All About Kim Himchan 2

All About Kim Himchan

(Memory) ~

"You like me? Me? A boy?... Disgusting!"

"Ahh~ stop he's going to cry"

"Yah! Stop touching him, he's disgusting"

"Liking boys? Digusting! Right... Himchan?"

Yongguk's eye's burst open, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. As Yongguk's breathing began to even out, he sat up, pushing hair out of his eyes while trying to calm down.

Trying not to re-live the nightmare of middle school.

Yongguk woke up to the same morning he would everyday: his mother calling him, his father sitting and reading and his brother rushing around because he woke up late however he couldn't get the memories out of his head even if it happened so long ago. It was menacing, Yongguk couldn't concentrate.

Yongguk walked to school slowly, dragging his feet. He didn't want to go today, not if Himchan was going to the same school as him and not if the others were there too. There was no sun today, the cold icy wind beat Yongguk's cheek making him wince as his skin began to sting. Arriving at the school gates, they towered over him making him feel as though he was just about to enter a prison.

Then it happened again the boy with the bewitching skin, the empty eyes and midnight black hair dancing in the wind. Yongguk felt his breath escape him, he felt sick. He didn't want to see Himchan "Not here, not now" he thought to himself as he began to run.

Yongguk reached the door of his classroom, sweating and breathing heavily as he pushed open the door. All eyes were on him, hollow eyes staring at him, judging him.

"Ah, sorry" Yongguk said quietly as he began to walk to his seat, sliding into his chair, releasing a heavy sigh.

"Bang Yong Guk?" Yongguk froze in his chair as his heart began to beat over the sounds of whispering fan girls, someone is calling me? Someone has come too look for me? Why? Yongguk asked himself beginning to panic. 

"Is Bang Yong Guk here?" the voice called out again.

"Yah! Are you listening" a girl pinched Yongguk's shoulder "Himchan is calling for you" she hissed.

Yongguk came down to reality with the stinging feel of the girl's pinch. He hated it when people touched him. He got out of his seat bowing his head to the floor as he reached the hallway. Himchan? Why did it have to be him? Why won't he go away? 

"You dropped this outside when you were running".
"Ahh calm down Yongguk, he won't remember you".

"Mmm? Hello? Can you hear me" Himchan began to wave his hands infront of Yongguk's face "are you going to take it?" Himchan asked handing Yongguk his student ID. This is the reason he called me out of class? He could have just given it to a teacher.

"Ah! Mhm t-thank you" Yongguk said bowing slightly and turned to walk away. Yongguk's hands were sweating, he was becoming nervous knowing that Himchan was still standing behind him, he didn't want to have to look Himchan in the eye. He didn't want to face the same humiliation he did in middle school.

"Wait.." a strong grip was placed on Yongguk's shoulder making him shudder at the touch. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you before".

Yongguk felt a surge of rage run through his body "Am I new?! You've never seen me before?! What are you talking about?!"

Yongguk slapped Himchan's hand off his shoulder, lowering his eyes to ground as he returned to his seat. Yongguk could hear people around him begin to whisper "You don't even remember my face?" he thought to himself.

"Hey! Why didn't you answer Himchan" hissed a girl, slapping Yongguk's back.

"Ah! You're so annoying! Sitting there thinking you're better than everyone else" another called out.

Yongguk could feel the stares of others piercing his body, confused he turned to look at the class who shot him eyes filled with hatred "Me? Are they talking about me? I never ignored anybody! No one spoke to me!".

The words wouldn't come out of Yongguk's mouth, his eyes began to burn and everything was becoming blurry. Picking up his bag, Yongguk decided that he wouldn't stay at school today, "Ahh, it's the same all over again. I hate this place".

Yongguk began to walk out of the classroom.

"That's right go!"

"No one wants you here"

"He's so annoying, right?"

Yongguk retired from the class, bumping into the teacher.

"Hmm? Where are you going? Registration hasn't taken place yet"

"Ah, I don't feel well today" Yongguk lied "I think I have the flu so I'm going home"

 "Hmm... okay I'll put you down as absent, rest well" the teacher smiled. 



Yongguk reached his home, kicking his shoes off and sinking to the floor at the door way. Throwing his bag and coat off Yongguk got up and walked to his room. Throwing himself onto his bed, Yongguk buried his head in his pillow to stifle his sighs "He doesn't even remember who I am. Was I that insignificant? Even after he left me like that" Yongguk felt tears begin to wet his pillow. He didn't want to cry out loud because then he would have to acknowledge that Himchan would never acknowledge his presence.

knock knock knock 

"Hello? Is anyone home" an unfamiliar voice called.

"Huh, who would be coming at this time?"

Yongguk heaved himself from his bed, wiping his face with his sleeves and walking downstairs. A dark figure stood at the door and Yongguk was unsure if whether or not he should open the door to the stranger standing outside. Reserving his thoughts, Yongguk walked and unlocked it.


"Kim Himchan?" 

"Why are you here? Why do you know my address" Yongguk thought to himself, as he stood there in shock staring at the boy who walked away from him.

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Chapter 14: Very well written I loved it
Chapter 14: this was sad SAD, but still it was just so very beautiful. i dont think anyone writes yongguk this way. your characterization of him was a breath of fresh air.

P.S. the gif looks like himchan saying "this man is my man, off es" LOL
BriillU #3
Chapter 14: It's my first fanfic I read in English. Because I speak Spanish. You're one of my favorite writers. The lemon is great, feelings well expressed is great. The very sad ending, I loved the second button to Yongguk, although I believed to end up together.

I hope you make another Banghim. ♥ please??? Thank!!! I love U!! ^^
Chapter 14: Poor yongguk T-T
But yeah this is the realistic one for the ending, at least himchan did love yongguk, and that button thingy is so cuuuuuute ♥
Great work author-nim ! ^^
HannahBangHim #5
Chapter 14: Well, yup! The ending sh be like this though my heart broke seeing them apart. I'm a huge BangHim shipper. But i think it's the most apropriate n realistic one to end like this…*sob sob* Ahhh…the meaning of second button, this is my first time hearing bout it. So touching~ ^___^
n8r_MEE #6
Chapter 14: seriouslyy?? :( ok...make a new about them ^^ love this!! Happy togetheeer... :)
EricaChu #7
Chapter 14: you broke my heart....
LKyellow #8
Chapter 14: I... well I mean I wish they could have ended up together, but it seemed right that they didn't in the end. Beautiful job. I really enjoyed reading this. :)
pandaKuku #9
Chapter 14: To me m sad.... T___T NO BangHim..... </3
blankpaper #10
Chapter 14: I like how this story has a realistic end ^^
It makes it even more sad because that's how the world works.
You can't have everything what you want.
Thank you for writing this, I'll miss this!