▬ When the Devil meets Lucifer

▬ the player is a girl




“God bless you…”
Min Woo said, amused and tapping Lia’s back.
“ACHOO, ACHOO... A-ACHOO! Jeez... Thank you…” she said and sighed at the same time.

The boy chuckled a bit and looked at her closely.

Min Woo and Lia were left together since Dong Jun disappeared with his red car. Thanks to Min Woo, this jerk had surprisingly forgotten his idea of talking with her…

“Who was that boy?” Min Woo finally asked.
“I don’t really know myself… I just heard about him. Therefore, I can’t tell you much…” Lia honestly said, avoiding to mention her encounters with Dong Jun though.
“Don’t let this person bother you, okay?”
“Don’t you worry! I’m not someone you should bother too much… I can have a bad temper…”
“Yeah, Kevin told me about it!”
he exclaimed, chuckling.
“He’s got a really lousy mouth these days…” Lia commented letting Min Woo laughed a bit more.
“Anyway… What do you want to do?” he asked.
The young woman was now dumbfounded. She looked at him clueless,
“We have the whole day… I thought we could enjoy it and work a bit after…”
he bit his bottom lip a bit.
“Oh! Of course… Hm… the park? The mall? The alley?” the girl listed.
“The alley! We would go inside the gallery if it rains again... Does that sound okay?”


Lia nodded and Min Woo took her hand again. It looked like he was a bit worried, checking on her anytime she was sneezing or not. The girl found it cute and gentle. No matter how she would tell him everything's alright, he was insisting.

They managed to have fun though, looking at the stands, eating some food, trying on random items and playing around just like they used to do.


Never they felt some people staring at them.


So... I guess you are the one who told Kim Kevin, right?” Dong Jun asked.

I never told Kim Kevin... I told Min Woo directly about her health. I guess he asked Kevin about it as well.”

Why did you tell him? How did you know?”

It was a test... You just told me what I needed to know...” Tae Yeon looked down. “I can't tell you though how I knew. It's my sources.”


Dong Jun shrugged. “What do you want exactly?”

I saw you around Lia these days and I know your reputation Kim Dong Jun... I'm not sure why you are around Lia this much but... I have to reach Min Woo, and Lia is on the way.”

And you think since Min Woo's on my way as well, we should work together... right?” he arched an eyebrow.

We want the same thing. Why not?” she looked up at him finally as he was staying silent.

It's a matter I have to solve by myself Tae Yeon-ssi. I don't care about this Min Woo...”

If he asked Kim Kevin about her health... it means he cares a lot about her.” she said.

I told you I don't care.” He answered, annoyed.

Your plan would take long...”

It's okay as long as I succeed in it. I'm leaving now!”

She will fall for him for sure...” Tae Yeon almost shouted hurriedly. Dong Jun stopped. “And he will fall for her.” He turned around and listened to her “For sure... He may already have... Nothing would stop them if so. Our plans wouldn't work any-”

Okay... Let me tell you something: I'm not sure I like what you are doing... and nothing would stop ME. Anyway... let's talk about it somewhere else then, since you insist this bad...”


She smiled angelically at him and followed the boy silently out of the crowed gallery. Though, she looked a last time at Min Woo and Lia together, sighed at the sight of them laughing happily and went away.


Back to the happy-go-lucky pair.

They ended up at a café in the same gallery, drinking some chocolate (for Min Woo) and cappuccino (for Lia). There was a silence as they both started to sip their drinks, not even daring to look at each other for a long time.


Well...” Min Woo and Lia started at the same time. They smiled foolishly at the other before putting their cups down.

I wasn't going to say anything interesting, you go first.” she quickly added before he would.

Okay. So, I heard you will be singing at Jessica's party, right?”

Kevin and HeeChul told you?” as for only answer he nodded “Well, big mouths, as always...” he chuckled at this, his laugh ringing a little bit in the café. “I'm not sure. This party is so much troubles, I don't even know what to do about it.”

You mean... the couple theme, right?” he arched an eyebrow.

Yes... I wished I could just go with HeeChul and Amber, as always... I guess I will just ask Jessica to forget about it.”

Amber... isn't asking you out for this party?”

No, it would be awkward. And Kevin would go crazy, you know...” Lia laughed awkwardly and sipped a bit of her cappuccino before talking again “I guess I will just go with HeeChul”

Ah... So it's already set for you?” He massaged his neck, staring at his cup “I was going to ask to go together since I don't have anyone as well. But it-”

It's not set yet!” she cut him impatiently “I mean, it's just a solution in case none find someone else to go. We are the kind of friends who make pacts just like 'If we aren't married at 30, let's get married together' haha...” It was weird to admit this, Lia...

