their relationship and led to their death. I shuddered as I thought of 2 people on love dying because their parents wouldn't allow it. **Thank god this isn't the case.**

All the guests were starting to sit down now. There were close friends that me and Minji had made in the past 8 years. I waved at them as they sat down. Even some SM staff attended the wedding. They smiled at me. It was sad though, because Minji didn't have many guests that she invitied besides her parents and our recent friends. But it was okay. A small wedding would be equally amazing.

The crowd suddenly quietened down and I saw the Priest walk up to the gazebo. I saw Baekhyun sneaking up onto the gazebo to join EXO-K. **She's coming.** Sure enough, the wedding band started playing "Here Comes The Bride" and out stepped Minji with her dad. She looked up at me and smiled. My mouth dropped. She was absolutely stunning. I knew her bare face was beautiful, but damn, Baekhyun has outdone it. I didn't know Minji couldve been more beautiful than she already was. But she could be. Her cheeks were a soft pink and her eyes were so defined. **Baekhyun sure knows his eyeliner and his eye make-up.** Her lips were also a light pink, but even though the make-up was simple, it made her look a million times more beautiful. Her hair was curled, not so much that she looked like a poodle, but they were light waves, so elegant. It framed her face beautifully. I looked at Baekhyun who had a triumphant smile on his face. **You really have outdone it.** She was also wearing a drop dead gorgeous wedding dress that fluffed out beautifully. It just looked so perfect on her.

She finally made it up to the gazebo and her dad went to sit down with our parents. I held out a hand for her to help her up the gazebo. She stood in front of me as the Priest started the ceremony. We just looked at each other. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. The Priest snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Please, read out your vows." he told me. **Right!** I had memorised these vows.

"Minji, we've known each other since Grade 2, and it's been so long that I've forgotten how many years it has been. Every moment with you was like heaven for me. I could never live without you, because you are my life. Even if we've been through some tough times, we've made it all this way. I'm so happy that we are here today to become husband and wife. To be honest, I've been waiting for this day since forever. I've always wanted you, and only you. And now I have you. I promise to never leave you. I'll make you happy, forever. I'll stay faithful and never break your heart. I'll take care of you for the rest of eternity. You're my one true love. I love you." I say. Luhan had stepped down with a ring in his hand. I took it and put it on Minji's ring finger on her left hand. Minji looked like she wanted to cry.

"Your vows now, dear." The Priest says to Minji. She nodded at him and sighed.

"Jongdae, or is it Chen now? Like you said, we've known each other since Grade 2. I love how our friendship has grown stronger and it's still going strong. So strong that it is now a relationship. You always made me happy when I was down. I thank you for that. You always brighten up my day, surprising me all the time with precious gifts that I'll cherish forever. I'm so happy that you asked me to marry you. I'm truly blessed to have you in my life. I promise you that for the rest of our life, we'll be happy forever. I promise I'll stay faithful and never leave you. I promise that I will make you happy, forever. You're the only one that I can ever love. I love you." she says, and it was my turn to want to cry. Sehun stepped down this time and presented a ring to Minji. She took it and slipped it on my ring finger on my left hand. I smiled at her. The Priest continued the ceremony and I knew what was next.

"Kim Jongdae, do you take Lee Minji to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Do you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Do you trust and honour her, laugh with her and cry with her? Do you promise to be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health till death do you part?" he says.

"I do." I say, staring deep into Minji's eyes.

"Lee Minji, do you take Kim Jongdae to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Do you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Do you trust and honour him, laugh with him and cry with him? Do you promise to be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health till death do you part?" he says.

"I do." she whispers. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." he says. I take a step towards Minji before cupping her face ever so gently before our lips connected. There were wild screams from the crowd and confetti was thrown. I smiled while we were still in the kiss and parted slowly. I rest my forehead on Minji's and smiled at her.

"I love you." I tell her. I say it so many times, but every time I tell her, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

"I love you too." she whispers before wrapping her arms around my waist before resting her head on my chest as we looked down at the crowd of cheering guests. We smiled and made our way down from the gazebo and into the hall. We were all planning on going to the park nearby before the night party.

We all made our way out to the cars as the guests found their own way there. We made it to the park eventually, and there was a table of food and drinks there for the guests. Me and Minji made our way over and they all greeted us with cheers. We just looked at each other and laughed. I held her hand as we walked around the park. We had hired photographers to take photos of our big day, and as we walked around, they took pictures. Sometimes they even asked us to pose for them. **These will come out beautifully.** We continued walking around. We talked to the guests and they congratulated us a lot. I couldn't help but smile. Our parents walked up to us after a while.

