Sleep Over Swap

Beautiful Lie.

MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

This morning, I woke up alone. I sat up, looking around and remembered that I was in hospital and today was my third day and possibly last. I looked to my left and there was breakfast waiting for me. *Oh wow, I just realised how hungry I am.*

I looked at the food. It was bacon and eggs. *Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Haha.* I smiled, remembering when Chen had cooked this for me a few days ago. I started eating. *This tastes so good.* The nurse walked in as I was about to eat another spoonful.

"Good morning." she greets me, bowing her head. I smiled at her.

"Good morning." I greet her. She walked to my bed and checked that everything was alright while I continued eating my breakfast.

"Good news, you can go home today." the nurse tells me, getting me to sign a few forms indicating that I was discharged from the hospital from today. I couldn't stop smiling as I signed the forms. "You can leave whenever you're ready. Just remember to sign out at the reception and give them these forms." she tells me before walking out of the room.

"Thank you." I tell her, bowing my head a little as she closed the door, leaving me alone in the room again. I sighed. *I'm guessing the others have gone to school already.* I started putting my things away and changed my clothes. Apparently my mum had visited last night when I was sleeping and she brought me a change of clothes. I looked at the outfit. *A little white floral dress and white flats. Cute. Better than blood-stained clothes I guess.*

I gathered all my things together and realised that I still haven't finished my breakfast. *Better finish it before I go.* I sat down and continued to eat, swinging my legs happily. *I'll surprise Chen when I get home. Hehehe.* I finished off the food and walked out of the hospital, handing in my forms before I left. I walked straight to Chen's house, thinking about what I should do. *They've probably gone to school. So I'll make something for them and surprise them.* I smiled to myself as I reached Chen's house and let myself in. *No one should be home at the moment.*

I put my things away and walked to the kitchen, looking for ingredients to make a cheesecake. I got everything and started working on it, making sure that every element of it was perfect. I grabbed my phone and played some music as I worked, singing along and occassionally dancing to the beat. EXO had recently had a comeback shortly before I met them all, and their songs were amazing! *They really are talented.*

Eventually the cake was ready for baking and I put it into the oven and waited. And waited. And waited. I cleaned up the kitchen while I waited, and I walked all around the house, just for fun. I walked upstairs, where I remembered all of the sleepovers that I had with EXO. I walked to Chen's room, where we both slept together every night. I walked everywhere, remembering memories and moments that were enjoyed.

I walked back to the kitchen and checked up on the cake. I smiled. *Done.* I took it out and let it cool while I got the icing and decorations ready. *What should I write??* As soon as the cake had cooled, I attacked with butter cream, coloured icing that was used to write, and little cute decorations that were edible. I stepped back as I finished and looked at the cake. I had written "Thank you" and decorated it cutely all around. *Awesome.*

I placed it on the table and waited as the others came home from school. I looked at the clock. *2:18 pm. It's almost time for them to come home. Hopefully they all come here.* I sat and waited for them to come for not even a full minute, and I heard the front door open.

"Where could she be!?" I heard a voice call. *Sounds like Suho.* I smiled at the thought of surprising them so much. I hid behind the kitchen counter to scare them.

"The other girls wouldn't have known she was in hospital, so they couldn't have taken her." I hear Luhan saying, their footsteps growing louder as they made their way to the kitchen.

"She must've gone home then. We'll go visit her at her house tonight." I could hear Chen say, and I knew that they were nearing the kitchen. Suddenly the footsteps stopped.

"Huh? What's this?" I hear Baekhyun saying. *Ah, they've found the cake. Hehehehe.* I jumped up and looked at them. They didn't notice, until...

"BOO!" I shouted, shocking everyone there and making them turn to me, their eyes wide with surprise. I giggled and then started laughing like crazy, pointing at them as I laughed. *They totally got scared!*

"MINJI!" they all screamed at me. They all ran towards me, engulfing me in hugs and scaring me in the process. All I could do was stand there.

"Did you come straight here?" Kyungsoo asked me.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Kris asked me.

"We were so worried about you!" Xiumin told me.

"Noona scared us!" Sehun, Kai and Tao said together. I looked at them.

"Ah I'm sorry guys. I thought that you would've gone to school." I told them. I looked at their clothes. *They aren't wearing school uniform either, so they didn't go to school today.*

"No, we were going to visit you again! But you weren't in the hospital, and we panicked. We went looking for you everywhere!" Lay said. *Aw, they must've been really worried.*

"Aw, I'm sorry guys. But I wanted to do something for you guys, so I rushed home the moment I was allowed out of hospital." I told them, walking over to the table where I left the cake. "Here you go guys." I pointed at the cake and smiled. They came over and looked at it, then smiles spread onto all of their faces. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and lots of plates. I started cutting up the cake and giving each of them a piece. They smiled and hugged me as I each gave them their cake. They sat around the table, eating it eagerly. I waited for them to say something.

"This cake is really amazing!" Kyungsoo and Lay both say at the same time. *Ah, of course, the two cooks of EXO would be the first to speak.* Everyone else was nodding in agreement with them. I blushed and bowed to them all.

"Thank you." I say, smiling. We all sat there and ate cake, talking with each other for hours on end. Chen was holding onto me the whole time, like he never wanted to let me go in case I'd disappear again. I looked at the clock after a while. *5:03 pm!? Woah, how long have we been talking for?*

"Woah guys, it's 5. Do you guys need to go home? Or are you going to stay..?" I asked the others, looking for an answer.

"We want to sleep over again. Just to watch over you so that you heal properly and you're alright for school next week." Suho told me. *Oh right, it's a Friday. WAIT. That means Chen's sleeping over my house for a week now.*

"Okay then." I tell them. They all started cheering, discussing things that we could do tonight. "Wait guys. I have a surprise though." I say, catching their attention.