Aah... I see... So... Is it okay to go together? So we will practice our performance as well.”

It's okay this way.” Can a heart feel like blossoming? Because that's how it felt for Lia at this right moment... “Aren't you the photograph?”

Yeah, but I have the right to enjoy the party as well, don't I? And I can make sure our pictures are the best.” he winked at her and they continued to talk joyfully.





Amber?” TaeYeon frowned, shocked.

Haven't you heard anything about Lia and a blonde guy at a party?” I asked, annoyed.

So it was Amber... Despite her look, I thought Amber was straight.”

Looks like it's not the exact truth since she offered a ring to Lia in order to prove her love for the girl. The same ring that belonged to Key before they broke up.”

Are they going out?”

I don't think Lia is interested in girls. And according to what I know, Amber's still waiting for an answer.”

What about Min Woo?”

Well, he was there, at the party when it happened. Lia must have told him they're friends and there isn't anything between them. Perhaps he doesn't care.” Dong Jun shrugged. “I think we should play on this. Coming from you, it'd be better, he wouldn't believe me. I feel like he hates me already...”

Why are you interested in this Lia girl anyway? What's so good about her?”

I don't care about Lia. I have a mission, that's all. Am I asking you why Min Woo is so important to you?” I snorted and headed to my car.




(A/N: The may be different from reality, it's just to make it fit the story ^^)


I remembered when I was seven. Nobody liked me at school because I was “an evil kid”. I have always had a bad temper, I admit it, but I had a heart. I had my reason for being like this. Anyway, I was often alone and boys were calling me ugly.

We had a ball and we were all disguised in princess. But the same boys were calling me “witch” and ugly, as always. A little boy in a knight outfit stopped them innocently, saying “If she is a witch, she must be really powerful and have magic powers! Be careful!” they ran away after this. He came to me with a serious face and spoke solemnly “Hello Miss Witch! I'm knight Ha Min Woo, five, almost six years-old, coming from the crazy land. I really want to use magic, can you teach me?”


I will never forget how he never saw the same things the others did. How he was innocent. How he show me where my power was. I still have the picture where we both are “dancing”. While growing up, we became distant but it felt weird when he left. So, can you even imagine how happy I was when I heard he was back. I looked at him from afar, seeing how the knight became a prince. So handsome, so innocent-looking still and this smile...


Are you coming? I won't wait for you all night long, so if you want to walk home by yourself, just say so, I'm leaving.” Dong Jun suddenly said irritatedly.


I hurried to his car again and Dong Jun drive me back to my home... I was really tired now, remembering all about this...

However I didn't sleep well at all that night... The rain wouldn't stop. Around ten on the night, I received a text message from KDJ, Kim Dong Jun obviously.


--- 'They are going to the party together. Just to let you know. Do something, as early as possible. Or it will go out of control and I will have to hurt your sweetheart... – K.D.J.” ---


I sighed. Of course they are going together. Why was I this obsessed with him? I just realized all the wrong I was about to do just because I wanted my knight from childhood to be my prince. But what was this wrong about it? Lia had been seeing many men so far, she is the one toying them. And Min Woo won't be one of them. Even if she does like him, I liked him first.


I took my phone back and typed a quick answer to him.


--- “I'll make sure to do something before the party. You won't need to hurt him, Lia will by her own self. Isn't this how the player are? Good night “KDJ” or whatever I should call you... – Kim Tae Yeon.” ---


I threw the phone on my desk and fell on my bed, trying again and again to sleep.






I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!” Jessica screamed suddenly.

SSHHHHH!!” both YoonA and Lia shushed her, placing their hands over the girl's mouth.

Ah seriously, the cafeteria isn't yours Jessica. Aish...” Lia complained.

Don't pretend! You're annoyed only because I am right: I told you, Min Woo and you would go out together thanks to my party!” she winked, ecstatic about the news.

We aren't going out for heaven's sake! We just didn't have anyone to go-”

You had your bestfriend Hee Chul to go with...” Jessica teased.

Hee Chul has someone in mind already, I won't stick around him and ruin his chances to have a decent party.”

You just know people have to go with a DATE and not a FRIEND. This is why... I consider you and Min Woo...” Lia sternly stared at her while she was imitating a drum “ARE... GOING OUT”

SHUT UP!” YoonA and Lia interfered again, irritated.

Aish, my ears... Do you even know what's like to talk?” YoonA wondered, covering her poor ears.

That's exactly what I was and am doing now...” Jessica plainly answered, munching on her bread.

