Chapter 11



Tiffany P.O.V

I stared at the floor. My sister, my brother. Dead? I could’ve saved Jessica. But I didn’t. Stupid me thought that they wouldn’t hurt her like that.

I kicked the ground as I made my way back home.

I wiped my tears with my sleeve and started to walk slower towards the house.

I stood in front of the house for about 5 minutes. I put on a fake smile and walked through the door. “Hey umma, hey appa!” I grinned as I kicked my shoes off.

“How was your time at the beach babe?” Yuri-appa asked and throwing her arm around my shoulder.

“Good, many people staring at the iness of KWON TIFFANY!” I yelled shooting my arm up.

“Haha, of course. No one can stand the iness of the Kwon’s. Even your own mother couldn’t” Yuri-appa grinned as appa bent down pecking umma on the lips.

“Ew! Get a room!” I squealed ripping Yuri-appa’s arm off of me and running up the stairs and into my room.

I swung the door open and walked in shutting it and locking it after I had walked in.

I sat down on the floor and pulling out my phone. I played a few games on it before calling someone.


“Seunghyun oppa... I have some bad news” I whispered into the phone as I sat up leaning against the door.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m not living in Cali anymore. I’m moving to my Grandma’s house”

“Did Jessica even get an opinion on this? Because if she did, I’m pretty sure she would’ve persuaded your parents” Seunghyun oppa said with a joking tone.

“Yeah, she persuaded them. Persuaded them to move. Oppa, Jessica and Jay are dead.” I said coldly just like how Jessica and aunt Jessica usually do.

Everything went silent.

“Bye oppa,” I said as I hanged up.

This is why I didn’t always like the guys. When we had any problems, we promised to tell each other. And when I tell them anything, they don't say anything. but with Jessica, it’s different. They would respond right away to her.

I decided it was time to sleep. It was almost 12. Plus I was going to school tomorrow... Do they even care about the fact that Jay and Jessica are dead?


I woke up slightly drowsed by everything. My eyes were half open and I couldn’t see much around them.

I rubbed my eyes and looking over at the clock.

It was already 7. Guess it’s time to get up now. Apparently, this school wasn’t very far. So I was allowed to walk to school now. I was told that the school was about 2 blocks away. And I just had to turn left and then go straight for the rest of the time.

I sat up on my bed and swinging my legs over the side of the bed and standing up.

I looked inside the closet for an outfit. I found a pink  baggy sweater with a large white heart in the middle and a part of dark blue skinny jeans.

I slipped them both on before heading to the bathroom to do my regular routine.

I walked downstairs and took a quick glance at the clock. It was already 8. I should be going now, so I grabbed an Apple and walked out of the door but not before waving at Umma and Appa.


I walked into the new school and asked a few directions from people to the office. But they all just stared at me! How embarrassing! I eventually got to the Office without any real help.

“HI, I'm Tiffany. I'm a new student.” I told them. No one seemed to care that I was there. “Hello? I'm a new student.” I said more firmly. But still, no response. Was the whole entire school like this? “I’m the granddaughter of Kwon Enterprises!” I yelled at the lady at the desk.

“Oh! Sorry ma’am. You’re the granddaughter of Mrs.Kwon right?” Oh My God. I really don't like this school.

“Uh, yeah I am.” I told her very annoyed.

“Okay!” She smiled while I gave her a light smile. “Here’s your schedule.” She handed it over to me and I gave her a small thanks before walking out.

“Room 104” I mumbled.

“I can walk you there!” Some random guy ran up to me grabbing my arm.

“What the heck is wrong with you? You don't touch a girl so suddenly.” I shook his arm off of me before walking quickly away.

Everywhere I walked, I could hear whispers. “I hear she’s going abroad in America” “Wow, I would like to get her in bed someday” “That girl is really something” “Diva much?” “She’s the daughter of Mrs.Kwon Yuri?”

What the heck was all of this!?


It was finally break. I didn’t feel like eating. In fact, I didn’t even feel like doing anything. I was walking along the stairs when I found myself at the roop top of the school. I also found another person up here. It was a short-ish blond haired girl.

“Wow...Tiffany is much prettier in person” the girl mumbled, obviously knowing that I was here. “I wonder how she really is. Everyone says she’s a diva. But she isn’t a diva...” the girl went on about me.

“Um Hi,” I spoke out. The girl whipped her head around. And I saw her face flush in embarrassment.

“Sorry!” She apologized bowing to me and quickly making her way to the exit.

“Wait!” I grabbed her arm. “You stay here, it wasn’t nice of me to intrude on you anyway.” I told her as I made my way to the exit.

“Or, you know, we can stay here together. It’s my thinking spot, but you can share with me too.” The girl smiled at me making me smile back to her. but it wasn’t a fake smile this time. It was real.

The girl had a sort of dorky smile. It was just kinda funny, causing myself to smile too.

“So what’s your name?” I asked her as I sat down beside her on an old bench.

“I’m Taeyeon. Kim Tae Yeon.” She said.

I was surprised. “You’re Korean too?” I asked her and she nodded. Ayy so cute! I just want to pinch those cheeks and ki- WAIT WHAT?

Silence took over between the two of us until she spoke.

“Actually, there’s a few more Koreans here too. There’s Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, and, Sunny.” She told me.