"Congratulations you two! I knew that one day they would get together." Minji's mum was saying. I chuckled while Minji looked embarrassed.

"Come on, Minji-ah, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Right mum?" I said to Minji's mum. She looked at me, surprised. Then a huge smile spread across her face.

"Ah, of course dear!" she said, patting my shoulder. I smiled brightly at her. I looked at Minji, her face a surprised expression. I chuckled.

"Remember Minji. We're married." I remind her, snapping her out of her thoughts. She just smiled.

"Take good care of her okay?" Minji's mum and dad say, Minji's hair, as if it was their last time seeing her.

"I'll take very good care of her. I promise." I tell them, wrapping an arm around Minji's shoulder. I looked at her, and she smiled at me.

"I have such a beautiful daughter-in-law!" my mum starts saying, holding Minji's hand. "I wish you two the utmost happiness." she says to us, smiling.

"Thank you... mum." Minji says shyly. My mum's smile grew 10 times bigger.

"Yes... Thank you very much mum." I tell her, smiling as bright as she was.

"Go have fun you two." my dad tells us, and I nod at him. I take Minji by the hand and lead her to walk around the park. As we walked I remembered something. **Oh right, I was going to give her an iPod.**

"Minji, I bought something for you. Think of it as part of my wedding gift to you." I tell her, leading her to a bench nearby. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a brand new iPod, the newest iPod out. She looked at it, then looked at me.

"Wah, really oppa!? Thank you!!" she says, launching at me and giving me a hug. She took the iPod and looked at it.

"I already opened it and put our EXO songs in there. I hope you don't mind." I tell her. She smiles at me.

"Not at all! I'm so happy!" she tells me, plugging in her headphones to try out her new iPod. **I knew you wanted one.** She started singing XOXO, and it was so cute hearing her trying to rap along with the song. I laughed a few times. Eventually she stopped listening to music and gave me the iPod to put away because she had no pockets. She leaned on my shoulder as we looked at the sky. I thought about the future ahead. **What's going to happen now?**

Suddenly, the EXO boys came over and surprised us. "SURPRISE~!!" they shouted as they jumped out in front of us with 2 presents in each of their hands. They all looked so smart in their suits, EXO-K in white and EXO-M in black. I smiled at them as they greeted us both.

"WOAH!!" Minji exclaimed. "Are they all for me!?" she asked.

"Some of them. Open yours noona!!" Sehun, Kai and Tao said. She smiled at them and took a present from Sehun's hands.

"I'll do it from youngest to oldest, okay?" she says, starting to unwrap Sehun's present. It was a beautiful charm bracelet.

"Wow! Sehun-ah, this is so adorable!! I love it." she says, rushing over to Sehun for a hug. She held the bracelet and looked at it, raising it to the sky to look at it properly. There were two charms already on it. It was an EXO logo charm and Sehun's power symbol, wind.

"The logo charm is there so you never forget about us, noona. And the wind logo is so that you never forget me, noona." Sehun tells her. She smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Thank you so much, Sehun-ah. I'll never forget you, any of you." she says, looking at the others. I smiled. **I'll never forget them either.** Sehun helped Minji put the bracelet on and it was Kai's present next. Minji unwrapped it eagarly to find his power symbol, teleportation. There was also an adorable little teddy bear in the box that said "Congratulations!" She giggled and hugged it tenderly. "Your presents are so cute Kai~" she says, the teddy bear. Kai smiled proudly.

"I knew you would like it noona." he says. Minji stood up and gave him a hug.

"Would you like to help me put your charm on?" she asked Kai. He nodded eagerly before taking the charm and putting it on her charm bracelet. She smiled before taking Tao's present and sitting back down.

"I wonder what this is..." Minji says curiously. As she unwrapped the present, Tao was chuckling. **Strange...** A charm fell out from the box. It was Tao's power symbol, time control. Also inside the box was a Gucci handbag. **Wow!**

"Wow! It's beautiful Tao!! I love it so much." she says, admiring the bag and looking inside and outside of it. Tao smiled happily.

"There's another present inside the bag, if you can find it noona." he says, and Minji starts looking. Moments later, she pulled out a little box. She opened it and there were a pair of beautiful earrings. **Double wow!**

"Really? Wow, Tao, it's beautiful!!" she says, looking at them before putting them back into the bag for safekeeping. "I can put all your presents in it now!" she says, putting Kai's teddy bear in the bag.

"I'm glad you liked it." he says, putting his charm onto Minji's charm bracelet. It was Kyungsoo's turn next. **It'll probably be something sweet.** Minji opened the box to find Kyungsoo's power symbol, earth. She smiled as she pulled out a fancy-looking cupcake from a separate box.

