A Bad Partnership

The First Few Notes

One day, a few weeks after my first day, I was sitting with Seungah at our usual table in the cafeteria. She was going on about Sungha's new album when I noticed someone staring from afar. When I tried to get a better look, I realized it was Kyuhyun! Why the heck was he staring at us?? Creep. The look on his face was unreadable, but it definitely did not mean anything nice. Seungah, on the other hand, was completely oblivious, as he was at her back.

"Hello? Earth to Hyeri? Come in, Hyeri," Henry waved his hand in front of my face as he sat down. Sungha came and sat next to Seungah, loooking bored.

"Huh? What?" I looked at Henry. He looked in the direction that I was staring at, but Kyuhyun had disappeared.


"Hey! It's almost that time of year!" Sungha suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh yeah! It's already the end of November!" Seungah agreed.

"Huh? What?" I was confused.

"The First Movement. It's the contest the academy holds every quarter for Music students. There's always a big  cash prize for the winner." Henry explained.

"And Henry's going to win. Again." Seungah complained.

"Yah, Henry, you should be banned from joining."  Sungha said.

"Hey, it's a competition; there has to be someone to compete with." We all laughed at Henry's comment.

"Oh, why don't you join, Hyeri?" Seungah suggested.

"No thanks. I'm still new here. I'll just be an observer for now~"


"I'm gonna get some milk." Henry got up and jogged to the counter.

Then Seungah's phone rang. The name that popped up on the screen said, Marcus.

"Excuse me guys, I have to take this." Seungah got her phone and stood up. She walked to an empty corner of the cafeteria While talking to her phone. After a while, she got an angry expression on her face.

"Who's Marcus?" I asked Sungha.

Sungha whispered loud enough so only I could hear, "Marcus is her brother. They call each other by their English names because Seungah was brought up by her mother in the U.S. while Marcus studied here in Korea. Marcus had a hard time learning English so they spoke English all the time to improve his English speaking skills. She... doesn't talk about him often."

"Oh. I never knew she had a brother." We stopped talking about it when Seungah sat down. She heaved a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Sungha asked.

"I'll tell you about it later." Seungah said.


Henry came back holding not one, but two bottles of milk.

"Hey, are you really going to drink all that?" I laughed at him.

"No, one is for you." He smiled and handed me the other bottle.

"Eh? Why?"

"I noticed that everyday you drink milk. Then I saw that you ran out of milk," he pointed to the empty bottle on the table, "so I got you some."

"Omo, how thoughtful. Gomawo~" I opened the bottle and drank the cold milk.

"No problem."

Seungah and Sungha looked at each other and smiled like, Interesting.





For the past few weeks, every other day, after Musical Instruments, Henry would be tutoring me in the music room. Outside that room, he was the sweetest person, but inside, it was like I was a prisoner and he was my jailer. An attractive, funny jailer.

"That was okay. Now try again. This time, try to make less mistakes." Henry said, not in a harsh tone.

"Aigoo. I've been repeating this so many times. Can't I take a break?" I pouted.

"You wouldn't need to repeat it so many times if you just got it right." He pinched my nose and went to lean on the other side of the piano. I sighed and started playing the same piece for the umpteenth time.

When I finally finished without making a mistake, the bell rang just in time.

"Ei, I'll see you after my Social Studies period." I got up and gathered my things.

"Sure. Don't forget to practice plenty at home~" He helped me with my belongings. Then, we reached for the same textbook at the same time and our hands touched, and my hand got really warm. I couldn't look at him. When I looked up, his ears were bright red. So cute~ I had to laugh.

"W-What's so funny, Hyeri-ah?"

"Nothing." I put the book in my bag and walked away. When I glanced back, he was holding the hand that touched mine and smiling. Aigoo. Cuuuute.~





During Social Studies, my teacher announced, "Alright class, I know it's only the 1st Quarter, but I'll be giving you your assignments for the 2nd quarter now, so you have enough time to prepare. Meaning: You can't just do this last minute. You will have to compose your own musical piece of the genre of your choice." The whole class groaned.

"Since I know this won't be an easy task, you will each be assigned a senior to be a mentor or guide." That got the whole class buzzing.

As the teacher started reading names, I overheard some girls in the back saying, "I hope I get partnered with Kyu-oppa!"

"I heard Kyu-sunbaenim is really good at this kind of work."

"If I get partnered with him, I can spend more time with him! We can get closer~" These girls have no idea what his true nature is.

I heard the teacher call out my name. "Choi Hyeri, you will be assigned with--"




"Cho Kyuhyun."



Wait. What?



Oh no.



The girls behind me started whispering and protesting. I think a few of them were about to cry. Shouldn't I be the one who is about to cry?

Of all the damn people.

