Chapter 15


It was the end of the day, we both decided to go to my house. No one was stopping her anyway. So we first got to her house, packing her bags, and then leaving to go to my house.

“Umma, Appa! I'm home!” I screamed as I walked into the house.

“Oh hey baby,” Appa ran up to me jumping onto my back. “Did you guys use any protection? Hah just kidding. No worries!” Appa joked.

I shook my head at Appa, “Appa, this is my friend. Taeyeon, this is my dad. And over there is my mom.” I told her pointing over to the kitchen. She nodded. “Appa, me and Taeyeon are going to get ready upstairs okay?” Appa nodded as me and Taeyeon walked up the stairs and into my room.

“Wahhh Daebak... your house is like super huge!” Taeyeon exclaimed flinging herself onto the bed.

“It’s not my house...” I whispered. “It’s my grandma’s...”

That had seemed to stun Taeyeon. “Wait. Why? You guys are hella rich, doesn’t your family have their own house?” She had questioned me.

“Yeah. We used to...” I turned around looking at a photo frame of Me, Jessica and Jay. I could feel the tears b my eyes again.

I guess she got the feeling that I didn’t want to talk about it. So, she spoke up. “I’m just going to change first.” She quickly got off of my bed and took her clothes to the bathroom to change.

I sat down on my bed, holding the picture frame in my hands. Its been 2 weeks without them already.

2 weeks... Before I knew it, I could see water dropping onto the glass. I quickly took my sleeve, wiping my eyes and the picture frame of my brother and sister.

“I miss you guys. Are you taking care of Jessica huh Jay? You better be. Or I’ll seriously hurt you when I get up there with you guys.” I said chuckling lightly.


I had been poking the beans I had in my plate with my fork for about a good 5 minutes now. I wasn’t hungry anymore.

“Tiffany babe, you going to eat?” Umma had asked walking over to me and petting my red hair. “Are you hungry?” Ummah had questioned again.

“Nah, i'm not hungry anymore ummah... but thanks for the food.” I stood up from the table and giving ummah a small peck on the cheek.

“HEY! What about meeee?” Appa pouted.

“I’ve never seen appa pout...weirdo. But okey.” I walked over to appa giving him a quick peck on the cheek too. “Do you want one too?” I asked pointing at Taeyeon. I saw her face go red and she hid her face. “I’ll take that as a yes!” I walked around the table and pecked Taeyeon on the cheek.

“I’m going to go upstairs now,” I waved at everyone making my way to my room.

I saw down on the bed and looking at the Pink and Purple flower that I had taped onto the wall. It was slowly dieing. But, I wasn’t going to throw it out. It was the last thing to remember Jessica and Jay of.

**Knock Knock

“Hey Tiffany, are you okay?” I looked over at the door to see Taeyeon standing there leaned against the door with a worried face. “Are you?”

“Yeah I’m okay. Lets go somewhere for a bit. This house is boring.” I told her. I grabbed Taeyeon’s hand leading her downstairs.

“Umma! Appa! I'm going to the beach again!” I yelled while putting on my shoes.

I heard them say okay and I grabbed my jacket and walked outside with Taeyeon.

“We aren't really going to the beach are we?” Taeyeon questioned me. I nodded. We weren’t going to the beach. I was taking her to my thinking spot. The spot where I had put the Purple and Pink flowers. The spot where I used to hang out with them as kids. The spot I would always remember.

Taeyeon didn’t say anything on the whole walk. She just followed behind me.

We finally had reached the spot. I saw the petals of the flowers drifting away from the spot they had first landed.

I dropped to the floor. I looked in my bag... I found the picture frame that held a picture of Jessica, Jay and Me.

“Stay safe you guys...” I whispered. I took the photo out of the frame and setting it beside the pile of dead petals.

I felt Taeyeon’s hand go on my shoulder. She didn’t say anything. It was just a peaceful silence.

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Chuckles #1
Chapter 1: How old are the girls now? 25? (perfect age xD) jk but I like it so far ^~^ #pranksters4lyf !! <3
Chuckles #2
So they named their two daughters their best friends name? 2 Tiffany's and 2 Jessica's ^~^ can't wait! <3