"Wow Kyungsoo!" Once again, you amaze me with your cooking skills. This looks delicious!" she says, looking at the cupcake. Kyungsoo smiled and bowed his head.

"Thank you Minji, but you are way too modest. I think you're the best cook here." he says as he helped Minji put his charm on her charm bracelet. She smiled sweetly at him. She put the boxed cupcake into her brand new bag. Then Chanyeol bounced out from nowhere and gave Minji her present. **Like I thought earlier, forever the 10-year-old giant.**

"I hope you like it Minji!" he says, stepping back as she opened the present. A charm fell out of the box, and it was Chanyeol's power symbol, fire. Inside the box, there were also 2 drum sticks. She picked them up and looked at Chanyeol, confused.

He chuckled. "As your wedding present, I'm going to teach you a bit of drums!" he says. Minji's mouth dropped.

"REALLY!? I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO PLAY DRUMS!! THANK YOU!!" she screams, giving Chanyeol a giant hug, which is about right. He really was a giant.

"There is another part to your present that will be revealed when Lay reveals his present." he says as he winks at Lay. Chanyeol helped her put his charm on her charm bracelet and then helped her sit back down. She put the drum sticks away and then it was my turn. I presented a neatly wrapped box to Minji, and she took it carefully. She unwrapped it and found my power symbol in there, lightning. I had also put a key in the box. She picked it up and looked at me, confused, just as she was with Chanyeol. I chuckled.

"I'll show you tonight, okay? That is the key to your present. Don't lose it." I tell her, putting my charm on her charm bracelet as Baekhyun stepped up to give his present to Minji. She quickly put the key in a compartment in her handbag.

"Here's your present." he says, shuffling around as Minji opened it. As expected, there was a charm of his power symbol, light. There was also a stick of eyeliner. **Oh. My. God. Seriously Baekhyun?**

"Wow. Baekhyun, how did you know that I needed some new eyeliner?" Minji asked, surprised.

"Oh come on, you don't wear eyeliner, so I assumed that you ran out. But that's not all... I thought it would be a bit strange if I gave you just a stick of eyeliner, so here's the rest of your present." he says, giving a huge box to Minji. She opened it to find all sorts of make-up in there; lipstick, eyeshadow, more eyeliner, blush, make-up brushes, eyelash curlers, mascara, everything.

"WOAH! OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME!" she shouts, hugging Baekhyun. "Thank you!" she says as Baekhyun put his charm on her charm bracelet.

"Well this is definitely NOT going to fit in my bag." she says, placing the make-up box next to the bench. We all laughed. Next was Lay.

"Here you go." he said plainly as he passed his present to Minji. She unwrapped it and found a charm of his power symbol, healing. There was also a diary in the box.

"It's for your secrets." Lay says informatively. She giggled.

"I love it. I'll write all my secrets in it." she says. Lay winks at her.

"EXO don't keep their secrets well hidden, so I know a lot of them. At least I won't be able to know your secrets." he says. **That's true... He better not blab any secrets about me.**

"Also, another part of your present is that I'll teach you a bit of piano!" he says, and Minji's mouth dropped again. He chuckled and put his charm on her charm bracelet as she sat there dumbfounded. Then Chanyeol stepped in.

"And because me and Lay are so awesome, we are both going to teach you guitar as well! So here is a present from both of us." he says as he pases a guitar pick to Minji. She stood up and hugged both of them tightly.

"I love you guys. I mean, you know, you guys are awesome." she says, smiling brightly. Chanyeol and Lay smiled and stepped back as Suho stepped up with his present.

"Here you go. And congratulation you guys." he says as he looked at both of us. We both smiled at each other.

"Thank you." we said in unison as Minji opened Suho's present. There was a charm of Suho's power symbol, water. There was also a photo album.

"It's for all of your future moments. With everyone. And it's really big, so we can take lots and lots of photos, okay?" he says, making an okay symbol with his fingers. Minji did the same, as if to agree with Suho.

"Thank you so much." she says as Suho put his charm on her charm bracelet. He smiled happily. Minji slipped the diary and the photo album into her handbag. It was Kris's turn now.

"Here you are. I hope you enjoy." he says and Minji opened the present quickly. There was, of course, a charm of Kris's power symbol, flight. In the box there was also an Alpaca plush toy.

"OH MY GOD IT'S ALPACA!! You know your fans started shipping you and Alpaca as AlpacaRis. It was funny." she was telling Kris who was very surprised.

