EXO Sleep Over

Beautiful Lie.

NO ONE's POV (Point Of View)

The next day, you and Chen both walked to school, happily chatting away. The boys from EXO met you near school and you all walked into school together. All the girls were jealous of you, but you didn't care. You weren't in it for the popularity of the jealousy of the girls. You were there purely for Chen.

"Oppa, what are we going to do after school today? You don't have lessons again right?" you asked him. "Yeah, I think we could all just go to my house and have some fun." Chen told you.

"YAY!! Can we!? Can we all sleep over at your house as well?" you ask him enthusiastically. "Hmmmm, sure." he says with a smile. All the EXO boys start talking about what we should do, and what they were going to bring.

"I'm going to bring my teddy bear!" Sehun says.

"I'll bring my panda!" Tao says.

"I'll bring my cat!" Kai says.

"We should definitely play Truth or Dare." Kris tells us. "AND a dance game!" Lay adds. We all look at him. "What? I like dancing." he shrugs his shoulders. "We should have a pillow fight as well, and watch movies!" Luhan suggests. "This is going to be so much fun!" you say.

The day went by fast, and soon it was lunchtime. You all met on the rooftop and talked about what you were going to bring and do at Chen's house. Chanyeol tried to crack a few jokes during lunch as well. "Hey guys, which animal isn't racist?" he asked us all.

"Which one?" we all asked, confused. "A PANDA!! HAHA, CAUSE, YOU KNOW, IT'S BLACK, WHITE, AND ASIAN!" he told us, laughing like a maniac. We all started laughing. "I don't get it..." says a confused Sehun. "It's okay Sehun, you'l unders-" I got interrupted by a hysterical Sehun. "HAHAHA AH I GET IT!! GOOD JOKE CHANYEOL HYUNG!" he told Chanyeol, smiling cutely. I ruffled his hair. *Such a cutie.*


MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

The rest of the day went REALLY fast. Maybe it was just because I was really excited about the sleepover, but then again, everyone was. Once school was finished, we all walked together to my house where I would collect some things and I asked my mum for permission. She was always really easy going, so she told me that I could, despite the fact that I was sleeping over with 12 guys. She really didn't mind. I loved her for that, because she trusted me. So I collected my stuff and headed out to the car that the guys borrowed from Xiumin. They had already gotten their stuff from their own houses. I was the last one to pick up before we made our way to Chen's house. I threw my bags into the trunk, and climbed into the car, sitting next to Chen and Baekhyun.

The three younger boys, Sehun, Kai and Tao sat at the back, playing with their plushies. Chanyeol, Kris and Luhan sat in the next row from the back, chatting about the games we were going to play. Then there was Suho, Kyungsoo and Lay sitting in the row behind me, just relaxing before we got to Chen's house. Xiumin sat at the front by himself. I felt sorry for him, so I climbed out and sat at the front as well. "Hi Xiumin." I greeted him cheerfully. "Hey there." he greeted back, actually quite surprised that I wanted to sit in front with him. We ended up all chatting about random things, like how Chanyeol has the straightest teeth, and how Sehun was the best at aegyo.

We finally arrived at Chen's house and grabbed our stuff. We made our way to Chen's room. "Soo, how are we actually all going to fit in this room tonight?"I asked Chen. He laughed.

"We're not sleeping here tonight. We're sleeping upstairs. Come on guys, grab your stuff." he told us, leading us upstairs. We grabbed our stuff and headed upstairs. It was really roomy upstairs. I vaguely remember being up here when I was younger. Me and Chen always hung out in his room.

"OKAY! Guys, set up your sleeping bags and everything. I'm going to make some popcorn! I'll be back." he told us, making his way downstairs. Sehun, Kai and Tao paired up and set their sleeping bags near one of the three walls so that their heads faced the wall and they had plenty of space to roll. They placed their plushies out as well, so that they could grab them later on. Luhan decided to sleep next to Sehun, so he set up with the three young boys.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol paired up and set their sleeping bags up against a different wall the same way the young boys did. They sat there chatting away, waiting for everyone else to set up. Kris, Suho, Lay and Kyungsoo set up their sleeping bags against the third wall using the same technique. Everyone was all set up except me, Xiumin and Chen. I decided to leave mine in the middle of the room. Xiumin placed his next to me, and I placed Chen's on the other side of mine. I went to go and change into my baby blue pyjamas while the others were chatting. I came back a while later and then me and Xiumin ended up chatting while we waited for Chen to come back with the popcorn.

"So what's it like to work with 11 other guys?" I asked him. "It's actually quite fun. You get to know them better, and then they're like family to you. It's great fun being around them, and now you are also a new member of this friendship group. Remember that we are all your friends." Xiumin told me. I was so happy and thankful that I met these 11 boys. They all crowded around me and started agreeing with Xiumin.

"We'll always be your friend noona!!" Sehun, Kai and Tao said in unison.

"If you need anything, just call." Kris tells me.

"We'll always be here for you." Suho says. They all hugged me and I hugged them back.

Chen finally came back with the popcorn and I moved my sleeping bag while Chen and Xiumin moved theirs as well. We sat in the middle of the room and started voting for which type of movie we were going to watch. There was horror, comedy and romance. I voted for romance and comedy and so did the 3 younger boys, but everyone else voted for horror. I looked outside. It was still bright. There would be time for 1 or 2 movies and a few games. Chen went to go and grab a huge blanket. It was so big and warm, and we all climbed under it. I sat with Chen, and Sehun, Kai and Tao wanted to sit near me, so they sat in front of me. The rest of the guys sat on either side, waiting for the movie to start. Chen held onto my waist tightly, and I leaned onto his chest. The movie finally started.

We were watching The Human Centipede. It sounded so disgusting, for most of the movie I was hiding under the blanket. Chen hugged me, trying to comfort me, while everyone else was obviously enjoying it. Sehun, Kai and Tao ended up hiding under the blanket with me. We were all scared, but the movie was almost over, so I endured it for another half hour. Finally, it was over. The 3 younger boys crowded around and were still hiding under the blanket with me.

"Noona!! It was so scary!!" they cried. All the others laughed at us, but I was hugging each of them, trying to calm them down. "Can we watch another movie?" I asked them.

"Mmmm, yeah, I think we got enough time for one more movie before we start the games." Suho tells us.

"YAY!!" me, Sehun, Kai and Tao shouted and high fives went around us. We watched a comedy this time, it was The Hangover. We all laughed a lot, it was a nice change from the horror movie. The guys were so silly and we had so much fun watching.

The movie was over, everyone was relaxed and we were ready to start playing some games. "Can we play a dance game, since the television is already on." Lay asked shyly. "Can we Chen?" I asked him. "Sure." he answered, and the room erupted into an excited group of boys choosing teams.

"I think I'll sit this out." I tell Chen. "Aw. Okay then, but join in whenever you want okay?" he tells me. *Yeah... I don't think so.*

"LAY IS IN OUR TEAM GODDAMIT!!" I hear Kris shout.

"GUYS! Calm down. Why don't you just split into EXO-K and EXO-M." I suggested. "Good idea. That means our team gets Lay, and Suho's team gets Kai. We're equal." Chen says. "LET'S START ALREADY!!" Lay and Kai scream. "OKAY OKAY CALM DOWN." Suho tells them.

"Let's start!" I put the game in and started it for them. Suho and Kris were the first to battle, since they were the leaders. The song was Oh! by Girls' Generation. Everyone laughed while the leaders stood there awkwardly. The song started, and each leader tried their best, but it's not easy to dance to a girl song. It was so funny watching them. In the end, Suho won, because most of the time, Kris was dancing lazily and complaining that "It would ruin my manly image." That was exactly what he said.

It was Lay vs. Kyungsoo now, because they were classified as the umma of their separate groups. This time, I chose the song Nobody by Wonder Girls. It was cute seeing the two ummas dancing to it, and Lay was the winner. He was the Dancing Machine of EXO-M. Next, Kai vs. Chen to Single Ladies by Beyoncé. They just looked at me while everyone else was laughing. "I'm going to murder you Minji." they both said. "Oh crap." I said. But they still danced to it for fun. It was funny to see them dance like that.

In the end, Kai won since he was the Dancing Machine of EXO-K. Chen just plopped down next to me and sat there in defeat. "It's okay Chen, it's just for fun, right?" I remind him. He looks up at me.

"True. That was fun though wasn't it?" he told me, laughing. "But I'm still going to punish you." he tells me, poking my sides, making me squirm and giggle.

"NEXT!" I scream. It was Baekhyun vs. Xiumin next. The song was Bubble Pop! by HyunA. It was so cute seeing Baekhyun and Xiumin try and pop like HyunA. Cute and silly at the same time, and Xiumin won that round surprisingly. The next pair to battle was Chanyeol vs. Tao. They were both quite tall and were both at the same dancing level as each other. The song they had to dance to was Alone by Sistar.

It was funny seeing two of the tallest people in EXO dancing to a song like that. Tao ended up winning that round, but I guess that's because he was one of the divas of the group. The other was Sehun who was just about to battle with Luhan. They ended up battling with the song Electric Shock by F(x). They were both really good dancers and were neck and neck the whole time. In the end, Sehun passed Luhan the tiniest bit, and that resulted in Sehun being the winner for that round.

"Okay guys. The score is EXO-K 3, and EXO-M 3! Choose 1 person from each of your teams to participate in the TIE BREAKER!!" I announced. EXO-K chose Kai and EXO-M chose Lay. I had chosen a special song for the tie breaker.

Kai vs. Lay, dancing to the song Magic by Secret! I laughed when the song came up on the screen, and all the guys were staring at me like I was the Devil that came to make their life hell. Then we all started laughing except Kai and Lay, but they both tried their best at it, and in the end... Lay won the round! They shook hands and congratulated each other, and EXO-M celebrated with hugs all around. I smiled because seeing them so happy, it made me happy.

"Let's play Truth or Dare next!" Baekhyun suggested. We all agreed. Someone already wrote questions, and we just had to choose if we were doing Truth or Dare. We put a bottle in the middle and I spun it for us. It pointed to Lay. He was really shy when he looked up and everyone was looking at him.

"Truth or Dare Lay?" I asked him. "TRUTH!" he screamed straight away. Everyone laughed. I passed him the Truth box and he picked out a question.

"Read it out loud!" Chanyeol tells him. He looked a bit embarrassed. "Uh... What's the most embarrassing moment you've ever had?" he reads. Everyone looked at him, eagerly waiting for him to answer the question. He blushed, but answered nonetheless.

"Uh, I guess, when I was little, some random kid ran up to me and pulled down my pants. Everyone laughed at me..." he told us. We were all on the floor laughing so hard, but I felt so sorry for Lay at the same time. He crossed his arms and sat there. "It's your turn to spin the bottle Lay." I told him. He looked up and nodded, grabbed the bottle and spun it. It pointed to Chanyeol this time.

"I CHOOSE DARE!!" he shouts out almost immediately. I giggled and passed him the Dare box. He picked one out and read it out loud. "Do aegyo in a high pitched voice? What?" he says. We all laughed. Since he had a really deep voice, if he tried doing it in a high pitched voice, it would turn out to be a quite average male voice, but he did it anyway. "Buing buing~ Am I cute?" he says while doing a cute buing buing pose. "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~!" we all exclaimed, making Chanyeol blush like crazy. Some of the guys ruffled his hair and . I found it cute and I clapped my hands.

"You've done the dare correctly, good job! Now it's your turn to spin the bottle." I tell him. He spun it really hard, and it ended up pointing to Suho. "Uh... I'll take Truth please." I passed him the Truth box. He picked one out and read it out loud. "Who was your weirdest crush?? Wait what?" he said, surprised. "Hmmm, I remember I liked this girl in high school, she was really cute, but she had a weird habit... She used to stalk me. It kinda got creepy, and then I didn't even know why I liked her in the first place." he told us. "Wow, really? That's weird man. I wonder if she is a fan of yours now." Kris joked. "No, please no. NEXT!" he says, grabbing the bottle and spinning it.

It pointed to Kris next. "Damn it... I think I'll take a Dare thanks." he says unconfidently. I passed him the Dare box and he grabbed one. "Okay.. Go around and kiss everyone on the cheek!? WHAT!?" he screamed. "WHO WROTE THESE!?" he yelled at us. We were all laughing but at the same time, weren't all that comfortable with Kris kising each of us, but he had to do it. It was a dare. "Okay, who's first? Ah, Xiumin~" Kris says in a teasing voice, crawling over to Xiumin while Xiumin himself was trying to get away. But Kris grabbed onto him and pulled him close, kissing him on the cheek. We were all dying of laughter.

"Tsk tsk, you guys shouldn't be laughing, after all, you guys are getting a kiss as well..." Kris tells us. He kissed everyone around the circle. Tao was next, then Kyungsoo, Suho, Lay, Luhan, Sehun. Kai, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Chen, and then me. He kissed me lightly on the cheek, and then whispered in my ear, "Your boyfriend is getting jealous~" I looked over, and sure enough, he was looking away, probably trying not to look so that he won't get so jealous. "Chen oppa. Don't be jealous~ I'm for you only." I tell him, kissing him on the cheek. "AWWWWWWWWWW~" everyone says. I blushed hard, and so did Chen.