"We're not sleeping over Chen's?" Chanyeol asks me. I shook my head.

"Ah, noona! Are we camping? Like, real camping? In tents? We could do it at the park!" Kai says, jumping up and down excitedly. I shook my head again, but giggled at the idea of camping in the park.

"Nooooo. We are going to sleep over... At my house!" I tell them, throwing my hands in the air. They all looked at me for a second, and started their excited chattering again. *They're really excited.*

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, they trashed my house. They'll trash yours." Chen whispers, grabbing onto my waist tightly, making me sit on his lap.

"Yes I'm sure. Don't worry! It'll be really fun. Plus, remember when I said that I'd sleep over at your house for a week and you'd sleep over at mine for a week? It's swap time." I tell him simply, kissing his cheek and smiling.

"Okay then... If you're okay with it, then I'm all good with it." he says, squeezing my sides making me squirm. *No... Please don't tickle me.*

"TICKLE TIME!!" he shouts, tickling me full on, making the others laugh at my squealing and shouting. They joined in and made me laugh even more.

"AH! N-no! S-STOP GUYSSSS!! C-can't BREATHE!!!!!!" I screamed in between weird gibberish sounds. Eventually they stopped when I was REALLY out of breath. I sat there panting for a long time, like a dog that just went for a run.

"O-okay. You guys get your stuff, and I'm going to go to my house now." I say, standing up to go to Chen's room.

"Yes sir! We'll go to your house as soon as we have our stuff." Luhan tells me, doing a little salute that made me laugh. I arrived at Chen's room and heard the other 11 boys rush out of the front door as I grabbed my things.

"Ready?" I asked Chen as I grabbed my bag of things. I looked around but he wasn't in the room. *Probably ready already.* I walked outside to find Chen all ready with a bag full of I don't know what.

"Ready?" he asks me. I laughed.

"Ready." I tell him, hooking arms with him as we walked to my house. "You should make yourself comfortable. You're going to stay at my house for a while. And my mum is always home."

"Of course I'll make myself comfortable. Why wouldn't I? I'm staying over for a whole week!" he told me jokingly. I punched him in the arm.

"Shut up." I tell him, unhooking arms with him. I pretended to be angry at him.

"Aw jagiya, I was joking. Come here~" he says, wrapping his arms around me as I walked in front. He kissed my cheek and rested his head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile at him. I grabbed his hands and intertwined our fingers. We walked together like that until we reached my house. I let myself in and was greeted by a shocked mum and 11 boys in the lounge room. *They made it here before us!?*

"Hi guys. How did you get here before us?" I asked them all. They smiled at me as they heard me greet them and all waved at me.

"Secret." Baekhyun says, putting a finger to his lips as if he was shushing me. I looked at my mum who was still shocked.

"Hey mum!" I greeted her, giving her a hug. She saw me and hugged me back, a smile creeping up on her face.

"Hey Minji! Oh, it's been so lonely here without you. But now you and dad are home, I'm happy! But who are these charming young men here?" she asks me curiously.

"Oh, these are my friends. There's Sehun, Kai, Tao, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Chen, Baekhyun, Lay, Suho, Kris, Luhan and Xiumin." I introduced them to my mum, pointing at them as I said their names. My mum just waved.

"They are also part of the very popular boy group, EXO." I tell her. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"AH! So THAT'S why they looked so familiar!" she said, clapping her hands together. "You boys are welcome in my house whenever you want!" I laughed.

"Come on guys!" I tell them, leading them to a guest room. They grabbed their stuff and followed me. "We'll sleep in here tonight." I tell them. It was an empty room that had absolutely nothing except for a TV, even though it was a guest room and it should've had a bed. "My parents thought that the room was too big for a guest room, so they left it as it is and they left a TV in here for some reason... Anyway, if they ever needed to use it for something, like this for example, it would be ready." I explained to the others why the room was so empty. They got their things ready as they did at Chen's house and I decided to go to my room to see if there was anything we could do.

On the way I met my dad. "Dad! Long time no see. How was your business trip?" I asked him, giving him a tight hug.

"It was great! We made a great deal and the business is doing good because of it." he told me, patting my head.

"That's great then!" I told him.

"Now what did I hear about a boyfriend?" he asked me. *Oh right. He doesn't know I have a boyfriend.*

"Uh, yeah. I have a boyfriend. His name is Kim Jongdae, but we call him Chen. He's a singer, dad." I told him. I saw him smile.

"That's great that you have a boyfriend. As long as he treats you right, I'm happy. If he hurts you, I'll kill him." he says, scaring me.

"That won't be necessary sir. I'll take very good care of her." I hear Chen say as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled at my dad who was also smiling. *He approves.*

"Well I'll see you two lovebirds later. Take care of my daughter." he says to us before walking his room. I smiled before I started walking to my room again.

"So, your dad seems awesome." Chen says, making me laugh.

"I bet you were totally scared of him." I said, earning a squeeze to my side, making me squirm again. "AH stop DOING that." I looked around for some games that we could play, like board games or something. I found Monopoly. *Meh good enough.* I also found a few deck of cards lying around and some movies to watch. *Snow White and the Huntsman. Despicable Me. The Conjuring? Let's see what the others want.*

"So, I guess your dad approves of us being together right?" Chen asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah I think so. He smiled when you came along." I told him, turning around to start walking out of the door.

"Do you think he would approve if I married you?" he asked me, shocking me.