"Well, me and Alpaca make a very good couple." he says, his hair. I rolled my eyes. **Eugh.** "You and Chen have to take good care of Alpaca Junior here okay?" Kris tells us.

"We'll take good care of him." Minji says, hugging the plushie close to her. Kris smiled and put his charm on her charm bracelet as Minji held Alpaca Junior tightly. Next was Luhan. He passed his present without a sound. Minji opened it and there was a charm of Luhan's power symbol, telekinesis. There was also a cute necklace in the box that had the words "Forever with you" on the chain. She smiled and looked at Luhan.

"I love it, it's so beautiful!" she says, admiring the necklace. Luhan helped her put on the necklace and then put his charm on her charm bracelet as Xiumin stepped up with the last present for Minji.

"Here you go Minji!" he said enthusiastically. She just smiled and accepted the present. As she opened it, a charm fell out. It was Xiumin's power symbol, frost. There was also a little baozi bun and a card that said "CONGRATULATIONS!!" She opened it up and read it in silence, then laughed out loud. I tried to peek a look, but she hid it from me. **Hmm...** She looked at the others.

"Thank you so much for the presents guys!! I love them all." she said, a bright smile stuck on her face. She put the bun and the card away and it was my turn to receive presents now. First was Sehun.

"Here you go hyung." he says, passing me a little box. I opened it to find a charm bracelet, similar to Minji's, with an EXO logo and another charm, Sehun's power symbol, wind.

"Wow, it's beautiful! And it's matching to Minji's." I say. Sehun smiled at me.

"It's like a couple bracelet." he explains as he puts the bracelet onto my wrist. I put my hand next to Minji to compare bracelets. **They look really beautiful.**

"Thank you Sehun-ah." I tell him, ruffling his hair. Next was Kai's present. He handed me a little box as he nodded his head. I took it and smiled at him before opening it to find a charm of Kai's power symbol, teleportation. There was also a little teddy bear, almost exactly like Minji's except it was a boy. It also said "Congratulations!" I its head and looked at Kai.

"I love it Kai, it's so cute!" I tell him, his head as I did with the teddy bear. "I'll name it Kai." Kai smiled widely as I said it, happy that I had thought of him.

"Really hyung?! Awesome!" he says, jumping around like a kid. I chuckled and shook my head. **These boys.** Kai put his charm on my charm bracelet and the next present was handed to me. It was Tao's. Minji took the little teddy bear from my hands as I grabbed Tao's present.

I opened it, expecting there to be a charm of Tao's power symbol, time control, and sure enough there it was. It fell out of the box and I caught it just in time.

"Good catch hyung!" he says, clapping his hands. I bowed my head.

"Thank you, thank you." I say, pretending that I was saying thank you in front of a big crowd. We all laughed. I poked my hand into the box to find another present. **Wha..?**

"Shoes?" I asked him as I pulled out a pair of Gucci shoes. He smiled triumphantly.

"What can I say? I love Gucci, it's the only thing I buy. So, might as well buy you Gucci shoes." he says. I stared at him. **You're kidding.**

"Thank you Tao. It looks great." I tell him, looking at the shoes carefully now. They were actually very fancy and I liked fancy things. I smiled as I put the shoes down. Tao put his charm on my charm bracelet. It was Minji's present now.

"Here you go." she says, passing me a cute little box. I opened it to reveal a new charm, a love heart. I looked at Minji who smiled at me brightly. I looked in the box and there were also two keychains, a heart and an arrow. They fitted together as a heart with a lock and a key through it. Minji grabbed a half of the heart.

"You're the key, and I'm the lock." she says, putting the pieces together. We smiled at each other as we took our keychain back and Minji put her charm on my charm bracelet. It was Kyungsoo's turn.

He passed me a box. There was, of course, a charm of Kyungsoo's power symbol, earth. There was also another box that contained a fancy-looking cupcake exactly like Minji's, but I didn't mind. His cooking was amazing anyway.

"Woah, thanks Kyungsoo! You know I love your cakes." I tell him smiling. He smiled knowingly. I gave him a hug and he put his charm on my charm bracelet. Next was Chanyeol, but both him and Baekhyun stepped up.

"We have a shared present for you." they tell me, sniggering. **Hold up. What is going on?** Some of the others were sniggering as well. Some didn't know what was going on, like me and Minji. They handed me a bag and I opened it. There were charms of their power symbols, fire and light.

There was also something I had never expected them to give me. **WHAT!? LUBE AND CONDOMS!? WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK I AM!?** I closed the bag up quickly before Minji saw and glared at both Chanyeol and Baekhyun. **You're going to die.** I put the bag down and stood up. They looked at me, their expressions changing from happy to scared.