I nodded. “But where are they?” I asked her.

“Well, we aren’t friends. They’re mostly the popular girls here. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are really good dancers and Sunny has a lot of Aegyo. So she gains a lot of attention from the guys” She explained to me.

“So Taeyeon, want to be my first friend?” I asked her while giving her my eye smile that everyone always falls for.

“No. One reason, I don't know you that much. And two, I want to know for sure that you won't ditch me up once you become even more popular when you are now.” I pouted.

“I PINKy promise. And I never tell a lie if its a PINKy promise.” I said holding out my pinky. She hesitated, but in a few seconds she still took it.

The two girls grinned at each other. “Lets go to class now okay?” I said standing up and holding out my hand to pull Taeyeon up with her too.

Taeyeon took the hand and slowly stood up. “Yeah, what class do you have now?” Taeyeon asked.

“Uh I don't know, but its in class 109” I said taking a glance at the piece of paper in my hands.

“Oh cool, same here! Lets go!” Taeyeon smiled. cute. She grabbed my hand and we skipped all the way down to class 109. We made jokes, talked a bit about just random stuff. We got looks from people looking at us like we were weird or something. What? Two friends can’t hold hands and run around laughing or something?

We had just gotten into the class right when the bell rang. Taeyeon sat down at the back of the class and I had followed her and sat down beside her.

“We have a new student today, Miss Kwon, please come up,” The teacher announced.

I stood up from my seat and looked at Taeyeon, she gave me a good luck look. I guess she already knew that I was going to be nervous.

I slowly walked up to the front of the class room, bowed and gave out my introduction. “Hello, I’m Tiffany Kwon. It’s nice to meet you all, I hope we can all become friends.” I let my eye smile release as some people yelled back ‘Hello’.

As I made my way back, I could see Taeyeon grinning at me. “Yah, you were great” She told me.

“I wouldn’t have been so great if you weren’t here!” I whispered loudly into her ear. She didn’t say anything, but I saw her face go bright red. “Be a nice red apple now, don't get any redder” I whispered again.

“Now, we are starting a project today. Choose a person that you don't know a lot about, and you have to do an auto biography on them. Got it?” The teacher strictly told all of us.

“Yes ma’am!” All of us yelled back in joy.

I already knew who was going to be my partner. I looked over at Taeyeon to see her sleeping on the desk. How cute!


Me and Taeyeon, holding hands, walked out of the school.

“Which way do you live?” I had asked her.

“I live on ________Street” She mumbled. I guess she was still kinda sleepy. But still, real cute.

“Cool! I’ll walk you home. I live on the same street as you.” I told her.

And with that, we both stalked off towards our houses. “Tiffany, do you wanna hang out at my house?”

“Uhh sure. I just have to check in with my parents. One sec,” We both sat down on the grass and I pulled out my phone calling appa.

“Ellooooo?” Appa picked up.

“Appa, can I stay over at a friends house for a bit?”

“Is it a girl? Is it a boy? Who are they?” Appa blurted with questions. “Just kidding! Yeah sure, just be home by 7-ishh?” Appa said in a questioned tone.

“Okey appa! See you then!” I pulled the phone away from my ear. But right before I could hang up, I heard appa yell something.


My face turned red as I looked over at Taeyeon. She was as red as I was too. I guess I shouldn’t have put it on speaker. Oh well!


I was laying on the floor with Taeyeon in the middle of the living room. We weren’t really doing anything. So I guess this was a good time to start our project.

“Hey Taeyeon, lets start our project.” I rolled around to look at her.

But she wasn’t even awake. She was sleeping soundly.

“Aww, why so cute huh?” I smiled. “Let’s get you into bed. The floor isn’t very comfortable.” I picked her up in some awkward way and carrying her up into her bedroom.

I was just sitting on the chair in her bedroom for a while. I decided to start doing the auto biography on her. Well, lets start with sleeping habits.

Once, she had already sat up and got off of the bed walking down the stars and then coming back up and laying back down in bed. #1. Sleepwalking. Interesting.

Next, she had sat up and put herself in what they call a ‘Child’s Pose’ in Yoga! Okay, #2. Does Yoga in Sleep.

“Wow Taeyeon, you really are kind of strange eh?” I asked her.

“Yeah, Yeah I am.” She giggled.

WOW, #3.Sleep Talking. This girl has so many. Any other I should know of? But that was the last of it. It was around 5 or so when Taeyeon woke up.

“Have a nice sleep?” I asked her kneeling in front of the bed.

“Yah, why didn’t you wake me up? I would’ve helped you on the project!” She scolded me. I never liked getting scolded or yelled at.

“I’m sorry...” I mumbled sitting flat on to the floor.

“Aww, sorry Tiffany!” She quickly got out of bed and sitting on the floor beside me and pulled me into a big hug.

“It’s okay Taeyeon. No big deal.” I told her while we were still in the hug. She makes me feel so safe!

I dig my head into the side of her shoulder. “Your shoulder is comfortable,” I tell her as I start to drift off myself.

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Chuckles #1
Chapter 1: How old are the girls now? 25? (perfect age xD) jk but I like it so far ^~^ #pranksters4lyf !! <3
Chuckles #2
So they named their two daughters their best friends name? 2 Tiffany's and 2 Jessica's ^~^ can't wait! <3