
The First Few Notes

Henry's POV


I walked Hyeri home that night, because it was getting dark. There was a light snowfall now; not enough to cover the streets but enough so that it clumped together on the edges of sidewalks and on rooftops. Around us, stores had already begun to set up trees and decorations as attractions or advertisements for holiday sales. We walked side by side in comfortable silence, with hands in our pockets. By this time, I knew the way to her house so well; I could probably get there with my eyes closed.


I noticed her shiver for a moment. Being the forgetful girl she was, she wore only a wool sweater over her dress, with thin stockings underneath. Her boots only covered her legs below her knees. Other than those, all she had against the cold were a pair of fluffy pink earmuffs. Chuckling, I took off my thick winter coat and draped it over her shoulders without her asking. Luckily, I was wearing several layers of thick clothing, so I only felt slightly colder.

She looked up to me in surprise. "Henry, aren't you cold?"

"Naw. Besides, you looked like you needed it more than I did." I smiled.

Instead of replying, she put her arms into the coat, desperate for warmth. If it were any other girl, I bet they would have blushed and walked along with the coat just draped on their shoulders. But not Hyeri.

"Yah, don't I get a thank you?" I put my arm on her shoulder as we continued walking.

"Hmm.. do you want a reward?" she asked, looking up at me with her head tilted cutely.

I put my hand on my chin and looked up towards the bright Christmas lights hanging from a nearby window, seemingly in thought.


Kiss me.

I didn't dare say what I was thinking out loud. I think I'm going crazy.


"Oh, Henry, look!" Hyeri suddenly stepped forward and grabbed my arm that was on her shoulder. I got dragged forward towards a small stall selling Christmas stuff like gifts, food, and holiday cards.


"I'll take this, please," she said to the ahjussi running the stall. I was at her back, and tried to look around her to see what she was buying. Then she turned around, holding up the item she bought in her hands.

"A Santa hat?" I asked incredulously.

"This is your reward." she said, smiling happily. She stood on her toes and put the pointed red hat with white trim on my head.

"Merry Christmas~" she said, raising her hands in excitement. The coat's sleeves were too long, and her hands were buried, but it just made her seem cuter, making color rise to my cheeks.

"Omo, are you cold?" she asked as she put her hands on my cheeks. Her hands were warm, sending tingling heat everywhere, only making me turn redder.

I tried to take her attention off of my cheeks. I chuckled weakly and touched the tip of her nose, saying, "What about you? Your nose is all red. You're like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer!" She tried to touch her nose, which was probably numb from the cold wind by now.

I turned to the stall and spotted a wide scarf with white and green stripes. Green was Hyeri's favorite color. I bought it from the ahjussi and wrapped it around Hyeri's neck while she stood in surprise. The scarf was wide enough so that it practically buried half of her face, showing only her eyes.

"There," I put my hands on my hips in mock satisfaction, "now you can't bug me with your annoying voice."

Hyeri pulled the scarf down with both hands and tucked it under her chin. "You don't like my voice?" she sounded genuinely hurt.


I stepped closer to her and put my hands on her shoulders, afraid that I had offended her.

"Omo, Hyeri, I… I didn't mean it like that."


Then slowly, a mischievous grin played on her lips.



"Yah! You tricked me!" she laughed and tried to run away but I caught her by the waist and lifted her in the air, her gleeful scream cutting through the cold night air. We laughed together as I held on to her tightly, swinging her around as she struggled to escape my arms. In that moment, with the snow falling gently around us and the colorful Christmas lights twinkling in the background, I couldn't have asked for more.


Finally, I put her down, both of us breathing heavily, but didn't remove my arms from around her waist. She turned to face me, placing her hands on my chest. The scarf had ridden up again to cover her nose, so all I saw were her beautiful, sparkling eyes. I stared into them, my heart beating furiously, butterflies going crazy in my stomach. Did she feel it, too?

For a while, we stood like that, staring into each other's eyes; our labored breathing formed clouds that billowed into each other, as if they were one.


Then, flushing pink, Hyeri pushed me away and stepped back. She cleared and muttered, muffled under her scarf, "Henry-yah, let's go home."

"Ara." I stood beside her again, and we were about to walk back towards her house when the ahjussi called me over.


He cupped his hand to his mouth so Hyeri couldn't see what he was saying, and whispered, "You two look good together. You remind me of my wife and I." he said with a sincere smile. I bowed, blushing, and jogged back to where Hyeri was waiting.


"What did he tell you?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, uh, I forgot my change." I put my arm on her shoulder again, pulling her closer. She laid her head against my chest as we walked back to her house, our breaths visible in the snowy night.



We stood just outside her house, as she took out her keys and unlocked the door with a click.

"Goodnight, Henry. Thanks for everything!" She smiled as she opened the door.

"Goodnight, Hyeri." I stood there, watching her. This smile, her smile, it was just for me. Why was it that whenever I saw her smile at me, I couldn't help but smile as well? She made my heart feel like it would burst, and my stomach felt this weird mix of happy and nervous. It was like no one else was around, and she was all I could see.

As the snow fell around me, and as she looked at me with those sweet eyes, I realized it.


I was in love with my best friend.




Seeing me not moving from my place, Hyeri said, "Henry? Did you want to say something?"

This snapped me out of my reverie. "Uh…just…" I contemplated my thoughts. Was now the right time to confess, when I had only now realized my feelings? What if it wasn't mutual? I would end up ruining our friendship. Or am I overthinking?

"Are you free on New Year's eve?" I asked. It would leave me with enough time to prepare what I had to say. If I was going to do it, I would confess under the fireworks.


"Well, my parents will be out," she said with a hint of surprise, " why? Did you and Seungah have anything planned?"

"Um… maybe." I answered vaguely. She nodded cheerfully. I then remembered the tradition that Seungah, Kyuhyun-hyung and I started of eating dinner together on New Year's Eve, since we were all so close, like family. I made a mental note to make Seungah tell Hyeri herself, because it wasn't for me to decide if they would be alright with her along, though they probably would agree, anyway.

"Well, see ya, Henry!" she said as she stepped inside the house.


"Merry Christmas, Hyeri-ah!" I said, waving to her as I slowly walked away.

"Merry Christmas!" she waved back.



Hyeri's POV


I watched as Henry's bright red Santa hat disappeared down the street, and then closed the door, dusting off the snow that had gathered on my hair and coat.



This coat.


It's Henry's!


Aish, I'm really forgetful. I would return it to him, but I have no idea where he'd be by now. I texted him a short message.

Henry-yah, I forgot to return your coat! T.T


Sighing, I removed my boots and sat plopped down on the couch. My parents were probably out on their annual Christmas date. They said they started the tradition when they had started dating. I smiled, happy that my parents were still happy and in love with each other after all these years.

I went to the kitchen, placing my phone on the table as I went to get three mugs, preparing to make some hot chocolate, another family tradition.


Just as I finished mixing the hot chocolate, my phone buzzed on the table. I checked it to find two messages, one from Seungah, and the other from Henry. I opened Henry's first.

No prob, Hyeri-ah^^ Just return it the next time we meet:D

I replied, When will that be?, then hit send and opened Seungah's message.


Ayooo~ Hyeri-ah, this New Year's eve, my brother, Henry and I are having our annual New Year's dinner at our place. Will you please go too please please please??? ^_^ 



I thought about it, but quickly replied, Sure^^ and hit send just as my phone buzzed again form another incoming message. I opened the message, which was form Henry.

Ah, I forgot to mention, I'll be away in Canada with family 'til New Year's TT_TT aww I won't get to see you~


The last part made me blush. Was he really thinking of me, just me? Aigoo. Am I overthinking this? I bit my lip while typing the reply.

I'll just give it to you on New Year's then. ^^ And sent it.


Seungah replied as well, telling me I could come at whatever time I wanted, but I wanted to help with preparations so I decided that I would go early.



Soon, my parents entered, and I hugged them and helped them take off their coats and hats, which were covered in snow.

"Do I smell hot chocolate?" My dad said. I nodded and skipped to the kitchen, where the three steaming mugs were waiting.

"Oh, my daughter's so kind~" My mom embraced me, and we grabbed the cups and sat at the couch to watch TV.


Then my phone buzzed and Henry's name popped up, and I grabbed it before my parents could see who had sent me the message. I quickly opened it and read:

Ah, Seungie told you about dinner right? I'll see you then~


Before I realized what I was typing, I clicked send. Then I saw what I had sent. Crap.

Arasseo. You'll be so far away~ I'll miss ya!


Mentally slapping myself, I grimaced.


Then my dad left the room to go to the bathroom. Out of the blue, my mom said, "Who's the boy?"

Surprised, I looked up at her with a confused expression. "Huh?"

She just chuckled and replied, "I saw your face when you read that text. You lit up like a Christmas tree." I blushed as red as the ornaments. "So, what's his name?"

I bit my lip, but answered, "Henry." My mom smiled. But my father arrived in time, so she dropped the subject, choosing instead to continue to smile at me as we watched TV. I felt my phone buzz against my hand and had to force myself not to show any emotion or reaction as I read Henry's reply, but still my heart pounded loudly and I resisted the urge to smile widely, causing my mouth to sort of twitch.


I'll miss you too.









It feels kind of weird to just leave it hanging there. Is it bad?



FLUUUFFFFFYYYYYY~ aigoo. Sorry for the multiple typos. I'm so sleepy but I ended up trying to edit the whole thing on my phone, which is terribly frustrating.

fishymushroom96 here: awww...I'm in love~~~ XD

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