"You are both going to die." I tell them. They started running and I chased after them. "COME BACK HERE!!!" Thank god there was no one there except us. I eventually caught up to them and grabbed them both by the ears.

"Why would you give me that!?" I ask them. I let them go after a while.

"It was good fun! I mean, come on man, you might need it." Baekhyun tells me, elbowing me. **My lord...** I facepalm myself. Suddenly I hear laughter back at the bench. I turned around to see everyone looking in the bag. **Oh no.**

I ran back and closed up the bag, preventing any of them looking at it. They were all laughing, except for Minji. She looked quite embarrassed.

"I'm sorry jagiya." I whispered to her. She nodded. "OKAY, NEXT PRESENT GUYS." I say, grabbing their attention again. Chanyeol and Baekhyun quickly put their charms on my charm bracelet, giggles still coming out of their mouths. It was Lay's present now.

"Here." he says, handing me a box. I opened it to see a charm of his power symbol, healing, and a necklace that said "Dancing Machine". I laughed.

"Very funny, Lay. You're the real dancing machine here. You and Kai." I tell him. He smiled as he put his charm on my charm bracelet and put the necklace on me. I looked at it and smiled. Next was Suho's present.

"Here you go." he says to me as I grabbed the present. I opened it to find a charm of Suho's power symbol, water. There were 2 cameras in the box. A polaroid camera, and a normal digital camera.

"Thanks Suho!" I tell him, grabbing the polaroid camera and taking a quick snap of the 11 boys in front of us. Some of them were surprised, and some of them posed in time. When the camera came out and we looked at the photo, we all laughed so hard. Sehun, Kai and Tao were posing as if they were girls. Suho was shocked that I had taken an unexpected picture. Lay was diving behind Kris to get out of the picture, and he didn't make it in time. Kris had his face on. Baekhyun and Chanyeol made a love heart together with their arms. Xiumin and Luhan were derping on purpose and Xiumin made a baozi face while Luhan did his creepy aegyo face. Kyungsoo just had wide eyes and stood there like he was hypnotised.

"Best present! This is awesome!" I tell Suho. He smiled.

"It goes with the photo album I gave Minji. Take pictures, put in photo album, all good." he says. I look at the polaroid camera. I handed it to Suho.

"Can you take a picture of me and Minji?" I ask him, and he nods. I put my arm around Minji as we both smile for the camera.

"Ready? 3, 2, 1." Suho counts down. As he presses the button to take the picture, I feel a pair of lips on my cheek.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW." all the boys shout as the picture was taken. As they were gathering around to look at the picture, I looked over to Minji.

"Spur of the moment thing." she said, and smiled. I smiled at her. **You're too cute.** I put my forehead on hers.

"You're too cute." I tell her before I kiss her. She smiled at me as I pulled away. We looked over at the others.

"Look at these pictures. Aww you cuties." Luhan says, showing us 3 photos. One was of Minji kissing my cheek. The other was us looking at each other, our foreheads touching, and the last one was one of us kissing. They all looked beautiful.

"I want another picture. Just normal us." I tell them, looking at Minji. Suho nodded and got the camera ready. I smiled at Minji as I put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I pointed at the camera and Minji turned to look at Suho. She smiled and I turned to look at Suho as well. Minji leaned on my shoulder and I leaned on her head. Everyone counted down.

"3! 2! 1!" they shouted, and there was a flash. The boys were crowded around Suho to look at the picture.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW." me and Minji hear. The guys run towards us with the picture, showing us the picture. There it was, a perfect picture. Just us, smiling. It was the most beautiful picture out of all of them. Minji went through her bag and grabbed the photo album out, opening it up so that we could put the pictures in. All 4 pictures went in and we looked at it for a while, admiring the pictures. Little did we know that the other 11 boys were messing around with the camera and took half a dozen more photos. They ran over and showed us the pictures, urging us to put it in the photo album along with the first silly one I took of them. They were messing around in each one of those pictures, it was funny to look at them. As Minji slipped the pictures into the photo album, I grabbed the polariod camera and told the boys to line up. I wanted to take a proper picture of them.

"Ready guys?" I asked them, getting the camera ready. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. It was Minji.

"You should get into the photo. I'll take it. These are your bandmates. You should be in the picture with them." she tells me, taking the camera from me. I smiled and stood up to join the others.

"SLOW POKE, HURRY UP!!" Kris shouts and I jog up to them, standing in the middle. Minji smiles at us all and counts down.

