I'm Sorry

My Jerky Neighbor

Classes at Sunhwa Arts School were starting the following week. My luggage had been unpacked and all sorted out, and if I thought that my apartment seemed small before, now that all of my things had been set out, and my futon was spread across the floor, the room now seemed much, much smaller. Donghae had even brought up a couch from one of the empty apartments downstairs. But I think the best part of it all was that I hadn't seen that jerk Daehyun since the first day I'd moved in.


The morning my classes were beginning, I had decided to wake up at the crack of dawn. I could hardly even sleep the night before. Finally changing into my new school unifrom I'd recieved in the mail, it really was like I had begun to live out my dream. I felt so elated and happy, I just wanted to scream. I couldn't even stop smiling. Butterflies were building up in my stomach,  too, but in a good way. Walking over to one of my bags leaning against the wall, I pulled out an aged, dented up, black violin case. Slowly running my hand across the beaten case, memories of past performances, Grandmother teaching me new cords and notes, and the troubles and difficulties of learning songs flooded through my mind.

This is the reason I had come to Sunhwa Arts. I grinned and tucked my case under my arm as I grabbed onto my book bag. If only she could see me now, Grandmother would be so proud. But my good mood didn't last for long as I opened my apartment door and instantly laid eyes on Daehyun.



 He was outside of his apartment hunched over and was fumbling through a book bag. I stayed, unsure of what to do, in the doorway of my apartment. After a moment, I hesitantly stepped forward causing my door to slam shut behind me. Daehyun to whipped his head up, startled by the sudden noise. It was only then, that I noticed he was wearing the same school uniform that I was wearing. Daehyun goes to Sunhwa, too? Great, just friggin' great. But that wasn’t the only thing that he was wearing. A large bruise shown just above his cheek and what looked to be a fresh cut appeared on the corner of his lip.


“Umm, good morning,” I awkwardly offered, trying not to make it obvious that I was staring at his wounds. I wanted to ask him what happened to his face, but I figured he wouldn't take that very well. Even though we had had our little differences on the first day I had moved in, I wanted to attempt to be friendly. After all, we were neighbors now.


But Daehyun closed his book bag and, without saying a word, pushed past me to get down the stairs.


“H-hey!” I shouted, running after him. “Listen, can I talk to you," I blurted out while trying to catch up with him and he carefully maneuvered down the stairs. 

He ignored me and began picking up his pace.

"Yah!" I finally reached him and grabbed onto his arm, causing him to abruptly stop and turn around.

Throwing my hand off of his wrist, his eyes intensly stared into mine.  "What do you want?" His voice was low and sharp. I suddenly regreted stopping him.

"Uh...I just wanted to say that I’m sorry that I’ve intruded on your space.” Timidly shrinking down, I just wanted to die. I originally had no plans of apologizing to this jerk, but I decided that it was a good idea because I would most likely be living next to him for a long time. And I didn't want to start out your dream hating someone I barely knew. Thinking Daehyun could've just been having a bad day when you moved in, I decided to be the better person and apologize, even though I've never done anything to him in the first place.



“I mean, I don’t really know you very well, but…” I tried to think of the right words to say. “It's just, I've heard that you were going through a tough time, and I just wanted to, you know, apologize for, uhh, intruding and making things difficult for you I guess.” I stared down at my feet suddenly feeling very embarrassed. I couldn't believe the words that had just escaped my mouth.


After a few seconds of silence, which felt more like hours, I stole a glance at Daehyun. When our eyes met, there was a glint in his eye and he suddenly strung his arms around my waist and threw his body weight onto mine, sending me, my back-pack, and my violin tumbling backwards. I was crushed up against the wall, my breath being knocked out of me, his body weight pinning me there. 

"You're sorry?"

I was so stunned that I couldn't think a straight thought. The tone of Daehyun's voice made me cringe.  Feeling his hot breath fanning across my face, I'm pretty sure that if he leaned in just a little bit closer we would have kissed.  "Yes, I'm sorry," I barely managed to squeak. I was almost positive that he could hear my heart practically exploding out of my chest.

“Didn’t I tell you not to bother me?” he spoke in a dangerously low voice, staring into my eyes the entire time.

I could only nod my head, no words were forming in my mouth.

Daehyun's lips tugged into a wide smirk, causing the gash on his lip to become more apparent. "And do you know what I would have had to do if you did bother me?"

I shuddered. That's it, I was going to die right then and there. This kid was literally going to kill me.

He didn't wait for my answer before he leaned in towards my neck, his lips barely touching my ear. "Kiss you,"

I used all of my strength and threw him off of me, sending him tumbling backwards. I felt my cheeks glowing and I could feel the fright and anger burning inside of me.

Once Daehyun had regained his balance, he eyed me up and down. All of a sudden, he burst out laughing. "I can't believe you're all flustered from that! Did you seriously believed I would actually kiss you?" He said in between laughs. "Have you seen yourself?"

Turning away from Daehyun, I bent down and quickly picked up my violin case and collected my books which had fallen out of my back-pack. I could feel tears forming at the corners of my eyes and I wanted to sock that jerk in the face right then and there. I forcibly held in my tears and turned to walk out the front doors of the complex.

As I tried to pass, Daehyun stretched out his arms, blocking the way. " To answer your question from last week," He started. "The reason I'm so rude to you? Since I met you on the bus, you were in my way. You're annoying. And I hate annoying girls."

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Shereen_JiaYi #1
Chapter 41: Just finished reading this story! <3 This is good *thumbs up*
Chapter 41: Omg. I can't believe I read this in just 12 hours (╥_╥) this story is masterpiece. I really love it! <3
Chapter 41: This was a lovely story. Thanks for writing it Author-nim !!!
Jungkookswifey #4
Chapter 41: I remember reading this last year and thinking about it constantly and checking for an update. Somehow I forgot about it and now that I have remembered again, I'm so happy to read it completed^^ its so good and it's even better since I had a bad day, this really cheered me up haha c: everything in this is perfect x3
Chapter 41: Great story,,, I really love reading daehyun fanfics.ㅋㅋㅋㅋglad I found this...good work authornim ∩__∩
ayouta-chelly #6
Chapter 20: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg !!!! just reading this amount of chaps gave me butterflies , sorry that i couldnt comment down the other chaps >w< but srsly *-* your ffc is soooooooo qsdmklsdjif <3
firstzyx #7
Chapter 41: aw i dont even relise i was in the last chapter, what a nice story
Chapter 41: beautiful story T_T
Chapter 39: omg i love this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD