Shocking Discovery!?

The First Few Notes

I tried to forget about the incident earlier. Whatever Kyuhyun sunbae thought of me, it was none of my concern.

After school I tried to push the thoughts away while sitting on the usual bench near the school gates to wait for Henry and Seungah.

My phone buzzed, I opened it to see a text from Seungah.

Ei, mianhe, Hyeri-ah. I'm going to start my project in Social studies with Jinyoung oppa today, so I can't come with you.

I replied, It's okay ^^ I can go alone. Henry-ssi must be busy practicing.

Okay. Be safe, Hyeri!! ~

I smiled as I closed my phone and put it back in my bag. Then, I heard a voice call me, "Hyeri-ah~"

I looked up to see Henry approaching. "Oh, Henry, aren't you supposed to be practicing?"

"Nah, I'll take a break today. Besides, I have a favor to ask."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Can you go shopping with me? You see, it's my eomma's birthday and I don't know what to get her..."

"Oh, sure. You're a thoughtful son." I chuckled. "Have any gift in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking of buying her some flowers."

"Omo, how sweet~. I know a good flower shop downtown!"

"Okay, thanks, Hyeri! Oh, but I don't have my bike. Let's ride the bus instead." He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the bus stop.


I didn't realize I fell asleep on the bus until someone said, "We're here." I felt something hard under my head that I was using as a pillow. I slowly opened my eyes, to find that Henry's face was this close to mine! "Kyah!" I blushed and quickly sat up straight. I had fallen asleep on his shoulder? Aish, Hyeri, you're so embarassing~


After Henry bought the flowers (which he took a looong time to pick), we went outside. Hnery said he had to leave because his mother was expecting him, so I told him I was fine with going home by myself, since the city buses were pretty safe. He thanked me several times before I told him to shoo so that he wouldn't be late for his eomma's birthday.

I was walking to the bus stop when I noticed a familiar figure crossing to the opposite side of the road. It was Kyuhyun sunbae. I was debating in my head, should I talk to him or avoid him? But something was wrong... Then I saw a speeding car coming towards him. I thought that the car would see the red light and slow down, but it just kept coming. Straight towards him! I had to do something. I quickly ran to him, yelling, "SUNBAE!" He didn't hear me until I reached him, grabbed both his arms, and pulled backwards. But I was too late. I heard a sickening crack. "Oh no. Sunbae?" I went to him and held his face. He was slowly losing consciousness. "Sunbae! Stay with me! Sunbae! Can you hear me??" Crap. I heard someone behind me call out, "the ambulance is on its way" And soon enough I heard sirens. But they were too late.


Kyuhyun's POV

I was just walking down the street, on the way to my family's music shop. I crossed the street when the crossing sign said walk. Suddenly, I was pulled backwards and I landed on the ground just as a car rushed by at high speed, but I didn't avoid it completely. I felt a crack! and searing pain throbbed through my left leg. Or was it my right? I couldn't think straight anymore. The pain was becoming unbearable. I started to see black spots in my eyes. I saw a face above me. Was this an angel? Am I in heaven? Why does the angel look like Hyeri? Is she dead too?

I became sleepier and sleepier.  Yes, sleep... I wanted to sleep... it would take away this pain... I heard faintly, "Sunbae! Stay with me! Sunbae! Can you hear me?" Yes, angel, I can hear you... can you take away my pain?


Then I out.




Hyeri's POV

I waited outside the hospital room, nervous. I put my head in my hands and raked my fingers through my hair. Was I too late? I could have saved him...


Then I heard running steps towards me, but didn't bother looking up, figuring they were doctors on the way to an emergency or something.

"Hyeri-ah?" The footsteps stopped in front of me. I looked up to see Seungah and a familiar red-haired, small-eyed guy who I  guess was Jinyoung sunbae.

"Seungah, Jinyoung sunbae?" I asked in confusion.

"What are you doing here, Hyeri?"

"I was with Kyuhyun-sunbae at the time of the accident. What are you doing here?"


"Excuse me, Mr. Cho is now stable," A doctor came out of sunbae's room and interrupted Seungah. "Aside from minor bumps and bruises, he has a broken left leg. I'd say he's lucky to be alive." He looked at us. "You may see him now, if you want."

Seungah was the first to rush in. "MARCUS!" She ran towards Kyuhyun. WAIT WHAT.

"Hey, Sam." Kyuhyun replied. I was in the doorway, frozen in shock. So wait-- he was Marcus… and Seungah was Sam?? So they're siblings? MIND BLOWN.

Seungah..Sam... I'll just call her Seungah... she held him in an embrace. "Ow. Sam, you're… hurting me." Kyuhyun said.

"Sorry, Marcus. I was so worried about you." She let go and smiled.

"We should leave them for a while." Jinyoung-sunbae said. We both left the room and let Seungah worry over her brother.


"So, sunbae-" "Call me oppa." Jinyoung said. "Oppa, what are you doing here then?" I continued.

"Seungah and I were practicing when she got a call from the hospital saying her brother was in an accident. No way I'd let her come here alone."

"Ah, I see." I went back to my own thoughts.


"Hyeri, Marcus oppa wants to see you." Seungah peeked out of the door. Finally, she wasn't speaking English.

I went into the room and Seungah left, closing the door behind her.


"Yeah?" Was he going to be cold and mean again?


"Thank you." His face was soft and sincere, on the verge of tears.

I was surprised. I'd never seen this side of him. "I-it was nothing. Anyone could have done it."

"But no one did. Except you." A tear escaped his eye. "Without you, I wouldn't be here now. I promised myself… that I would protect my sister. But I can't even protect myself." He was a bit sad at this.

I went near him. For some reason, I felt the need to protect and comfort him in this helpless state.

"Sunbae…" I pushed the hair away from his eyes. He looked up at me. "No one can ever do a better job at protecting Seungah than you can." I smiled.

"Thanks." Kyuhyun said.

He looked like he was falling asleep. I couldn't blame him, it was a tiring day. I quietly left the room and closed the door. Seungah told me she would stay the night at the hospital to take care of him, so I left for home.








"SHHHH." Seungah made me sit down.

"OMO! This is horrible. How could he?" I said.

"To be honest, maybe I had it coming." Seungah said sadly.

"No, Seungah, you deserve better than this!" I was angry. When Sungha comes back, I'll....

Seungah saw my hands were rolled into fists. "Calm down, Hyeri, he's not worth it."

I huffed a breath. Damn that guy.

"Who's not worth it?" Henry sat down beside me. This guy just pops out of nowhere.

"Take a look." I showed Seungah's phone to him. On the screen, there was a text from Sungha.


I've thought about this for a long time.

Let's break up.


I'm sorry.


"WHAT THE HELL!" Henry yelled. "Who does this guy think he is??? Aish, and to think I thought he was my friend."

"And he's only been away for a few days! Does he give any explanation? NOOOO." I was angry. Really angry.


"Guys, s-stop it." We looked at Seungah, whose voice was choked by her tears.

"O-omo, Seungie, sorry! We didn't realize…" Henry moved beside Seungah and rubbed her back.

"You know, you don't need him." I said, making Seungah look up. "You have us." I hugged her.

"Group hug!" Henry said, joining us.

Through her tears, Seungah began to smile. "Thanks guys. Even though I'm not okay, I will be." We just held her and let her cry, because that's what she needed. She had been through enough.

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