This is called screaming, shouting, warning the world you are saying anything, but it's NOT talking Jess...” Lia said then hugged YoonA “My poor wife's ears!”


YoonA hugged back and they both pretended to be in pain and sad.


I will tell Min Woo you are already CHEATING ON HIM!”

Who is cheating on who?” someone suddenly said.


The three girls looked up to meet Kevin, Hee Chul and... Min Woo. Lia panicked and slapped her hand over Jessica's mouth.


Neeeeever mind, just Jessica's nonsense... as usual.”

Yes, she was just ruining my ears...” YoonA added to try and change the topic while glaring at her friend. “That's a bless I don't need them to eat, I'd be starving for years...”


Lia chuckled, making room for the boys to sit. It looked like Kevin pushed Min Woo to the closest side to Lia, so the boy had to sit right next to her. They smiled at each other, Jessica and Kevin not missing any of this.


Hu hu hu hu” Jessica suddenly cooed exaggeratedly before whining in pain from YoonA's pinch.

Stop teasing them” she whispered... well, basically, she tried but everyone heard what she said.

Okay, so what about TaecYeon, YoonA?” Jessica finally and suddenly changed the topic.

I'm starving Jessica, just like Lia, remember we're not people to annoy when starved...?”

What to do, Hee Chul? Kevin? Your bestfriend and YoonA want to eat me... Aaah why the world hates me so much?”

Shut up, please! I'm begging you!” Lia finally said as the boys could just laugh at this.


Of course, Jessica teased everyone a lot and never stopped 'til they all stood up to go to their next class. Lia had to excuse her friend's behavior to Min Woo. But thinking about it, the boy didn't seem this annoyed at all, nor even embarrassed.


She thinks we're dating, uh?” Min Woo asked, highly amused.

Looks like. She just loves to pair people up...” Lia answered, feeling uneasy.

Hm...” he nodded “Perhaps we should think about it after all” he said with a tiny smile, freezing the girl into a stone. “Well, I gotta go, I'm already late and my class is far enough from here. I'll be calling or texting you!”


With that he left, as Lia just came back to her senses, fast enough just to say bye.

… … …

What was that? Was he serious? No, it was just joking... JO-KING! Just like in Jo Kwon, for the JO, and a king for the KING (lol Jo Kwon just popped into my mind, but hey, he's one of the kings of jokes =P).

No way.



Sorry for the late chapter, I mean REALLY late chapter. I have just been in troubles these past weeks and had a lot of work. Add computer problems and my loss of faith in writting and here we are. But I feel like I have to finish this story ^^

I put a video on top of the chapter, it's all crapy and all but it was fun to make. It's pieces of memories, mainly in HeeChul's and Lia's Point of view. There's as well a major spoiler about the next new-coming character... hehe. It's not the full and final version, I need to add lots of things and the song is cut XD But oh well, there are few clues about what can happen ;)

Hope you guys are fine anyway~

Soon it's christmas time~~ Wooooh! ♥

Take care~

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I'm so glad u're back !!
I really missed u & ur story !!
How are u ??
wolvelyness #2
@SeoYeonie → Sorry =/ I've been through a lot these past months and I lost confidence a bit ^^' But here I'm back~ =)
OMG !! I miss u so much :((<br />
Y didn't u write more ??<br />
I miss your wonderful story :((<br />
I can't stand having you haven't update for a century <br />
Friend ~ Where are you ~~
wolvelyness #4
@epik_perfection ; Thank you a lot =3
epik_perfection #5
so gud! (Y) (:
wolvelyness #6
I'm back for short XD Some minutes! SeoYeonie, I know what you mean~ Hopefully perhaps things will get better...? Haha don't know yet, perhaps I know... well! thank you~ ♥
Long time no see !!<br />
It's bad that u couldn't update soon :( , but study is very important , so plz study well and get really good results !! Then u can update new chapters :X . Yay !<br />
Good luck to u , and the storyline is gettin better than ever :)) . <br />
I never thought that I'll say this , but I'm kinda disappoint with TaeYeon :( . Never thought she'd be this evil :( ( I mean , she's the leader of my favorite girl band ever ! ) . Well , let's see how Lia will handle the situation ;))
hellokittyluvr143 #8
anyone please follow, i follow back<br />
Oh ! What a relief to hear that :))<br />
Well , I look forward to ur upcoming chapters :x . Plz update fast :xxxx
wolvelyness #10
Boys ARE SLOW & BLIND XD<br />
BUT Amber didn't kiss Lia, she just took the pepero ^^<br />
Thaaanks for your comments <3