"Ready? 3, 2, 1!" she says, and there was a flash. We all ran back to see the picture. It was like any other 12 member picture, except it was a wedding photo. I have to say, we looked pretty darn handsome.

"Awesome picture!" the guys were saying, looking at it and pointing out funny things, like Tao's Gucci shoes, or when one of Xiumin's hairs went out of control. We put the picture in the photo album, and took more photos. The boys each got a picture with Minji, and a wedding guest even offered to take a picture of all 13 of us. The boys all made love hearts with their hands while me and Minji made our own heart together. I loved that picture the most.

"Oh, wow, we still have presents to give!" Kris says, walking up with his present. He passed it to me, but not before Suho rushed up to put his charm on my charm bracelet. I opened Kris's present to find a charm of his power symbol, flight. There was also a rubber duck.

"What..?" I asked him, confused about the present he gave me.

"Remember that purple duck that you were playing with at the airport, and you lost it? I bought you another one, and it's bigger. Also, it's Alpaca Junior's best friend." he says, chuckling.

"Well, thank you." I tell him, accepting the duck. **What in the world?** He put his charm onto my charm bracelet and it was Luhan's present now.

"Here." he says, passing the present to me. I smiled at him and opened it. There was, of course, a charm of his power symbol, telekinesis. There was also a framed picture. It was a picture of EXO when we first debuted with MAMA. We all looked so cheerful. On the frame, there were the words "We're always here for you" and as I read it, I couldn't help smiling like an idiot. I stood up and hugged Luhan.

"Thanks." I tell him, letting him go eventually. He put his charm on my charm bracelet and stepped back, letting Xiumin through with the last present.

"Hope you like." he says. I took the box and opened it, and what do you know? There was a charm of his power symbol, frost. There was also a little baozi bun and a card just like Minji's that said "CONGRATULATIONS!!" I opened it and read it:

"CONGRATULATIONS!! So you guys are finally married... Wow. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST WITH THE FUTURE (If you know what I mean. -wink wink-) Joking joking, but really, good luck with the marriage and enjoy the bun.

I looked at him and smiled. **Haha, so nice and funny.**

"Thanks man." I tell him. He puts his charm on my charm bracelet and the presents were all given. I looked at my watch. **It's 4:51 pm already? Better check if the night party is ready.**

"Come on guys, the night party will start soon. Let's go check that it's all ready." I tell them, helping Minji up. She hooked her arm through mine and we walked with the others to the hall. As we walked inside, the view was beautiful. There was a disco ball in the middle on the dancefloor. The stage was set with Baekhyun's old band mates. Baekhyun waved like crazy before running off to join them. **Maybe he's performing with them tonight.** The tables were set on both sides, covered with white tablecloths, and the chairs had white covers on them. On the ceiling joining the disco ball were several decorations, hearts, roses, butterflies, everything. Minji leaned onto my shoulder and I put my arm over her shoulder.

"It's beautiful..." she whispers. I smiled.

"Aren't you glad that you let me organise everything?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded, looking up to the decorations hanging above us. A few months ago, I insisted that she let me and the guys organise everything for the wedding. She was a bit hesitant at first, but she agreed. I'm glad she did. The wedding was perfect so far.

Guests were starting to enter the hall to take their seat. I took Minji up to the table in front of the stage. It had 13 seats for me and Minji and the best men and bridesmen. We all took a seat as eveyone else started taking a seat in the hall as well. As soon as everyone was seated, I stood up.

"Good evening everybody. We are so glad that you could make it today to celebrate our wedding." I say as I help Minji stand up. "It's a great pleasure to have you all here. We want to say thank you to everyone here for being here today. You've made this day that much more enjoyable for us all. I hope you all have a great time!" I say, and the band behind us started playing a slow song.

I took Minji out onto the dancefloor and wrapped my arms around her waist as she put her arms on my shoulders. We danced together, just swaying along to the music. I couldn't help but smile when Minji had rested her head on my chest. We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, but I didn't mind. The song ended soon enough and the crowd clapped as we made our way back to our table.

"Chen! I'm stealing Minji." Baekhyun whispers to me as I made my way to the table. They soon disappeared through a door on the side.**I wonder what they're doing.** I creeped up to Chanyeol.

"What are they doing?" I asked him. Chanyeol was the closest to Baekhyun.

"How would I know? Baekhyun is pretty secretive sometimes." he told me, shrugging his shoulders. I walked to my seat and sat down. **They wouldn't do anything bad... Would they?** I pushed the thought out of my head as I looked at guests that had started dancing to the music. There were little children jumping up and down to the beat of the music, while older guests were mucking around, trying to do some cool dance move. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw my parents and Minji's parents trying to tango to a pop song.