"W-well I guess if he approves of us being together like this, then he'll definitely approve of us getting married." I said, walking towards the guest room where me and Chen found the others having a hardcore pillow fight. We both laughed. "Woah woah woah. Why did you start without us!?"

"Oh, sorry Minji." Kris says, throwing a pillow at me before going back to his previous task: attacking Kyungsoo with his pillow.

"Hey!! Leave Kyungsoo alone!!" I shouted, charging towards the group of boys and pillows that were hitting Kyungsoo and started hitting Kris on the head.

"ATTACK KRIS!!!" I hear Chen shouting behind me as he ran towards us, and everyone started hitting Kris instead.

"HEY!!! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HIT YOUR FATHER!!" Kris shouts at us all, but no one paid any attention to what he said. *I guess it's not often that they get to hit Krisus. Haha.* I swung my pillow down on his head once again and he stumbled to the floor. Sehun and Tao climbed onto his legs, hitting his stomach with their pillows as they prevented Kris from getting back up. Kai grabbed one of his arms and I grabbed the other arm, earning a glare from him before a pillow hit his face. I looked up to see Kyungsoo smiling and laughing.

"HA!! THAT'S PAYBACK!!" Kyungsoo shouted, making us all laugh. Multiple hits came shortly after from everyone in the room, hitting him in the face and the stomach, and there was no escape for him. He squirmed under the weight of 4 people holding him down, and as the pillow fight slowly died down, we let go of Kris. He gasped for air as he was finally free from our grasps.

"You. Guys. Will. Pay. For. That." he said, panting in between each word. We all looked at him as he looked around the room. *Oh .*

He grabbed the nearest pillow and everyone else quickly raised their own, trying to protect themselves from Kris's wrath. He went around, attacking everyone with his pillow, giving each of us a quick payback hit. Suho had been able to quickly protect himself with his pillow, but Tao wasn't so lucky.

"MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!" I shouted, crawling over to Tao who was pretending to die. "Stay strong Tao. Stay with us."

"Sorry, noona..." he said as he sighed heavily, like his last breath was leaving him. His eyes were still open and I closed them with my hands, pretending to cry.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed as I threw myself over Tao, pretending to sob as the others were being hit one by one. Suddenly I felt a whack on my back. I turned around to see Kris with a triumphant smile on his face. I growled and grabbed a pillow, attacking him in the stomach with my hardest hit. He gasped and fell to the floor, clutching his stomach.

"That's what you get when you mess with my friends." I say, trying to look all gangster. Everyone laughed and cheered as I took a bow and Kris was still on the floor.

"Jeez, your girlfriend can really hit, Chen." Kris says, slowly sitting up as the pain disappeared. I laughed and bowed to him.

"Remember not to piss me off then." I warned him, pointing a finger at each of them, as if to warn all of them as well. They backed away, nodding their heads, making me burst out into laughter.

"Minji, where was all that anger when you were attacked by those girls?" Baekhyun asked me curiously. I looked at him, smiling.

"I didn't feel angry or pissed off. I felt sorry for them. They did everything they could to get what they want, even trying to kill me, but they don't know that they have to let go of things sometimes. If they can't have Chen, then if they kill me, were they still going to get Chen? No. I didn't feel angry, I just felt sorry for them." I explained to them, hoping they understood my gibberish. They all nodded. "Now, what do you guys want to watch? I have some movies here!" Everyone looked at the movies that I had brought along.

"OH MY GOD, THE CONJURING! I've heard some people say that it's an awesome movie." Chanyeol shouts.

"Let's watch it then!" Xiumin says as they passed me the disc so I could put it on. I walked out of the room.

"I'll be right back guys." I tell them, running off to find a blanket in the wardrobes around the house. *Aha, found it.* There was a clock nearby. *6:21 pm. Plenty of time for fun. It's the weekend tomorrow anyway. OOH! We could go shopping tomorrow!* I smiled as I walked back to the room. I looked up at 12 boys staring at me. I looked at them, confused.

"The younger ones wanted to wait for you." Luhan said, pointing at Sehun, Kai and Tao who were sitting in the middle.

"NOONA!!" they shouted as they pulled me down to sit with them. I laughed, standing up momentarily to put the blanket on them all as they crawled closer towards the blanket. I crawled into the middle where the 3 boys were waiting. Chen crawled behind me, hooking an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I also saw Suho move closer to me than the 4 boys around me.

"Suho? Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked really scared.

"Huh?" he jumped when he heard me. "O-oh yeah, I'm fine." he says, moving even closer. "Just a bit scared." he whispered, thinking that no one would hear, but I heard. I leaned closer to him.

"Don't worry, I am too. And these three boys are as well." I whispered to him, patting him on the shoulder reassuringly. He sighed and smiled at me. We finally pressed play on the movie. Hearing that it was based on a true story, it was really hard to believe as the movie progressed. Me and the 4 scared boys all huddled together, comforting each other when something scared us. Chen rubbed my back as he tried to comfort me, and I tried comforting the others. It didn't work.

"Guys, it's just a movie. It's okay." I tried saying, whispering so that I wouldn't be ruining the movie for the others.

"B-but it's based on a true story, noona!" Sehun said, stuttering in fear. *Oh right. Idiot.* I mentally facepalm myself.

"It's okay. It's nearly over. Then we can watch a better movie, okay?" I ask them, smiling, showing them that it was okay.

"O-okay." they all say, still scared. The others seemed to enjoy it though, all that supernatural stuff. I tried to watch as much of it as I could, but I couldn't so I kept glancing at the clock. Chen hugged me closer, and I felt a bit safer.

The movie finally ended and I looked back at the clock. *7:56 pm. Another movie?* "Do you guys want to watch another movie?" I asked them.

"YES!" Sehun, Kai, Tao and Suho shouted. *They probably want to get that movie out of their head.* I smiled, showing the movie choices again. We ended up watching Despicable Me. The little minions were so cute and the movie was so funny, we all laughed a lot. It certainly brought the mood up from that scary creepy atmosphere. We were literally rolling on the floor laughing, or as EXOtics have said, RLABing. Once the movie had finished, I looked at the clock again. *10:12 pm. Should we sleep?*

"Are you guys sleepy?" I asked the 12 boys. I was the host, so I had to make sure they were okay with everything.

"Not really..." Lay says, scratching his head.

"Ooh! Let's play Monopoly! Noona brought it." Kai says, bringing the board game over to where we were sitting.

"Aww but only 8 people can play at once." Xiumin complained. *Oh right...*

"No worries! We can have Sehun, Kai and Tao together. Kris and Suho can both go by themselves. Me and Chen will go together. Xiumin and Luhan, you'll go together, Lay and Kyungsoo, you could go together. Baekhyun and Chanyeol together as well. Does anyone want to go by themselves so we have 8 players, or is 7 alright? And does anyone want to change partners?" I asked everyone.

"It's better if there are 8 players, so let's split up the 3 boys. Kai and Tao, you two go together, and Sehun can go with me. Xiumin, you go by yourself. That's 8." Luhan says, rearranging the teams.

"No! We want to be together!!" the three younger boys scream. I shook my head.

"Okay then, what about you three stay together, Xiumin and Luhan, you guys split up. I'm sure you'll be fine by yourselves, besides, you two are the oldest here." I say, sorting out the teams again.

"Fine." Xiumin and Luhan say. We were ready to start playing. Each team grabbed a token, and we even had an argument about who got what. *Aish, these boys...*

"OKAY OKAY!! One person from each group close their eyes and grab one." I said, and they followed. Sehun closed his eyes and grabbed the dog, which was exactly what they wanted. They whooped and cheered as Kris and Luhan groaned in frustration and disappointment. Suho closed his eyes and grabbed the sack of money.

"Oh bish please. I already know I'm rich." he says, smiling. We all glared at him, but ended up bursting out into laughter anyway. *At least he didn't start some huge argument.* Kris closed his eyes and grabbed racecar.

"I'm FAST!!" he shouted, dancing around. We all laughed at him and he joined in, calming down and sitting down. Chen closed his eyes and grabbed a token. It was the man on horseback. He played with it as Xiumin closed his eyes and grabbed the iron.

"Damn it!" he said as Luhan closed his eyes and grabbed the battleship. He shrugged as Kyungsoo closed his eyes and grabbed the shoe. Chanyeol excitedly grabbed the last token, the top hat.

"Ready to play now?" I asked them.

"YES!" they all shouted as they placed their tokens at the start line. We all rolled to see who would go first and continued the game. We went in a circle, the three younger boys going first because they got the highest, then Suho, Kris, me and Chen, Xiumin, Luhan, Lay and Kyungsoo and lastly, Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

Sehun, Kai and Tao sat around close to each other, almost like they were huddling. It was a cute sight. Suho and Kris sat with their legs crossed and their faces full of concentration. I sat on Chen's lap as he held me tight. Xiumin and Luhan both sat there, hugging their legs to their chest. Lay and Kyungsoo were whispering and kind of looked like they were scheming something. Baekhyun and Chanyeol just sat next to each other, high-fiving each other as they prepared themselves for the game.

Once we had the game rolling, I have to say, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are seriously just the luckiest people in the room. They had bought so many things on the second round, as they weren't allowed to buy on the first round, and they were collecting money from us poor people.

"$50 Minji. You landed on our railway, and we own 2 of them." Baekhyun says, putting his hand out so I could give him the money. I grumbled angrily and gave him $50. They chuckled evilly and added it to their ever growing pile of money.

"Hyungs! You're too good for us!!" Sehun whined.

"Sorry dongseng. Let's stop now anyway. It's getting late." Chanyeol says, ruffling Sehun's hair. I looked at the clock. *Woah, 11:30 pm. Better go to sleep.*

"Okay, let's go to sleep guys. It's 11:30 pm and I have a lot of fun things planned tomorrow." I told them as they crawled into their sleeping bags. I cleaned up the Monopoly and Chen helped me.

"Ah, that was a fun night." I told Chen, who was putting away the tokens.

"Haha, it really was. What do you have planned for us tomorrow?" Chen asked me.

"It's a secret." I told him, winking as I held a finger up to my lips. He just smiled and crawled into his sleeping bag. I went to go put the movies and the games away. As I made my way to my room and back, I ran into my parents.

"Oh? Hi mum, dad. I was just going to sleep now." I told them.

"We know. We're so happy that you've found such a good group of friends." my dad said, patting my shoulder. I smiled.

"And such a charming boyfriend as well." my mum added. I smiled even more.

"I know right? They're the best." I told my parents, giving them two thumbs up. "I should go to sleep now. I was planning on taking them to the shops tomorrow or something. A fun day out."

"Well then you better rest. Goodnight dear." my dad said, motioning for me to go to bed.

"Goodnight honey." my mum said, kissing me on the forehead.

"Goodnight mum, dad." I said as I smiled at them and walked to the guest room. I walked into the room to find everyone fast asleep, except Chen of course.

"You should be asleep now." I whispered, trying not to wake up the others.

"I wanted to wait for you." he said, passing his arms around my waist as he pulled me down to lay down.

"Well I'm here, so it's goodnight, oppa." I told him, yawning.

