Chapter 13



(Back to narrator)

Tiffany was still sleeping as Taeyeon was just looking at her face. Dreaming of how it would be like if they were ever together. If they really ever really liked each other. How their own parents would act to this kind of situation. How others around them would act.

Tiffany had started to stir around in the bed. It wasn’t really a surprise. It was already 7:30 yet Tiffany still hadn’t woken up.

“Meh Taeyeoooon,” Tiffany had mumbled. “So pretty,”

Taeyeon giggled at Tiffany.

“I guess it’s finally time you wake up,” Taeyeon said poking Tiffany’s shoulder.

“Hmm?” Tiffany sat up in the bed with her eyes half open and half closed. “Is it time for school yet?”

“Its already 7:30, I didn’t think that I had to wake you up. But I guess I do. So get up before I dump water on top of your head,” Taeyeon stated clearly.

This is why Tiffany liked her. Taeyeon would treat her like a normal person. No special treatment needed. Taeyeon was just an ordinary girl that didn’t really care about social statuses. But she still got affected by them either way.

Tiffany quickly got off of the bed and ran to the bathroom with new clothes in her hands to change as Taeyeon got off the bed and changed as Tiffany was still in the bathroom.

After the two girls had changed, they both ran down the stairs competing for who would be faster than the other.

Tiffany, who had the longer legs, had beat Taeyeon to the table by just a few steps.

“Yahh, Im hungry. What should we eat huh?” Taeyeon said looking through the cupboards.

She finally had found some cereal. Taeyeon threw the box at Tiffany and she caught it, looking at what kind of cereal it was.

“Ew! Corn balls? Gross!” Tiffany joked.

“You hurt my feelings!” Taeyeon said in a dramatic voice falling to the floor.

Both of the girls laughed as they ate their breakfast.

“It’s time to go Taetae!” Tiffany yelled  as she swung her backpack onto her back.

“Yep! I'm coming down Fany!” Taeyeon screamed back while pulling her coat from the closet and running down the stairs, almost tripping in the process.


The two girls held hands as they walked into the school.

“You know there are people are staring right?” Taeyeon whispered in Tiffany’s ear making her shiver because of how close she was.

“Yeah, so what if they look? As long as you are here, we can ignore all of them!” Tiffany exclaimed making an uppercut with her right arm.

Taeyeon giggled at Tiffany’s dorkiness. “Yah, now there are even more people staring!” she scolded.

“So what huhhh? This y lady scared she will get run over by guys huh?” Tiffany teased as she was walking backwards facing Taeyeon.

“Yah stop it!” Taeyeon slapped Tiffany lightly on her shoulder pouting.

Tiffany pecked Taeyeon on her lips and Taeyeon stopped walking shocked. “You love it don't you?” Tiffany questioned, kissing Taeyeon on the cheek.

Taeyeon just blushed and kept on walking forward, grabbing Tiffany’s hand and pulling her with her. Taeyeon pulled her into a bathroom stall.

“You know, I’ve been waiting for you to kiss me once” Tiffany smiled.

Tiffany put her hand on Taeyeon’s cheek and kissing her softly.

Their lips moved in sync as the kiss got deeper and deeper. “Kim Taeyeon, you are the most beautiful girl in the world,” Tiffany mumbled. “I will never let you go, not for the world. You are mine.” Tiffany grinned as she pulled away planting one more small kiss on Taeyeon’s small lips. “Cute eh?” Tiffany smiled grabbing Taeyeon’s hand.

“Love you too Fany,” Taeyeon smiled lightly and pecking Tiffany’s cheek.

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Chuckles #1
Chapter 1: How old are the girls now? 25? (perfect age xD) jk but I like it so far ^~^ #pranksters4lyf !! <3
Chuckles #2
So they named their two daughters their best friends name? 2 Tiffany's and 2 Jessica's ^~^ can't wait! <3