Moments later, I felt someone sitting next to me. I turned around to find Minji. She smiled and waved. I smiled and looked her up and down. She wasn't wearing her fluffy wedding dress anymore. Instead, she was wearing a casual wedding dress. It was white and flowed over her body perfectly. She looked beautiful as always.

I leaned in to her. "You look so beautiful." I tell her, and I could see her cheeks turn a light pink. I chuckled before pulling her closer to me.

"Should we go thank the guests for coming today?" Minji asks, looking at me. I smiled.

"Of course. It would be rude not to say thank you." I tell her before I stand up, holding her hand and helping her up as well. We walked around to all the tables, greeting all the guests who were enjoying the food and the music.

"Thank you so much for joining us here today. You've made the day so much more enjoyable." we told everyone as we went around each of the tables. There would be cheers and toasts, something different at every table. It always made me and Minji smile though. Today was a good day.

As we made our way back to our own table after going around the whole hall, there was a sound that surprised us.

"Hey everybody! I'd like to sing this song that I have performed long ago again today, because I'm so happy that two of my closest friends are married!!!" a voice said. We looked up to the stage to see Baekhyun smiling and waving at us. We waved back, definitely surprised. As we sat down at our seat, he started singing. It was Love Foolosophy by Jamiroquai. I remember him showing us a video when he was still in high school. He was quite popular back then. There was also another video of him doing his famous "light switch" dance. But that's something completely different.

Everyone was grooving along, and we could see that his English has definitely improved, not saying that it wasn't good in the first place. I even pulled all the guys and Minji onto the dance floor to dance with me. Baekhyun had jumped off the stage to dance with us as well. **Thank god he has a cordless microphone.** Eventually, the song had to end. Me and Minji took a seat, but a few of the EXO boys wanted to stay on the dance floor for a bit longer. It was funny seeing them dance along with the music.

You know what they say about how "Time flies when you're having fun."? It is so true. After what I thought was only about 1 hour, was 3 hours. **Wow, what? 9:40 pm already!?** I looked around at the guests. Some were drunk and having fun, and some were tired, but they were mainly children. It was the last meal of the night anyway: Dessert. Everyone could leave after dessert, if they wanted to.

The servers served the wedding cake to everyone. By the looks of everyone's faces, it was delicious, but you would expect no less from Kyungsoo. I swear, everything that he touches in the kitchen would turn into something delicious. Me and Minji had gotten the top of the cake, the part where there were two people standing on it, the bride and groom. Us. We fed each other and it was delicious. I turned to Kyungsoo as I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. **Delicious as always.** A few more moments (which were actually hours) went by. What do you know? It was 11:00 pm now.

Guests were starting to leave, and me and Minji were there to send them off.

"Thank you for attending our wedding tonight. Have a good night." we said to everyone leaving, waving goodbye. They all smiled and wished us the best for the future. Every single person. We both smiled at each other before waving goodbye to them. Eventually everyone had left, except for us and the EXO boys.

"Well, we better go now." Kris says, scratching his head. He didn't drink any alcohol at all tonight.

"Yah, I hope you guys have nice good night." Xiumin slurs. **He's drunk.**

"Okay, good night guys." I say, patting them on the back as they walked to their cars. Some of them paired up since a few of them were drunk. **Lucky I didn't drink.**

"Oppa, time to go home?" Minji asks me, pulling on my sleeve. I turned to her to see her rubbing her eyes.

"In a bit, okay?" I tell her, leading her back inside. **It's chilly tonight.** Minji sat down as I helped clean the hall a bit. When we were about done, it was 12:00 am. I walked over to Minji to find her on her phone playing Temple Run.

"Okay, time to go home Minji." I tell her, grabbing her attention. She looked at me with a smile and stood up. We walked to my car, one of the last cars in the car park. As soon as we stepped outside, Minji started shivering. **It is pretty cold...** I took off my suit jacket and put it on Minji's shoulders, wrapping my arm around her for extra warmth. We walked to my car quickly and I ran ahead, opening the passenger seat for Minji. She smiled and climbed in, trying to warm herself up. I ran to the driver's side and got in, turning on the engine and the heater quickly. We soon got warmed up and were ready to go home.

"Oppa, you said that you were going to give me my present tonight. I have the key..." Minji says as I to the almost empty road. I smiled.

"Well, you'll just have to wait and see." I tell her, glancing over at her quickly. She was smiling. **Today was a good day.** We the stereo and listened to a few songs, occasionally singing along with each other. I honestly thought that she could've totally passed as a singer. I wonder why she never auditioned.