"Goodnight jagiya." he said as he kissed my forehead and rested his chin on my head. I smiled happily as I fell asleep. *Ah, my life is beautiful.*


CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

This morning, I woke up alone. I sat up, looking around for Minji and remembered that she was in hospital. I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up, then went to the kitchen to find some quick breakfast. I just decided to eat cereal. I wanted to visit Minji again to see how she was doing. Last night as I lay there with Minji, her parents came in to visit her when I told them the news.


"Hello? Chen? Is that you?" I heard a voice call. I sat up, being careful not to wake Minji or hurt her.

"Hello there." I stood up and greeted Minji's mum and dad. I knew both of them from when me and Minji were still young. I would go to her house to play, and she would come to mine. Our parents were very fond of each other as well.

"How is Minji doing?" Minji's mum asked me, worry showing in her eyes. I smiled reassuringly.

"She's doing okay. The doctor said that she might be able to go home tomorrow. So that's good." I told her.

"Oh my dear, I don't see you for a week, and this happens to you." Minji's dad said, walking up to the bed where Minji was resting and her cheek.

"Um... I know this might be a really bad time for this, but I was wondering if I could ask for Minji's hand in marriage..." I asked Minji's parents shyly. They both stared at me for a while before smiling brightly.

"Of course! We've been waiting for this day for ages. I think that the only person fit enough to be Minji's husband is you." Minji's mum said. "Take care of her for me okay?" She smiled brightly, and so did I.

"Definitely, with all that I have, I will take good care of her." I promised her. I felt someone pat me on the back.

"You and Minji are the cutest couple, and you are the only person that I would approve for my daughter." he said, squeezing my shoulder. I smiled at him,

"Thank you!" I thanked Minji's parents both and us three sat there discussing the wedding plans and I told them about how my 11 best friends were helping me. Eventually they made their way home, but not before Minji's mum left her a change of clothes. I was left alone with Minji again.


I smiled at the thought of marrying Minji. I had gotten permission from her parents and mine, and everything was going as planned. I quickly finished my breakfast before running back to my room to change my clothes. I called the others and planned to meet them at the hospital. Trying to get there as quickly as possible, I drove there.

When I got there, I saw the 11 boys standing at the entrance of the hospital. "Hey guys. Why are you still standing out here?" I asked them, puzzled.

"Minji's already gone." Suho told me, surprising me.

"WHAT!? She can't be gone!" I screamed. The boys all looked at me.

"She was discharged today, so she was allowed to go home. But we don't know where she's gone is the problem." Kris says.

"We should look for her now then!" I said, scrambling back to my car. Baekhyun, Sehun, Xiumin and Luhan climbed in as well. The others split up into Suho's and Kris's cars. We looked everywhere: the school, the park, the shops. We ran around like maniacs. But I gave up after a while.

"Let's just go home... We'll go back to my house." I told them, going back to the car. We made our way to my house and went inside.

"Where could she be!?" Suho says, frustrated.

"The other girls wouldn't have known she was in hospital, so they couldn't have taken her." Luhan says as we made our way to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"She must've gone home then. We'll go visit her at her house tonight." I told them. **Hopefully she is, and she's safe as well.**

"Huh? What's this?" Baekhyun says, pointing at a cake on the table. **Huh? That wasn't there this morning. Unless...**

"BOO!" I heard a voice shout, shocking everyone. We turned to the source of the noise and our eyes widened in surprise. It was Minji. She giggled and then started laughing like crazy, pointing at us as she laughed.

"MINJI!" we all screamed, running towards her and engulfing her in hugs and scaring her in the process that she ended up just standing there.

"Did you come straight here?" Kyungsoo asked her.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Kris asked her.

"We were so worried about you!" Xiumin told her.

"Noona scared us!" Sehun, Kai and Tao said together. She looked at them.

"Ah I'm sorry guys. I thought that you would've gone to school." she told us.

"No, we were going to visit you again! But you weren't in the hospital, and we panicked. We went looking for you everywhere!" Lay said.

"Aw, I'm sorry guys. But I wanted to do something for you guys, so I rushed home the moment I was allowed out of hospital." she told us, walking over to the table where she left the cake. "Here you go guys." she pointed at the cake and smiled. We came over and looked at it, then smiles spread onto all of our faces. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and lots of plates, then started cutting up the cake and giving each of us a piece. We smiled and hugged her as she each gave us some cake. We sat around the table, eating it eagerly. She stood, waiting for a reaction.

"This cake is really amazing!" Kyungsoo and Lay both say at the same time. **Ah, of course, the two cooks of EXO would be the first to speak.** Everyone else nodded in agreement with them. She blushed and bowed to us all.

"Thank you." she says, smiling. We all sat there and ate cake, talking with each other for hours on end. I was holding onto Minji the whole time and I never wanted to let her go in case she'd disappear again. I looked at the clock after a while. **5:00 pm. I wonder if they're planning on sleeping over again?**

"Woah guys, it's 5. Do you guys need to go home? Or are you going to stay..?" Minji asked the others as I was day dreaming.

"We want to sleep over again. Just to watch over you so that you heal properly and you're alright for school next week." Suho told her. **Right, it's a Friday.**

"Okay then." she says. The others all started cheering, discussing things that we could do tonight. "Wait guys. I have a surprise though." she tells us, catching our attention.

"We're not sleeping over Chen's?" Chanyeol asks her. She shook her head. **What? Where are we sleeping then? Outside??**

"Ah, noona! Are we camping? Like, real camping? In tents? We could do it at the park!" Kai says, jumping up and down excitedly. She shook her head again, but giggled at the idea of camping in the park.