Everyone else had a turn in Truth or Dare. Some of them had it twice. Then, it was my turn, my first turn. "I think I'll do Dare." I say. I picked one out of the Dare box. "Kiss one person in the room, ON THE LIPS." I read out loud. *Hmmm, well that's easy.* I turned around to Chen and planted a soft kiss on Chen's lips while all the others were like "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~" We all laughed afterwards.

"Guys, imagine if one of you had gotten that dare. Who would you have kissed? Not including me, because then you'd probably all go for me, since I'm the girl." I asked all of them, looking to see Chen's reaction. He looked a bit jealous~ "I would've kissed Tao." Kris says. Tao nodded in agreement.

"I would've kissed Sehun." Luhan tells us. Sehun hugged Luhan's arm as to say 'I would've kissed you too!' "I would've kissed Baekhyun." Chanyeol says. Baekhyun winked at him. "I would've totally kissed Kyungsoo." Kai told us. Kyungsoo just smiled. "I would've probably kissed Lay." Suho says. Lay just looked down in embarrassment. "I would've kissed Chen." Xiumin teased. Me and Chen just looked at him.

"YAH!! My boyfriend is off limits!" I told him, and hit him with a pillow. Everyone then started grabbing their pillows and hitting each other. "PILLOW FIGHT!!" Sehun, Kai and Tao scream. We went crazy and had so much fun. Chen suddenly grabbed me around the waist, picked me up and spun me around. I hit him on the head with my pillow. Some of the guys were tackling each other to the ground with their pillows. Tao was the best at the pillow fight I think. He knows wushu after all. We all calmed down after a while, but it was fun to go crazy once in a while and have fun. We all laughed, and I smiled. *I'm so glad I met these guys. They're the best friends ever.*

It was quite late when we finally finished our hardcore pillow fight, and we were all quite tired. "We still have school tomorrow guys. Better get to sleep." Kris tells us. He was always like the leader of the group, the father. "Mhmm, we should." I agree with him. We all got into our sleeping bags and lay down while Chen went to go turn off the lights. I felt cold so I grabbed my tiger onesie that I packed in case and put it on.

"Someone got a torch?" he asked. "I don't think we do." Lay tells us. "Don't worry. I don't need a torch." he says, turning of the light. There was scuffling and suddenly "Ow! Watch out Chen!" Luhan shouts. "Sorry..." he mumbles. He finally makes it to his sleeping bag but somehow manages to fall over and land on top of me.

"OOF! Chen! Be careful!" I whisper. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Minji. Stupid sleeping bag..." he says. I sighed. "It's okay. Just get to bed. We still have school tomorrow." I told him. I lay down and closed my eyes. Suddenly it felt really cold, then warm again. I looked over to Chen, and he was under my sleeping bag. He put his sleeping bag over mine so that we were both still covered. He then lay down and put his arms around my waist and snuggled into my neck. I giggled at his cuteness and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight everyone!" I told all of them. I knew they weren't asleep yet since there were whispers and faint lights around the room. *Probably on their phones.* "Goodnight Minji!" they all said, almost in unison. "Good night, my Minji." Chen whispered in my ear. I turned to him, and he kissed me on the lips. I snuggled against him, and he still had his arms around my waist. I smiled at this happiness that I felt with these 12 boys, my 12 close friends. We all fell asleep a while after that.


A/N: THE THINGS THEY SAY IN THE TRUTHS ARE NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just saying. It's my imagination. So yeah, don't believe the things I wrote in the truth questions. It's just a story remember. Also, I didn't write a Chen POV because I thought that would just make you guys really bored and stuff, but it probably would've been the same as Minji's POV. But enjoy, comment and subscribe!! :D and also remember to continue voting on the poll in the Chapter before Chapter 8, and after Chapter 7 if you haven't already. Here's the link. POLL!! VOTE!! QUICK!!! because the story is ALMOST over (a few more chapters at least.) Thanks guys :D I'll try and update faster? XD Next chappie might be a bit sad... :(

Also, here are the music videos of the songs they danced to in the story, if you guys wanted to see:

Oh! by Girls' Generation

Nobody by Wonder Girls (Sorry for the bad quality of this one >_<")

Single Ladies by Beyoncé

Bubble Pop! by HyunA

Alone by Sistar

Electric Shock by F(x)

Magic by Secret

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD