Couple Date!

The First Few Notes

A/N: This chapter will be all about their lovely dates~ Whether or not you read it is up to you, but you may be missing out. >:D fishymushroom96 , your wish is my command.


*Seungah's POV*

After we grabbed Hyeri's umbrella, Sungha and I headed to our favorite café. Without telling him my order, he went to the counter and ordered a decaf mocha chino for me and café mocha for himself, and a piece of strawberry shortcake for us to share. We sat down at our usual table, a two-seater near the large picture window. I watched the rain pour out there. When I turned away from the window, I saw Sungha looking at me.

"What?" I let out a soft chuckle.

"Remember a year ago?" Sungha said with a sweet smile.

"Yeah. Exactly a year ago, we met in Switzerland." Today was our anniversary. I had already given him his gift from me earlier, a gold-plated guitar pick with his name engraved on it.

"And it was in a café like this that we talked."

"Yeah," I said, smiling and reminiscing.

"That was when I fell for you." Sungha said. He held both my hands in his hands, which were much larger than mine, and looked into my eyes. My vision started to blur, as I began to tear up.

"Happy Anniversary, Seungie." He pulled out a box, and inside was a single silver bracelet. He put it around my right wrist. I twirled it around, trying to see it from different angles. It was simple, but meaningful.

"Sungha, I... Thank you." I couldn't think of more to say, and became overwhelmed with emotion. It took everything I had to hold my tears of happiness in.

"You're welcome." He smiled and held me tight. I wished this moment would never end.


"But Seungah, tomorrow..."

"The 24th?" Was I forgetting something? What was happening tomorrow?

Sungha nods. "I'll be leaving for Germany. And I'm not sure when I'll be back."




Now I remember.


"That's why I'm giving you this- to remember me by, alright?" Sungha said. I trusted him. He would come back. He always comes back.





We spent of the afternoon walking around Dongdaemun, buying sweets, shopping for clothes, and just spending all the time we had left together. After the rain died, we even flew kites at a nearby park, then sat on the swings and just talked.

"Sungha-ssi," I said, reaching for his hand. He intertwined my fingers with his. "Are you happy?"

"I'm happiest when I'm with you." He smiled sweetly. We watched the sun set at the foot of the hill. In that moment, it was enough.










Next day! Back to Hyeri's POV!



I remember waking up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groggily got up and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Wait, what was I doing on the couch? I barely remembered anything from yesterday. I looked at the screen on my phone, which was still ringing loudly. What possessed me to set Before the Dawn as my ringtone? Aish.

The screen read, Henry Lau.

And suddenly, everything rushed back. Walking with Henry back home, tripping, falling asleep on Henry's ba--- WHAT HAVE I DONE.


I hesitantly pressed answer.


"Y-yeobuseyo?" I said nervously into the speaker.

"YAH! CHOI HYERI!" I heard Henry shout at the other end, "aren't you going to come to the airport to wish Sungha good luck on his tour?"

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that today was the day Sungha left for Germany. Seungah had mentioned it to me earlier but I guess I got distracted.

"Oh I'll be there, give me twenty minutes!" I held the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I rushed around to change clothes and collect my things.

"Don't bother walking, I'll pick you up!" Henry said. Before I could protest, he hung up. Great, the motorcycle again.


Within two minutes, I heard the familiar roar of Henry's motorcycle and stepped outside.

"Hey, slowpoke!" He waved at me.

"You know, you didn't have to pick me up. I could have ridden the subway or something." I put on the helmet he handed to me.

"I didn't want to make you move your leg too much, after what happened yesterday. Is it okay now?" He said. I nodded in reply because it became a bit too hard to breathe in the helmet. Then again, that could have just been because I was about to hold Henry's waist as we got on the bike.



We got to the airport in just ten minutes. I opened my tightly shut eyes and saw Seungah and Sungha standing at the departure area. They were both a little teary-eyed but quickly wiped away their tears when they saw Henry and I approaching.

"Hey Sungha! Good luck on your tour! Do your best okay?" I said to him.

"Thanks, Hyeri. I'll see you guys when I come back." Sungha gave me a high five. Then me and Henry did a hwaiting! for him.

He laughed at us then turned to Seungah. Then they got absorbed in their own world again, so Henry and I decided we would give them some space and sat at a nearby bench, out of hearing.



"Seungah,...." Sungha began, wiping away Seungah's tears wit his sleeve, "don't miss me too much. I'll be back."

Seungah couldn't respond, she only managed to look up and smile sadly at him.

When they both ran out of words to say, Sungha held Seungah's head close and she placed both hands on his chest. They said nothing but stayed like that for a while, taking comfort in each other's embrace.



"Hey. Henry..." I started to say, "...I want to say thank you for yesterday."

"For what?"

"For carrying me home."

"Hey, you were so troublesome to carry. You're really heavy, you know that?" He answered, earning him a thump on his pretty little head.

"Yah!" he laughed, "But seriously, it was my fault you were injured in the first place."

"No, I was just careless."

"No, really, let me take the blame. Let me make it up to you."

"Eh? What do you mean?"



"Let's go on a date."










Henry must have seen the complete look of shock on my face, because he quickly added, "OMO, NOT LIKE THAT, HYERI-AH!! I mean, I mean, as friends! Mianhe" He blushed a deep shade of red which probably matched my face.

"Uh... sure." What did I just say?


"Hate to break you lovebirds up, but I've got to go." Sungha interuppted. Quick goodbyes were exchanged, and he ran off to his waiting manager.



Then Seungah turned to us. "Hey guys, sorry if you were planning anything after this, but I promised my brother Marcus I'd have lunch with him. You understand, right?"

"Actually, we have plans of our own, so it's okay." Henry smiled.

"Yah, Henry Lau, you better not touch my Hyeri!" She smacked him on the side of his head, "but try to have fun." she winked.

I didn't know how to reply to that.



After Seungah left, Henry said, "Kaja, Hyeri!"

"Wait, where are we going??" He started to pull me towards the motorcycle.

"I have no idea." he had an innocent, excited smile.

Somehow, I liked the sound of that.




We ended up eating lunch to-go at a nearby park. There, we sat and talked animatedly and watched the people walk past and play in the grass.

In the middle of our conversation about which brand of banana milk tastes better, a little boy walks up to us and says, "Hey, hyung!"

Henry chuckles and answers, "Hey little guy!"

"Are you guys married?" Henry blushed at this, and I proceeded to laugh so hard, I couldn't breathe.

"A-a-ani! We're not married!"

"But you guys look good together!" The little guy says and gives me a white daisy that he got from the ground. "Here," he whispers, "from your husband." He giggles, as if I weren't sitting right beside Henry. He was so adorable, how could I not accept? (The kid, I mean, not Henry. But I'm not saying that Henry's not cute! I just--- forget it.)

I gave the kid a sincere smile. Just then, his mother called him, and he ran away, saying, "I'm here, eomma!"

Henry and I laughed off the entire thing. "That was adorable!" He said.

After I regained control of my breathing, I noticed that Henry was looking at me.

"What?" I blushed.

"Hand me that flower." He took the flower and put it in my ear. I sat there in shock, unable to respond. Henry pulled out his phone and held it up to take a picture.

"Yah! Hand me that!" I tried to grab his phone from his to delete the picture, but he was too fast and pulled away.

"Make me~" he stuck out his tongue and held it even farther away. I reached over quickly but we both leaned too far, and fell off the bench onto the grass. I landed first, luckily Henry stuck his hands out in time and his face stopped only inches from mine, making my heart skip a beat.


"Uh.. Henry-ssi...."

"Yeah?" He was still trying to catch his breath.


"You can get off me now...."

"OH SORRY HYERI-AH!" He pushed himself up and extended a hand to help me up. I gladly took it and dusted the grass off my skirt.

"Thanks, I'm fine." Maybe I took a little too long to let go of his hand.



We decided to head to a local mall and just walk around.

"Hey, look over there!" I followed Henry's pointer finger and saw an exhibit of musical instruments for sale in the midde of the plaza. "Wanna go check it out?"

"Sure!" I agreed. We walked over to the owner,  a kind ahjussi, and Henry picked up a violin and asked, "Mind if I give a demonstration?" to which the owner agreed.

Henry played a beautiful melody I didn't recognize, but it pulled on my heart and moved me. I stood with my eyes closed for the whole time in the middle of the plaza. I finally opened my eyes when the performance ended and there was a bright applause from the people who had gathered.


"Sounds like you enjoyed that performance." A familiar voice said from behind me.

"Kyuhyun sunbae!" Henry and I bowed, surprised.

"As always, you play well, Henry."

"Thanks, sunbae." Henry smiled genuinely.

"What are you doing here, sunbaenim?" I was curious. Did he have a date with someone?

"Actually, I ate lunch here with someone. Also, my family owns these musical instruments." He said as-a-matter-of-fact-ly.

"Oh, I didn't know that!" I had heard that he was really good at piano, though.

"Anyway, I'll see you two at school. Take care." He left without an explanation. He seemed to be in a less cold mood, though.



Henry took me home on his motorbike, and after a few awkward minutes outside my door, not knowing what to do, we just said ,"Bye!" and parted ways. As I closed the door behind me, I tried to slow down my pulse to a more normal rate.

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