"Nooooo. We are going to sleep over... At my house!" she says, throwing her hands in the air. They all looked at her for a second, and started their excited chattering again. **Oh dear... They seem a bit too excited.**

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, they trashed my house. They'll trash yours." I whispered to Minji, grabbing onto her waist tightly, making her sit on my lap.

"Yes I'm sure. Don't worry! It'll be really fun. Plus, remember when I said that I'd sleep over at your house for a week and you'd sleep over at mine for a week? It's swap time." she says simply, kissing my cheek and smiling.

"Okay then... If you're okay with it, then I'm all good with it." I tell her, squeezing her sides making her squirm. **Ehehe you ticklish person.**

"TICKLE TIME!!" I shouted, tickling her full on, making the others laugh at her squealing and shouting. They joined in and made her laugh even more. **MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I really am evil sometimes.**

"AH! N-no! S-STOP GUYSSSS!! C-can't BREATHE!!!!!!" she screamed in between weird gibberish sounds. Eventually we stopped when she was REALLY out of breath. She sat there panting for a long time, like a dog that just went for a run.

"O-okay. You guys get your stuff, and I'm going to go to my house now." she says, standing up to go to my room.

"Yes sir! We'll go to your house as soon as we have our stuff." Luhan tells her, doing a little salute that made her laugh. Me and Minji got to my room and heard the other 11 boys rush out of the front door as Minji grabbed her things. I just quickly grabbed a few things and stuffed it in a bag, walking out of the room to wait for Minji. **If I forget something, I can just go home and get it.**

"Ready?" I heard her say in the room, but I wasn't there. She walked outside to find me all ready with a bag full of my random things.

"Ready?" I asked her. She laughed.

"Ready." she says, hooking arms with me as we walked to her house. "You should make yourself comfortable. You're going to stay at my house for a while. And my mum is always home."

"Of course I'll make myself comfortable. Why wouldn't I? I'm staying over for a whole week!" I told her jokingly. She punched me in the arm.

"Shut up." she says, unhooking arms with me. She was pretending to be angry at me.

"Aw jagiya, I was joking. Come here~" I said, wrapping my arms around her as she walked in front. I kissed her cheek and rested my head on her shoulder. I saw her smile at me. She grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers. We walked together like that until we reached her house. She let herself in and was greeted by a shocked mum and 11 boys in the lounge room. **They made it here before us!?**

"Hi guys. How did you get here before us?" she asked them all. They smiled at us as they heard her greet them and all waved at her.

"Secret." Baekhyun says, putting a finger to his lips as if he was shushing her. She looked at her mum who was still shocked.

"Hey mum!" she greeted her, giving her a hug. She saw Minji and hugged her back, a smile creeping up on her face.

"Hey Minji! Oh, it's been so lonely here without you. But now you and dad are home, I'm happy! But who are these charming young men here?" she asks Minji curiously.

"Oh, these are my friends. There's Sehun, Kai, Tao, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Chen, Baekhyun, Lay, Suho, Kris, Luhan and Xiumin." she introduced them to her mum, pointing at them as she said our names. Her mum just waved.

"They are also part of the very popular boy group, EXO." she tells her mum. Her mum looked at her with wide eyes.

"AH! So THAT'S why they looked so familiar!" she said, clapping her hands together. "You boys are welcome in my house whenever you want!" Minji laughed.

"Come on guys!" she says, leading us to a guest room. We grabbed our stuff and followed her. "We'll sleep in here tonight." she tells us. It was an empty room that had absolutely nothing except for a TV, even though it was a guest room and it should've had a bed. "My parents thought that the room was too big for a guest room, so they left it as it is and they left a TV in here for some reason... Anyway, if they ever needed to use it for something, like this for example, it would be ready." she explained to us. We got our things ready as they did at my house and Minji decided to go to her room to see if there was anything we could do. I decided to sneak out and see what she was doing.

I walked out of the room and saw her talking to her dad.

"Now what did I hear about a boyfriend?" I heard him asked her. **Oh right... He never knew until last night.**

"Uh, yeah. I have a boyfriend. His name is Kim Jongdae, but we call him Chen. He's a singer, dad." I heard her tell him all about me. I saw him smile as well.

"That's great that you have a boyfriend. As long as he treats you right, I'm happy. If he hurts you, I'll kill him." he says, scaring me. I walked up behind Minji.

"That won't be necessary sir. I'll take very good care of her." I told Minji's dad as I wrapped my arms around Minji. I smiled at her dad who was also smiling.

"Well I'll see you two lovebirds later. Take care of my daughter." he says to us before walking his room. I saw Minji smile before she started walking to her room again.

"So, your dad seems awesome." I tell her, making her laugh.

"I bet you were totally scared of him." she says, earning her a squeeze to her side, making me squirm again. "AH stop DOING that." She looked around for some games that we could play, like board games or something. I just looked around her room, remembering those old memories. Like that time I had almost confessed to her in Grade 5. And that time I almost kissed her in Grade 8. But it didn't matter anymore. Because she's my girlfriend now.

"So, I guess your dad approves of us being together right?" I asked her, looking at her as she looked at me.

"Uh, yeah I think so. He smiled when you came along." she told me, turning around to start walking out of the door.

"Do you think he would approve if I married you?" I asked her, shocking her.

"W-well I guess if he approves of us being together like this, then he'll definitely approve of us getting married." she says, walking towards the guest room where we found the others having a hardcore pillow fight. We both laughed. "Woah woah woah. Why did you start without us!?"

"Oh, sorry Minji." Kris says, throwing a pillow at Minji before going back to his previous task: attacking Kyungsoo with his pillow.

"Hey!! Leave Kyungsoo alone!!" Minji shouted, charging towards the group of boys and pillows that were hitting Kyungsoo and started hitting Kris on the head. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the little figure trying to attack a giant. **I better help her.** I grabbed my own pillow.

"ATTACK KRIS!!!" I shouted as I ran towards them, and everyone started hitting Kris instead.

"HEY!!! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HIT YOUR FATHER!!" Kris shouts at us all, but no one paid any attention to what he said. **We NEVER get to do this! This is going to be awesome hitting Krisus! Haha.** Minji swung her pillow down on Kris's head once again and he stumbled to the floor. Sehun and Tao climbed onto his legs, hitting his stomach with their pillows as they prevented Kris from getting back up. Kai grabbed one of his arms and Minji grabbed the other arm, earning a glare from him before a pillow hit his face. I looked up to see Kyungsoo smiling and laughing.

"HA!! THAT'S PAYBACK!!" Kyungsoo shouted, making us all laugh. Multiple hits came shortly after from everyone in the room, including me, hitting him in the face and the stomach, and there was no escape for him. He squirmed under the weight of 4 people holding him down, and as the pillow fight slowly died down, we spared Kris. He gasped for air as he was finally free from our grasps.

"You. Guys. Will. Pay. For. That." he said, panting in between each word. We all looked at him as he looked around the room. **Oh .**

He grabbed the nearest pillow and everyone else quickly raised their own, trying to protect themselves from Kris's wrath. He went around, attacking everyone with his pillow, giving each of us a quick payback hit. Suho had been able to quickly protect himself with his pillow, but Tao wasn't so lucky.

"MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!" Minji started shouting, crawling over to Tao who was pretending to die. "Stay strong Tao. Stay with us."

"Sorry, noona..." he said as he sighed heavily, like his last breath was leaving him. His eyes were still open and she closed them with her hands, pretending to cry.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed as she threw herself over Tao, pretending to sob as the others were being hit one by one. I was lucky enough to be fast enough to protect myself, but Minji wasn't. She was whacked on my back. She turned around to see Kris with a triumphant smile on his face. She growled and grabbed a pillow, attacking him in the stomach with her hardest hit. He gasped and fell to the floor, clutching his stomach. I was shocked, but inside I was like, 'That's my girlfriend.'

"That's what you get when you mess with my friends." she says, trying to look all gangster. Everyone laughed and cheered as she took a bow and Kris was still on the floor.

"Jeez, your girlfriend can really hit, Chen." Kris says, slowly sitting up as the pain disappeared. Minji laughed and bowed to him.

"Remember not to piss me off then." she warned him, pointing a finger at each of us, as if to warn all of us as well. We backed away, nodding our heads, making her burst out into laughter.

"Minji, where was all that anger when you were attacked by those girls?" Baekhyun asked her curiously. She looked at him, smiling.

"I didn't feel angry or pissed off. I felt sorry for them. They did everything they could to get what they want, even trying to kill me, but they don't know that they have to let go of things sometimes. If they can't have Chen, then if they kill me, were they still going to get Chen? No. I didn't feel angry, I just felt sorry for them." she explained to us, hoping they understood my gibberish. We all nodded. **Of course they wouldn't get me. I would've been a widow for the rest of my life. I don't want anyone but Minji.** "Now, what do you guys want to watch? I have some movies here!" Everyone looked at the movies that Minji had brought along.

"OH MY GOD, THE CONJURING! I've heard some people say that it's an awesome movie." Chanyeol shouts.

"Let's watch it then!" Xiumin says as they passed her the disc so she could put it on. She walked out of the room.

"I'll be right back guys." she tells us, running off. We were about to press play ahead of time, but three little boys stopped us.

"NO! We must wait for Minji noona!" Kai told us, Sehun and Tao nodding in agreement. I smiled and nodded.

"Alright. We'll wait for Minji." I told them. They high-fived each other and sat there, patiently waiting for Minji. As she walked into the room, she was smiling. Then she looked up to see 12 boys staring at her. She looked at us, confused.

"The younger ones wanted to wait for you." Luhan said, pointing at Sehun, Kai and Tao who were sitting in the middle.

"NOONA!!" they shouted as they pulled her down to sit with them. She laughed, standing up momentarily to put the blanket on us all as we crawled closer towards the blanket. Minji crawled into the middle where the 3 boys were waiting. I crawled behind me, hooking an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me. I saw Suho move closer to Minji than me and the 3 little ones around her.

"Suho? Are you okay?" I heard her ask him. He actually looked really scared. **Oh dear.**

"Huh?" he jumped when he heard Minji. "O-oh yeah, I'm fine." he says, moving even closer. "Just a bit scared." he whispered, thinking that no one would hear, but I heard, and so did Minji. She leaned closer to him.

"Don't worry, I am too. And these three boys are as well." she whispered to him, patting him on the shoulder reassuringly. He sighed and smiled at her. **Don't get jealous... Don't get jealous...** We finally pressed play on the movie. Hearing that it was based on a true story, it was really hard to believe as the movie progressed. Minji and the 4 scared boys all huddled together, comforting each other when something scared them. I rubbed Minji's back as I tried to comfort me, and Minji tried comforting the others. It didn't work.

"Guys, it's just a movie. It's okay." she tried saying, whispering so that she wouldn't be ruining the movie for the others.

"B-but it's based on a true story, noona!" Sehun said, stuttering in fear.

"It's okay. It's nearly over. Then we can watch a better movie, okay?" she asked them, smiling, showing them that it was okay.

"O-okay." they all say, still scared. The others seemed to enjoy it though, all that supernatural stuff. I just thought it was a pretty average movie, besides the fact that it was based on a true story. Minji tried to watch as much of it as she could, but she couldn't so she kept glancing at the clock. I hugged her closer, showing her that there was nothing to be afraid of. She had me.

