The First Movement

The First Few Notes

It was Henry's big day!

For other people, it seemed like a regular day, except there was some big show going on at school, which meant that they would not have classes for the rest of the afternoon.

For me, it was nerve-wrecking. I had no idea why. I wasn't competing. I was the one that was super worried; meanwhile, Henry remained calm and collected. While most people would say that the way he was acting would be considered arrogant and precocious, the people who really knew him would say that it was because he didn't really care about winning. Henry performed for the pure exhilaration and enjoyment of performing. He gave it his all in every performance, which was probably why, combined with his undeniable talent, he won almost all the time.

The contest was supposed to be a black-tie event. So, I prepared the most formal-looking dress I had, a simple faded yellow dress with spaghetti straps and an A-line skirt that hemmed just above my knees, matching with my white-and-silver sling back stilettos. I got it last year for the small wedding of my aunt. I wore my hair down and put on simple diamond earrings that I didn't usually wear. I wasn't sure if it qualified for "black-tie", but what choice did I have?


I took a deep breath as I went up the steps leading to the concert hall, with the large oak double-doors. Past those doors was a large formal gathering of students, faculty, guests, and most importantly, talent scouts, all waiting for the concert-slash-contest to start. They wanted to see the talented and beautiful contestants, not someone like me, so I figured what I was wearing was not going to be noticed.

As I approached the doors, I suddenly heard a voice behind me saying, "You've got to be kidding me, Choi Hyeri."

I turned to see Seungah walking up toward me; or, more accurately, I turned to see what she was wearing. A white off-shoulder mermaid-cut gown with Swarovski crystals embroidered from the top of her right shoulder strap around her waist and trailing down to her upper right thigh. Her hair was up in a neat bun with more diamonds scattered in her hairdo. Her earrings probably weighed its sheer size and length. I couldn't take my eyes off them when they swayed dangerously as Seungah shook her head disapprovingly at me.

"You're not seriously wearing that to a black-tie event, are you??"

"Hey, it was the most formal outfit I had." I defended.

Seungah looked around to see if anyone had seen them. "Well, it looks like nobody saw you wearing that. Don't get me wrong, Hyeri-ah, I know your family can't really afford expensive clothes. You should have called me, I have loads of clothes to lend you! Come on, I have the perfect outfit for you." She dragged me into her car without waiting for a reply.






When you live in a small house like mine, and you go to a mansion like the Cho family's, there are no other words that can describe it best. Our house is an anthill compared to this place. (Of course, I could be over exaggerating.)


"I'd tour you around the house, but there's no time. We have to get there before the contest starts." She pulled me up the stairs by the arm. 

"OOF!" I accidentally bumped into someone, causing me to lose my balance and I almost fell down the stairs, when suddenly I felt a strong arm grab me by the waist, my left leg hanging on the edge of a step.

"Su-sunbae!" I looked into the surprised face of Kyuhyun, whose face was inches away from mine. He struggled to pull me up, so that I could regain my balance. I looked down to place both my feet on the step, when I suddenly remembered something.

"OMO! Marcus, your leg!" Seungah said.

He was obviously struggling to get down the stairs, with a cast on his left leg and a crutch in his arm. His other crutch had fallen down the stairs when he let go to catch me.

"You have to be careful, sunbae!" I hovered my arms in front of him, fearing that he would lose his balance.

"In case you haven't noticed, pabo, you were the one who needed to be careful. You're lucky I caught you."

"I'm really sorry, sunbaenim. I didn't mean it—"

"It's alright, no one got hurt. Just be careful next time, alright?" He softened a bit. Their maid came up the stairs to hand him his other crutch and slowly helps him down the stairs while Seungah and I headed to her room. I impulsively looked back to check if he was alright.



"Alright, now I have several ideas about which one is the best...." Seungah said, pulling out several gowns from the racks in her walk-in closet (or should I say dress room... she has separate rooms for her shoes and accessories). There were so many colors and shapes...

"Seungah, I really can't... this is too much."

"What? This is what friends do, they borrow and lend clothes. It's fine." She waved it off and turned back to inspecting her closet again.

"But… All of these are too extravagant."

"Don't worry, we'll find the perfect one that's not too extravagant, one that screams, 'CHOI HYERI'!!" She pulled out a green dress with puffy shoulders and a short skirt. "Now, try this one on."


When I stepped out of her changing room, she shook her head. "Nah..."


Next, I tried a black skin-tight strapless dress. I could barely breathe.

"No, not Choi Hyeri at all." Seungah said.


Then I out on an orange dress with a green stripe down the front.

"Ew, why do I even have this dress?"


Finally, after several more tries, I stepped out of the changing room.


Seungah's jaw dropped.


"It's the one."







After wrestling with Seungah in her room (she was trying to put make up on me and fix my hair!) and lending me some jewelry, we managed to make it to the concert hall only half an hour late. Fortunately, one of the judges was on a flight that ran late, so he hadn't arrived yet. I took a deep breath.

"Ready?" Seungah said excitedly.


"As ready as I'll ever be."


Here goes nothing.




Henry's POV



"Henry, my boy, I'm excited for your performance tonight." I turned to see a kindly old gentleman with round glasses and an old tweed suit.

"Oh uncle! I'm so glad you came!" he hugged me in a fatherly embrace. Since my parents were always too busy to see me anywhere except when I'm at home, my uncle came to all my performances. It was a great comfort to know that he was somewhere in the audience.

"Well, you know I wouldn't miss it." He smiled. He excused himself to talk to his colleagues somewhere else in the vast concert hall, which was decorated for a formal gathering. In the center front of the room was a large stage with a piano set in the middle. A large banner read in large lettering, "WELCOME TO THE FIRST MOVEMENT". I was in an ordinary black-and-white tux, like many others in the room. However, I felt like there were a lot of eyes on me. I shook off the feeling. "Pre-show jitters," I thought.


As I looked around the room, bored as hell, I heard the large double doors open.






I felt something like a jolt of electricity. My brain felt like mush. My eyes were as wide as saucers. My heart was beating wildly out of my chest. I think my palms started to sweat, but I wouldn't know because I lost feeling there. All I knew was that I was looking at the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

In the doorway stood Hyeri and Seungah, but my eyes were looking only at Hyeri. She was wearing a red floor-length strapless ball gown with a sweetheart neckline. On her neck was a simple necklace with a rectangular pendant. Her hair was curled in soft waves that made me want to reach out and touch them. Her lips were a light pink... What would it be like to—OMO WAIT STAHP HENRY. Hyeri is just a friend. Your best friend. You don't have feelings for her. Don't ruin your friendship.

And yet, I couldn't stop staring.


"Henry-ssi! Good luck on your performance!" Seungah bounced up beside me and gave me a light hug that snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Do well~" Hyeri said, "I know you practiced hard. You'll do your best, and you'll win, I know it!!" Her smile lit up, making her more beautiful. Calm down, heart! 

"You girls look beautiful." I told them, glancing at Seungah then looking again at Hyeri. "You know, Seungie, I think Sungha would be jealous." I remembered, trying to cheer up Seungah.

"Thanks, it means a lot to me, Henry." She smiled. She hadn't completely healed, but she was starting to. "Oh, I see Jinyoung oppa calling me over. Excuse me, guys." She headed over to Jinyoung who was waving at her with a big smile on his face. Hmm... Does Jinyoung hyung.... ah well, it's too early to tell.


"I'm really glad you guys came. Your support means a lot to me." I said to Hyeri.

"Of course, you know we'll always be there to support you." Hyeri smiled. She held up a fist, suddenly saying in an unladylike matter, "Hwaiting!"

"Shh, don't embarrass yourself, Hyeri-ah! This is a formal gathering!" But I still couldn't help but laugh. This was the Hyeri I was used to, the girl who was my best friend.

"Hey, I hafta go prepare backstage. See ya later, okay?" I waved goodbye. I went backstage, feeling happy and excited and nervous all at the same time.


Was this what they called love?




Hyeri's POV


Since Henry went backstage to prepare, and I didn't want to pull Seungah away from her conversation with Jinyoung sunbae, I went off to find a seat by myself. I found an empty chair with a good view of the stage, surrounded by empty seats. I'm such a forever alone.

Since I was alone, I was left alone with my thoughts, and I had a lot to think about. I wasn't sure how people would react when they saw me enter, but when I remember Henry's face, I unconsciously smiled. He looked amazed, but somehow he managed to look really cute at the same time. For some reason, when our eyes met, there was… something. Something that made my face feel warm and my heart go wild. Aish! Was I sick or something? Maybe I had a fever. I should get a checkup tomorrow at the doctor's. But still. I felt pretty fine…

"Is this seat occupied?" A voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up to see a familiar guy with his leg in a cast and crutches in his arms.

"Oh, Kyuhyun sunbae! I didn't expect to see you here! I thought you would be at home, resting." Although he was in a cast, he still made an effort to come and wear a tux.

"I wanted to come watch and enjoy some good music. It's so boring being stuck at home." He said. I helped him sit down on the chair beside me. "Thanks," he muttered, plopping down.

"Say, sunbae—"

"You know, you can call me oppa, seeing as I'm your mentor and my sister's best friend." Why was he being so kind to me all of a sudden? He used to be so cold.

"O-oppa," I forced, "would you have joined the contest if you hadn't gotten in an accident?"

He thought for a while. "Hmm.. probably."

I nodded. He could have played in this contest as well, but the days in the hospital rendered him unable to practice.



"Welcome, Ladies and gentlemen, to the Seoul Music and Fine Arts Academy's quarterly contest, the First Movement! Enjoy the performances of our best and most talented students as they vie for a large sum of money. This year the prize amounts to fifty thousand won!" Applause was heard around the room.

Whoa, for someone like me, that was a lot of money.



I watched student after student walk on stage and perform. Some were actually really good, while a few were mediocre. Finally Henry's turn came, and I shifted nervously in my seat as he walked across the stage.

"Tch. What, an ant bit you in the ?" Kyuhyun oppa jokingly said.

"Yah, I'm nervous for him, okay?"

"There's no need for you to be nervous. You're not the one performing." He snorted and leaned back in his chair. How mean.


Finally, he laid his hands on the piano. I saw his chest rise and fall as he took a deep breath. His fingers then moved gracefully as he began Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 27 in E minor. I never seemed to get tired of hearing him play. There was just something…magical about it.


When the piece ended, he stood up and took a bow, facing the cheering audience. I felt sorry for whoever had to follow that.



Henry exited backstage, looking relaxed, not even breaking a sweat. I got up and went over to him, giving him a hug. I think he blushed. How cute~

"Henry, you were amazing!!! There's no doubt you'll win this."

"Thanks, Hyeri. But don't say that just yet, you might jinx it." He laughed. I brought him over to sit with me, since I had another free seat beside me.

"Oh, annyeong, hyung." Henry gave a polite bow to Kyuhyun. "How're you feeling nowadays?"

"You know me, I've seen worse." He replied with a serious face.


"Sit here, Henry." I motioned for him to take the empty seat on my other side. Why was Kyuhyun oppa suddenly giving me this cold glare? Tch. He's as moody as a pregnant woman.


"And now we'll announce the results!" The speaker came on the stage. "Second place goes to…Kim Myungsoo! " There was light applause.

"And finally, the winner of Seoul Music and Fine Arts Academy's First Movement for this year is…"


I could barely hold in my suspense. I grabbed Henry's hand with both my hands and buried my face in his shoulder, too nervous to watch.


"Henry Lau!"


Loud cheering came from the entire room. I let go of his hand and almost jumped out of my chair. I was more excited than Henry himself. 

He laughed, "Calm down, Hyeri." But he was smiling, too.



Henry's POV

Aigoo~ she looked so cute when she was excited.

My hand and shoulder were still warm from when she held my hand and laid her head on my shoulder. I felt more nervous than about that than the actual competition. I hope she didn't notice me blushing.

Why was I feeling this way towards her? She's just my best friend, right?


Somehow, I'm not so sure of my answer…



People started to approach me, saying their congratulations. Somehow, in the sea of people, I lost track of Hyeri. I looked around, standing on my toes, trying to see if I could find her.


Kyuhyun's POV


I tried to look for Hyeri after they announced the winners. How can a girl like her be so hard to find? Aish she always managed to get herself in all sorts of trouble, huh?

Finally, I found Hyeri talking to some guys who didn't seem all that welcoming. As I got closer, I could hear their conversations.

"Tsk. You're too pretty to be hanging around alone." A guy said, touching her arm. The way he said it annoyed me.

"Don't touch me."Hyeri said with a disgusted look on her face.

"Feisty. I like that." Another guy approached her, touching a lock of her hair.

"I said, DON'T TOUCH ME." Hyeri started to back away. The first guy tried to pull her arm but she twisted away.

"And what makes you think we'll do what you want?" He started getting aggressive, and Hyeri backed away another few steps. Tch. These guys were really getting on my nerves. Plus they might hurt Hyeri. I had to do something. But then…


Henry's POV



"Hey, what are you guys doing?" I approached them.

"Oh, nothing, hyung. Just talking to the lovely lady, that's all." That punk even had the nerve to smile.

"Oh, well, I'd appreciate it if you didn't treat her so badly." I boldly put my hand around her waist. What the heck did I just do...

"Uhm sorry hyung, we didn't realize she was your girl." They scattered off like scared dogs with their tails between their legs. Nobody messes with Henry Lau. Nobody.



"Thanks, Henry-ssi! I don't know what I'd do without you." She smiled thankfully.

"No prob." I replied, before I realized I still had my hand on her waist and quickly lifted my hand away.


I'm just glad Hyeri chose not to mention the part where they thought she was 'my girl.'

I hope someone at least subscribes.. T^Tfishymushroom96 here...

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