"All right, I've told the seniors, please meet with your partners after class. Dismissed."


During Voice classes, I wasn't able to talk to Henry and Seungah as I was late (took too long to think things through). As I walked out the room after Voice Classes, I saw Kyuhyun heading down the hallway towards me. He'd already seen me. Crap. There's no escape.

"Choi Hyeri." He greeted emotionlessly.

"Sunbaenim. I will be your assigned dongsaeng. Please take care of me." I said, coldly.

"I cannot start the project now because I am busy with practices for the First Movement. If you'd like any help at all, just look for me or call me." And just like that, he left. Jerk! 



I met Henry, Seungah and Sungha outside, sitting on a bench.

"Ugh." I groaned as I sat down beside Henry. He moved closer to me and nudged my forearm. "Hey, what's wrong, Hyeri-ah?

"I got assigned to a jerk for Social Studies. I don't even wanna talk about him. Just mentioning him gets me irritated." I put my head in my hands. "Anyway, who did you guys get as a mentor?"

"I had Onew hyung. He's easy to work with." Henry said.

"I got Jinyoung oppa. He's really good at composing songs, so I'm lucky." Seungah smiled, relieved. "Sungha here didn't get assigned because he won't be here the entire 2nd quarter due to touring schedules. He's excused." She stuck her tongue out at him, and Sungha messed up her hair and laughed instead.

"Oh, Hyeri, I know we usually walk home, but..." Seungah began.

"We're going on a date today." Sungha continued.

"Ah. I see. I can walk by myself."

"No, I can walk with you, Hyeri~" Henry said.

"Oh that's great, Henry! You two can go together." Seungah said. Something about her smile seemed... conniving.

I was about to say something, then I felt a drop on my head. I looked up, and two more drops fell.

"Oh no! Run for it!" Sungha grabbed Seungah's arm and ran under a nearby tree. Henry and I followed.

"Seungah, do you have an umbrella?" Sungha asked.

"No, I don't," she said with a worried face. "Hyeri-ah, do you think I could borrow yours?"

I looked at the umbrella that I had just pulled out of my bag. "Wait, don't you have one??"

"I.. uh, left it in the room. It's locked now."

"It's ok, Hyeri. Lend it to Seungie, I have one. We can share." Henry offered.


"Thanks so much, Hyeri!" WIthout warning, Sungha grabbed the umbrella from my hand, held Seungah's arm, and ran away, leaving me bewildered with Henry under a tree.


As we walked to my house, we laughed and joked and played, walking closer together to avoid getting wet. Soon, the rain got so strong that we couldn't hear each other talk, and decided to duck under an awning outside a small grocery.

After our laughter died down, I looked over at Henry. He was looking at the rain, his thoughts far away.


"Where are you?" I asked softly.

Henry snapped out of it and replied with a chuckle, "Right here, silly."

I laughed. "No, pabo. What were yo thinking about?"




"My future, I guess." His smile seemed a little sad now.

"Aren't you a little young to be thinking of things like that?"


"You're right." He cheered up a little. He put his hand under the edge of the awning, gathering rain drops in his palm.

Then he splashed the water at me.

"YAH! HENRY LAU! YOU'LL PAY!" I tried to splash him back, and he coverd himself with his hands. But, he backed away too far and ended up going out into the rain, getting himself soaked.

I laughed so hard at him, clutching my stomach.

"Oh, you think it's funny, eh?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the cold rain, pulling me close to him.

I tried to punch him but he ran away, and I ended up slipping. I hurt my knee on the gravel and cried out in pain.

Henry came running back, saying, "Hyeri-ah! I'm sorry! Aigoo, let me help you up." He helped me up and half-supported, half-carried me to a bench under the awning. He got a bandage from his backpack.

"Can you walk?" I tried to stand, but immediately sat down because the cut still stang. I shook my head no.

He sighed. "Alright, get on my back."


"Do yo have any other ideas?"

Not really.

He turned around and crouched. I put my arms around his neck and he pulled me up onto his back. I held the umbrella while he carried me all the way home. Luckily, it wasn't raining that hard anymore.

The whole time, Henry became quiet. Maybe he felt sorry about what happened. I wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault, but I was tired and slowly falling asleep.

I had no idea where or when I had fallen asleep, but the last thing I remember hearing was, "Aish, Choi Hyeri. You're cute when you're sleeping. You're so troublesome."




BanaKyutie1030 A/N: My first author's note~ Comments? Subscriptions? Please? The story's going to get a lot more interesting >:DDD

Yah, fishymushroom96, I'm never online when you're online because my internet .


Anyway, You like the story? *wiggles eyebrows*

To please and attract subscribers, here is Henry after he drops off a sleeping Hyeri. Enjoy!

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