The movie finally ended and she looked back at the clock, and so did I. **7:56 pm. Not too late.** "Do you guys want to watch another movie?" she asked us all.

"YES!" Sehun, Kai, Tao and Suho shouted. **They probably want to get that movie out of their head.** Minji smiled, showing the movie choices again. We ended up watching Despicable Me. The little minions were so cute and the movie was so funny, we all laughed a lot. It certainly brought the mood up from that scary creepy atmosphere. We were literally rolling on the floor laughing, or as EXOtics have said, RLABing. Once the movie had finished, Minji looked at the clock again. I checked the clock as well. **10:12 pm. I'm not sleepy yet.**

"Are you guys sleepy?" Minji asked us.

"Not really..." Lay says, scratching his head.

"Ooh! Let's play Monopoly! Noona brought it." Kai says, bringing the board game over to where we were sitting.

"Aww but only 8 people can play at once." Xiumin complained.

"No worries! We can have Sehun, Kai and Tao together. Kris and Suho can both go by themselves. Me and Chen will go together. Xiumin and Luhan, you'll go together, Lay and Kyungsoo, you could go together. Baekhyun and Chanyeol together as well. Does anyone want to go by themselves so we have 8 players, or is 7 alright? And does anyone want to change partners?" Minji asked everyone.

"It's better if there are 8 players, so let's split up the 3 boys. Kai and Tao, you two go together, and Sehun can go with me. Xiumin, you go by yourself. That's 8." Luhan says, rearranging the teams.

"No! We want to be together!!" the three younger boys scream. She shook her head.

"Okay then, what about you three stay together, Xiumin and Luhan, you guys split up. I'm sure you'll be fine by yourselves, besides, you two are the oldest here." she says, sorting out the teams again.

"Fine." Xiumin and Luhan say. We were ready to start playing. Each team grabbed a token, and we even had an argument about who got what. **Oh come on...**

"OKAY OKAY!! One person from each group close their eyes and grab one." she said, and we followed. Sehun closed his eyes and grabbed the dog, which was exactly what they wanted. They whooped and cheered as Kris and Luhan groaned in frustration and disappointment. Suho closed his eyes and grabbed the sack of money.

"Oh bish please. I already know I'm rich." he says, smiling. We all glared at him, but ended up bursting out into laughter anyway. Kris closed his eyes and grabbed the racecar.

"I'm FAST!!" he shouted, dancing around. **DAMN IT!!** We all laughed at him and he joined in, calming down and sitting down. I closed my eyes and grabbed a token. It was the man on horseback. **Good enough.** I played with it as Xiumin closed his eyes and grabbed the iron.

"Damn it!" he said as Luhan closed his eyes and grabbed the battleship. He shrugged as Kyungsoo closed his eyes and grabbed the shoe. Chanyeol excitedly grabbed the last token, the top hat.

"Ready to play now?" Minji asked us.

"YES!" we all shouted as we placed their tokens at the start line. We all rolled to see who would go first and continued the game. We went in a circle, the three younger boys going first because they got the highest, then Suho, Kris, me and Minji, Xiumin, Luhan, Lay and Kyungsoo and lastly, Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

Sehun, Kai and Tao sat around close to each other, almost like they were huddling. It looked cute. Suho and Kris sat with their legs crossed and their faces full of concentration. Minji sat on my lap as I held her tight. Xiumin and Luhan both sat there, hugging their legs to their chest. Lay and Kyungsoo were whispering and kind of looked like they were scheming something. **Something for the wedding?** Baekhyun and Chanyeol just sat next to each other, high-fiving each other as they prepared themselves for the game.

Once we had the game rolling, I have to say, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are seriously just the luckiest people in the room. They had bought so many things on the second round, as they weren't allowed to buy on the first round, and they were collecting money from us poor people.

"$50 Minji. You landed on our railway, and we own 2 of them." Baekhyun says, putting his hand out so Minji could give him the money. She grumbled angrily and gave him $50. They chuckled evilly and added it to their ever growing pile of money.

"Hyungs! You're too good for us!!" Sehun whined.

"Sorry dongseng. Let's stop now anyway. It's getting late." Chanyeol says, ruffling Sehun's hair. I looked at the clock. **Woah, 11:30 pm. I still don't feel tired.**

"Okay, let's go to sleep guys. It's 11:30 pm and I have a lot of fun things planned tomorrow." Minji told us as the others crawled into their sleeping bags. Minji cleaned up the Monopoly and I helped her.

"Ah, that was a fun night." she said as I put away the tokens.

"Haha, it really was. What do you have planned for us tomorrow?" I asked her.

"It's a secret." she told me, winking as she held a finger up to her lips. I just smiled and crawled into my sleeping bag. She went to go put the movies and the games away. I lay in my sleeping bag waiting for her to get back. **It's cold Minji... Hurry back.** I saw her walk back into the room and everyone was already asleep.

"You should be asleep now." she whispered to me, trying not to wake up the others.

"I wanted to wait for you." I said, passing my arms around her waist as I pulled her down to lay down.

"Well I'm here, so it's goodnight, oppa." she told me, yawning.

"Goodnight jagiya." I said as I kissed her forehead and rested my chin on her head. I smiled happily as I fell asleep. **Ah, my life is amazing.**



A/N: Another gay day, another gay update. Hope you guys like it anyway! The story is coming to an end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I probably won't update for a long time, but I'll write bits of the chapters everyday. Hopefully I'll update once a month? SORRY, FORGIVE ME OTL

I hate Year 11... But enjoy, comment and subscribe!! :D

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD