
The First Few Notes

Hyeri's POV


Yay~ Less than one week 'til CHRISTMAS!!

For the past three weeks, I had been working with Kyuhyun oppa on composing a song for social studies class with him on piano and me writing the lyrics. So far, we only had the first two minutes figured out on the piano, and no lyrics. I just didn't feel inspired enough to write about anything. I felt like I needed something to happen. But what? Ah well, maybe the holidays will inspire me. I just hope oppa doesn't kill me before then for not coming up with anything.

Today, December 21, was the last day of class. Not, officially, of course, but this school apparently has a lot of Christmas spirit, because they were holding a Christmas festival tomorrow for the whole school so they suspended classes temporarily. There would be booths for food and games, a gallery for the fine arts students for their christmas-related art, and in the end there would be a voluntary program for the music and dance students. It was pretty exciting, and I was glad to be in school and not have to actually do anything school-related. Since I was of no use to the people in charge of the booth, I ended up volunteering for the program.

"Hyeri, are you really gonna do this?" Henry asked me at lunch.

"Yah, do you think I can't do it?" I mockingly looked hurt.

"Hey, I didn't mean it like that." he laughed.

I laughed along. "I think I'll be fine. It's not a competition, anyway."

"So what are you planning to sing?" Seungah asked.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'll think of something last minute."

"You're so laidback. How come you still get good grades?" Seungah cradled her head in her arms. I stuck my tongue out at her

"Anyway, are you guys performing?"

Henry shook his head, "I'll be busy with the food booth. I'm an awesome cook, ya know!"

Seungah and I just laughed. "Hey, why is that hard to believe?" He pouted.

"Well, as for me, I prefer to lay low." Seungah said.

"Hah! Says miss popularity!" Henry teased.

"Me? No way."

"Oh yeah? Then you don't notice your gang of fanboys~" at this point I had to clutch my stomach from laughing.

"What fanboys? I don't know what you mean." It was true; she was completely oblivious to the number of boys drooling over her all the time.

"Well, to name one, Jinyoung hyung~" Henry teased, and then covered his face to shield him from Seungah's death glare.

I laughed and hit Henry on the side of his head. Yeah I'm sadistic. "Oh, don't deny it, Seungie." Henry said, earning a hit from Seungah this time.

Seungah looked uneasy. Henry probably wasn't good at reading faces, but I could tell something was bothering her. I didn't need to ask her to figure out that this was somehow related to Sungha. But, she would tell me when she was ready, and right now, she wasn't.


So, I changed the subject. "So, Henry, what're you cooking?"

"Well, I think we'll have...." and he continued blabbering, not bothering to stop for us to say anything.

Seungah gave me a look that said, thanks. I smiled back.




Since the other music rooms were being used up, I decided to use the music room that Kyuhyun oppa and I had been using in the old school building. I went there, hoping it he wasn't there using it. Luckily enough, no one was there, and even the music sheets we had scattered during practice the day before had been left untouched. I sat at the piano, wondering what to sing for tomorrow. Maybe I could start by playing around with some songs I already knew? Hmm, let's see... I began to see what notes I would randomly hit on the piano to see if there was a tune that would randomly pop up that seemed familiar. I hit one note, then the next... OH, wait, this seems right... I finally realized what song it was, and began to sing my heart out, since I figured no one was looking.

I think I loved you too much

I will regret that as much as I long to see you

If we meet again through the same kind of destiny

Those sad tears will remain deep within our hearts


.... I really do love you.



I don't really know why I felt like singing that, it didn't mean anything to me, but afterwards, it felt really good to sing a power song, sort of like a workout. But, it wasn't the right song for tomorrow. Tomorrow was going to be a day of fun, a momentous occasion that I would get to spend with my new friends. Ah well, I'll look for more songs. I got out my iPod and scrolled through the long list of songs, humming to myself some random tune that I soon realized was actually the tune Kyuhyun oppa had composed.



Kyuhyun's POV

She is just full of surprises, isn't she?



I sat in the school garden, with my back against the cold, concrete wall. Just above me was the open window leading to the room that Hyeri and I often used to practice. Silly girl, I smiled; I don't think she even realizes that the window is open.

Her rich, powerful tone contrasted with her small body structure. She sang with so much emotion that I would have choked on my own tears. No wonder she got that scholarship.