After a few moments, Minji was looking around, confused.

"Oppa, where are we going?" she asks. We've been living in a rented apartment for about 3 years now. I thought, since we were getting married, we might as well live in a home.

"We're going home." I tell her, just as I turned into a driveway of a beautiful little house. She looked at it, mouth wide open in surprise.

"Surprise." I tell her, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek before I got out of the car to help her out. We walked to the front door together. She took out the key I had given her earlier.

"Well? Open it." I tell her. She placed the key into the lock and twisted it. There was a click. She pushed the door open and walked into the hallway. She looked around, occasionally looking at me. I had already placed furniture and moved our things over to the house before the wedding. We had slept over at the EXO dorm for the wedding, so it would be easier for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to get us ready. I had sneakily gotten some movers to get our stuff. But the furniture stayed in the apartment. The furniture in this house, was brand new.

"Wow~" she finally says after moments of silence. I chuckled.

"No thank you? No, this is amazing?" I ask her, hugging her from behind.

"It's beautiful, Jongdae..." she tells me, turning to look at me.

"You haven't called me Jongdae since I started my singing career with EXO." I say.

"I always figured that you liked Chen more than Jongdae." she says, walking over to the kitchen and exploring the cupboards, leaving me empty handed.

"I love it when you call me Jongdae more than anything." I tell her, sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Really? I'll call you Jongdae from now on." she tells me, sitting next to me. I looked at her.

"Would you like to look at the rest of the house, Minji?" I ask her, standing up as I hold my hand out for her.

"Okay, Jongdae." she says, grabbing my hand before she stood up. As we walked to the bedrooms, we explored the bathroom, and the laundry room. We even looked at the backyard, but only through a window. We finally got to the master bedroom, our room. She plopped herself onto the bed. **She must be tired.**

"This. Is. Amazing." she says, looking at the walk-in wardrobe and the separate bathroom. I sat next to her, looking at her feet. **Ouch, high heels.** I knelt down to take off her shoes before taking them to the shoe rack in the laundry room. I put my shoes away as well before going back to the room, only to find Minji half asleep. I chuckled.

"Hey... What are you laughing at?" she asked me, yawning.

"Just your sleepy face. Don't you want to change first?" I ask her, grabbing some track pants and a t-shirt for me to change into.

"Uh.............." she murmured. I shook my head before walking into the bathroom to change. When I finished, I put the worn clothes in the laundry room. I went back to the room to find Minji still in her casual dress.

"Do you want me to change for you?" I asked her. She was still awake, I knew. She nodded her head ever so slightly. I sighed before grabbing an oversized t-shirt and some track pants for Minji.

I walked over to her, helping her sit up before I lifted her dress over her head. I've seen Minji in her bikini and I've put on clothes for her before. This was nothing new to me. I pulled the t-shirt over her head before threading her arms through the holes. Then I put each of her legs in a pant hole and pulled it over her legs and onto her hips. I let her lay down afterwards. I chuckled as she crawled into a little ball.

I grabbed her worn clothes and put it in the laundry room. Then I proceeded to turn off all the lights in the house and check the doors before I returned to the room. I turned the bedside lamp on and the room light off, and just as I climbed into bed, I realised just how tired I was. Minji wasn't even lying on the bed properly. I had to climb off the bed and carry her, placing her on the bed properly before I pulled the covers over her. I crawled into bed and turned off the bedside lamp.

Minji started moving around, arms everywhere. As soon as she felt me, she wrapped her arms around me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Jongdae... I'm so glad that you're the one that I've married. Today has been the happiest day of my life..." I heard her whisper. I smiled.

"I'm glad that you're my wife. I promise I'll make you happy forever." I tell her, kissing her forehead and playing with her hair.

"Goodnight..." she mumbles before she falls asleep again.

"Goodnight jagiya... Sweet dreams." I say, as I close my eyes and fall asleep. **Today was the best day...**




Haha, hope you guys enjoyed. Man it's so hard just to update a fanfic these days. Stupid school... ._. OTL FORGIVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Bet you guys are surprised as to why this chapter is rated M... I guess you saw. XD IT WAS A GOOD IDEA FOR A PRESENT THOUGH (my sister's idea)

Next chapter is the same as this one, just in Minji's POV (Point Of View) so I guess you guys don't REALLLY HAVE TO read it, but it'd be cool if you did, because you get to see it in her point of view (plus it's cool to see their thoughts, is it not?) :D and the next next chapter SHALL BE THE LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST. :)))))))

Okay, enjoy, comment, and subscribe guys. :D 

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD