
The First Few Notes

I walked around the large campus. I had never been inside before, but I hadn't expected it to be so huge. I did know that this particular music school was very prestigious. I remember the day I got my acceptance letter.

"YEEEEESSSSS!!!!" I screamed.
"What? What is it?" Mother came running down the stairs in a panic.
I waved the open letter in front of her excitedly. It read,

Dear Ms. Choi Hyeri,

           Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the prestigious Seoul Music and Fine Arts Academy*. Due to your wonderful audition, you have been chosen out of 17,000 applicants to be eligible to join our exemplary student body. You will also receive the 100% scholarship for your outstanding grades in the past year. Please accomplish the following forms prior to enrollment:

I didn't bother reading the rest. I was too damn excited. This had been my childhood dream. Finally, my voice had been recognized! I could go to the best music school in the country! This was going to be amaaaaziiiinggg!

I suddenly stopped spacing out when a dude waved his hand in front of my face.

"Helloooo? Earth to new student?" said the guy. He was tall, thin, had wavy brown hair, and dark brown eyes. I found myself staring at him wordlessly, unable to respond. My mind was currently oatmeal.

"Aish. Say something already!" He said. How rude. What a turnoff. "I'm Cho Kyuhyun, student council vice-president. What's your name, newbie?"

Tch. He may have looks, but he needs an attitude adjustment. "I'm Choi Hyeri. Second Year student." I bowed politely, holding in my desire to sneer at him.

"Come with me to the principal's office to get your class assignments." He turned and walked, expecting me to follow. So I did.


"Hi Kyu-oppa!" "Annyeong, Kyuhyun sunbae~" "You look good today, oppa!" Several girls told him as we walked by. Surprisingly, he smiled politely and said sweetly, "Thank you girls. Please go to class now, you don't want to be late~" Ha! So in front of other girls he's a charmer, but to me he's a jerk! What's up with this guy?


"Good morning, Miss Choi. Have a seat." The principal said to me as we walked into his office. His table had a sign that said, Mr. Oh. "Mr. Cho, you may go." And Kyuhyun left.

"You know, Miss Choi, we were very impressed with both your incredible voice and your high grades. How did you manage to maintain such grades? Did you not participate in any musical competitions and such?"

"No, sir. I had to concentrate on my studies. I couldn't afford to join competitions because of our family's financial state."

"Ah, I see. Good for you. Well, here's your class assignments." He handed me a small rectangular piece of paper.

09:00 Homeroom

10:00 Language & Composition II

11:00 History

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Classical Musical Instruments

13:30 Free Period

14:30 Social Studies

15:30 Voice Classes

16:30 Dismissal

"Wait, sir, there must be some kind of mistake. I didn't apply for musical instruments. I'm not that good with them..."

"Well, Miss Choi, you take what we give you. It's how school works. Besides, I see some potential in you. You have something that could possibly be developed into a real skill, and as principal it is my job to develop this potential to the fullest."

"I understand... thank you, Mr. Oh..." I reluctantly got up and walked to my first class, homeroom.


*time skips*

In History class, I was falling asleep. The teacher was going on about the life of Beethoven and his multiple lovers or something. Honestly, I didn't think musical history was going to be more boring than regular history, until now. How was this going to help me in life at all?!

Just as my head was about to fall onto my desk, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Better not let the professor catch you sleeping, or you'll get in big trouble." said a girl about my age who sat behind me. I tried to slap myself awake and write down notes. It worked long enough for me to stay awake until I finally heard the bell ring for lunch.


"Hey!" The girl who woke me up from before tried to catch up to me as I walked out the room.

"Oh, thanks for waking me up back there. What did you mean by 'big trouble' anyway?" I asked, slowing down so she could catch up.

"That history professor always likes to make people do awful punishments. Like last year, I heard he made a freshman guy go into the girls' washroom for trying to pass notes to a girl in class." She raised her eyebrows. Yikes, better not mess with this professor.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I wish I could've seen it. Choi Hyeri, by the way." I extended my hand towards her. 

"Cho Seungah." She smiled and shook my hand. She was pretty. Long, wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes that she hid under big, thick-framed glasses.

"I think I've heard of you. Are you that supposedly amazing singer that got the 100% scholarship?" she asked.

"Um.. yeah," I said shyly.

"WHOA! You're like my idol now! Haha!" She pulled me near a table in the cafeteria, where a guy was already seated.

"HENRY!" she called the guy.

"What?" He looked up from his food. Kinda cute, I must say.

"THIS IS HER! The girl I was telling you about! The one who got a 100% scholarship!" She said excitedly.

"Whoa. Calm down, Seungie, she's a regular student, like one of us. No need to get excited, right?" He turned to me, smiling an innocent, yet totally gorgeous smile.

He got up and extended his hand to me. "Henry Lau. You're Choi Hyeri, right? Seungie here's been a fan of yours since your audition." Ah, that smile can melt.

For a while I stood there stupidly, 'til my mind woke up and I remembered to shake his hand. How come when a teacher asks me for the capital of Uzbekistan, I can answer without hesitation, but when a cute guy talks to me, my mind shuts down? Aish.

I sat with them for lunch, and we talked as if I had known them for ages. Then, I realized I had Musical Instruments next period.

"Oh man." I said out loud.

"What's wrong?" Seungah said with still full of food.

"I have Musical Instruments next period. The problem is, I'm not that good at it. And this is a music school, which means that everyone in class will probably be better than me."

"Hey, I have that class next period, too." Henry said. "We can go together."

"That just proves your theory right, Hyeri. Henry's not only good, he's probably one of the best," Seungah exclaimed.

"No, I'm not." Henry shook his head and looked down sheepishly.

"Yes, you are.  He's won countless piano and violin competitions here and abroad. He's a prodigy; he's even got a fan base." she said it like she was proud of him. I looked around and saw the girls who were staring at us, specifically at Henry. I didn't notice them before.

"I don't think you're making Hyeri feel any better, Seungie." Henry said. 

Seungah looked instantly apologetic. "Oh, Hyeri! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize--"

"It's fine, Seungah, really. I know you didn't mean it." I smiled at her. After, all, she was just being proud of her... um.. friend? Boyfriend? What were they to each other? They certainly acted like a couple.

"By the way, are you guys.... you know?" I said, trying to get an answer without being direct.

"Know what?" They said innocently.

"Are you two like,... going out..?"

"EW! NO!" They exclaimed simultaneously, with disgusted looks on their faces.

"Who would want to go out with this guy??" Seungah said.

"Speak for yourself!" Henry stuck his tongue out at her.

I laughed at them. They were like two little kids.

"Well, anyway, Classes are about to start. Kaja, Hyeri!" Henry held out his arm and pulled me from the table. We waved goodbye to Seungah who had gone to Social Studies class. We walked comfortably together, talking along the way.

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this is fishymushroom96 telling u people to not just read but also to subscribeXD(bwahahaha im an evil author..jk)

BanaKyutie1030 is busy with rantingXD

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