I admit that at first, I truly believed Sam was the most deserving of that 100% scholarship (not that we needed it), but that was before I had heard Hyeri's voice. Of course, I am a very (some might say extremely,) supportive older brother. When Sam told me about her, I instantly hated her, even though Sam obviously idolized her. Sam wasn't always a good judge of character; after all, look at where she ended up with Sungha. Still, there was no denying that the judges had good taste, so she really did deserve the scholarship.

Huh. I guess I'm not that good of a judge of character either, huh?

Nowadays, I thought of Hyeri as a friend. Or did I think of her as more than friends? I wasn't sure. I do catch myself thinking of her at the most random of times and smiling subconsciously at things she says or does. I've even gotten called out in class a few times for that. I can't help it! The way she smiles, her laugh is contagious.



I think I like her.


I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head. No, she's my sister's best friend and my project partner. She's my good dongsaeng. I don't like her as more than a friend.




"YAH OPPA!" I jumped at the sound of someone shouting above me. I clutched my beating heart as I looked up to the source of the voice.

"Yah, Choi Hyeri, don't scare people like that." I stood up and dusted the grass off my pants. I held the window frame and went close to her face. She backed away with a teasing smile.

"You wouldn't," she said.

"Don't make me," I threatened. I lifted my leg, now out of the cast and healed, up towards the windowsill.

She simply stuck her tongue out and came closer to the window. She held the glass frame. I quickly moved back before she slammed the window shut, sticking her tongue out on the other side. "Yah, I'll get you later, Choi Hyeri!" I laughed and walked away.

Hyeri's POV


It was the day of the festival! I was a bundle of nerves for the program, even though it wasn't a competition. It was going to be my first performance in public, how could I not be nervous?? What's more, the proceeds of the program and booths were going to a local orphanage, so the orphans were invited to participate and watch the program. While I think this was a generous gesture, this worried me because there were now more people coming to watch the program.

The program wouldn't start for a while, so I just wanted to walk around. I spotted Henry at his booth, frying away. Earlier I actually got to try his food. It was surprisingly really amazing! I smiled and waved at him and he smiled back. I then went to look for Seungah, but saw her hanging out at the "true love" booth which she was in charge of. She was sitting beside Jinyoung oppa, who was helping out as well, so I decided I shouldn't disturb her.

Then, the emcee announced, "Will all performers please report backstage now."

I headed over to the DJ booth to give him the instrumental of Ave Maria, the song I decided to sing. Then I headed to the "stage", an elevated platform in the middle of the school grounds with a mike and several instruments on it for the other performers.

The program seemed to be going off without a hitch. I watched the school orchestra play several traditional Christmas songs. A few students sang classics. There was even one band that performed Jingle Bell Rock, earning loud cheers from the crowd of students, teachers, and wide-eyed orphans, none older than 10 years old.

Finally, my turn came.


Breathe in, breathe out. Now or never. It's just one performance. You can do this.


I waited for the song to start to signal when I would begin singing.








Why was nothing playing?


I looked over to the DJ, who was frantically flipping switches, but to no avail. Then a sharp feedback sound from the mike rang out, causing everyone to caver their ears.


This was a disaster! What was I going to do? Sing acapella? Would that be enough? I had no backup plan for this. I began to panic.

Then, I felt a hand grasp mine. I turned to look at Henry.

"What song?"

"Huh?" I asked, confused. What was Henry doing on stage, with his apron?

"What song were you planning to sing?"

"A-ave Maria..."

"Shoot, I don't know how to play that... Do you know the song, 'Someday at Christmas'?"

I nodded. I realized that I knew how to play this on the guitar. "G-guitar..." I lamely said.

Henry pulled me over to the instruments. He sat at the piano. I understood and picked up the guitar. He nodded as a cue, and started to play the piano, and I started to pluck the strings on the guitar to the tune.

Someday at Christmas, men won't be boys, playing with bombs, like kids play with toys

One warm December, our hearts will see a world where men are free


Henry played slowly and sang while looking at me encouragingly. Somehow, he made me feel a lot better. I continued,

Someday at Christmas, there'll be no wars, when we have learned what Christmas is for

When we have found what life's really worth, there'll be peace on earth.


I looked down to the children who were now joining hands and swaying with the song, and smiled. These children who most people thought had nothing, actually had everything: each other. They were hugging and laughing, smiling widely at the pure joy they felt. This was what Christmas was about.


Someday all our dreams will come to be, Someday in a world where men are free

Baby not in time for you and me, but Someday at Christmas time.

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