Mysterious Piano player~

The First Few Notes

"Okay, spill."

Seungah sat down in front of me at the cafeteria and leaned conspirationally towards me. Henry hadn't arrived yet.

She told me to spill, so I motioned my hand near my milk bottle, about to push it over.

Seungah grabbed my hand before I could, saying, "No, not literally! I mean tell me what happened!"

"I... have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, you KNOW what I'm talking about, Choi Hyeri." she wiggled her eyebrows at me. I continued to stare at her blankly.

She whispered (although her whisper was really loud) "Last Saturday, the 24th! You and Henry went on a date!"

I almost spit out what I was eating. "A-ANIII! I-i-it wasn't a date date! We just went out as friends! It d-didn't mean anything!" I began to blush while waving m hands around frantically.

"Aish, my two best friends are dating~ Now I'll feel like a third wheel." Seungah put her elbows on the table and laid her cheek in her hand.

"Yah! Did you not hear what I just said? We're not dating!"

"Suit yourself. I still ship you guys~" She smiled evilly.

"There is nothing to 'ship' between us! We're just friends!" I said a little bit too loudly. People had begun to look in our direction.

"Relax, Hyeri-ah, or you'll cause a scene." Seungah said. I lowered my head.


"Ayo, guys~" Henry arrived in the nick of time. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Well, we were—" "NOTHING, nothing important." I interrupted Seungah and glared daggers at her.

"Did I... miss something?" Henry looked confused. I gave Seungah a look that said, don't answer that. She raised her hands in surrender.


"Well, anyway, here," Henry said placing two tickets on the table, "I got two free tickets for the contest for my parents, but since they can't come, I'll give these to you two."

"Oh, Henry, I bet you're too busy practicing for the contest to tutor me this week, so it's okay if we don't meet up this week." The contest was being held on the upcoming Saturday, which meant that practice would probably become ten times more intense this week.

"Yah, you're just saying that so you won't have to practice! You're really lazy. Do you really hate having me tutor you?"

"You mean having you boss me around and have me work on a piece a hundred times over and over? Yeah, I do." I teased. We stuck our tongues at each other and proceeded to argue like children, while Seungah just watched us and laughed.

"But really, is it okay with you, Hyeri-ah?" Henry asked with a sincere look on his face.

"Really, it's fine! I can practice on my own." I smiled.



During my free period, since I didn't have Henry to force me to practice and since I really wasn't in the mood to play, I ended up wandering the almost empty school hallways. Usually, the whole school was packed with students talking and rushing to get to class.

Somehow I wandered into a really old part of the school I had never been to before. It was quiet and peaceful. This part of the school had large windows facing the big back garden in the schoolyard, letting in a lot of natural light. I could see that autumn had finally begun setting in. The leaves on the trees outside were in the transition between green and brown; they were starting to change color but hadn't completely fallen off, so the ground wasn't littered with leaved yet. The atmosphere was really beautiful.

As I got further down the hall, I heard a soft sound. I tried to listen for the source. As I got closer, I could distinguish that it kinda sounded like a piano. No. wait, it was a piano, and there was someone singing. I heard the lovely voice and piano echo through the halls, blending together.

Your smile, your happiness
It’s not me loving too much or thinking too much
I can feel it, he’s more suitable for you
Love has let go. I pretend to be cold.


I now stood in front of the door where the music was coming from. I looked into the window.




Cho Kyuhyun.



You never fail to surprise me.



He seemed to be completely absorbed in what he was playing, that he didn't notice me looking in the window. Suddenly, his phone rang and he stopped playing and picked it up. I quickly ducked down below the window so he wouldn't see me. Through the door, I could hear him talking to his phone.

"Yeoboseyo... Oh, Sam? What is it? Is there a problem?" He's talking in English?


"They why did you call?"


"I see. Thanks! I'll go back to practice. And by the way, about Hyeri—" What about me?


"Sam, if it weren't for her, you would have gotten that 100% scholarship instead." 


What did he say?

He sighed. "I know, I know. You get to choose your friends. She hasn't done anything mean to you, has she?"


"Alright, bye, love you."


Who was Sam? Why was Kyuhyun sunbae speaking in English? Although, our school is full of students who speak in English, like Seungah and Henry… And how come I'm somehow involved???

I didn't have time to answer these questions, though. I quickly (but quietly) ran away in fear that sunbae would catch me sorta-stalking him and find another reason to hate me.



Aigoo. No subscribers yet. Henry, Kyuhyun! Forgive meeeee!



*When there are subscribers*

Annyeong~ BanaKyutie1030 aka Seungah here;) For anyone wondering what song Kyuhyun was singing, it's Forgive Me. He sang it at SS2 in Beijing~

Ayooo Wazzup!! fishymushroom96 here..please subscribe silent readers..we're getting depressedXD

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